BEA~H, JAGUAR? 20, 1958.
L.S. Chadwell, NY or
Martin Durkin, Vice
Harvey 0yet
Mort Partin
James J. Mahoney.
May or
City Clerk D.V.Wi~ms.
Zell Taylor
Chief of Police C~ver.
The Mayor called the meeting to
The City Clerk read the minutes
of J~nuary 6, 1958.
order ~t 7.$0 P.M.
of the last regular me~tzng
~r. Griffith said h~ was not authorised to purchase the
two volumes referred to. He already had them. The City Clerk
was authorised to purchase a set for the Police Department.
~ro 0yet moved that with this correction the minutes be
accepted. Mr. Mahoney seconded~ ~ot~on carried.
~r. Lavin showed
tentative approval of
a plat of Boynton Indust~ al Park, resest-
the plat and approval to put in the water
It was agreed to put it on the ~da for a meeting this
coming Monday night when, after consideration, it m~ be give~
tentative approval. Meanwhile he could go ahead and ~der
the water pipe°
~ ~r. Mahoney moved that the plat of Boytonburough be ~ cepted
subject to the proviso that this property wilt be ~ ned for
not less than 1,000 sq. fto single fsmily residences and that
the plat be not approved until such time as the bond is
d~livered, when the Mayor is then authorised to sign it~ Also
that the streets be put in within six months of signing~
Mr. 0yet seconded. N~otion carried. ~
Mr. Oyer moved the Building Inspector be auShorised to
issue four per~its for single family residences of not less
l~000 sq. ft. for Boyntonborough~ Mr. Mahoney ~econded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Boos reported in regard to Del Rio E~4 canal,
the Drainage District will maintain it and suggest, after the
present cleaning, a program of preventio~ by spraying every
m~nth for three years at~ a cost of approxzmately ~3,000 a year,
and ask that a spray boat especially fo~ this one job be part
of the program. The boat to cost ~p~o~mately .~2,000. The
Delray Commission propose that they absorb one-third of the cost,
the County one-third, and if this group wants to do likewise the
Drainage District Board will pay the $3,000.00 yearly maintenance.
Mr. Boos was told the matter would be taken under consid-
A letter was read from Phil O'Connor & Cooper reg~ding a
Quit O~a~m Deed for Mrs. Gardner.
Mr. Gr,fflth advised a reply that the City has no re~ord
concerning any agreem~t to return theproperty to Mfs.Gardner und~
any conditions.
A letter was read from Keith Chinn referring to the ~arter-
ly meeting of the Association of ~unicipalities of Palm Beach
County Friday night. Several Council members e~pressed thei~
intemtion of attending,
Mr. 0yet moved the request of the
permission to hold a tag day in Boynton
Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried~
Animal Rescue League for
on Friday be g~anted.
Er. Oyer moved tentative approval ~e given to ~H~ Morrison
plat subdivision. Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried.
~r. 0yet moved the City Clerk be authorised to advertise
for the purchase of City bonds~ to the amount of funds available.
Mr~ D~rkin seconded. ~otion carried.
Mr. 0yet moved a license be issued for a temporary fruit
stand to be located at ~at'wasknown as the Penny Nurseries.
Mr. Mahoney seconded. Motion carrie~
Bids on a Gravely mower were opened.
De~arco Tractor 8: Implement Company. $490~00
Trade-in allowmnce 50.00
!4 o.oo
2. Osborne Electric
Trade-in allowauce
~r. 0yet moved Mr. Partin be authorised, with Mrs.Willisms
end Mr. Taylor, to purchase a Gravely mower at the l~est bid.
Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried.
Er. Durkin reported work on streets.has Ue~n. delayed on
account of the weather.
Mr. Griffith read Ordinance 302 covering juvenile traffic
violators ~
,or th~ 2nd time.
Mr. 0yet moved the adoption of 0rdinm~ce ~0~ for this second
reading. ~r. M~oney seconded° Motion carried.
Mr. Griffith read Ordinance 303, on zoning, for the first
Mr. Mshoney moved the public be allowed to speak on such
matters as affect them, in this case in relation to zoning.
~r. Durkin seconded. ~otion carried.
Mr. Callow, a resident of Rolling Green Ridge, said t he matt-
er of re-zoning for multiple dwellings in place of duplexes
had been tabled by the Council until~such time as a Master Pls~
had been drawn up. He was told it hadbeen re-adve~cised and
passed on by the Zoning Board.
Mr..Riley, a representative of Mr. Field, explained that
changet will n~t be made in cert~ n lots, to protect people who
will now be a certain distance away.
~. Durkin gave his reasons for thinking per~ane~t zoning
should be allowed to r emaln, and that this matter shoul~ there-
fore be tabled, Mr. Mahoney agreed with him~ and moved that
this request for r.e-zoning in Rolling Green Ridge F-irst ~ddit-
ion from duplex to multiple dwellings be rejected. Mr. Durkin
seconded. Mr. Part-in, Mr. Oyer and M~. Chadwell~Oted 'No'.
~otion rejected.
Mr. Oyer moved that Forest
single family residences of 1250
seconded. Motion carried.
Park Heights S/D be zoned for
sq. f t. minimum. Mr. Du~kin
TRACT l: Mr. Durkin moved the recommenda~tion of the Zoning Board
that Lots 1-12 inclusive of CASA LOM~ ~S/D be re~z0~ned
to permit a marine repair and marine machine shop-and other
marine work be adopted. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried.
TRACT 2: SEAG~EST ESTAT~ES. Mr. Warner_and E~. Sn~vder defended
their desire to h~e this trac% re-zoned for duplexes.
After discussion~ Mr. 0ye~ ~oved the recommendatibn of the Zoning
Board that the change in zoning be allowed, be accepted. Mr.
Partin seconded. Mr.M~honey.~ voted 'No'. Motion carried.
TRACT 6: RIDGET~00D H~LLS. Mr. Durkin moved the r econ~endation
6f the Zoning Board that Lot ~129 be re-zoned for
use as ~adical Professionalmoffices be accepted. Mr. ~ahoney
seconded~ Eotion carried.
TRACT 7: CEntRAL PARK A~XE and BOWERS PAP~. Mr.~Oyer moved
the recommendation of-the Zoning Boar~ regarding the
re-zoning of certain lots for warehouses and commercial use be
accepted. Mr. Mahoney seconded. Notion carried.
Gen, 1 Fund.
St~dard Oil Co. 51.994
Southern Meter & Supply Co. 28.04-
Ken Sbow 32. O0 ~
Stanley Porter 48.88--
Palmetto ~arket 92.33 ~
Turner Sales Co. 3.~25~
Earl Williams Ford, Inc. 12.56~
United Auto Service 30.88-
Vau~ & Wright of W.P.B, 4.13 ~
IY.~% ~rkett 5.99 ~
~n H. B~bor 22.44~
Riggs B~os. Inc. 19.64~
Bo~2on Beach Fire Dept. 712.95--
Payroll 828.28
. 2,300.25
~, 1,413.83
" ~ 132.42
~ 836.28
!~ 1,38V~06
" 1,405.44
" 1,228.39
" 2,0V9.66
'~ 821.10
~ 1,365.93
Elaa ~[acNewt on lO.O0
Lake Worth Federal 2avings
& Loan 800.00
City of Boynton Beach !9,550.61
" 19,443.6V
1, 54 8. O0
Ray B. & Jessie E.Dame 18.43
Ronald J.Fruda, Attorney
for Eleanor Habel 1,!80.V0
Stanley Weaver 4.09
A.E.Shook 50.00
Charles Duzba 10.00
~nnicipal Code Corporation 1,333.33
Secretary of State 1V.50
Blue CrOss of FloriRa 283.80
Maggie Fowler 60°00
~.J.Estefen 5.78
Otto Lombardo 1,O00.O0
Secretary of State 4.25
~aggie Fowler 60.00
Charles Boos 4.00
19.550.61 !. & S.
459.89 Depositors,
1,548.00 Water Dept.
7.8~ Water Dept.
Henry Green Jr. ~.00
William Hartanuele 15.00
Roneld Milo Pz~.e 10.00
Charles Tracy Keehler i0.00
EdwaPd ~agner 1.00
Brmadon Transfer ~ Storage
Co. Inc. 30.0{
Bo-Del Pri~-,~ing Co.
Jack E. Carver
Lake Worth Drainage District 30.00
Boynton Auto Supply 299.70
Chamber of Cormlaerce 1~86~62
Callaghsa & Company 30%00
~he Court Records Co~ 3~o00
Maggie Fowler 60100
The Chase National Sarah
DeWitt Supply Co. 72.~7
Delray Beach Fa~m Supply Inc.
Delray Machine & Supply Co. 20.20
East Coast Fire Equipment Co. 13.00
Co~ty Nercantile Hardware 28.62
Florida League of l[~icipa!ities 6~00
~orida Power & Light
Gnlr 0il Uorporation 15.84
DeHarco Tractor ~lement Co. ~38.
Geld coast Gas ~. 10.00
Gulf S~remm L~ber Co. 142,28
Hardrives Inc.
Hilt Manufacturing Co. 63.00
Hcod~s Auto Service
Y~Isev & Griff~%h 3.~0
Cmmera a Hobby Center ~.08
Jackson, s Auto Electric
Paul Joi%nson~s Restaurmat 27.00
~onald S. Levigne Inc. u. 27
Miami Pipe Equipment inc.
Palm Beach Typewriter Co. i09~98
JoPpa Violante 2~.09
Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 12t.22
Standard Oil Service Stn. 29.35
South Florida Asphalt Co~ Inc. 37.~0
Stevens Rexall Drags 2k.20
Seaoreat Reat~s & insur, ll2.6p
Vaeg}~ ~ Wright of N.P~B. Inc~
Mestern Auto Associates Store
Clyde Wo~ell Inc. 65.00
0.A.S.I Com$~hetion~d 1~2~0.23
The Internt! City Hs~age~s
Assoc~ 15.00
Southeastern Assocn. of Fire
Chiefs 7.00
intern%l. Assocn of Eiec.lnsp. 6.00
j. Kesestly
Wi!li~ X. Pederer Jr. !~.00
Lawrence Zill 45.60
Woman's Ci~fo Libra~ 600.00
Austin Sueply Co.
N~o 0yet moved Zoning Ordinance ~0~ be adopted for the
first reading, as amended. ~. Durkin and ~Lr. Nshoney h~ ing
voted against re-zoning in Rolling Green Ridge First Addition,
and Mr. Nahoney having voted against re-zoni~g in Seacrest
Estates - ~ Partin seconded. ~ayor voted for. Notion carried~
After discussion on ~r. Griffith~s suggest~ion that a
Resolution be passed abandoning the R/W that affects Glen Arbor
subdivision, N~. Oyer moved, Nrc ~ahoney seconded, that this
matter be tabled. ~. Durkin, Nrc Partin and Nr. Chadwell
voted ,No'. Notion re~ected.
~r. Durkin moved the City abandon whatever interest, if
~ny it has in'the R/W; y~. Partin seconded. N~. Chadwell
voted in favor. ~ Oyer and ~. ~honey voted against.
Notion carried.
~.~r. Nahoney reported garbage charges a~e not being
collected around ~aure_ Hills where there sre no w~ter meters.
~. Taylor suggested checking other places which do net have
water meters.
~. Oyer reported the water tank cleaning completed, and
the ne~ly purchases a~aratus is being installed tonight.
Nr. D~_~kin said he and ~rs. Jones had inspected the
Casino. He read a list of twenty-two items drawn up by
Jones which need attention.
'~r. Oyer moved the nemessary repairs to the Casino be
approved up to the amount of $600.00, the work to be done
under the supervision of Mr. Durkin aud Mr. Taylor. Mr.
?artin seconded. ~otion carried.
~?~r. Durkin moved Mrs. Mark V~nite represent the Garden
Club on the Parks and Playgrounds Board, her name h~ing been
suggested by the President of the G~den Club. Mr. Partin
seconded. Notion carried.
_~&v. Nahoney said ~. Ben ~unday says he will be glad to
meet with the Council and go into the whole matter of the
dump a~e a.
Mr. 0yet suggested Er. Sundy might be contacted at the
meeting of the County Engineers tomorrow afternoon to make
preliminary arrangements for such a meeting.
Mr. Howell, an engineer from Memphis, spoke o~atural
gas and asked to be allowed to meet with the Council to ~ut-
line his suggestions. He thought the City Attorney should
write the Utilities Co~mission to ask for an allocation of
gas for Boynton. Mr. Griffith was asked ~o write such a
letter, and Mr. Howell was invited to attend a meeting of the
Council this coming Monday night.
Mr. Mahoney referred to ~rs. Padgett as the new Tax
Collector ~ud thought she should be info,ned of her duties as
set forth in the City Charter.
Mr. Mahoney asked whether mother letter Should not be
w~itten to the auditors asking them to appear at a Council
meeting, either in the daytime or in the evening. It was
agreed ~. Hawkins should be invited to come first.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at
11.30 P.M.
Cm~ ClerkJ '
SBD Nc. 124
State Read 5
Pa~m Beach County
ON MOTION cf Cemmissiomer
by Commissi~mer ~Donald Rehburg
C.Stanley Weaver ,~ seconded
the ~ollewing Resolution was
WHEREAS, The State Road. Department cf Flc~ida proposes to improve
that part e£ State R~ad 5, Section ~301~ betwee~ the North Limits of De,_ray
Beach amd ~. E~ 2md Avenue, i~ Boynte~ Beach~ and
~EEE~S im ~der'for the State Read Dep~rtment te f~rther a~d com-
plete said prejee%, it is necessary that certaim la~ds new c~aed by ~he City
ef Beynt~ Beach be acquired by the State of Flerida for the use and benefit
cf the State Read Department of Florida, and
WHER~S~ the State Road ~partment havi~g requested the City ~f
Boy~ton Beach te execute and ~eliver te the State Road ~epa~tment a deed i~
favor of th~ State ef Florida cenveyin~ all right, title and interest that
the City ~f Boy,tom Beach has in amd to said lauds required for rights-of-way
for said State Read amd ~id reqmest having been duly considered,
NOW, THEREFORE, NE IT RESOLVED by the City Commmissic~ cf the ?ity
cf Boy~ton Beach~ Florida, that the Nayc~ (City Na~ager) ~d C!~k of s~d
City be ~d th~ ~e hereby autho~_z~ ~d ~ect~ to ~e, ~e~te ~d de-
!iv~ to the S~ate Road D~t a deed~ in ffa~ ~ ~e S~te ~f ~ida~
cenve~E al! right, ~itie ~ ~est of the ~ty ~ Bo~ton Beach ~ ~d
to said l~uds ~ed b~ the City of Bottom Beach ~d re~ed f~ ~t~ef-
way for s~d State Roa~ ~, Secti0~ 9301~
B~ IT F~RTHER Rw~SOLVEB that 2 certified copies cf this Resolution
be forwarded forthwith tc the State Road Department at Ft~ La-~ierd~le~ Fleridao
This is te certify t~at the above and fc~egei~g Rese!u%ion,
No~ ~ is a tr~e a~d accurate copy efa Reselutmen uuanmmoasIy
passe-~-~ity Commissienef the City of Bo2mte~ Beach at a re~
meet~g held Janu~ 6~ 1958 . ~ ~
t~s the ~ ~ DAY OF · J~ , A.D. !9 ~.
City CIerk