Minutes 01-06-58MI~OTEE OF A REGULAR
JA~ARY 6, 195~.
Mott Partin, Mayor.
Don Rehburg, Vice Mayor.
Stanley WeD e~
L.S. Chadwell
Harvey 0yet.
City Clerk D.V. Williams.
Deputy City Clerk Olive Cierpik.
Chief o~ P~lice Carver
Zel! Taylo~
Carl Stone.
Martin Durkin
James J. Mahoney.
The M~or called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M.
The Deputy City Clerk read the min~W~e$ of the last regular
meeting of December 16, 1947, and also the minutes of the special
meeting of December 30, 195V.
Mr. Weaver moved the minutes be approved as read. Mr.
Chadwell seconded. Motion carried.
A letter was read from the Lake ,~'orth Chmnber of Commerce.
A letter was read from the M~icipal Code Corporation,
addressed to Mr. Griffith, re~esting conference da~e be arr~ged
for Jsnuary 7.
An excerp~ from the minutes of the Recreation Board meeting
of December 17, submitting the resignations of its members, was read.
A letter from ?Ja!ter Dutch was read tendering his resignation
from the Civil Servioe Board.
Mr. Weaver moved the resignations be ~ccepted and the grati-
tude of the City be expressed for their good work during the year.
Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried.
The Building Report for the month of December was read, the
total ~ount being $302,205.00. The report also stated 637 permits
for building had been issued during the year 195~ to the amount of
Mr. Griffith read the agreement between Mr. Otto Lombardo and
the City.
Mr. 0yet moved the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement
with Mr. Otto ~Lom~ardo as outlined by the City Attorney. Mr.
Rehburg seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Griffith advised judgment, including cou~t codt, principal
and interest on damage awarded to Elmer Habal be paid.
Nr. 0yet moved the money, amounting to ~1,160.70, be paid
Ma. ~eaver seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Griffith advised against signing the agreement submitted by
the COunty to the City covering the R/W, bu~ does recommend that the
City execute the deed for the widening of H£ghway ~o.1.
with attaches rs~olution
Mr. WeB er moved the deed~e executed. Mr. Rehburg seconded.
Motion carried~
The bank balances a's of December 31, 1956, audDecember 31, 1957,
were read. ~The December 31, 19~7, balance was $493,463.9~.
The house trailer to be used by the Eddy Construction Company
during the building of the new City Hall was approved, as a temporary
The police car bid from the Adsms Ch~v2olet Company, being
~50.00 cheaper than the othe~ bid ~eceived, authority to purchase it
was ~iven.
After discussion, Mr. 0yet moved the Girl Scouts, water bill
be adjusted by deducting $30~00 from it, making th~ amount to be paid
~3.58. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried.
Regarding the Jerry Rich water bill which has been outstanding
for several years, i~ was ~reed this amoLmt should be collected.
Mr. 0yet moved the assessment on Jessie Dame,s house be pro-
r~ed as of May, 1R$~, when it was torn down.
Mr. V~eaver recommended the bid of DeBolia6 for ~1,367.00 for a
dump body be accepted, as nothing cheaper cs~ be obtained.
The swearing-in of the two new C,ouncilmen - M~. Martin Durkin
and Mr. James Mahoney - was then pr~ceeded~with, both taking the
~ath of office administered by Deputy City ~ie-~k Olive Cierpik.
Mr. Weaver said it had been a, pleast~e for him to serve on the
Council and he hopes he can continue to serve the citizens of
Boynton Beach in the futtu~e.
Mr. Behburg offered his condolences to the incoming Councilmen
and expressed his desire to serve the City in future in any way
Mr. Partin nominated Mr. Chadwell for Mayor. There being no
further nominations, the nomination was declared unanimous, and
Chadwell wa~ elected Mayor for the coming yea~.
Mr. Partin nominated ~. Durkin for Vice Mayor. There being
no further nominations, ~. Durkin was elected Vice Mayor for the
coming year.
Appointments to the various City Boards as agreed to
Council in executive meeting were announced as follows:-
Walter Nolan
James J. Mahoney
Forney Horton
Albert Deen
Joseph Bu~well
by the
Foy Ward
~il2t~n Rolff
W. Q. Hays
Jack Ridgeway
W.R. ~anshumaker
George Feltis
Jack Simmonds
Henry R. Merkel Jr.
Martin Durkin
Milton Cobin
Stanley Weaver
~gene Nahlmeister
John MacFarlane
Paul Mercer
C.T. Bowles
Stanley Weaver.
Charles F. Hochmuth
L.S. Chadwell
G~orge James
Clarence S. Bosworth
~eon Grunmuons
Gaylen Good.in
~.T. (Sam) Woo~bright.
Lois Partin
Bertha Chadwell
Dorothy Williams
Flossie Bosworth
Mott Partin
Mort Partin
Donald Rehburg
William Eche~el
Bob McDonald
George Kelly
Mrs. Ray Allen
Mrs. ~R. Han~h~m~k~r
Mrs. O.H. Adcock
Mrs. J. Lueien Jones
Howard Waite
Alfred Wolken
Bob Holzman
Martin Grah~n.
Paul Harrington
Leonard L. Banks
John Rodgers
Fred C. Koepnick
/Charles Lavin
Harvey E. Oyer Jr.
J, Lucien Jones
Donald Ward
Irwin Waite
Dr. R. Kitching
Homer Shelton
Flossie Bosworth.
Mr. Mahoney moved the Council vote on the Boards before
going into individual appointments. Mr. Oyerseconded. Motion
Mr. Oyer moved the appointments to the various Boards be
accepted as ~ead. Mr. ~irkin seconded. Motion carrie~.
City Attorney:
City Judge:
City Clerk:
Deputy City Clerk:
Police Chief:
Fire Chief:
Robert F. Griffith Jr.
Joseph Humphries
Dorothy V. Williams.
Olive Cierpik
Charles Senior
Superintendent of Public Works: Zell Taylor.
Superintendent of Water Department: Carl Stone.
Building Inspector: W. Ro!fe
Plumbing InspectSr:~ C. F. Hochmuth.
Electrical Inspector: Leon Grum~nons
Mr o Oyer moved the Council accept the a~p~tments mentioned
from City Attorney to Electrical Inspector inclusive. Mr.Durkin
seconded. Motion carried.
Police and Fire Departments:
Council Stenographer
City T~easttver
Personnel Director
Purchasing Agent
Deputy Tax Collector
Principal Clerk
Tax Co~lector
Deputy Tax AssessOr
L. S.CChadwell
Vice Mayor Martin Durkin
James J. Mahoney
Harvey E. Oyer Jr.
Alice Kelly
D .V .V~illiams
Olive Cierpik
Teresa Padget t
Mr. Mahoney, addressing the Mayor, said regarding bbs City
Treasurer amd City ~ax Assessor appointments, it was npt of a
personal nature at all, but he believed with the growth of the City
as shown by the need For a new City Hall, he feels that Mrs.
Williams has been heavily burdened in his opinion with work. He
continued: "The fact that I also feel the City Treasurer should
possibly be e person who has had expe~ience in the field of accounting,
and in the question of the City Tax Assessor, I feel that since
the City is growing that that is a position that is going to take
more and mo~etime outside in complaints and in being assured that
property is ~being taxe~ correctly and properly, and with
understanding that Mrs. Williams will still be in charge and all of
the other people rep.oft to her, which is additional duties to her,
on those tw°~ I Would like at this time, if it ms order, that I will
have to go on record, in fairness to Mrs. Willtams,~ that I will vote
'No.'. If ~ou would like to take them up individually, I would
be very glad to.
Mr. Chadwell: Well, Jimmie, do I understand that is a
blanket no ~
Mrs. Mahoney: On those twO.
Mr. Chadwell: On all those appointments, or Just on the tax
assessor -
Mr. Mahoney: City Treasurer and City Tax Assessor~ as I
believe, eS t Just mentioned~ ~hat those duties are important
duties, they are~time ~ and it is nothing as t said that
is in any way reflecmting on Mrs. ~llmams ~at I feel she has much
to do and as the City is growing I feel also that some of those
duties should be passed to others.
Mr. Durkin: Do ! ~nd~rstand that the two officers are
City Treasurer and City Tax Assessor,
Mr. Mahoney: Right. Otherwise I am in accord.
Mr. Oyer: Well, did you make that as a motion, or
yr. Durkin: He Just went on record as opposedsto those
two. That's all.
Mr. Oyer: I think before we do a~v~ore discussing, we
should have a motion on the table and ~ move the appointments
be passed as read. Mr. Durkin seconded the motion.
Mr. Chadwell: It has been moved and seconded that these
appointments be passed as read. All in favor say 'Aye'.
Mr. Mahoney: Mr. ~ayor, wouldn't it be possible to break'
down these appointments, I don,t want to go on record as against
all of these offices,- the City CounciLmen are taking over, and
the other offices. I would appreciate the opportunity of having
the offices of City Treasurer and City Tax Assessor offered
separately in a motion.
Mr. Du~kin: I think the motion was made that they all be
accepted as ~ead. I seconded that motion and it cannot be ~th-
drawn without my revoking my second. ~he motion has been made
and seconded, let's put it to a vote.
Mr. Chadwell: All in favor of the motion say 'Aye'.
Mr. Durkin, ~r. Partin and Mr. Oyer voted 'Aye'; Sr. ~ahoney
voted 'No.'
Mr. Chadwell: Now Jimmie you can make your reservations
on.you~ vote, that you vote for all of them except Treasurer and
Tax Collector, isn't it,
Mr. Mahoney: I approve of all, and I vote 'No' on City
Treasurer and City Tax Assessor.
Mr. Du~Kin: I ~uld like to put intO the minutes, too, that
I fear that any change in the situation as it now obtains would be
a detriment to the City at this time, because we have nobody ~o
replace the person occupying those two positions. Z merely want
that in the record~ too.
Mr. ~. Mr. Mayor, I would like to make a comment on that.
I don~t think ths important part of the question is whether o~ not
there is anyone available to take the place as far as personnel or
personalities go, but I think the basic thing is that all of us
realise the community is growin~ .and tha. t we are going to hate t~
constantly expand the administrative en~ of the City, and I think each
one of us has got his-own ooinions; personally, I sm in f'avor of
the method of creating the ~ffice of city manager or city engineer
~ ~ d
to help the overall administration and p.r?gr.e.ss o~ t.he~ C~t~ty~,~I~
~sa~ee with N~r~ Mahoney here on the metno~ ~o go a~ou~
~e ~inistrative-set-n~, but I don,t feel it is the proper ~Lme
in ~he first meeting tonight to go into the merits o~ demerits of
a City Manager or other things.
Mr. Du~kin: Well, it boils down to this, Mr. Mayor, If we
don't sppotnt a City Treasurer or City Tax Assessor - who is going
' s ~q~en are we going to get new
to fill these sob tomorrow,
ones to fill them,
~. Chadwell: ~e have already appointed them.
M~. I~rkin: Well, we have already. But if we didn't appoint
them, this thing would go on, there wouldn't be head o~ tail to the
financial picture, at ali.
Mr. Mahoney: Mr. Durkin, in my mOve I had in mind someone
Jto propose; however the vote has been cast and I ~i~ abide
by it.
Mr. 0yet: So will I. I will pass any further discussion on it.
Mr. ChadwelI: Does that do away with the appointments now,
~¥e can go~von with the Boards.
Mr. Mahoney, h~ing asked for the floo~ to make a few comments,
addressed the public as follows:-
~ Ladies and Gentlemen: ! have been elected your City Council-
man. I feel that with it I have accepted a great deal Of respons-
ibility and t~,~st imposed upon me by the people of Boynton Beach
and the electors of Boynton Beach°
There has been much progress made in the past in this City,
and I believe we Should give thanks to these men who so capably and
unselfishly gave of thie~ bime in having those things done. t also
feel that the City of Boy,ton Beach is a Corporation. This corpor-
ation is named and supported by the people, the taxpayers of Boynton
Beach, and i sincerely hope that each and every one will give a lot
of attention to the future actions and progress and the work that
their City Council is doing. I would like to, sh this time, commend
~r. Chadwell in his appointment as Mayor and also Mr. Durkin in his
appointment as Vice
As you know, I ran on a platform of an audit to Justify high
taxes. Gentlenen, this is an important matter to me and quite
evidently has been a~impo~tant matter to many people. For me to
come out at this moment and say, Gentlemen, t want an audit, I do
not think is the~proper way to a~proach it. t have had the opportunity
of looking over the 1984, 19§§ and 1958 reports over the week-end.
Nfs. ~tlliams very graciously sl lowed me to have them. In doing
that I took them to two retmut~le people in the field of accounting,
disinterested people. Frcm neither one was I able to get a
satisfactory explanation as to what they entailed. _I realise it is
Just possible Mr. Durkin has not had that opportunity, t don,t
believe so.
Mr. Durkin: I think ~ou,re mistaken.
yourself, Leave me ~lone.
You Jus~ speak for
~r. MahoneY: Iwas Just going to bring in that and, Mr.Durkin,
if I say S~omething of that type, I don~t think it calls for a remark.
~. ~arktn: ~ell, it doesn't,
to say what I did or did not do.
then I could tell you very prOmptly.
but it doesn't call for you
You might ask me if ! did, and
Mr. Mahoney: In the past weeks I have w~itten to the Comp-
troller's office in Tallahassee and asked for the latest report
which was required by State Statutes as filed by the City of Boynton
Beach. ~ talked to Mrs.~illiams about this and she informs me that
that r sport was turned over to the Road Department; However, the
law is very specific in that it should be filed direct with the
Comptroller's office. I will read a letter from the Comptroller's
office addressed to me dated December 20 in which he says:
Dear Mr. Mahoney:
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 16
requesting that we furnish certified copy or photostatic copy of
the latest financial report of the City of Boynton Beach pursuant to
Florida StatUte 16~61. (That is chapter 16~61).
The records in this office do not reveal that the City of
Boynton Beach has fitedwith this office a financial report since
19~3pursuant to Section 167.61 Florida Statutes.
It is possible you might find a copy of the reports you desire
in the records of City Hall.
Regretting my inability to be ofsubstantial assistance,
Si~ned by M.J.Pri~stly,
County Finance Director."
I don,t think it is sO much a question of their being mislaid,
very often those are true, but ~ must apply this letter.
I feel that it might be o~ benefit to me tl~kt if we went back
to the accountant who performed these audi~. ~e have a Nr. J.P.
Cochrane, Jr.; I have looked at 1954 and i955 signed by him; and
a Mr. Gerald L. Hawkins of the firm of ~Vilbu~ F. Devine & Co., C.P.A.,
which he did in 19~6. I would like to m~ke a suggestion that the
City Council at this time have these gentlem~ meet with us. All two
account~ts come out with very much of the type of a report outlining
some ofn~e same things, but worded differently. It is' possible that
these accepters might not be available. If they a~e not I would
sug~ge, at that we apply to the Florida East Coast Chapter of the
~me~ican Insitutte of Accounting in West Palm Beach, Florida. I am
sure Bm very happy to give us the type of assistance
we need
to do. There is
re s
reads as follows:-
~hese reports which, so fa~, I haven't been able
One othe~ alternative to all this ~ud that would
in the State shall keep books of accounts.
It stated financial reports at least as often as
once a yea~ not Iate~ than the first day of Nov~ber of eaEh year
ti t~e ~omptroller in accordamce with forms and me th~ds prescribed by
hmm wh~ch'~hall be applicable to all municipalties wmthin the State.
Such ~epo~ts shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller as a
p~rt o~ the public documents of this State. Such ~epo~t shall contain
an accurate statement in s~mma~ised ftrm. ah~ also in detail of the
The C
financial department of any municipality in the
Comptroller tO make such examinations
to do so by sh least twenty per cant of the tax-
of ~ny municipality. Every such examination in~
the financial ions and reso~ces of the
the and laws have been
accuracy of the municipal
~ ~nd as to as the
It then
at all.
snd of such
the of books
be made a
by ~o"
~oes into penalties which I don~t think enter into this
And, Gentlemen there are t~ee ways. I know for myself in
taking this I have accepted a great responsi~illty. I am
not or making a statement that anything is w~ong. It
is evid~nt we have not had a detailed report in ten years. As
one of the me~ ~vaaing for office said - ~A spot audit is all that is
req~ ired by Iaw~. I see nowhere in our laws in ou~ State Statutes
wh~re that is to. Itmay be an accepted form in many munic~palities.
We have ~had the s~e conditions exist in the City of Lake Worth and the
City of Delray. Beach ~n the past. At that time they all saw fit to
request the Florida ~ast Coast Chapter of the American Institute ef Acco~tnt-
ants for s~lvice a~d assistance. ~ proposal is t~ ~ h~ve either ~hese
~ ~udi~ors who ~c~l~ ps,creed the work
~hem. ~ave ~hem ~o tn and ~co~ if ~ need ~ de~ailed a~it. If ~ do
not ~hen I den'~ ace ~he need or necessi~ for f~. I ~d Iike some advice
from Some ~rsom v~o is ~tl acq~imted ~th these ~y~s of ~ici~l fi~r-
ing ~d fin~cia! s~a~e~n~s ~ T~
Mr. D~rkin: k~r. ~Eayor. for ~r. ~E~honey's information. ~ ~ve been in
co~e~ee ~h ~o~h audi~o~ ~d I ~ ~i~e su~ that ~o~h weuld be ve~
pleased ~e eeme do~ he~ ~ ~swer ~ q~estions ~hat he~ ~r. ~oney, or
I, or ~ o~her ~mber of this Bo~ ~shes to ask. ~her ~ ~ I
~ censider~ a proposed motion, in ~ te an audi~ ~o be p~se~ed at
the nex~ acetic. ! didn~ do it te~$ bemuse I felt ~e~ ~ se m~
e~her ~tte~ on this ~n~ $~t ~G~d o~r i~ediate a~e~ien, He~ve~,
as I s~, I ~ ~te s~ ~o~h gen~l~n, Mr. Cochin ~d Er. Ea~s, from
~t they said $o me -- you see I ~ a liZZie fu~he~ ~yo~, ~ even
apDroache~ ~he tE a~i~o~ ~hemselves ~d ~ they said Se me I ~ quite
su~ t~y ~Uld ~e please~ ~o ce~ dee ~e~ ~dm ~iso~ss ~heir ~spec$ive
audi~s ~th ~his Boa~ zt ~ ~i~.
Er. ~ahoney: ~ell, I Shink, Er. Durkir~, that is very a~miral~le of
you. I am glad you have spoken So them. I did met -
Mr. Durkin: I didn't mean to be so curt shutting you off that time,
bus I think when yen make statements either a qmestion should be asked
whethtr a person did anything about it or not, instead of making a declara-
tory ~tate~ent.
~r. X~honey: I don't consider it declaratory, I said I do not know if -
r. Durkin: No, you didn't - you ~aid '~r. Durkin did net'.
r. ~ahsney: Well,possibly.- T'll apologies for that remark.
· ~r. Durkin: I don't require ar~ apolgies at this meeting or at any
meeting of this Commission. ~ay w proceed, Mr.
~aboney: I would like to mak~ a mo~ion at this Sims t~kat we invite
gentlemen. ~r. Cochra~e and ~r. Hawkins. to meet with the City
to explain the audits they have m~de in the pas~, so that v~ wilt have,
this year, a complete picture,- being new, I will speak for myself,
I will have a complete picture ~f iS. ! make that in the for~ of a
I~rkin: I think iS might be better to invite them Separately,
we den'S want az~v confusion ~ith them. I will be very glad to second
Er. ~ayor.
~4ro 0yet: ~r. 2~ayor, could ~ make an amendment to that?
Er. Chadwe!l: They have made the motion and seconded it , Harvey. tf
they are agree~ you can make your amendment.
Mr. Durkin: ~et's hear the amer~ment.
Mr, Oyer: It is very evident that both of these men have p~t in q~ite
a bit of thought on this audit, and m~ opinion on ~hether e~ not we need she
is naturally reserved at the p~esent time. I do think though that at such
time as we hold a meeting we ~ahould have the records here available at the
time ef the last detailed audit that the City had, and every audit since then.
I am sure they are here in the records, and with our City Attorney's help te
advise ~ us on ar~y legal matters that ~ arise on it, I think by
going ever the audits these two firms have submitted to us, with them here
to explain or answer any questions that may occur "~o us, it will give us a
clearer idea.
Er, Durkim Do you expect them to go ever these audits for the last five,
seven, eight, ten years? tVhat wo~ld they knew about them? You are taking up
their time. De you want to pa~ them for the time they come in and explain
these past audl~s? They work for about $100 a day, or mere.
l~r. Oyer: Thirty-five to forty dollars a day.
Mr. D~rkin: I beg your pardon, Mister, you aren't familiar with the
prices. I have it here, gentlemen, I can assure you it is in the neigh-
borheod of a hundred dollars a ds~v. A C.P.A. gets $?B.00 a day; the senior
accountant gets $50.00, the Junior accountant gets $$5,00, and an~ bookkeeper
er a~body else =~ets $ $2§.00 a davy.
~r. 0yet: Regardless of v~nat they get -
~r. Ik~rkin: I reject the amendment, I won't accept i~,
Mr. 0yer: Zf we are going to have a thorough discussion of the audit, it
seems to me we should take up from the last detailed audit we have. have these
reports available se that we study them over ourselves and ask for any clari-
fication from the ~PA's ~e made those audits, regardless of which year it hss
been. ! cannot see any point in taking one, tv~, or three years of a limited
audit and ~uestioning ~hemon that. If we're going to cut off at a certain
place, I think we should Es back to our last one and have them bepre~ared to
answer any questions that would arise from that date fo~w~ard. If a limited
type of audit is not s~fficient, ~ don't think w~ should pull a year out of the
air to determine it on. I think we should go ~ack to our last detailed audit.
~f we are going to discuss it ~ think we should have all the facts before ns,
amd if we don't have that information at hand tonight, I think we should table
this and take it up ~ another meeting.
Mr. ~aboney: How many years has Nr.Cochrane ~ade the audit for the City?
Mrs. Cierpik: Three, ~ think.
~r. 0yer: I think it was for three years.
Mr. Chad~ll: That would be four years, then, wouldn't
~r. ~[ahoney: I had in mind having these m~n ~t~ to explain some of the
remarks and netes they have placed in their reports. We are not asking for a
complete detailed a=~[it, but an analysis and explanation which should be given
by them in fairness to everyone concerned v, ith the City. So I weald have ny
motion stand. Then if ~ find it justifiable ~ can go further back. ~t the
present time I can assure y&u that I am not satisfied.
Mr. Chadwell :We 'l! see that we have these four audits - three from Mr.
Oochrane and one from Mr. Hawkins - and see if they can clarify them for us,
and show that ~ are out in the clear within the law.
Nr. ~Maheney: t would like to ~e them expl.a~n their ,r~.marks and s.ome.
of the figures and things of that Sor~. I mean mf these things are exp£alnec
the pectic will be happier. I am only concerned ~rlth the people of this
City as their representative.
Mr. Ohadwell: ~e have had l~be motion and it has been seconded.
Mr. 0yet: Ma~ I ask Ma. E~honey a question - why - or if there is
any reason wh~ yo~ wouldn't want Se go back to your last detailed audi~
and have the other. CPA's that worked en them?
Mr. M~honey: I have no ob. jeetion to t.h~t at_all, ~-r. Oyert if we cam
find the men, ahd if the Gouncil agree on acing i~.
Mr. Chadwel!: I think it would be an added expense, though, wouldn't it?
~ro Durkin: As I understand it, your position is that these two men
whe have made these recent audits be invited to come before the Council and
for t t? to ask them q~estions in regard to their audit~,
Mr. M~boney: Eight, and ask for explanations why ~n~how they arrived
at them.
Mr. D~rkin: I seconded that motion, Mr. Nayor. The motion was
· ~(~ ~r; Walter G. Anderson asked whether the audience can interr~p~ the
Co~Jacil to ask ~estion~ and was told they could do so only during the half
hour allotted to the public.
Mil!i~ R. B~reugh presented a plat of his SfD "Boytonburou~" with
a letter addressed to the Zoning and Planning Boards.
After discussien on the most convenient procedure to follow in connec-
tion with plats, Er. Oyer moved that action on ~his plat be tabled until the
nex~ regmlar meeting -~ that meanwhile a copy of the plat be turned over
to the Planning Beard for their consideration. Mr. I~rkin seconded.
Motion carried.
A letterwas read from ~r.~ S.E.~%~r~in requesting a change in zoning,
and v~s referred to the Zoning Board.
A lette~ was read from Mr. W.S.Barks~ale requesting re~zoning and was
referred to the Zoning Board.
A letter was read from Mr. E.W.Eilb¥ regarding Hillerest
Mr. 0yet moved the City Building Inspector be authorised to issue permits
for buildings in excess of 900 souare feet for single family residences. ~r.
D~rkin seconded. Motion carriedJ~g~
A letter was read from the Civil Service Board ~iving their reco~endations
for ~noreases in pay for various employees of the City.
Mr. 0yer moved the recommendations of the Civil Service Board be
accepted. Mr, Durkin seconded. Motion carried.
A P~solution was read covering 0ity c~heok ~ignatures for the coming
year, Mr. 0yet moved, Mr~ Durkin seco~ed, the Resolution be approved.
~'~ot ion carried.
Mr. Dmrkin moved that the Heads of each cf the City Departments be
~nstructed to prepare and submit complete inventories of the physical assets
of their Departme~s, starting as of tomorrow. Ail these inventories te
be kept-in City Hall and to he kept up to date, Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion
Mr. Partin moved the Cou~cii aceep~ the bid of $1;$67.00 for a dump
body from DeBoliac. Mr. 0yer seconded. Motion. carried.
Police Chief Carver asked that a special policeman be appointed at the
Inlet for duty in the case of necessity against petty thievery ~hen the
fishing boats come in and the crowd is large.
Mr. Griffith snggested, as that territory is in Ocean Ridge, they should
be oons~ted in such an appointment amd the Police Chief was asked to dismmss
~he matter with t~hem.
Mr. griffith read Ordinance 501 for the first time, covering juvenile
traffic offenders~
Er. 0yer moved Ordinance 301 be accepted for the first reading.
D~rkin seconded. Motion carried..
Mr. Durkin moved ~r. griffith be authorieed to parchase two volumes o~
the l~BV edition of State St$~t~$. Mr. 0yer seconded. Motisn carried.
wion ±ndex.
~r. ~rkin moved that Mr. 0galen's request for $100.00 to purchase ~/~ %,
cylinder~o be used in connection with concrete tests be granted. Mr.
Partin seconded. ~otion carried.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned a~ 11.45 P.E.