Minutes 12-16-57MINUTES 0F A REGULAR ME~,TING OF THE BOYNTON BEACH CITY COUNCIL HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ DECEMBER 16, 1957. PRESENT: Mayor Mort Partin ~snl~y~eaver Donald Rehburg, Vice Mayor L.S.Chadwell Harvey 0yet City Clerk D.V.~ams Zell Taylo~ Carl Stone Chief of Police Carver The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7.30 P.M. The City Clerk read the minutes of the previous regular meeting of December 2. Mr. Weaver said the bids for truck should be bids for two 2~ ton trucks, and moved that with this correction the minutes be accepted. Mr. Oyer seconded. Motion accepted. Mr. N.R.Field requested the Resolution regarding re-zoning of part of Rolling Green Ridge First Addition, made at thee last meeting, at which he was not presents should be made at the next meeting, as he had not known it would be on the agenda. Mr. Griffith said it would be re-advertised before the second meeting in January. Mr. 0yer moved that the matter go again for re-action and re-advertising. Motion carried. before the Zoning Board Mr. Weaver seconded. Mr. Boyd~ from Copp's Addition, representing twelve residents present, said they objected to the proposed size of 60' x 80' lots and the small square footage for residences~ which would directly r~u~e the value of their properties. (All of S~Dpresented by Roy Allen at previous meeting~. Mr. 0yet moved to rescind the Resolution of tentative approval creating a sub-standard S/D, and to reconsider the S/D. Mr. Weaver seconded ~he motion. Mr. JOhadwell and Mr. Rehb~rg voted "No". The Mayor voted "Yes-. Motion passed. Mr. LaCroix of the Marina Basesaid he hsd received a request from a man who wanted to build a 20' x 30' machine shop on his property which is zoned commercial. He was advised to give a description of his request to Mr. Griffith so that it may be advertised~or, zoning. The Committee on the Codification of 0rdinsnces having requested two days for a conference with the Couneil~ the choice of two out of January 7, 8 and 9 was offered to them. -2- Mr. Rehburg reported Mr. Fred Willadsen had offered to paint the Shuffleboard Court building inside and out for $100.0~0 plus about 20 gallons of paint. Also that a coke box would be an advantageous investment. He moved the City p~.urchase the coke box an~ have Mr. Willadsen paint the building for $I00.00 plus the cost of the paint. Mr. Weaver ~econded. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver moved the Argo house be-located on the East side of the Bobby James property. Mr. Rehbufg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Gyer reported Mr~t~Lombardo agrees to sell to the City or the R/~, £cr $$0.00 assessment tax valuation he City pave the Darking lot he has. Mr. - yCitY remove the ~urb M~. Lomhard~- objects to and Mr. Taylor were asked to look into this. Mr. Oyer moved the M~vor and City Cl~rk be authorised to purchase the 2%feet from Mr. Otto Lombardo for $1~000.00 plus the cost to the City of oiling and sanding his parking area. Mr. Weaver s~eonded. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver moved the Mayor be authorised to sign the plat of Glen Arbor. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. - Mr. Weaver moved the City accept the quit claim deed from Mr. Youelt for additionof street R~. Mr. Oyer seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver read s Resolution which he hsd been requested to bring up (copy attached), and moved the Council pass it. Mr. Oyer seconded. Motion carried. As only one bid for s new police car had been received it was agreed .to leave this sealed and wait for two others to come in. Mr. Oyer moved, the ~owest of three b~s on a police car be accepted after checking specifications. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. The Chief of Police having re?mmended the acquisition of a drunkometer-- p~hase price $%9~ ~ Mr. 0yer moved the Council follow the Chief's suggestion and look over one in use at West Palm Beach~ and examine what the Chief has to show them at the Police Station; also the Chief to find out the cost of training a certain number of officers to use such a machine efficiently. Mr. Griffith read a Resolution coveriug the vacat~mnof the plat of Leizure Park. Mr. Weaver moved the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Oyer seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read a Resolution covering the filing of an application to the United States for al~ under the Public Works progra~ -3- Mr. Oyer moved the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read Ordinance No.3Q~for the second time. Mr. Oyer moved the Ordinance be adopted for the second and final reading. Mr, Weaver seconded. Motion carried. After discussion it was agreed s letter be written to Mr. Field asking him what he intends to do towards fulfilling his bond in connection with the railway crossing. Am assessment toll Rsselution was read co~ering street repairs. of abutting property. Mr. Chadwell moved adoption of the Resolution. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. 0yer moved Mr~ Harrington be refunded for the ~s~t of ~ringing the water main up to his S/D. M~ver seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith said Mr. Roux does not feel he should be charged for all the pipe as he only owns half the lots. He would he willing to pay for the pipe to these lots if he could be re-funded for the other half, the total cost of labor and material was $1,050.00. Mr. Oyer moved Mr. Roux' cost be TeadSusted, based on the percentage of his property on the line that was installed, which was 50% of the cost of labor and material. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. The plans for the new City Hall were presented by Mr. Ogden. Mr. Weaver moved that as these plans are approved by the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Mayor be authorized to sign these construction plans for the new City Hall to be located on~N.E. 2nd Avenue and that the ~ontract take effect on r~celot of the satis- factory performance b~nd. The contract to ~e~made in the amount of $157,000.00. Mr. Rehb~rg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver moved the one bid. received for water meters unless a lower bid c~mes, in postdated before 7.30 P.M. today, Chadwell seconded, Motion carried. be accepted Mr. Mr. Chadwell moved Mr. Taylor be authorised to fix the basket ball eomrt. Mr, Weaver seconded. Motion carried. It was agreed that Mr. Lansing be asked to request the teachers to park at the back of the school and not on Ocean Avenue. In connection with the 200 yards of shell needed by ~. Taylor for the colored cemetery, M~. Oyer said he would approach Mr. Ben S~wndy and ask h~m for 300 yards. The meport of the Planning Board for the yea~ 1987 was read, as also the report of the Parking a~d Traffic sub- committee of the Board. Mr. Weaver moved the COuncil accept the annual report of the Planning Board and also the resignation of its members, thanking them for their services and go~dwork. seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Chadwell M~..Oyer moved the City Clerk contact the Florida East Coast RailwaY to see if the~ Till lease for $1.00 a year their property on N'.E. 4th ' . S~reet for a parking lot. Mr. Weave~ seconded. Motion carried. ~. Weaver said he wished to apologise for some remarks he had made regarding Mr. Pimentello, based On a mimunderstanding. ~- Pimentelli spoke at length on the subject of a Master Plan for the Ci~y and said if the monthly meeting he would attend, if awa~ ~ · first Monda~ ~ .... ~.~ne con~ract, was held on the v ~ ~n~ mon~ hms contract fee would be $3,500.00 instead of ~,.000.00. After long discussion i~ was agreed the matter be tabled for further consideration an~ clarification of the bids already received before a decision is arrived at. Th~ Mayor adjourned bhs meeting a~ !2.10 A.M. BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PEYMENT: George Dove James H. Casey Lily Mae Duhart Obi~ ~Buhart Richard William Wagner Tony Caro Hattie Pearl Miller Henderson Walker Postmaster Joe Bates Ray Doane Boynton Beach Lahd Co. Seacrest Realty Ahrens M~terial, e Co. Inc. Hood's Auto Service W,L.Brown & Co. Boynton Gun Shoo City of Delray ~each East Coast, Fire Equipment The National Institute of Mun. Clerks Zell Taylor Jimmie Lee Blackburn May E. Cowe Postmaster Boynton Beach Fire Dept. Vidol Pa golo A~ms Chevrolet Ce. Arcade Ekectric Austin Supply Co. Battery Manufacturing Boynton Auto Supply Inc. Blue Cross of Florida Boynton Gun Shop The Court Records Co. County Mercantile Co. Collinson & Ling Seacrest Realty Co. The Chase Manh~ettan Bank East Coast Fire Equipment Florida Power & Light E. Elliott Gross & Associates Hill Manufacturing Co, Paul Johnson Restaurant Ray Larrabee Palm.Beach Typewriter Co. Public Personnel Assoc. JehnlBiolante SoUth FloridaAsohalt Co. Southern Bell Tel & Tel. Co. Gen'l. Fund. 10. O0 ~2.50 25.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 ¥o. o0 ¥o.oo 80.00 7.20 30. O0 10.~8 2,900.00 7.20 1. O0 ~6~. lO 1I. 50 10. O0 $9.89 15.00 12.o0 155.~o- 60.00-. 28.~6-, ~O.7l- ¢0.00- 201,63- 283.80- 15.75- 35.00- 8.91> 30.$?~ 3.6~- 17.30- 17.5o- 963.~- 30.00- 166.25- lO5. OO- 56.00 ~ 35.8Z- 75.0o- 27.66~ 37.~0~ 159.30 ~ -B- Sample Rock Co. 210.00 Stevenson Seed Store 26.60~ ~ Ea~ll Wallace Ford Inc. ?4.61- Picard Chemical Co. 4.25~ Western Auto Associates Store Alice Kelly 12.00 Walter E. Nolan 25.00 - Eugene J. Mahtmeister 2~.O0~ Mildred Miller 24.00 Rose Duncan 2$.00- Dorothy She~perd 24.00~ Edythe Hood 25.00 H.H.Weskow 7.50 1st Federal Savings & Loan Assoen. 6~000.00 1st Federal Savings & Loan Assocn. ~000.00~ Swan Hughes ~.O0- Blue Cross of Florida Cook, City of Boynton Beech Robert Miller American Title & Insurance Co. All Florida Nortgage Co. J. Kerestley Robert Bruce Wooden A~ Florida Mortgage Co. The Chase Manhattan Bank Builders - Providence Inc. W. J. Brown Brownie ' s Men' s Shop Boynton Beach New~ Battery Mfg. Co. Be-Del Printing Co. Boynton Beach State Bank Collison & Luiz Central Truck Lines De Witt Supply Co. De Bolia~ Truck E~uipment Ce. City of Delray Bosch DeMarco Tractor & Implement Co. Florida Printing Co. Florida Bearings Inc. Roscoe L. Grummons Goss ~ s Garage Gulf Stream Lumber Co. Robert F. Griffith Jr. Gulf Oil Corporation Hardrives Inc. Hood' s Auto Service Paul Johnson's Restaurant Kipl inger Letters National Inst. of Municipal Law Officers City of Boynton Beech P ioard Chemical Co. Shaw Bros. 0il Co. Lucy, s Bakery 289.90 - 2,3~3 .¥9 - 12~. 97 ' )+2. ~? - 100. O0 - 3. O0 ,- 7~.6o 809.26- 706. O0 ~ ~60.7~ - lO1.85'- ~+7.15 - ~o.o~ 29. ~0- ~.00 - 120.16 - 3.53 - 8g.39 ~ 219. ?1 - ~5. oo - 7~+. 17 ~ eo.25 - 3'.87- 2l.~O- 9.9o- 86.9~- 89X10 - ~.?~ 800.85 ~- 4.25- 17. O0 - l~.OO - ~?. 5o - ll. 81- -C- Wster Fund City of Boynton Beach Philip Mclntyre Gaze Sis ingot Postmaster Bette Stewart Bette Stewart Parker D. Cook ~a~ol~n Allen, Acct. of ACct. of Mrs. A. Petrekus " Joan Sehraitt S~ 5,793. O0 5'20. O0 3.10 Broderick hion Co, Donald Broderick 6.00 Acct. of 0pal Baker Harr~ngto~ Homes Inc. RoWer t MeLeod OpaI E. Baker 13.50 AcCt. of RichardBustita " ~o~ J.Sta~t Jefln.~ J. ~. Bt audit Beach - 1.90 Bank ~,8~0.00 1.10 Ci~y of Boy, ton Beach Ro~ert But'goss Jr. Mr. F. ~ason Neptune Neter Co. ~55.76 All State Pipe ~ S~pply Co. Inc. Davis Meter & Supply co. Warick Holding Co. 112.70 Petty Cash 3. %8 Acct. of E. Marsh " Frank Kimmerlen " Carl Robie Frank Eimmerlen 6.00 Carl H. Robie 6.00 J. Paul Young Actor of Mollie Irene Byrd City of Boynton Beach W. J. Snow Inc. Austin Supply Co. Boynton Auto Supply Inc. 69.3~ 1,2%0. O0 1,3%9.15 5,793.00 32.99 29.%0 Depositors ' Fund 7. %0 7. ~0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 1%. oo 15. oo 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.5o ~%.oo 7.50 -D- Blue Cross of Florida Acct. of R.K.Stafford - Nark Bostwick J.P.Carrell Davis Meter & S~ply Co. The Chase Manhattan Bank 21.35- 15.00 377.6~ 10.20 3.75 Delray Machine & Supply Co. Florida E~ Coast R~y Co. Miami Water Clinie R~K Floridm Pwr. & Lt. Co. John Vtolante Acct. of Arthur Kilby " Richard$ & Hale Start Martin Qrthur Kilby Acct. ef~Arthur Matra Mrs Donald Matra Ro%%x Assoc. 1.00 30.00 1,¥08.25~ 21.07 1.90 815.83 11.3% 1.50 3.70 First Federal Savngs Loan. Don Shelton Acct. of Her~y Pasnow " Edwin Crum " Arthur Kilby " Arthur Ball Wilford Roux Henry Pasnow Edwin Krum Arthur Kilby Arthur Ball Nedd Fisher Blue Cross of Florida Chas. Logiedia Acct. of Joel Newman Constr. Joe! Newman Constr. CashL City of Boynton Beach Mrs. Olga Krum Acct. of Wm~G.Hays " Alfred Ertle " Mardie Poss " J.C.Constr.Co. " Raymond Dumond Venetian Isles Assoc. Acct. of Michael Koskinson Parry Trailer Sales $.60 ~.10 5.20 ~13.56 2.90 7.50- 7.50- 7.50 15.00 62.50 7.50- t,000.00~ 7. ~0- 7.50- 7.50- 7.~0- 7.50- 7.50- 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50~, 7.~0~ 7.%0 - 7.50-- 7.50 - 7.50 - 7.50 '- 7.50 - 7.50z ASSESSM~2~T ROLL he Cz~y Ceuncmz of the Czty of. Boynton Beach dzd durmng zts regular mestiug held D~oember !~ 1957~ examine and aPl~ove this assessmen~ r011 ~ud has found' .the e~me ~ pro,er ~rder and pr~epared in accordance with r~equire- ments o~. the C~%y Charter of the City of Boynton Bea~hj The Property owners are her.Shy noti£ie~ that ihs feltowir~ described property has been bene£itted by the improvements of the public str'eets~ roads~ avenues and lanes in accordsm_ce ~mtn the assessed cD~rges as set opposite the described lands so benefitted~ located in the City o£ Boynton Beach~ Palm Be~ch C~nty~¢ Florida as fs!iows: S. %{. EIGHTH AVENUE FR(iM~ SE~OREST BLVD. TO S.W~ THIRD ST. Block. ~__~t ~o~__ Owner N_o~ of Ft~ Amo~u_ _t_ Bowers 'Park ~ 13~ 14 Ralph Co and Len~ A~ Dir~ and 100 $132~00 Gustave J~ and Hazel M~ Sehmidt Highlsmd~ New York Leonard C~ ~ ~ anc~ Ms~garet Dingey 15 DeLaval DeLaval Plac% Pougi~keepsi% N~Y: 50 Helen M~ Wtnrow~ N~ M~in St., 50 Plaistow, N~ H~ H~ D~ Dirk and Gustave Schmidt 100 Highland~ New York ~ Stephen L~ F~m~ra= ~, o W~ BS h'~'ae~ S. 8th 100 Boynton Glands T. Bo~lee, Box 969~ 75 Boynton Beach~ Florida 15 17~ 18 17~ 18 19~ 20 21 and W. ½ of 22 E~ 25~ of 22 23, 24 ~cDona~+d Perk 2 31, 32 33~44 45---48 ino ~ 9 25~29 30~-33 34--37 38--40 i~o o 43~-45 46--48 8 Clande T~ a~d Nola E. Bowles 25 Box 698, Boynton Beach, Florida Fred and Nsris Koehler~ 22 Hillsboro 109 Avenu®, Elmont., New York Verne and Helen W~ Eastman 152 6804 Pinetree Terrace, Falls Church ~a~ ~oynton Beach Investment Co~ 50 ~/o Seacrest Realty~ Boynton Beach C~bris J~ and Agnes M~ Strolin ~00 182 Perry ~venu% Norwalk, Conn~ Margarez L. Raymond~ 701 Royal Plaza 102 Ft~ Laudardale~ Florida Gustave A~ and Frances P~ ~iiktovich 127 Wilton Acres, Wilton, Corm. Anthony P~ smd Viola Mazza, Weaver 100 St.~ Green~zch, Conn~ Eric H. and Anne Jensen~ 57 Hobart 100 Avenue, Port Chester, New York SLmon and Anne Lot~ise Nathan 75 L~mcrestDrive, Norwalk, Anniston Co., Inc~, 525 N. Federal 50 Hi~¥ay~ Boynton Beach~ Florida Willms~ Wilton and Thslma Chamberlin 75 P~ O~ BOx 129~ Delray Beach~ Plan JnPm and Anna Poiesak 77 Box 553~ Boyn~on Beanh~ Florida C~leS~ B~ kud Blanche Leckridge !O2 c/o J. Tomberg~ Theater Bldg., City Godfrey and Dorothy Youngish 100 Po O..Box 667~ Boynton Beach~ Fla~ 66~00 66°00 132o00 !32.00 99°00 33~00 !43.88 200.64 66.00 396~00 134~64 167~64 t32~00 !32~00 66~00 99=00 10!~64 134~64 132=00 S~ W Bi~h Ay_once f~m Seaereet Blvd. t~_rd St~. icent~8: Block L~t ~oDonald P~k' 8 9--12 inc~ 13~18 in¢~ 19~ 3 I~8 13--16 ino~ 17~20 ino~ 21~24 inn~ Bowers ~ark 21 ! &2 3&4 5&5 7 8---i0 11--t2 Owner ..... N_o~ ,f Ft~ Amount Stanley amd'Erna Weaver~ 130 N~ W= 100 $t32~O0 5th Avenue~ Boyn~on BeaCh~ Fla~ Edwin P~ and E~ua Rose Crandatl~ 150 198~00 T~acey~s Landing~ Maryland Jttlius ~m~uu$1~ 3 Heresy i~ive 152 200~64 DelraY Beach~ Elorida Ralph O~ and Lena Dirk and G~stave a~ Hazel Sebmidt~. Highland~ NeM York 202 266~64 ~ed JaCkson, Silver l~_iue~ ive~ t00 132.00 Norwmtk~ OOnn. Bo~ R~ and Anne C~ Brant ~ 100 132~00 B~x t44~ Boynton Beach~ Florida JoS~h ~= and Mmry Kla~f, 40 Water 100 132=00 St~ South Norwalk~ Oonno K~hr~=m N~ekey and Lena l= Dirk 102 134~64 ~ntghland~ New York Steve amd Katherine Kapnse 109 1~3~88 4$.StUa~t Ave=~ Norw~lk, Conn~ T~ ~mas J~ and ~ MeAnl~f~ i00 132~00 ~ ~ch Ave~, Little Silver~ N~ J~ C~les F~ ~ud ~rlotte Hitc~n~s lO0 132~00 1~9 ~ W~ 9th Ave~ ~ ~n Beach E~ce S~ P~ O~ ~x l~l~ 50 66~00 T~ B~ He~pit~, ~t~a, Florida_ Pa~ mD~ ~d Dorot~ G~ J~k~ski 150 '198~00 P~ O. BOX 2649 ~ ~t~n Beach~ Fla~ IJ~li~ G. Dei~ 3 ~tlett ~er, 100 132.00 N~lk~ S~~' H _&~UEFR__ C~i SEACREST B~LVD~ TO S ~ ,W. TH~__D ~TREET Bo~ers Park 15--18 19--20 21 22 23~24 McDonald Park 3 25~32 33-36 37~40 lng o 45~48 8 28~30 inn ~ 31~36 A~ndrew and Helen Graham 50 66=00 Mm~rg~et St~ ~ Norw~ik~ Conn~ Jennie Blume~ Rto 1~ Box 26~ Bar Harbor~ 50 66~00 Maine Jnmue B~rett~ Box 675~ Bo~nton Beach~ 200 264~00 F!arida Charles F~ and Charlotte Hitckings, l~ 132~00 ll9~. W~ 9th Ave~ ~ton Be~ Fla~ H~y and M~g~et ~appe~ 78-2~ 50 66~00 6~h Ave~ Middle Village 79, N= Y~ Chesley A~ ~d ~iel W~ Cgd~r 50 66~00 ll5 S= W~ 9th Ave~ ~ Boyn~on Beach~ Fla. J~ph An~asi~ 48 Stunt Av~ 109 ~3~88 R~setl F~ Sullivan~ O~ro~ Wisconsin 20~. 266~64 Clifford T. and Hazel B. Drapeaul 100 132~00 509 Wright Dr o, I~ke Worth, Fia~ E. and Heanette Boie~ 25 100 132o00 .~ S~ Norwa!k~ Oonn~ R. ~UC Katnr2m $~ i~cke~ i00 132~00 ~ Fe~is ~e~ ?ou~eeps~e~ N~ T~ F. ~ud ~e~or S~livm 102 134.64 Wis cons in S~ ~d Fm~es C. Leon~d 76 100~32 Norwalk~ Co~= ~d Verna M~ Ba~nd, 4 M~tle St~ 75 99~ E~n g~ ~d ~na Rose Cr~d~l 150 198~ T~ey~s ~nd~g~ ~l~d ~f E. ~d Finances M~ Br~i~ 200 26Ao00 5~ N. EJ Second St~ Boynton Beg~h S W Ninth Avenue. from S~~ -qont ~di. McDonald~ Park~ ~ Of ~_~ ~mouut -- Bloc~ Lo ~. ~5 N~ Ad~ St~ Ipsil~ti~ 7 1--4 ~c~ ~ orney ~d l~jorie Horton~ ~%on ~0i 133~32 ~ao~ Florida 5~7 inc~ Weber ~ Beri~ 33 ~elle St~ 75 99~ ? k 8~12 into H~old M. ~d Bet~ C. McOtoy 125 165~ Box 651, Boston Beach, FI~ ~-~!6 ~c~ ~ ~ 1321 S: W~ 8th St~ !00 132~00 t7--20 ~c= Me~ T. ~d Cathode L~tezs 100 1~2~ 205 S, W~. F~t Av~nue~ Boymton B~ch 2!~ ~o. C~tave H~ ~d A~ J~ Norherg I01 133=32 18~0 ~0 P~m Way~ ~n Beach~ Fla~ ~ 1~$ inc~ ~lee ~d B~tty J~ ~dley 102 134~6~ 206 S~ W. 9t~mAve~ Gity 5~8 inc~ H~lg~ ~d F~ce~ Nielson, 350 100 1~2~ ~el Re~ N~P~ Beach~ Fla~ 9--12 inc~ ~ B, ~d~ Rszen D. M~low 100 132~00 612 Eoy St~, Bil°Xi~ 8 13-~18 inc~ Jo~ ~d A~e Peles~ 22 S~ W~ 150 198~00 9th Avs~ ~ton Bemch~ Flz~ 19~ ~c~ ~ J. ~ ~eztrice G~son 75 99~00 22~2~ ~e~n~d S~ ~d Mildred F~ C~oll 76 100~3~ 2 ~iss Cr~ce~ B~li~ton~ .Bowers Park 22 1~ 2, 5 3--4 7~-8 9m!O ti 12 M_iohael E. a~d Helen Fodor 159 209~88 lO05 S. Seaerest Btvd,, City Ruth Ann Stevena~ o/o Nick Stevens 100 132o00 Po Co Box ~73~ Boynton Beach W~l~ce G~ ~d Gladyce F~ Anderson 50 66~00 l~ S~ W~ ~h A~, ~ton B~ach S~lie Smith~ 130 S~ ~ 9th Ave,~ 100 132~00 B~ton Beach, Fla~ C~l H~ ~d M~ E~ ~e~u ~ 100 132~ ~/o R~ J~ F~da~ 127 N~ E:~ 2nd ~ton Beth, Fia. ~lida ~ren~ 3933 57th S~eet 50 66~00 W~odside~ N~ York Wi~i~ B. ~d Gladys Mc~uc~ 50 66~0 ~6 S. W~ 9th Avs~ ~ton Bsach S ~.~ w~ ~- ww~ S W SE~E}~ ~VE~ TOS. W. TF~HAVE. McDonald Park 2 1 3 1 48 Bowers Park 22 13 12 Wilfred L~ Roux~ P. 0. Box 531 120 !5~0 Bqynten Beach M~rg~ret Lo Es~ond, 701 Roy~ Plaza 120 158.40 Ft~ ~uderd~le, F10rid~ E~ph C~ ~d ~n~ D~k ~d G~tave 120 158~40 ~d: ~zel Sc~dt~ Hig~d~ N~ Y~ R~setl F. ~d Ete~r L~ S~iiv~ 120 158~40 ~o, ~isconsin ~ies ~d Betty J~ Ha~ey 120 158~A0 2~ ~S~ W. 9th Aven~ ~2~n Bea~ Le=oy J~ ~ M. Do!~e~ Wel s 120 158~40 20~ S~ W~ 10th Ave~ ~mton Beach William J~ and ~rion G~ Mon~b~u 120 145 S~ W~ 10th Ave., Boynton Beach William B~ ~nd GI~s MacLacklin 120 146 S. Wo 9th AVeo~ Beynton Beach i58~40 16 S W First St. from So W. 7th Ave. to S._~W~ T~th Ave~ (con~d.} Lot~ No. O~ue~ No~ of F$~ ~o~ 13 ~n~ew ~d Helen G~, ~ ~ 120 Street~ No~k, Co~ 12 Willi~ G. De~ 3 B~tl~tt M~or 120 158~40 13 E~ph C. ~d Lena A~ Dirk ~nd G~tave ~0 158~40 f. ~d H~zel M. So~dt~ Hig~d~ New York 12 ~iel ~d C~entine ~ad~a, 120 158~40 North ~d~ ~E~N~ g~ ~T S..W._SE~OI~ ~ o Ftt~I~ S. W S~H AVE. TO S W. T~H AVE~ ~cDen~d P~k 9 i '~il~ed J. ~d Nora M. Ro~ 120 158~40 ~x 77~ ~ton Beth, ~o_ ida ~8 Joh~ ~d A~a Polesak~ P. O. ~X 533 120 158.40 Boston Beach, Fly,da 8 I C~les B~ ~d Blithe L~idge 120 158~0 c/o J~ Tomb~g, Theat~ Bl~., City 48 M~v~ C~ ~ Ruble P~ G~rison 120 158~40 215 N~ Ad~s St.~ Y~il~t~ Mdch~ 7 I Fo~ ~d M~jorie ~rton ~0 15S~40 Boo,ton Be~ch, Flerida ~8 J~ome ~Ud ~i~u ~stein ~0 158~40 9 Golden H~l 8t~ S~ ~No~k, Co~ ~ 25 Her~ L~ ~d M~et A. Noble 120 158~ o/o ~oy~ p~m Re~ty Co~ ~ B~on Beach 2 H iss escen% ~ 25 Eussell F~ S~zv~u~ ~o~ Wisconsin 120 158~40 2~ Xat~ Nackey ~d ~na A~ D~k 120 158~40 High,nd, New York 2 ~t 25 Ver~e H~ ~ud Hel~ ~L Eas~ 120 158~40 6804 P~etre~ Te~ace~ F~ls Cho~ch~ V~gi~a 24 Pet'er ~d Kat~ ~er ~6 So W~ 7th Ave~, Bo2~ton Beach S. W. THirD STREET?RCM S.~. EAYE~H~ AVE~ _TO So McDonald Par~ k 9 24 25 8 24 7 24&Z¢ Bella_~v Eel-hts 9 1&24 N. 75 of E. ½ of Lot 14 28~45-43 S~ S acres of of i3 S/B 28-45-43 Darwin Ac Ensign~ 914 Adams Ave~ Huntington~ West VirgLuia Gnstave A. and Frances P~ M~iklovich Wilton Acres~ Wilton~ J~lius w~mmanuei, 3 Hersey Drive Delray Beach, Florida° James S~ and Frances C~ Leonsrd Fair Street¢ Norwalk, Gustave V~ ~ud Alma J~ Norberg 1810 Palm Way¢ Boynton Beach¢ Fla~ Lester Wglter and Florence Shelhamer 459 West 0cean Avenue, Boynton Beach Billie Yonr. g~ Box ~94~ Boynton Beach 120 158.40 120 !58.40 120 158~40 120 158o40 240 316~80 2~0 316.80 75 99°0O Paul ~nd Biltie ¥o~g~ Box 694 Boynton Beach, Florida 335 442.20 B~ellamy Heights 10 1 Lester Wilter and Florence Shelham~ 459W. 0cea~ive., Boynton Beach 120 158~40 11,634 $15o356o88 The City Co~cil ~hall sit as a Board to hear objections or complainbs from property owners abhtting the above described improvements at ll:00 A.M. ~ ~__~ - __~ at the City Hall ~ilding, Boynton Beach~ ~lo~d ~ Witness by hau~ ~ud seal this 16th day ox ~e~ember~ 1957o Mort Mayor Stanley ~ver ~ L. S. Chad~ell Attest: Publish in Boynton Beach News December 19 and 26~ 1957