Minutes 12-06-57 ~ ~ 0UYC ~ OF MI~S OF ~. SPECIAL I~TiNG OF TE~E CITY ~ ~? B0?YTON BEACH, FLORrDA, HEV,~D AT CI~f HALL, B07~TON REACH, IFEC~BER _6~ ~[~T~ PRESENT: Yayor Mort Partino Stanley Weaver ~ Z~ S~ Chadwel! Harvey 0yet. C~y Clerk ooV~_,mlm~ms Martin D~mrkin James Mahoney~ ~[r~ !~.R~Fis!d and ~[r~ Russell of Russell & Axon were also pres ent ~ The meeting was called to order by the ~[ayor ~ 7.30 P~. Yr. Fzeld saim they had been ~rymng to work out a plan for sewerage in Rolling Greem Ridge First Addition and were a~ious to submit a proposal by Mr. Russell outlined his c cmpany~s recommendations in great detail, s~ying the system has to be designed to tie in with the final over-a~ plan for ~he City~ to avoid over or under designing, He recommended a re¢ognised National Bond attorney to work with the City Attorney as being cheaper than a Fiscal Agent in,connection with validation of.a revenue certificate issue~ 2fr. ?iemd said t.~e probable over-ail cost would be something in the nei~aborhood of ~300,000.00 for approximately a thousand homes and he is ready-to start as soon as an agreement csm~ be reached. Mr. Russell s~ma he had several standard goverrment Resoiu= tions which are self explanatory, and it was agreed to turn these over to th~ City Attorney for review and presentation at the ~ meeting of Council~ D~r~ Russell said the ~ ~- of the ~ ~os ~ z~= construction _ plans and estimates would be about ~t4,000.00, t~r~ 0yet moved the Co~uci! instruct our engineers to proceed with *~e ~mnal~' plans for sewerage for E~l_~ng~ ~ ' Green Rzmge' ~ First Addition. Mr. Chadwell seconded, Motion carried° Field ,~ and ~. Russell then left the meetimg, _,,,r. Weaver moved the Lions Cluo be allowed to sell Christmas ' ~,_r. Chadwel! seconded~ ~otion trees downtown without a psrmzt. carried, ~r~ Weaver said he will discuss with ~r. Lombardo tomorrow the possibility of Er, Lombardo giving the City a Deed for ~5 for widening of N~E~ 1st Street in return for surfacing his parking lot~ -2- ~After discussion, ~r~ Weaver moved that each City employee be giVen as Cb2istmas bonus the ec~:L~a!ent of o~_e week~d pay. Mr~ Chadwel2-seconded. Motion carr~,~d. 1¢r. Oyer sa_d the Chamber of Commerce would like have ~ ~ ~- ' ~o~n~ meetings wztn the City Council occasionalty~ There being no ~rther business the meeting was adjourned, to