Minutes 10-21-57 M~%~JTES OF A REGb7.~R 5~ETING ~ TEE CITY C 0UNC ~ OF B0'~TO)7 ~CH, FLORIDA, ~LD AT T~ CI~ ~. BO~TTON BEACH, OCTOBER 21, t957. P~T~ Mort Pectin, Mayor Donald Re~2oumE~ Vice N~ or St arvey Weaver L~ S. Chadwell Ha~ey 0yet. were Deputy City Clerk Olive Cierpik. Zeli Taylor. The Mayor called the meeting to order at Ve45 ~ of the last regular meeting of October The m_nutes read. !~r. Weaver moved the minutes be accepted with the correc- tion of the typographical error of 8~45 for 7.45. Rehbmrg seconded. Motion carried° A letter was read from Mr. Frank Kilby requesting the inclusion of part of Track C. Lincoln Memorial Gardens in the City limits. Mr. 0yer moved a Resolution be passed annexing this property within the City limits, subject to the developers putting in the water maLns and streets at no cost to the City, and to the City's specifications~ and 920 square feet single family residences to be the basis of the zoning. Mr. Rehbu~g seconded. Motion carried~ A letter was read from the Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company requesting a list of churches in Boynton Beach in order to avoid the inclusion of the ut=lm~y t~x on their bills. Mr~ Weaver m yea the necessary list be furnished the COmpany so that churches may no longer be billed for the ut_±~ tax. Mr. Rshburg seconded. Motion carried. Rev. James Roy requested a permit to erect asign in the park next to the Post Office advertising the churches in Boynton Beach, with times of services, etc. He was asked to submit a sketch of the proposed siEn to the Council. A letter was read from John H. Whm~ten, Michael J. Regan and Henry Ao Landry requesting approval of a liquor license transfer to the Dolphin Ba~ Mr. Weaver moved the re~.est be granted subject to the usual r~gu_~lons of the Beverage Board. Mr 0yer seconded. Motion carried. ~r~ John Zeizel, of S.Wo 1st Avenue, complained of the water standing in front of his house. ~r. ~eav~r moved/~r. Taylor~~s~d~ to draw up plans and cost of re~afring S,W. let Avenue between 3rd Street and 3rd Court ~by the City, to be placed on assessment. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried, Mr. ~Ysaver said he wished the following to be made a matter of record. During the wet weather he had not been gole to clean his dairy lots resulting ~l~ acc~nulation of 'material'. As .soon as it got dry he took steps to clean it out and, in re~urn for filling in the holes, h~ g~ce the City the top soil, the City on~ly supplying equipment for moving his v~iluable soil, which would have cost the City far more than the cost of the ~use of the e quipsent. Budget Ordinance No.300 was read for the second time, ~L,~. Weaver ~ov~d 0rd_nance~ No,300 b~ adopted. seconded ~ot mon carried. Mr. Chadwell ~r. 0ye~ moved the Budget Ordinance be published in full, showing the expected outlay and the expected income. Nr. Weaver seconded in order to bring it to a vote and then voted against publication in full~ as did Mr. Rehburg~ ~r. Chadwell voted for full publication. Nayor Partin cast the deciding vote in favor. Notion carried. ~r~ Griffith said the Seabord Airline Railway were ready to go to work on the~two crossings but that·~r. F_e!d~ ~ n~w did nm~ want the crossings he had requested P~ read a letter from TM ~o~a canonizing the request for the crossings, }~{r. Oyer moved the City Attorney be instructed to notify the Eeabord Air Line Railway that ~r~ Field is trying to cancel his agreementS that we are notifying him that the City is enforcing the bond against him in accordance with the terms of the contract dated ~arch~ 198~. The Council instructed the City Attorney to inform Nr~ Field to this effect and to take the necessary ~ gal steps to collect this bond. Nr. Chaawe_l~ ~ seconded~ ~otion carried~ · ~namwel! moved Mr. ~ahlmeister be a~pomnted ' ~*~ Depu ~.y for the City election° Mr. ~eaver seconded~ ~otio~ carried~ Mr. Grmf~ith presented a plat made by E. Gross and Associates of 2~rd Avenue and reconumend~d to the Counci~ that they buy the South 8 ft. of lot 22 of Crest View for ~ea~er m~vsa t~e?~-~O~e~rk and Cmty Attorney be authorised to draw up the necessary papers to procure the Sou~ 8 ft~ of lot 22 in Crest View subm~v~on for ~500.00. Rehburg seconded. ~otion'carried. ~r. 0yet moved the City Attorney be asked to contact the owners of the South side of 2~ra Avenue w~th a view to securing the additional property needed for this R/~YJ Nr~ Weaver seconded. Notion carried. A letter was read from Julian C ~ Blackburn in regard to the ~arne~t property at HypO!uXo and fire insur~nce~ It was agreed to return the letter as having been addressed to the wrong Fire Department~. A letter was read from the Lake Worth Drainage District regarding the maintenance of waterways in subdivisions. It was agreed the letter be ackno~leoged. A letter was read from the Lake Worth Oil Comp~uy requesting permission~tO erect a sign pole and pump island on Lo6~ 7 end Lot 8 in Araen Park. Ers Weaver moved the Lake Worth 0il Company be grouted a permit to erect the sign pole and pump island on Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Arden Park Addition, provided they remove these~ at their owm expense, at such time as the County might decide to widen the road~ Mr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried. A letter was read from members of the Shuffleboard Club res esting ~.00 to help pay for paint. ~r~ 0yet moved ~ne paint be furnished to the value of $~.00 for the Shuffleboard Court. ~r. Rehbu~g seconded. Motion carried. After discussion~ Er. 0yet moved th~ E0ynton B~ach Board of Realtors b~ asked to reconrmend an appraiser for the Shuffle- board Court property, or to gi%e their opinion on how r~ch it is worth. Mr~ Rehburg ssconded, Motio~ carried. Mro 0yet was appointed a com~mt~ee of one to contact the Bo~rd of Realtors regard~g this matter, ~[rs~ Cierpik reported that replies have been received two Zoning and Plar~ing experts$~ Mr~ George F. ~ory and Russell & Axon~ from The evening of Nonday, October ~8, was set for receiving representatives of these two applicants~ on aa hourly basis~- ~.~0 to 8.~0~ 8~$0 to ~.~0~ and ~.$0 to 10~0. Leon Taylor of S.W~ ~nd Avenue asks for a Zt was agreed tot efe~ this request to t~ & Light Company, street light~ Florida Power An excerpt from the minutes of the Planning Board meeting regarding Porest Park zoning was read. After discussion~ Nr. 0yet moved the court costs charged against Nr~ and ~rs. George Laurel be refunded. Er~ Rehburg seconded. Motion carried° WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida did d~ring its regmlar meetiug hold the 21st day of October, 1957 adopt aResel~tion finding it necessary for public interest, that certain streets, located within the 1~ ef the said City be improved by being bmilt, repaired, resurfaced, and rebuilt, and did by said Resolution accoring to law, authorize the Superintendent of Public Works te prepare aud estimate the cost for repair, rebmilding, resurfacing and eonstrmction of said streets as described in the said Resolution, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ~ BOYNTC~N u~.~OH~ FL(~IDA, AS FO~XYJS: lo That the following streets, roads, bo~_levards, avenues, lanes, alleys, parkways, and ether public highways as h~reinafter described shall be constructed and/or rebuilt to specifications as required by the laws ef the City of Boynton Beach, said property abuttiug the following streets and alleys: Description Number of Feet Estimated Cost So W. First Avenue between S. We 3rd Street a~d S. We 3rd Court 330 $891.00 S. W. 8th Street between Sunset Road and S. W. 28th Avenue 120 324.00 2.The City Counci~ sH~ll sit as a Bosrd to hear objections from abutting property holders on Thursday, November 21, 1957 at the hours of 1:30 to 2:30 P.M. at the City Hall Building, Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to assess each of the abutting property holders located and abutting the above described streets, amd to assess such property holders om a front foot basis charging said ownar his proportionate share as divided by the improvement cost above estimated. The property holder sb~l 1 have the privilege of paying the entire assess- ment at any time withiu ninety (90) days from date ef lien, amd failing to do so the Clerk shall, for three (3) consecutive years assess the said property owner as a ~ien against the property, a special assessment tax divided into three C3) inst~llments, .payable as other ad valorem taxes are paid ~ith interest at the rate of 8% per an~m on the unpaid balance. 4. The Clerk shall prepare an assessment roll showing the n~ber of feet of each lot or parcel of land fronting er abutting upon the improve- ments and the ~mmunt of assessments as to each, and each lot sb~lt be proportionately so assessed. The assessment roll shall be on file in the office of the City Olerk. UN~NINOUSLY passed and adopted this fourth day of November, !957e Vice M~yor Councilman Attest: Cowncilman