Mayor Mott Partin
Vice Mayor Donald
Stanley ~*Ieaver,
L~S. Chadwell
Harvey Oyer.
Deputy City Clerk Mrs.
Olive Cierpik
Chief of Police Carver
Zeli Taylor
Carl Stone
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.50 ~.N.
The minutes of the last regu!a~ meeting of Septembe~ ~ were
Mr. Weaver moved the minutes be accepted as read.
Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion seconded,
Mr. Weaver moved that Mr. Henry Merkel Jr. be re-appointed
and Mr. Walter Dutch and Mr. Leonard~Bsnks be appointed members
of the Palm Beach County Resources Development Board to represent
the City of Boynton Beach. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. 0yet moved the City purchase 250 copies cf the booklet,-
Palm Beach Comnty Stor~,- from the R~D.B. and ~-emn ~hem over to
the Chamber of Commerce for distribution. Mr. Chadwei1 seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. 0yet moved the City waive all real estate, personal
amd utility taxes thatwould apply now and in the future to the
Bethesda Memorial Hospital, but do not exempt them from any
special assessment that may. subsequently be made against
them. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion carried.
A pla~ of VenetianPark, an addiction to Venetian Isles,
was shown with the request that it-be accepted by the City.
After discussion, Mr. ~eaver movedthe plat be accepted provided
the Venetian park ErPUp guarantees construction of the ~oad
by placing money in escrow or presenting the City with a perform-
~ce bondf the Mayor no~ ~o sign the plat until the correction
is made on the plat regarding the Right of Way across the canal.
Mr. Rehbu~g seconded. Mr. 0ye~ voted 'No'. Notion carried.
Mr. 0yet moved that the rate for School Patrolmen be
changed to $~.00 per day for special police duty, s~d that
Special Officer Johnson, who has additional duties for the
school board, be reimbu_~sed for ten gallons of gas a month.
Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried.
Ordinance 299, providing a Supplemental Budget for the year
beginning November 1, 1956, and e~ding October ~1, 1987,
was read for the secpnd time,
Mr. Rehbumg moved Ordinance 299 be accepted for the
second time of ~eading. M~. Chadwell seconded. Motion
- ~r. 0y~ dreN"attention to the danger of chf~dmen riding
bieyc£es after dark withou~ lights or reflectora~
Chief of Police should look into what
City of West Palm Beach and other neigh-
connection, and then take Up ~he matter
~ with e view to. his d~awingup a type
would be moat effective.
Mm. Weaver moved the OctoBer 31, 1966, Audit Report be
accepte~. N~. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried.
Nr? 0yet thought such portions of the audit as would be
of interest should be published for the information of the
public and it was agreed the Summsmy Sheet might fo~m the basis
for a story in the local newspsp er.
M~. Weaver moved Mrs. Ciarpik take the necessary steps
to ~b~,ing the Police end, ire Departments under Social Security,
if the ~embers of these two. Departments so desire. Mr.
Chadwell seconded. Motion carried.
M~. 0yet reported Mr. Khight had found several leaks in
the City,s water system.
Mr. Rehburg reported the Little League as being $2,000.00
in the hole for mS~e~ial for which funds had been p~omised but
not provided, He said any money advanced to meet this deficit
would be re-paid next year. It was ~reed to publish an appeal
in the local paper after Nr. Chadwell had pledged $100.00, if ~.
nineteen other people would pledge a like ~mount.
There being no fu~the~ business the Mayor adjourned the
meeting at 10.20 P.M.
Deputy C'ity Cte~k.