Minutes 07-22-57S PEG ~_~ ~ET ING JU~ Pr~esent: Mayor }~tt H. P~rtin D. H.Rehburg ~.S.Chaawell C.S~anley Weaver Harvey Oyer D .V.Williams R.F.Griffith The meeting was called to order at 7:45 with all Coucnilmen present. Attorney Griffith suggested putting answer service on the police telephone. The Council agreed un~m~ous~y it was a service urgently needed, for the safety of the citizens. The Bell telephone Company will be contacted. Asked vo submit three acceptable names for the new colored cemetery, a group of citizens gave the following. Sara Szmms Memorzal Gardens Cherry Hills Memorial Gardens Roberts Memorial. Gardens M~o Chadwell made the mo%ion, seconded by Mr. Weaver, that the new cemetery be named Sara S~s Memori~ Gardens. That seemed to be ~ne most popular namedwith the citizens of the area.Motion carried unamiously. Oyer advmaced a-financial proposal for the first phase of sewerage for Boynton Beach, as follows; The developer put in his own collection s~tem throughout his subdivision as one of b-is expenses of subdividing 2- Y~o Fields advance the money for the treatment plant, with no interest r equ~ements ~ ~e City, with the er~inesr, establish the pro-rata cost, based on capit al outlay for the treatment only~ for the capacity of the plant as set forth in the engineers report. As homes are built, each pay the established cos~, and M~. Fields account be credited uhtil he is repaid the amount advanced for the treatment plant only. Theoretically we wo~ld owe h~. Fields X amount of dollars for the treatment, but the only way he could get it back would be by building houses on his lots~ The p~an~ and system to belong in its entire~y ~o the city~ which would ~intain same, as it does its water sys~emo ,o- If an~ other s'godivider wishes to have sewerage, they also put in all collection lines in their subdivision, they would be using the same treat- merit plant, but they would be paying the capital charge for use of the syatem the same as e~uyone else aa~d when we got to a point where we bare expand the system, we would have some money in the ba~2~ toward expmusion. M~. Chadweil thought that since ~. Fields b~ms the only immediate sewerage problem, M~. Fields s~hbuld be t~ ~' n~ one to ~nance, without interest and be glad to do so, for it is ' ~- .... strzcaly for the benefzt of n~s personal business. Mr. G~iffith brought out the fact that Delray Shores is Fatting in the whole t~ing, treatment plknt, collection s~tem, %~ter system aud gas maLus, and they are pro-ratLug the cos5 based on their engineers report for each lot $575,00, Tsars '~ringLng it ~o the property line and a connection fee gees on ease house° ~. Griffith, when~ asked for his opinion on '~£nat we could or could not do s~id.~%he s~w~ation of what I thi~k would be reasonable ~ wb~t would be proper with %~hat ~-e afc now econ&~&cally able to do would be pretty near what was in the resolution we passed, that motion that permits any sub- divider or developer to install sewers or sewer system in any dedicated rights of way at bbs own %rxpense and cost. Now some plan~ I do believe shoo, id be worked out to assist them as best we can~ possibly what Harvey memtioned would be one idea. Let ~, Field put up money for treatment plant s~ud tell bf~ we would either float a certificate t~pe bond like we did with this beach property~ tb~t would be solely recoverable au the revenus from the connection charge, or if the maintainence of tkis part icular sewer system woufdd allow sufficient, you could return the profits 5o him over that, to help reduce D~is g~bt a little quicker, ~%hout giving him ar~vmore than his actual out of pocket expense. I don:t mea~j~tD~a~ he should be entitled to ~ny p~ofit on bbs investment or ~ interest on ss~me. The city co'aid, ifthey wanted to, tell him t~a% they would install a ord~ance s~3itable and such according to the recommendation of the en~_ueer that would re~urn enough revenue to the City %o maintain ~ system, and with $200.00 or what ever it may be connection~ would be ret~-~ned to ~. Field as the connections were minds, until the eos~ of the treatment plant ~-one -was paid hiS. I think if you go beyond tb~t you get into tD_is problem , that possibly you are going to ~ve to set up t~ ~xing districts which would not be fair to those citizens close but not on a sewerage system. The entire nerthwest secoion~ or greater part of it would be in one taxing district to start with~ ~m. Griffith was asked to draw up a proposal to su¢~it M~. Pield for the approval of the City Council. A letter dated July ~,1957 from the Civil Service Board was read and ~'~ discussed. Nm. Weaver made a motion, seconded by ~. Che~well s~d carried un~aiously, Lhat the letter be accepted and the reco~_endations of new pay scale~ adjustments, cb~e~uge to bi-weekly pa~oll etc., be adopted in full. Mr~ Gri~fith read a resolution he had prepared releasing property ~o the Goun%~ to Joe rededicated t~ the School Board for a new school site on h~ 2nd Ava~ ~. C~'er made a motion that the resolution be adopted. Mm. ~ehburg seconded. Motion carried. Thor being no further business~ the meeting was adjourned. Attest: City Clerk M~yor RES O LVT I ON WH~RF2fS, by Reselmtioa, the Board of Covaty Commissioners ef Palm Beach Co~n~y, Flor/da, did ia their re~lar meetiag ~eI~ om Angst 9. 1948. de.cate to t~e City of B~tem Beae~ eertaim l~4s, ~ of which ts ~eret~after WEEREAS. the City of BoY-tom Beae~ has had a from the Beard of County Commissioner_s of Pa~ Beae~ Flert~. to release their claim or tm~erest in the after described s~ that the s~e may be conveyed ~ the ~f Palm Beach. State of Fl~rl~. %o the Boar~ ef ~Iie I~s~ctien of t~e Cemniy ef Pa~ Beaek. State uf Flort~. fo: the ~se ef p scheol sight, ~d, NOW, ~R~ORE, BE IT REeLeD BY ~ OF ~ CI~ OF BO~N B~CH, P~RID~, ES ~: release ~d re-eo~v~ tO the Comity of Pa~ Beach, State Flori~, ~y a~ all right, title and interest i~ amd te ce~a l~ds which the City ef ~to~ Beach ae~tred, use thereef by thre~ the a~thortty of that certain Resolmtte~ ~ssed by the Boar~ of Comity Cem~tssieners of Palm Beach Cowry, Florf~, e~ Au~st 9, 1948, said Property betn~ ~ of the t~ %heC'lty of Bo~ten Beac~ by the Co~y of Palm Bea~. of Florida. ~d said lands beimg here~ released ~y the City ef ~t~n Beach. more parttcmlarly ~esc~bed. as f~tl~ws: · e~shlp 4~ S the ~ 1/4 ~e W 1/~ of the ~E 1/4 ef %~e ~I/4 ef 1/4 efi~e ~E ~4 of ~he N~ I ~ 1/4 io~ 21 East, all ~eia~ Co~y of Palm-Beaeh, S~a~e of Fleri~. 2. ~e City ef Be~te~ Beach gees here~ ~pressly re~ain ~ except fr~ a~y rel~se all ether ~et s~cifieal!y ~ereim~eve describe4. ~~LY ~sse4 ~d a~p%ed at special mee%i~q ~is 22md ~y ~f Jaty, ~(~O~RATE SEAL) City Clerk - 2 -