Minutes 04-01-57~I~NUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TY~ CITY COUNCIL OF BOYi~TON BFEACH, FLORIDA, Hn~D AT THE CITY HALL, B0~TON BEACH, APRIL 1, 195V. PRESENT: Mott Partih, Mayor Don Rehburg, Vice Mayor Stauley ?~eaver L.C. Chadwell Harvey O~r. City Clerk Dorothy Williams Ma. Zell Taylor Mr. Carl Stone. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M, The City Clerk read the minutes of the prevDous regular meeting of March 12. Mr. Weaver pointed out~tha$ the name ,0'Don~ell' should be Audano, and moved that with this correction the minutes be accepted. Mro 0yet secey~ed~ Motion carried° Mr. George of Tallahassee, outlined.in detaml the facilitme~ of his.Corpora- tion~ which siecialises in completelyrevi~ing ex~sting Czty orm~nances throughout ~ harmon. Themr fee fqr.th~s revms_on would be approximately $4,000.00, including ~h~ p~mntmng of 100 cop_es, 25 o5 which would be complete w~th. omnmmmgs, the r?m~ining 7~ tied up wmthout.bindsrs. He showed copmes o2 botu~.d ordmnances of other municipalzties as samples t? illustrat~themr work. He gave ~ price of $~.00 a page f6r revmsing the Czt~ Charter, even if not corrected for another two years. Mr. Weaver moved that the ~ouncit authorise to enter into a contract with Mr. Langford,s firm City Ordinances completely dcodified. ~. 0y~r the cost could be paid for after November 1st. the balance of the money which had been set up in for codifiation of the ordinances could be used t the City Clerk to have the ~sked if half ~e then stated the budget owards the salary for a City Manager.. He further stated that his vote for the codification of the ordm~ances might depend u0on this stipulation. Upon Mr. Langford consenting t~ de~erment ~f half the payment, Mr. Oyer seconded the motmon, whmch ~as carrmed. ~ir. Weaver moved that ~rs. WzlIm~s be authqr, msed, when requested, to ~hip the OrdinanceuboSks to the Munmcipal Code Corporation at Tallahassee for a f~w d~ys. Mr. Chadwell seconded. ~!otion carried. A letter, signed by W~ter Dutch, was read ~equesting zoning for light industry for 30 acres of land. (Letter attached). A letter was read from the American Legion asking for a Proclamation by the Mayor that Memorial Day, May 30, be made a holiday a~d that all places of business in the City be closed from 10.30 to 1.30. Thiswas agreed to. -2- A letter from the Industrial Board was read requesting and recommending an aerial map of the City, to cost approximately $4s0oo0. The matter was tabled until the Board can examine the aerial map we have for possible use. The buildong report for the month of March was read, amounting to ~224,450.00. A letter from Mr. Rolfe, as Secretary of the Building Board, was read asking that two extra mem~oers be appointed to the Board. Four names were suggested and it was agreed to ascertain which two of these would be willing to serve on the Board. A letter was read from Mr. Jo~hn Rousseau requesting a permit to build a veterinary hospital on lot ~o.30 of Sa~ Brown's Subdivision° Mr. Oyer moved that the request be approved. seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Chadwell After discussion, ~r. 0yet moved that the Building Inspector be authorised to refuse any building ~ermit that did not meet with Class E zoning in Lake,~id8 Gardens, until the Council have passed on that zoning, exclduing the first 150' adjoining ~he highway. Mr. Weaver seconded. Notion carried. Mr. gays asked for the procedure gOverning street signs and lights in the Seacrest Estates subddvision. The information was p~ ovldeG. Mr. Wilson, representing setback of 25' be changed to 15' lot on Seacres~ Boulevard. and Mrs. Bowen, requested a to allow of a 20! building on It was ~ stated the City had promised the Comnty the Right of Way and no decision was taken. A meeting was arranged for Monday evening, April 6, at City Hall, to discuss status of Patro~r~anHenderson, and to work on an Ordinance for subdivision requirements. After discussion, Mr. Weaver moved that withthe chmuges agreed on, the plat of Forest Hills be tentatively approved, sub- Ject to other re~ ired engineermng, water layout4 etc. ~. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. ~r. Oyer moved that subject to the subdividers f~nishing the City with a letter agreeing to pave the fu~l R~W aD dead end streets, and other changes re~q~ested, and also su~ect to State Board of Hea~th aoproval ~the wate~,4t~e~ol~ of~Cr~sb~H~i~ be tentatively app~ove~. ~h~. ~eaver se~ d ~ ~ ' ~ -3- ~r. Weaver re~ ested the Council to pass another Resolution at the next regular meeting similar to those previously passed regarding the desirability of having a First Federal Savings and Loan in Boynton Beach. A Resolution was read to purchase five bonds @ 97 from Thos. N. Cook ~ Co. ~{r. ~eaver moved that the Resolution ~e accepted. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. The report oF the Fire Det~artment for the momth of ~arch Mr. 0yer reported on the pump for water wells, aud said it would be a pretty expensive job, up to two or three times that of an ordinary well. (Test wells West of S.A.L. and Royal Palm Village). Mr. Weaver said he had received a request from the Police Department for pedestrian lines to be painted across the road in front of the '~oman,s C~ub. A report from the Health Department on the Boynton Beach garbage dump was read, signed by the Engineer of the Sanitation Department. ~r. Griffith read a Resolution requesting conveyance of land from the County Commission to the City for a garbage disposal area. Mr. 0~er moved the Resolution ne adopted. seconded. Motion carried. }~r. Chadwell Mr. Chadwell moved that the City purchase an megaphone for use of the Lifeguard at the beach. seconded. Motion carried. electronic Mr. Oyer Mr. Griffith read Ordinance 295 for the s~cond time. ~r. Weaver moved, ~r. Oyer seconded, that Ordinance 295 be adopted for the second reading. Notion carried° Mr. Griffith read a letter from the City Commission of ~est Palm Beach asking if Boynton Beach would be willing to sign a Resolution to urge passage of a Bitl~to protect municipalities against suits for negligence. Mr. Weaver moved that the City endorse the Resolution by the League of Municipalities protecting munisipalities against suits for negligence. Mr. Rehburg seconded.' Mo~ion carried. ~. Field asked about the Building Code Ordinance and the action taken on the para~aphs missing in the. printed copy. -4- After discussion, ~ro Rehburg moved ~hat the inteht of the Ordinance as originally read and passed by the Commission,- Section 1400o7, Article Ao, and Section 1409.~, deleted from the Code, be held presently in effect. ~r. Weaver seconded. ~r. Oyer vo~ed ~No'. The ~ayor voted in favor. Motion carried After discussion, Mr. 0yet moved that the City Clerk be authorised to receive applications and give interviews for the office of City Manager, and that the City try to have a City ~anager on the job by JuL~ 1st. ~r. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjottrned at 12.18 A.M. Mayor. REALTOR REAL ESTATE iNSURANCE 112 South Federo[ Hwy. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Tel. 9747 ~ar~ 2~%h 19~? ~i%¥ ~mmiss~n Boyn'~n B~ch~, Florida are ~e agents for the o~ners By co~%rac% of a ~A~e s~d ~he ei%y ~ming maps i~dicate ~he pr~per~y %e be ~% is the desire of the p~rchasex~ %~% this proper~y be ~ed fer ~ ~ge ~! ~e~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e tha~ ~y ~d ~p ~ a ~er to be F~m~mg Boa~i, Boyaten Beach . Re~rt ~fi%k, ~i%y Attermey~ ~ey~on ~e~ch AL~HORIZINC TH~ i~d~OHASE C~ FIVE CITY ~F BOYNTON BEACH REFUNDING 2%-4% RF~u~DING BC~DS, DATED 0OTOB~ I, 1946, A~D DUE 00TOBER 1, 1971 WHEREAS, the City of B~ton Beach has b~ilt up a surplus of funds designated solely for the paymemu of bo~d interest and reduction of City bonded indebtedness, a~d ~H~EAS, Thom~s M~ Cook & Company have offered five {5) bonds at 97, which was the price paid for the last advertised bid let to reduce indebtedness, NOW TH~EFC~, be it resolved that the City Co~mcilmen of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby accept the offer and authorize the City Clerk to draw a check for $4,850.00. PASSED ~ ADOPTED this 1st day of April~ 1957, A. D. at Regular ~eet- ~ of the City Council. Attest: C' y Cier~ Councilman Councilman