Minutes 03-18-57MINUTES 0F A EEGULAR ~EETING OF THE COUNCIL 0F THE CITT OF BOtq~TON BEACH, FLORIDA, MRLD AT THE CITY PL~LL, BOYNTON BEACH, MARCH 18, 1957. Mott Partin, Mayor Don Rehburg, Vice Mayor Stanley Weaver L.C. C hadwell Harvey 0yet. Deputy City Clerk Olive Cierpik. Chief of Police Carver. The Mayor called the mee.ting to order st 7,30 The Deputy City Clerk read tl~ minutes of the previous regular me eting of March 4. Mr. Rehburg moved the minutes be accepted as read. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. __ A letter was read from the .Engineer's Office of the County Commissioners, enclosing aq-ait claim deed for the East 35' of.Lots 5, 8,~9 and 12, BIock 5, Robert's Addition. Mr. Weaver moved that the Mayor be authorised to sign the quit claim deed for the property. Mr. Rehburg secondedm Mot ion caromed. A letter.was received frOm the American Legion requesting a light pole in front of their-head-quar'ters on N.W. ~nd Avenue, and was referred to ~,~. Senior. A letter was received from the Building_Board, signed by Mr. B.C.Rolfe, Secretary, making certain recom~?ndations in connection with the Buil~ng Code as ~ecided on at the meeting of the Board. ~r. Rehburg moved that the Council instruct th? Building !nsRector to enforce the Building Code as pr~hted mn Section 1404.7 of the Southern Standard BuildSng.Code Addend~ and instruct the City Attorney to draw up an 0rdmnance ~nendmng the present ordinance, as recommended bythe Bdilding Board, and close the loophole ~f allowing a minimttmbelow the 2,500 lbs. concrete on the ~oecification of an engineer or architect; such Ordinance to be ready for first reading at the meeting pf April ~t. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from the National Wildlife Federation asking that a Proclamation be issued for the conservation of wild life. It was agreed that the Mayor sign the Proclamation which will be published. Mr. Cart yarner asked for a permit to set up in the street B/W untiI his land is sufficiently ~o allow of the office being erected on it. sn office cleared ~. Weaver move~ Ghat the request be granted for a six month period. ~tr. Rehbttrg seconded. Mot'ion carried. Mr. ~ezver move~/~hat the plat of Sescrest Hills sub- division presented by Nro Wsrner be given tentative approval pending the comple'tion of the survey and other engineering requirements. Mr. ghadwell seconded. Motion carried. ~. Griffith read Ordinance No.29§ for the first reading. M~. Rehburg moved that Ordinance 298 be adopted for the first reading. ~r. Weaver seconded. Notion carried. Mr. 0~De~noll asked for a re-zoning to .commercial of his four lots on South Seacrest and~?th Street. Mr. Weaver said this area was under consideration for re- zoning to commercial. After discussion, Mr. Eehburg moved that the bond for $150.00 which Mr. Dick Duncan gave to Police Ghief Carver for one of his employes be reduced to $15.00, and no ~osts be incurred. Mr. ~eaver seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith again drew attention to the necessity for modification and revision of the City Charter, and codifica- tion of the City's Ordinances, and read a letter he had received in January from the Eunicipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, outlining their services. DAr. ~eaver moved that Mr. Griffith be authorised to contact the ~omper~tion to arrange to have a representative here at the next meeting of Council, or the meeting following, whichever is more convenient to them. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried. Mr. Over offered for discussion the employment of a City Manager. No decision on t~is matter was reached. Mr. Weaver moved that Mr. 0yet be authorised to contact the County School Board with reference to the twenty acres available, running to the No~th City limits, ~o see if they would purchase this tract and deed it to the City in exchange for the ten acres on N.W. 2nd Avenue. Mr. Chadwell~ seconded. Mot ion c~arried. WATER FUND Austin SupplyCo. 20,17 Addressogrsp h- Nultigr~ h Co, 130.15 Adams Chevrolet Co, 1.51 All State Pipe &VSupply Co. 439.20 Bo-Del Printing Co, 17.25 County Mercantile .99 Delray Machine & Supply Co. 3.75 Davis Meter Repair & S. Co. 243.V? ~lorida Pwr. & Lt. Co. 1,542.89 F.E.C. Railway Co. 1.00 Gulf 0il Corp o~ation 1~68 Sales Corp. 13.75 425.00 3,250.77 10.00 22.13 Supply Co. Johns Manville Miami Water Clinic Neptune Eeter Co. Job~ Violante Southern Bell T.& T.Co. Southern Meter & Supply Co. 326.49 Stevenson Seed Store 2.70 Motor Vehicle Commiss- ion 6.75 Goorge J~es Ace Garden gatio Acc. E.D.Scott Harold Scott 4.50 C.L.Hartell Acc.Charles Allen ~ 5.60 C.N,K~ry Blue Cross of Florida 15.25 Atlantic Constr.& Eng. Co. Sam E,Glass Jr. ~ 5.60 Arsene Trouche 1;50 Acc. A.F.Barrett Avid Johnson All State Pipe & 46.24 13.38 Brown & Moseley Brooks Products of Florida 29.45 Davis Meter Repair & Supply 80.95 Gulf 0il Co. 14,64 Neptune Meter Co. 2,163.68 Southern Bell T.& T.Co. 18.98 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 81.61 S. Pandolfo E.F.Chase James Snyder Evelyn Daniel (John Battle) DEPOSITORS~ FUND. 7.50 50.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 25.00 7~50( 7.50 15.00 7.50 ?. 50 V .50 7.50 Nr~ Weaver moved that Nrs.~illi~s be authorised to contact an engineer to see to the engineering of the lots in Block D., Bo~nton Hills, owned by the City, for the City colored cemetery. Nr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at llo~0 ~a~ or