Mayor Mott Partin
2tanley Weaver
Harvey Oyer.
City Clerk DoV.Willisms.
Chief of Police Carver
Zell Taylor
Carl Stone
The Mayor called the meeting to order at v.~5 P.M.
The City Clerk read the ~m~tes of the last regular
meeting of February 18.
Mr. 0yer said the time to be allowed before vacating City
Hall after sale should be nine months.~ Also t~e price on
the property to be the fixed one Whether sold thmough realtors
or direct by the~City.
Mr. Weaver agreed, but thinks the realtors should be
paid the usual c~m~.ission ou~ of the $150,000~00, if they
sell it, and that it ~aould be announced that th~ City ms willing
to pay the commission.
Mr. 0ye~ mov?d that the minutes be corrected to read
nine months in which to ~acate the property afte~ sale, an? the
price o~ $150,000.00 to include the brokerage fee of the fmrm
conductzn~ the sale. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Weaver stated he wished to clarify the ~!~utes just
read.~ His motion should have included the.decision of the
Council tO ac~ire ownership of all water ~ines ~efore the
City of Boynton Beach furnishes water to anyone.
~r. Weaver moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected.
Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried.
~. Weaver moved t~h~ the Cmty.of Boynton ~each hereby
adopt a resolution covering~the motaon of last me~ing and
addition of pipe ownership. ~.r. 0yet seconded. Motion carried
unanimously. Resolution attached.
A letter was read f~om Mr. Joe Hatless reoMesting the
abandonment of an alley ~n Arden Park. ~
It was agreed that the letter should.be tabled =nd turned
over to the Cmty Attorney for clarificatmon and report at the
next meeting.
A letter was read from Mr.
claim deed for parts of certain
been set aside for a park.
Roschman requesting a quit
lots in Arden Park that have
It was agre~ to table the letter and turn it over to the
City Attorney for aproper legal description ~ud a~report at
the next meeting of Council.
A letter was read from Nr. Carl Grummens requesting re-
zoning of his property on N.Wo ~nd Avenue to commercial.
It was agreed that this should be left to the Zoning Board
for recommendation, after having been referred to the Planning
A~letter was read from Fran~DeRice requesting a
It was agreed that the letter b~ referred to the
A letter was read from Mr. Philip V~ry requesting refund
of $5.00 paid for an unused plumbing permit.
After discussion, Nr~ 0yet moved that the $5.00 be re-
funded to ~r. Vary. Nr. Chadwell seconded. Notion carried.
A letter was read from Fire Chief Charles Senior s~ving
it was the opinion of the Fire Department that substations
would sooner or later be needed in the North ~nd 8outh ends of
town and suggesting that suitable land for these be ac'~m~ired
After discussion it was suggested that the Fire Department~
being experts, should approve the sites.
It was agreed to notify the Fire Department that the
Co~uacil have taken the matter under advisement and can decide
later, when the maid,becomes more apparent, after the Fire
Department have found a desirable site in a particular place,
at the same time suggesting the Chief approach the Planning
Board and talk with them about possible locations.
A letter was read from ~r. Bucelli of Paso Robies sub-
division, ~ad handed to Nr. Griffith for reply.
A letter was read from the American Legion requesting a
donation of ~800.00 for fireworks for July ~ celebrations.
Nr. Weaver moved that the City donate ~800.00 to the
American Legion for the fireworks display o~ t~e ~th July.
~r. 0~r seconded. ~otion carried.
A letter was read fr~m the Sea,rest Realty Company, signed
by Charles ~. Boos, offerzng a property of ?O' frontage on N.E.
1st Avenue for $~,000.00, and saying only a small down payment
was needed to hold the property.
Nr. 0yet moved that the City purchase the property offered;
that a down payment of $100.00 be made now, the remaining
transaction to be completed by December 15, 195T, after the
2iscal ~aE~budget is made up. The total priee to be $3,000.00.
Mr. Weaver seconded. Notion carried.
A letter from Royal Palm Village was rea~, with a petition
signed by proper~y oysters, requesting action ~taken to avoid
serious accidents on Highway No.1.
Mr. Griffith said the City had no ce~trol ever Highway No.1.
The City Cl~
l~ated October
refusing to ch. an~
quested flashzng
Highway No.1.
was a matter for
the police
~ro Weaver
Department reque
'Caution, at the
rk~ea~ a letter from the State Road Department,
19~, ~n which they. gave their ~easons for
e the light regulations, and p~vide ~he
light, stop signs, and '~o pas~zng' s~gn on
.fter a thorough check they had concluded it
better enforcement of existing regulations by
~r. 0yet su~
there informing ·
control over tr~fic entering the highway.
A Resolutzon-| was read coverinE the R/W to
North end of Rolling Green R~dge, stating that
accepted by the Council of Boynton Beach..
uggested a letter be written to the State Road
ting a notice saying 'Intersection ahead, or
point in question.
gested a letter be written to the developers up
hem that the State Road De~tment has sole
s~reet at the
the street is
~/~. Weaver moved that the Resolution be adopted. Mr. 0yer
seconded. Motion carrisd.
A Re~olut~on on street repairs was read.
~Y~. Weaver moved that the Resolution be adopted. ~r. 0yet
seconded. Notion carried.
A meeting to hear objections from abut?lng p~operty owners
will be held on March 22, at 1.30 P.M. at Czty Hall.
Nr. Oyer pointed out that the City is not obtaining the
full cost price of water meter~ insta~$a~ion. This means that
the profit the City gets is a year or two behind, and if we wish
to put in capital items the gap between the cost of the water
connections and what the City gets is too wide.
~r. Weaver agreed with ~r. Oyer and gave his reasons for
doing so.
~r. 0yet gave the charges of various other communities
showing that those which have b~en built up rapidly have increased
their charges for water connections.
After further discussion, Nr. 0yet moved that the following
connection charges be adopted, starting with April l, 195V:
Actual. Recommend.
3/4" $ 45.~5 ~0.00
1~ 85o~5 VS~O0
l~u 14~.96 13O.00
2" 217.30 1VO~O0
Weaver seconded. ~otion carried.
There was a long discussion between the Council, Mt. Field
and the Brand Brothers regarding .re-surfacing o~ streets ~n.the
~arter of the ~ acres not completed with streets. ~r. F~eld
said there is no over-all plan,- the City intended to go
along before the street specifications were changed.
~. Taylor said only o~l/ms needed, and that Brand Brothers
will provide the oil if the City will slag it.
~r. 0yer moved that Nr. Taylor be instructed to oil and
slag East Palm Drive, smd the Brand Brothers will pay for the
oil. ~r. ~eaver seconded. ~otion carried.
~r. Field was asked to write the City a letter regarding
the water system in order to get it approved.
After a discussion on an easement for pipe, Nr. Field
offered to give a bond for the $~0,000.00 needed so that the
work could be proceeded with as soon as possible.
Mr. Weaver moved that a Resolution be adopted that the City
will accept a bond f~m B~r. Field in limu of cash in escrow for
the railway crossing at the Barkway at the Seabord railway, so
that the work can be proceeded wit~. It being understood that
cash payment will be ~ade by Er. F~eld upon completion and
presentation of bill. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Fiel~protested the installation of water meters along
the Rolling G~een Parkway after the City ha~ agreed to provide
water, b~fo~e the Resolution ~as adopted anm the meters were
Mr. Oyer explained that this was done to conform with the
which forbids free water being supplied.
water agreement ~ ~
Mr. Griffith suggested that as it is'on City property it be
treated in the same way as other City parks~nd property, and the
water be supplied.
Mr. 0yet moved that any water bill for the Parkways before
the Resolution of 19th November be abated and, beginning December 1
they be allowed 80,000 gallons oF water per year per meter free
on the Rolling Green Parkway. Mr. Weaver seconded. Notion
A xopy of a letter a~eas~d to the City Commissioners from
Raymond C. Brand, Chairman of the Building Code Committee,c~ity of
Boynton Beach, was handed to each Commissioner. It pointed out
that the published amendments to the Southern Standard Building
Code for the City of Boynton Beach Awe in variance v~th that
approved by the Council on November 5, 1958. The letter requested
a notation concerning these errors be inserted in the published
copies on sale in City Hall.
Nr. 0yet said he would prefer that the matter be referred to
the ~ildi~g Committee and Inspector before such insertion is
Er. Griffith said if the letter is correc~ it is the law
and the only thing to do is to add the two paragraphs,omitted
in error, to the Building Code.
~r. Weaver said we will work on the assumption that the
letter is correct, and if the Building Board suggest a change
it can be made. Meanwhile the letter will be handed to the
Building Inspector for discussion with the Building Board, and
report at the next meeting.
Mr. Field then
Council was taking
sewerage estimates
spoke of sewers and was told of the steps the
in this connection in getting a survey of
for the whol~ City.
Nr. Field thought hLs pla~ as of January I was assessed
improperly and he woul~ like to come to City Hall to look into it.
Nr. ~a~ren Johnson submitSed a plan of his lot 1~9, Block C.,
Boy~?ten Hills, saying that with regular setbacks he wen,t be able to
pu~ a house on the lot.
It was agreed that he be mllowed to center his ~house on. the
lot in the best possible way with the approval of the Building
The meeting then adjourned, at 12.30 A.M.
Czt~ Clerk J ~
Gen'l. Fund.
Arcade Electric Co. 15,53
Armitage Restaurant 100.50
Austin SupplyCo. 62.84
Bai~ rs Furniture 19o00
Blue Cross of Florida 298.75
Brockway, Weber ~ Brockway 4.70
Bo-Del Printing 55.76
Boynton Beach News 40.20
Boy~on Gun Shop 19.00
Brandon Transfer & Storage 20.00
Herman Butts lO.00
Brown & Moseley 49.23
Court Records Co. 20.00
City of Delray Beach 45.00
Detray Ignition 29.95
East Coast Fire Equipment 11.25
Dominion Signal Co. 94.29
Edgar Stationer- Store 3.90
Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 9.72
Florida Power & Light Co. 809~95
Fosters Garage 18.40
Robert F. Griffith 050.00
Gulf Stream Lumber Co. 5.83
Gulf 0il Co. 113.87
Halsey & Griffith 8.48
Hood's Auto Service 9.45
C.E.Jones 15.00
Jackson Armature & Electric
Keatt~s Trucking Service 619.75
Miami Uniforms 383.75
¥~nitt MacDowell 38.78
Porter & Qard Service Station 20.90
Seac~Eealty & In~ur,~gency 312.65
Southern Building Code
C ongr~ s s. 87.50
Sample Rock Co. 3, i31.30
Southern Bell T. & T.Co. 124.49
South Florida Asphalt Co.
Fohh~Vio~aut~? 27.75
Vaughn & Wright 8.91
O.U. Wipper & Assoctate~ 6.56
Willimms Chemical Co. 18,25
Wayme Akers Ford 77.42
Chase Manhattan Bank
Shaw Bros. 0il Co.
6,056.25 I. ~ S.Fund
Bo~nton Beach State Bank
for Withholding
That we ~o hereby establish the policy that hemcef~rth, before
we serve water to any e~0division outside of our mumicipality, and in some
other mn~*cipality, that mumicipslity ek~l write ~s a letter advising that
the new plat has been a~proved, amd fur~ish us with~ a co~y of proposed
water lay out to be sa~etiemed by ~ Water Department before i~stallati~no
BE IT FBRTHER RESOLVED, that the developer ahml~ convey s~l pipe
a~d appurtenances to t~e City ef Boynton Beach, and same becomes a permsm~nt
part of e~ City water system.
~SSED AND ADO~'~D In Regular MeetinE this 4th day o£ ~March, 1957,
Vice-~ayer /
City Clerk
~~ ~s~ ~a~ ~ ~ . 4th ~ ~ Ma~ch, 1957o
R ES 0 L U T I_O N
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beeeh~
Florida, did during its resutar meeting held the l?th day of
Dee*mber, 1956, adopt a' Resolution finding it necessa~ for
public interest, that certain streets, ~ulev~ds~ ~V~ues~
lanes~ alleys, per~ays ~ other pu~ie hi~we~ Iee~ ~th-
in the limits of the said City be impr~ed bF beLug buil~,
repairS, res~f~ced ~ rebuilt~ and dis by said Resolution
according to lew~ ~thorize smd direct the ~perin~e~t of
Public W~rks to prepmre ~n esti~t~ cost fe~ repair, F~ild-
ing~ re-$~f~cing ~ eonst~ction of s~id s~reets as described
in the said ResolutionS now therefo~e~
1. That the following streets, roads, boulevards,
avenues, lanes~ alleye~ perk~ays and other public hi~h%Falye
hereinafter described shall be constructed an~/or rebuilt to
specifications as required by the laws of the City of, B~ynton
Beach, said property abutting the following s%ree'~$ ~nd alleys:
Number of Feet Estimated
Railroad ~ven~ue in Arden Park 2,08~ $2,802.36
N. E o Third ~Avenue between Rail-
road Avenue smd N. E. Third St. 560 6t~.87
N. E. Fourth A~emue between B~il-
road ~vemue ar~ N. E. Third St. 5~6
N. E. Fifth ~venue between Rsil-
ro~d ~v~ue a~ N. E. ThUd St. %~ 61~.87
N. E. Se~th Avenme between R~il-
road ~venme ~ N. E. Third Street ~ 631.26
N. E. Eighth Avenue between R~l -
road ~venae ~nd N. E. ThUd Str'~et 574 631.26
N. E. N~th Avenue betwe~ Rsilro~d
Avenue~ ~nd N. E. ~hi~d Street ~ 57~ 631.26
ltd ~ve~e ~N. E. Fifth ~venue 626 1,836.23
2. The City Coune~ shall $~t as ~ Board
objections from a~tt$ng~ property holders
at the ho~ of
B~ch ~ Florida ~
to hear
on Friday, January 25th
at the City Hall B~i!ding~ Boy~tom