Minutes 02-18-57MINUTES ~F A REGULAR ~EETING OF THE CITY COU~TCIL OF BOYNTON MEACR, FLORIDA, HELD ~T THE CITY HALL, BOY~fTON ~EACH, t~EBRUART~_ 18, 1957. Mort Pa~tin, Mayor Donald Rehbu~g, Vice Mayor Stanley Weaver L.S. Chadwelt Harvey Oyer. City Clerk D.V.~illiams Chief of Police Csrver Mr. Zell Taylor Mr. Carl Stone. Mayer Partin called the meeting to order at ~.30 P.M. Mr. Charles Senior reported on the bids received for a 750 gallon pumper and said the lowest bidder mhd the one favored by the Fire Department was the American La France pu~p, the order to be placed£or Ford truck with Earl Vfallace Ford for delivery in New York. Pumper $ 8,045.00 Chassis 3,863.V9 ~iscellaneous 3,925.V5 Total $15.834.54 Oyer moSed that the Council authorise of the money for the fire truck less $1,000 to contract performance is carrie~ out. Mott ~ carried. the withdrawal see that the Mr. Weaver seconded. The City Clerk read the m~nutes of the last regular meeting of February 4. Mr. WeaVer moved th~ the minutes be accepted. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion ca~ried. An excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Recreation Board of February 4 was read. ~. Eeaver moved tha~ the City erect the sign as recommended by the Recreation Board for the ~huffleboard Cour. t, showing it to be nunioi~lly owned, the fees of ~5 cents a day and $3.00 per year or season to be paid to the cumtodian. Mr~ Rehburg seconded~ ~otioncarried. ~ It was agreed that the fees received be turued over to the club for maintenance of the courts~ An excerpt from the minutes of t~e meetin~ of the Ptan~ing Beard of February ll ~as read, regarding a petition from adooin- ing property o~rners that N.E. 2nd Street between Ocean Avenue ~nd N.E. Bnd Aven~e be a~udoned. -2- Mr. Weaver explained the request and said althoMghthe street is of no use new it might one day become usefull He said he thinks the sigmers of the petition should be infoz~ned that there is areversion' claim' in the or~gina~.p~lat,' and if the ~treet is sold or abandoned the land ~ould go _~k to the subdivider. Mr. Oyer thought it should not the Planning Bomrd~s recommendation. Notion Tarried. be changed and m~ved to table Mr. Weaver seconded. · Mr. Griffi~h said ~t~e County wants to know if the City ~ll. ac~ept, b~ ~eed, title te.'the property acquired from the ~u~_~ ~o~ m~un~c~pal ~S~m~P!at~ 2 B. and ~ C. ~nW~st BOynton. rece~ended accepting the~deed. Y Mr. ~eaver thought the C~ty should make further efforts to obtain the ether place (el~ rock pit) about four miles further away for garbage disposal. Mr. Weaver moved that the Council should proceed as outlined by Mr.GriffitH an8 rs~est the Ooun~.~. to issue a deed to the City of Boynton Beach, specifying the particular piece of property. Mr. Oyer seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith said the trial date for the Hable suit was February 25 and asked that members of the Council be present. He said Hank Cohn, the photographer who took the pictures, and Nfs. ~illiams should also be there, as well as the Engineer and some one from the Health Department who inspected the septic tank. ~r. Griffith said an ordinance co~ering subdivisions is needed and will take some study. A meetiug of the Council was arranged for next Monday evening, February 28, to discuss ouch an ordinance. In a discussion on giving R/W te the County for widening Woolbrig~t Road, it was agreed Mr. Stone should check the location of wa~er pipes and see what it is best to do regarding them. A plat of Rollmng' Green Ridge Seacrest Addition was examined. Er. B~and p~esented a bond covering the water system. Mr. Weaver moved that the plat be approved by the City. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. The Mayor authorised that a poiicemsn should be appointed for duty outside the Woman,s Club during church services on Sundays, as requested. Police Chief Carver read the report of the Police Department for the month of January. Mr. Weaver moved that the Lifeguard be made a special policeman. Mr. Chadwell seconded, Mo~ton carried. Mr. Weaver moved that the Council set a yearly fee for the City of Gulf Stream, of $~,~O0700 maintenance fee for fire p~otection. M~, Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. M~. Morser presented a petition with nine signatures against the blacktopping of Ocean Avenue from S.W. 3rd Street west at the expense~cf the property owners; a second petition was p~esentedwith seventeen signatures, covering nine proper- ties in Favor of the project. After lengthy discussien, Mr. Oyer moved that as there a~e apparently nine p~operty~owners in favor and nine aga~nst~ (and in accordance ~wtth the discussion at the special meeting ±ast Friday) the City put in drainage For t~e water, and the property owners on Ocean Avenue would Day the same as any other property ewners in town. Mr. Chadwell seconded.( Motion c~wried. Mr. Morser objected saying the vote should be by lineal footage which would Eiv~ the 'Noes' a two-third majority. Mr. Over disagreed with a suggestion that the repairs be from S.Eo 4th Street instead of from S.~. 3rd Street, and thought that ~s an equal nLnnber is for and against, the Council should decide. Mr. Todd presented a petition regarding the clearing up of trash and weeds along 8th and 9th Aven~es in the ll00 block. Mr. Chadwell was asked to check into this. Mr. Patrick DeVasto again asked about the paving of N.W~ 7th Street. M~. Partin said there had been difficulty in getting the R/~ which should be 50'o Mr. Chadwell moved ~hat the City pave ~.W. Vth Street from N.W. 2nd Avenue to N.W. 13th Avenue. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. Mr. DeVasto said he has 150~ on N.W. 13th Avenue and he will be glad to pay for thepaving. Mr. Weaver moved that residential building setbacks in future be based upon 50~ R/W and that all buildi~g would be set back to allow for a minimum of 50~ street R/V~ except where the R/~ now existing is greater than 50', or wSere greater setbacks h~ve been previously designated by the Council. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. weaver suggested the property owners on S. Wo @th Avenue get up a petition to see ho~ many of them would be willing to pay for the street° Then, if they will put the money in e~crow, the work could be started very soon, after having been advertisedo Mr. Weaver moved that the Council hereby adopt a Resolution directing the Superintendent of Public Works to draw up specifications for street construction in MacDonald Park~ namely S. Wo 8t~h and 9th Avenues from Seac~rest to S. Wo 5rd Street and ~-J ~. ~st, ~nd and 5r~ Streets from E. Wo 7th to 10th Av.enues~ aud ~to contact Nfs. Toung and Mrs, Willisms regarding ~ R/Wo Mr. Ch~dwell seconde~d- Notion carried. After discussion, Mr. Rehburg moved %.hat a sign be erected in a suitable positiom at the Ca~zno ma~ked: .Boynton Beach~Nunicipal Oasin~' · Mr. Weaver seconded. Notion carried. d~ Mr. Nearer moved that before.we serve water to any sub~ ~vision out~ide of our municipal~ty, aud 'in some other municipa!ity~ that mUnici~ality should ~.ibe us a letter~ appreval of water sysltem mnstal!~d and gave us a copy or ~ne pl4t with water system on ~it, for our records. ~ p~ice.~of $150~000.07 net was ag.r~eed o.n,fo.r .t~CuidteY Hall p~pe]rty when :s.Gld, ~the ~erms of ~.ne s.a±~o~n~ ~*.~ ~9~ days time .before ~ne proper~y ms z~ Mr. Bra~d asked that~ the water meters in Rolling Green Ridg~ De re-~or~uected so that the grass and trees can be taken care' Of. Mr. 0yet muggest~ed that the City go ahead and re-connect the water meters, au~ tell Mr. Stone to do it. ~ Wea~er moved that the Council advertise for City ~1' ~ i~s&e of October 1~8 Ref~ding Bonds. HehbuPg se~0nded. Notlon carrme,. ~, Wea~e~ moved that we adopt the Civil Service Board's reco~endatLen on s~ar~,s, as ~ecom~ended at their meeting of ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ V a~ also that the ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~alarv incwease ~o m~~. ~, ~nd~-~5.50 ~r mon~ car al!owaho8 increase to mr. ~. Weaver m~ed to transfer monies in excess of current needs to sa~i~s acc~o~ts- Er. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. about plats~ He ~inks it woui~ save ~ne ~e u~ un~ if, when people c~e in to inquire about developing subdivisions, the Planning Board shoed be info, ed. -5- There being no furthe~ business, th~ meeting adjourned at ll.50 · ty Ulerk~ ' - BILLS 0 'KAY~ FOR PAYME>~: Vaughn Wright of W.P.B. Williams Chemical Corpn. of Miami A.C.Morrell Jr. Narie Williams Pay Roll R.L. Reinhardt Fred Lane sene Henry King Boynton Beach Fire B. B. Boldt W.F. Bogardus Phyllis Longbott om William Chickray Dept. Gen,!.Fund. 5.61 2.25 58.50 80.00 1,105.40 1,151.06 749.50 1.109.64 1,194.58 2,251.63 1,394.80 35.00 7.50 50.00 337.61 100.00 100.00 25.00 0.&.S.S. Contribution Fund 662.53 Kathieen Greet lO0.00 Jack E. Ca~ver John Kerestly 120.00 Austin Supply 35.48 Herman Butts 61.43 Bo-Del Printing 272.15 Clewiston Motor Co. 4.80 Chase National Bmuk 5.00 Court Records Co. 20.00 County Mercantile 21.24 DeBoliac Trust Equip.Co. 3,695.00 East Coast Fire Eq ipment 156.47 Florilda Power & Lt. Co. 1~,~4.57 Florida Printing Co. 22.00 Gulf 0il Co. 67.37 Halsely & Griffith 30.82 Hill M~nufacturing Co. 23.76 Paul Joimuson,s Restaurant 78.20 National Institute of Municipa& Clerks 10.00 Palm Beach Typewriter Co, 31.15 Remington Rakmd Inc. 33.00 Johm Violante 21.00 Water Fund Ar tkmr Cloutler 5.80 Rolling Green Homes ~6.40 Kenneth Snow Address ograph Nult igraph Co. 24.86 Allies Industrial Supplies 83.16 A~ll State Pipe Supply Co. 875.93 Austin Su .Ppty UO~ 38.25 Blue Cross of Fl~ida 18,30 ~ - C.T. ~wles ~lectr~c Co. 78.15 B~ooks~Pr0~ots of Florida 330.00 ~oWn ~ ~MOset~Y 30.90 C.~er~ & ~keley Co. 98~90 Cen?~ JR~ck Li~es 8~49 B~Vis ~eter Repot~& Supply Co. 1,883.87 Gulf Stre~ L~ber Co. 6.61 Halsey & Griff~t~ 12.74 N~i Water ~lfnzc 653.63 N~Dtun~ ~ete~ Co. 1,748.88 P~a~ ~Chemi~ Co. 85.50 P~m~e~& ~f~d Servic~ S~at i on l, 81 W.J. ~ow Inc. 46.69 Southern Bell T. & T. Co. 22.59 John ViOlate lO.O0 Ac ct; of Dr. Wilkas Acct..Wm. Fo glesong Acct, Frank R~g Frank Ridig 5.60 Acct. Leroy Lang ~ity of Boynton Beach 2,989.79 " ~ 2, 290.91 Homer She l~on Richard P. Maher T. T. ChiSdress Earl L. Pan~bp~-n Jack Wa~ldie Leroy Lang 0.A, S. S~.Contribution ~nd 311.20 Guy de ia Rupe~l~ 3,00 Acc. of " ~ of P .L. Per,-man .50 Mrs. Arsene T~ouche i.00 " Gilda ~et te 1.10 Acc, Economy ~ilders Depositors, Pund. (l.& S. ~t,572.00) 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PA_W~ENT: Gen'l. Fund. Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. !42.08 Standard 0il Co. 544.07 Vaughn & Wright 10.95 Government Printing Office 1.45 Motor Vehicle Comm. 25.V5 Samnie JoYmson 3.00 Bernice Long 3.00 N.B. MUrph 15.00 JOe Bur ge~s 100. O0 Wm. A. B~odie and Frank Nodaffari 50.00 B. B, Bol~t Blme Cross of Plorida P.86.85 M .M, Burke t 515.21 Distric~ Director of Internal Revenue Clifton ~eroy Hartley Bi~ ow~, ?~ ;lng Co. ~n's Shop Git Beach ; Fire Equip. 1,561.00 2~. O0 516.41 98 · 93 110.25 45. O0 5. O0 12.35 41.80 C o o 4 .~5 tffith 31.66 ~ie Sales Corpn. Marine 8.50 T.& T.Co. 105.22 Corp. of Mi ami 9 · O0 Wayne Akers Ford 7v.06 ,C. ~pper ~ ~ssoc~ates 63 50 S~aw Bras:. 0~1 Co. 1 146.14 OSborne Servzce f~ E~ipment 3,196.75 R ~P ~ Boudinet 1~ 00O Robert Rogers ll. 59 5. oo Syiv ia Nobre 3.50 E,~; Jones l0.00 Ge. rge Washington Martzn 90.00 B0Y~ton ~ach. Fire Dept. 559.73 K~t's Trucking Service 1,213.50 Bey~ton B~ach Woman's Club 600.00 M ~M; Burke~ 181,46 ~n, We st 10.00 T~Gn~ ~ougiorno 11.40 oavi At inso 15.00 ~ii~" ~ L~e Sinmuons 45.00 ~ ~V:el~.'!C le Comm. 1.10 Fan.n 15.00 C~vi[i Se~ice Assembly 8.75 B~t~y Henry Gould 200,00 EXCERi~ FleDge! ?~LNUTES FRO~ ~!~EETING OF THE ~ECREATIOE BOARD. _wEBi~JAEY 5, 1957. Dr. Kitchener moved that it be recom~mended to the Council that the follo%~ng sign be erected by the Cit~ at ~he Shuffleboard Court: ~UEICIPAL SA~/FFI~BCA~D COU]~ DAILY OR 5~%5y PE~%~T AVAILABLE APPLY TO Ci~TODIAN ON Pt~E~&/EES l~Ir. Maite seconded. 5~otion carried. Alfred Wolken, Chairman. EXCEi~=T FROM MIN~ES OF A ~EETING OF THE PLAythING BOARD, B~EB~AEY 15, 1957. "Mr. %~eaver moved that it be recon~mended to the Council that the request contained in a petition signed by eight property owners be granted and that~.- End Street between Ocean Avenue and N.E, 2nd Avenue be closed, the Planning ~Oard havir~ no objection to abandonment of the street. Mr. Merkel seconded. ~*¢otion carried." Nar~in Durkin, C hal rman ~ February 12,1957 monorab±e Mayor ~ City Co~mlsslon City Hall Boynton Beach~ Florl~a Gentlemen: The undersigned property ommers hereby petition that NE 2ndi S~reet, as ~er attached sketch be permmently closed and that such property reve~t ~o adjoining property owners, This Stree~ altho' platted has never been opened, and cause of its unkept appearance is an eyesore to the commmni~y. We respec~fmtl5~ await your aecls~_on, Skezc~, of S~r~e~.