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Minutes 02-04-57
NINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF B~KNTON BEACH, _W~ORiDA, MEL~ AT THE CITY~ HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, 17EBRuAR¥ 4, 1957~. PRESENT: Mort Partin, Mayor Donald Rehburg, Vice Mayor Stanley Weaver L.S. Chadwell Harvey Oyer. City Cl~rk D.V.Willimms M~. ZeI1 Taylor Mr. Ca~l Stone. Mayor Partin called the meeting to order at 7.45 P.M. City Clerk D.V.Williams read the minutes of the last regular meeting of January 21, 1987. 'd Mr. Weaver sa~ , regarding motion of acceptance of Boynton Isles, he mntvnded to include ,that we also have a letter f~om them to the effect that no refunding contract would be necessary, to which th~ agreed,. ?~. Rehburg moyed that, with the above addition, the minutes be approved.. Mr~i~eaver seconded. Motion carried. The City Clerk read the minutes of a special meeting of Cotuncilwith members of the Comnt¥ School Board on January 29. Mr, Rehburg moved, Mr.~Chadwell seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. The City Clerk read ~h~ minutes of a special meeting of the Council held at the Cit~ Hall'~on January 28th. \ Mr. Wea~er moved that She minutes be accepted as read. Mr. Chad~ell Seconded. M6ti~n ' d carrie . Mr. Weaver reported ~n the dmscusmionh~ had had with Mr. Mercer~ at whieh ~'.._~Oyer ~s?alsop~esent, regarding the roadway for t2ie hospmtal s. ite. - The Cit~.Clerk read a letter, from Mr. Dutch requesting suitable zoning for the~ e~ection of a' Presbyterian~Church between S.E. 16th ~nd-'7~ A~ues. -~ ~. ~eaver said that t~a,ct had only recently been zoned for hod,~es bf'-l,0001s~, fee~. --'A lette~ was. re~d fr0~r$ Axel Anderson regarding the sidewalks On NJE~ 9th Aven~e~ ~d N.E. Vth~Street~_ tha~ he wmll\co-operate w~th the C~ty wh~ needed. Nr. Oyer moved that M~. ~d~rson offer be aoc:epted ~nd the motionhe~eto~ore mad~e~e~&inded. Mr. ~eaver seconded. Motioncarried.' -2- Mr. Rehburg asked that a map of the City be supplied to the Industrial Board out of the Budget, ~ud also $25.00 for incidentals. The City Clerk was authorised to buy such a map for the Industrial Board. An excerpt from the minutes o£ the Recreation Board was read requesting immediate action ~ the Council on the proposed swirmming pool for negroes. Mr..Rehburg explained that h~ had ascertained such~a pool cannot be obtained'for less than $40,000.00, which is considered cheap. M~. 0yet thought cemetery arrmugements for negroes is equally important, if not perhaps more so, as being a necessity. He moved that the request of the Recreation Board be tabled and a meeting of the Council arranged with two or three leaders in colored town, who should be consulted to see which they think most desirable,- a cemetery or a swimming pool. Mr. Weaver seconded, until the budget cm~ be checked to see what is possible to be done in the way of a cemetery. Motion carried. Mx. Partin said he will contact some of the leaders in colored town and ask them to come and give their opinions. A letter was read from. St. ~ark's Catholic Church questing a utility pole be erected for the carnival at Pe~ce P ark. Mr. ~eaver moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that the request be g~anted at no cost tS--th~ City. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of January was re ad. The building report for the month of January~was read amounting to $356,900.00. Mr. Griffith presented an agreement prepared ~or signe- t e between Mrs. Chadwell, the City and Pau~ McBride for a street ~. Mr. Rehburg moved that the agreement ~e executed hy the Mayor and City G~rk. Mr. ~eaver seconded. Motion carried. ~. Griffith said the Deed-fro~ the~Co_unty for time for Wootbright Road was sent~o him, and he thought the City should have it checked before it~was-~igned. Mr. Griffith me~d a taxi service franchise for Mr.~allace which is subject to-review if he violates the Ordinance. Mr.,V~eaver moved the City grant the franchise for taxi service to Mr. Wallaee in accordance with the present existing ordinance on the understanding we had with him several mo~ths ago.Mr, Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. ~.~W_eavsr said a rattlesnake had been killed in ~he Lake Boynton ~states and he has been asked to req~st the C~ty Council to notify the owners of those lots to have them cleared. Mr. Ta~ylor was asked to have a look at them to see what can be done. Mr. Woolbright, who works for the ..S~.~e Road D~artment, spoke regarding the road from U.S.1 to Military Trai~. ~. ~eaver suggested a meeting with the County Commission outside of their regular session to see what they have planned. t~r. Partin suggested Mr. Ben Sundy be called in the morning to arrange for a meeting. Mr, Sincoff asked for immediate attention to the unpleasant condition near his home on N.E. 3rd Street, where his next door neighbor has built a garage one foot from a lC' alley and now uses it.for a storage for County garbage trucks. The noisy rapairs in the garage plus the garbage truck odor constitute a nuisance which is destroying the value of his residence. Nr. Rehburg said he would go and check into the matter tomorrow. Regarding the R/W on Railroad Avenue, Mr. Chadwell will go wither. Taylor to check it. Mr. Partin said a letter shoul~ be written to the Railway people demanding immediate action. The Shuffleboard Court asked for a goose neck light and a gallon of paint. The Council agreed to furnish the materials only. The request to appgint another member to the R.D.B. was tabled until next meeting. In the meautime Mr. Weaver will see Mr. Merkel about it, $600.00 was granted to the Library at the Womans' Club. Mr. Oyer moved that the 80 acres adjoining Rolling Green Ridge Seacrest Addition on the North be informed the City is unable to extend their water system beyond the City limits. If they desire to become a part of the City of Boynton Beach the Council will be glad to discuss the wate~ system with them. ~Ir. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. The letter oF resignation of Mr. Fred Bow!~es as Building Inspector was read, and he was asked if he had anything to say about it, or any comments. He said: No, he had ~ust submitted his resignation. He added he did not mind staying ~nother two weeks at $50.00 per week plus automobile expenses. The Council considered t~his fair. ~.~Ohadwell moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, to continue Mr. Bowles as an employe of the City at a salary of 850,00 per week plus automobile expenses for two additional weeks, and t~at a letter of appreciation be sent to him for his good services. Motion carried. M~r. ~Veav~er moved that Mr. R.C.Rolfe be appointed Building Inspector at a salary of $250.00 per month plus $50.00 for. d automobile expenses. ~r. Rehburg seconded. Motion carrie . Mr. 0yet moved to recommend to the City Judge that the sentence o£ Vincent ToUr~elotte~e suspended. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Rolfe expressed his gratitude to the Council for appointing him Building Inspector for his newly adopted City. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10.45 P.~. ~ayor Cit~y Cl~rk. INDUST RIAL BOAED. February ~, 1957. The Industrial Board request that the City Co~%ncil be good eno?&gh to s'~pply them with a map of Boynton Beach. ~XCERP2S FR0~ ~I~HPi~S OF THE i~TING OF T_w~E t~C~ATION BOARD OF JAi~VJAt~ £E, 19~?. ~r. Eelley me,ed that it be recommended to the Council that the plans approved hy the Recreation Board for a ~mming pool for negroes be accepted, and that i~ediate action be taken. ~rs. Allen seconded. ~otion carried. ~ hai rm~n. REALTOR REAL ESTATE ~ebr~ary I 9 5 ? INSURANCE 112 South Federal Hwy. B©YNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Tel. 9747 PL~yor and City n ' Boynton Beach~ Florida Request for First Presbyterimu Church of Boynton Beach Gentlemen: I~e Elders of the First Presbyterian Church of Boynton Beach have entered ~_~ contract to p~rchase the Lots 1 througln'~8~ both inclusive~ Block 103 Mc Dons~d Parks a S~bdi~~_sion of Boynton Beach, Florida. The above described property being entire Block !0 lying between Soubh~es~ 6th Avenue ~ud Southwest 7thAve~ue and two blocks west of Seacrest Boulevard on the ridge. T~e therefo~ request that the necessary s~eps be taken to provide s,~itable zo~ s6 that a permit may be grmuted for the erection of a chnzech. Sincerely~ ~:l~m cc: Plar_u~Lug Beard of Boynton Beach Zoning B6ard of B0~nton Beach Robert~f. Griffith~ Esquire Attorney~ Boynton Beach Rev. Keith Love, Bo~,-nton Be~ch ~gALTER DL~CH, Realtor i00t N. E. 7th Street Boynton Beach, Florida Janu~wy 31, 1957 vx~y Co~ission Boynton Beach Florida De~r Sirs: This letter is to state that I am fully aware of tine fact the fifteen feet of land between curbing and my lot line is city owned and dedicated sidewalk ri~ht of way. If at any time in the future it is deemed advisable by the city to install a sidewalk on this ~ zght o~ way, I'm prepared to co-operate in any way needed. S incer ely, g_. ~. _&uderson