Minutes 01-29-57~hWJTES OF A SPECIAL ~TING OF TEE COUNCIL~0~ OF BOYi~TON B~CH ~%~ITH k~B~ OF THE COb~P2Y SCHOOL BOARD, B~D~ AT THE CiTY HALL, BOYA~ON Bw, ACH, FLOP~DA, JAIQUARY 29, 1957. PHESF~: ~ayor Mort Partin Vice ~yor Donald Rehhurg ~ir. Stanley Weaver ~Tr. LoS. Chadwe!l ~Ir. Harvey Oyer. City Clerk Dorothy V.V~illi~ms. ~iember~ of Oou-uty School Board: ~r. Jack Homer !~r. Ralph Settler Er. Howell Watkins (S~~erin- ~enden~ ) Mrs. E!izabe~h Hand. The ~.~yor called the meetir~g to order ~t 8.00 P.~T. ~r. Watkins, County Superintendent of Schools, ,said the Co~nty School Board wish to inqui~ into the possibility of their acquiring ten of the tv~nty acres owned by the ~ity of Boynton Beach on the No:~th std~of Second Avenue for the ~urpose of buildir~g a much needed Junior H~School. He said 3~r. Kettler ~ud ~groHorner have seen the prope~ and they and Ers.Hand consider it most auitable. The site w~s ex,ned on the m~p by the School Board members. They eslimated ~n enrollment of about 900 $~udents in the first grades, between 8Oand t00 probably to be enrolled this year more than las~ year. They think the ?$h~ 8th and 95h gradez should be brought from Seacrest, leaving Seacres~ a three-year H~gh School. The Elementary a~l Junior High to~ ~e loaated in this toga. They are -~rying to get them in the cen~er of town, or, rather near the center. ~s Hand said the theory is that the ELementary Schools should be considered as neighbo~ood schools, b~t Junior High School students are able to go far~her from home,- e~e~n as far as ten miles if necess~j. ~r. ~eaver said the City has ~ery little land left and is there- fore retuct~ut to turn loose a-~y~hing it ~t~i!l~s, He said ~he City Council have obligated themselves to provide m Little Lea~e b~sehall field and h~ve already spent considerable mo~ey in prep~rir~ it, which they do not v~ish to lose. He thought the southern part the most suitable for this° ~r. 0yer tho-~ht probably the best u, se to ~ich the land could be put was as a site for z Ju_~ior High school, and the thing to be decided is not ~hether the City c~n get a sum of money f_~r it, but a suitable piece ef lar~t to replace it. ~r. Keppler thought if ten acres could now be acquired for a J~nior High school, which is the immediate need, ~later on a High School c~ut~i be erected on the remainder of the lar~i, and the athletic -2- f~citities of the schools could be ~e~ by the City for ~thletics of mll kinds. He s~ggested asking the County to un-dedicate the land and re- dedicate it te the School Board in sw~ppin~for other la~d. If the J~mior High is lout on the ~eet side of the land instead of on the South there would be room f?r.laterdevelopment for a High. Otherwise, the Senior H!gh, when later need Senior for it arises, ~ould have to be put in another p~rt of the tommy. htr. ~ettler thought the co ~mmunity would get more out of She land if a Junior High is lr~ilt as ~he chi!drem eau ~ys ~se the ~ ~ ~i~, when a Se~er Ei~ is b~tt. ~r. ~?atkias suggested the NorSh end for the Little Leagme and ~he south for the Junior High. ~Ir. Ee~ler remarked the land was wit~hin t~vo blocks of colored town, ~hich might be considered detrimenSal. ~r. Par~n asked mf the School Board wouzd be lnte~sted zn a tr~t North of %he c~aa2, ~ichwould be close to I~zuta~a aadEypoluxe. Not in the Center of the to~ but in the center of the district. ~r. V~atkins said the scheolJvould not be ready for another year. ~r. Partin said he was noZ in favor of disposing of the land before receiving somethir~ in return to compensate the City, which cantor give it to them. ~M~r. Oyer exDressed_ himself in favor of the school if the ~d~Jnt~yLi!witl give the City &n eq~! amount of land somewhere else, equally as good. He strongly urged fi~ing~p Pence Park for ~ittte League baseball Doses. Ers. Hand said the City would be getting quite a lot in getting the J~nior ~__gh School. ~r. Keppler said at such time as they are read~~ to start constrr~- tion they could legally pay for the improvements the City has made and put them in another part of ~he proper~y. ~r. Watkins said if a piece of property which would be suitable could be fou~ud elsewhere for City purposes, it could be bought. The City ~ould give a Deed to the School Board, and the Board would pay the City the price of the land. ~rs. H~nd said: "The main t~hir~ ~itk you people is to get that ~tttle League field this Spring." ~r. ~?atkin~said he felt that if the City would give the Board the !ar~, by the tim~ the Junior High is ready to be started something could be worked out. He ~s hopir~o~the J~or Hi~kwould be ready by September, 19B8. ~r. Chadw~ll said he ~s all for the school as long as the City got a piece of land in return which will be eqUivalent To that they relinguish. ~r. Kettler's idea w~s that the City could go ahead with their planS for ~he Little League baseball field, arid when the Board begin to build the Junior High ~hey could move the City's plans to another pmrt of the field. After further discussion along the sa~e lines as the above, the members of the School Board thanked the Councillors for the opportun- ity of talking over their proposal, an'd withdrew. ~r. Rehburg said he was Tez~y anxious to know v~_ers the Little Le~e field v~s to be placed so tha~ the number of lights that v~ll be needed can be kno~ exactly. ~'~r. Chadwell moved that ~he 8curb-East corner of the land be developed a~ a Little Le~e baseball field. ~r. Eehburg seconded. ~r. Oyer voted ~0~ L~otion carried. There being no further business the meetin~ was adjourned. -~yo r C~tY b~i e r~. ' '