Minutes 01-21-57MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~EETtNG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BOYNTON HEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CI~! HALL, BO~fON 5EACH, JANUARY 21, 1957. PRESENT: Mayor Mort Partin Vice Mayor Donald Rehburg Stanley Weaver L. S. Chadweil Harvey Oyer. City Clerk D.V.Wiliams Chief of Police Carver Mr. Zell Taylor ~. Rocky Stone. · he Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.50~P.M. Mr. J.P.Carroll explained, in connection with water test wells desired by the City, the kind which can be put in. After discussion, Mr. 0ye~ ~oved that the City go.ahead with a 4" test well, with a 2" check well on the oppo~$~~ end of the property. Mr. Weaver seconded. $otion carried. Mr. Howell Watkins, County Superintendent of Schools, said they had been asked to c6ntact the Council with regard to l0 acres of the land owned by the CiSy 9~2nd Avenue for~a greatly needed Junior High School. They Want 15 to 20 acres, but can get by with 10, and will appreciate any help the City can give to the School Board. Mr. Watkins was told he will be informed when a meeting can be arranged with m~mbers of the School Board after the Council have ha~ an opportunity to discuss the matter, and was ~minded that arrangements must be made by the City for the ball park for which this area is intended. A representative of the Murphy Construction Company presented a plat of Boynton Isles. Mr. Weaver moved that the plat with water layout be accepted, pending the posting of a bond and placing the money in escrow for the paving of streets and installation of water system, payment of plat fee, engineer's certificate of fill, and approval of the Florida Power & Light Company. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion ca, tied. the Citj Mr. ~eaver moved that/upon receipt of check from the owner for water pipe, purchase and lay the pipe at no further cost to the developers. No refunding contract to be given. Mr. Oyer seconded. Notion carried. The City Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of January 7, Mr. Weaver moved the minutes be accepted as read. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read Ordinance 293 for the second time° Mr. 0yet moved, ~ro Chadwel! seconded, that Ordinance 293 be accepted for the second reading. Motion carried. There was a long discussion on the possibility of extending the City's water line to HypolUXo. Mr. Grtffith said he had told the authorities there that the City was not interested in a franchise at the ~r e sent time. Mr. Rehburg moved the City authorise Mr. Griffith to consult with the town of Hypoluxo and arrange for a permit to serve the area convenien~to the line, and to set up .arran.gements with.the developers of "H~y~po~luxo Park" whereby the C~ty wmll accept t~tle to all the pipe installed, and in consideration of same will agree to ~efund up to $10,000.00 to the developers in accordance with a schedule to be set up. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. The City Clerk read a Resolution covering street improve- ments on Ocean and N.W. 7th Street 'in Laurel Hills. Mr. Weaver moved the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Rehburg moved that a temporary license be granted Mr. Anthony Balletic for operating a millworking shop in the Gilford Raulerson Building~ which is in a comme'rcial zone, subject to review in case of complaints being received that it is a nuisance. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. It was stated that the Fire Department will open bids received on a fire track and give their recommendations to the Council at its next meeting. Police Chief carver read the report of the Police Department for the month of December. He said he had two men ready to go to work,- Fred Slough and Jerry Thomps~m. The former has passed the Civil Service examination, the latter has not and must take it. Mr. Weaver moved that these men be engaged on the Force on a ~emporary basis$ Jerry Thompson up to the time he has ~ken the examination; after that for a six months' probationery period. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver moved a registered letter be sent to ~.~r.Axel requesting the sidewalks be restored on N.E. 9th Avenue aud N.E. ~en~th Street. Mr. Rehbu~g seconded. ~otion carried. Mr. Weaver moved that th~ City do as suggested by ECONOMY BUILDER~, Inc., that is, a letter of guarantee from the First Federal Savimgs and Loan of WeSt Palm'~each be ~ccepted for the payment of water line insts!lations, street liens, and any out- sts~nding water bills; but that the water connection chahges be paid before connections are made. Mr. Oyer seconded. Mo ti on carrie d. Mr. Weaver moved that the ~mouut paid by Mr. Bmodie for a Beer and Wine License be refunded. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. B~and B~others presented a plat of a newly opened acreage to be called Rolling Green Ridge Seacrest'Addition. The general layout was discussed and action was deferred. ~ Mr. Chadwel! highlyrecommended Mr. Rolfe, Jr., a contractor and architect, as Building Inspector. There being no further buwiness the meeting adjourned at midnight. Pity Clerk of 1957. ~, ~ City ~le~ is he~b~ d~c2~d ~o ~ss~ss at a~ ~ wi~ m~e~y (90) days f~ da~e of llen, ~d