Minutes 12-17-56~i~ND~f-ES OF A REGUI~R ?~-.ETING 0P THE COUi~qCILLO~S OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT T~ CITE F~LL, BOYNTON BEACH, DECEMBER 17, 1956. PRESET: Mayor Stanley Weaver Mr. A.E.Shook Vice Mayor Joe DeMa~co ~. Donald Rehbnrg I~~. Mort Partin City Clerk D.V.Williams Chief of Police A.O. Ca~ver M~. Eell Taylor Mayor Weaver called the meeting to o~der at 7.30 P.M. The minutes of the last reg~lar meeting of December were ~ead. Mr. Shook moved, Mr. DeMarco seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Excerpts from the minutes of tlme Piauning Board meeting of December 12 were read, covering certain recommendations to the Council. Mayor Weaver, a member of the Planning Board, ex-plained the reasons for the reco~mmendations, and they were ~urned over to the City Attorney. The Mayor r~ad a letter from the Port of Palm Beach enclosing a ResOlution to send a copy of '"Greater West Palm Beach Metro- politan area~ to the City° This is a document which contains ~ud presents factual pictures of the economic stat~.s of Palm Beach County. An ~usi~ued letter from .a resident of Rolling Green Ridge was read complaining of the nuisance caused by dogs being allowed to run at large. A letter was read Palm Beach regarding a property o~ed by ther~ from the First Baptist Ch~ch of West bill for 1956 taxes on a piece of in Rolling Green Ridge. ~ DeMa~co moved that if the First Baptist Church took possession of this property in 19~6 the tax should be abated. ~. Rehburg seconded. Me, on carried. A letter was read from ~. George T. Sultiv~n regarding a bill for street repairs for property he bought in December last. The deed was not dated until June 1956, while the bill is dated April, 1956, and im. ciudes Lnterest which he objects to p~ving. He enclosed his check for the settlement of the bill minus interesv. Mr. Rehburg moved~ Mr. DeMarco seconded, that the check for $700.00 be accepted, and the interest~ of ~2~.00 be abated. Motion carried. -2- After discussion Mr. Partin moved, Mr, DeM~co seconded, tb~t the Little League Baseball field be put in the South-West corner of the park property on 2nd Avenue. Motion carried. A letter was read from M~. Ford Carter of the G'~Xf Stream Isl~ad Corporation. Mr. DeMarco moved that Mr. Carter:s offer to pay half a lmfe-~ard s salary for 1957 in return for the use of the City beach by the people of his deve!opme~ be accepted. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Shook moved that Mfs.Williams b~ authorised to advertise for a life-g~ard. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. It was stated that ~. Siever had that the R/W required by the Cotmty to on S. 36th Avenue is now clear. The materials if the City will do the work. informed the Council avoid the bottleneck County will provide the The Mayor thanked ~. Siever for donating his services in obtaining the re~-~red R/W. ~r. Partin was asked to see~ Mr. Sunday at the Court House about building Woolbright Road now. as it was promised a long time ago. Mr. Griffith said the and the Canal is once more amended R/~Y. s~bdivision between the ~o~ans~ Club brought up for approval with the After discussion ~oprova! was again refused becs~se of the lack of roguing areas and also because of the City Ordinance that l~nd on which houses are built must be 6 feet above mesh low water leve!. Mr. Griffith read 0rdir~uce 29~, providing maximum penalties for various crL~es, for the first time. Mr. Shook moved, M~. DeMarco seconded, that 0rdinsnce 29~ be accepted for the first reading. Mr. Griffith read Ordinance 29~, providing maxim~ua penalties for ga~foling, for the first time. ~. Shook moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that Ord~muce 291 be accepted for ~e first reading. Motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to remind all water property developers that bulkheads must conform with the mean geodetic sea level requirements of 6 ft. Mr. Partin said bicycles in the City are not being properly equipped with lights, etc., res~.lting in accidents. De Neptune Meter Co, Picard Chenica! Co. Porter & Ward Service Station 1 2. 76 Briggs Constr.Co. 10.60 City of Bpynton Beach 2,366,68 0.A.S.I. Construction Fund. 893.15 All State Pipe Supply C o. 444.5! Pet ty C ash 25.59 Austin Supply Co. 20.77 Bo-Del Pr iht lng C o. 88.20 Brooks Products of Fla. 151.75 Central Truck Lines 5.93 J~nes B. 01ow & Sons 224.32 County Mercantile 4.75 Water Fund, 442.78 64.13 Davis Meter Co. 1,366.72 Delray Machine & Supply co. Florida Pwr.-& Lt. Co. 619,52 Charles L Meyer & Sons 153.00 Neptune Meter Co. 5,637.4~ Picard Chemocal Co. 64.13 Porter & ~ard Se~ic~ Stat ion 3, 00 Pierce Tire Co. 9,05 W.J. Snow Inc. 53.30 Ke~eth Snow l~. 50 Southern ~ll T,& T.Co. 24.21 Southe~ Meter Supply Co.293,60 62.56 Stmudrad 0~ Co. 17.50 Jo~m Violante 80,48 Shaw B~s. 0fl Co. 6.00 City of Boston ~ach 28.00 Gulf Stre~ L~ber Co. 4V.89 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 43.53 E~und Haskins Oliver F~cinelli J~es Morris Nfs. L.A.Kitching Acct .Briggs Const ~o. Earold Allen R.D.~ood Co. Weaver In~r.C o. 82.38 Douglas Gandy 1.80 Helen Vfebster 3.00 George C. Miles 6. O0 At,ur B.Decker 2. 80 E~uns Willis Jr. 8.00 " 5.60 Wm. Anderson Chase Natzonal- ~k Davis Meter Repair & S~pply Co. 36. V1 Depositors' Fund. 15. O0 7.50 7.50 77.50 15. O0 15.00 I.& S. 4,820.00~~ ' Water Fund. Neptune Meter Co. 1,408.25 James Goes sol J .F.Wiley Acc. of Economy Build- ers A~.A.~. Hazelton 2d. John B. Gould M~s. Cowan Smith Irma McGathe r Acer. of James C. Miles Roux A~ocn. E.W.Woods Acc~. Arthur Docker "Frod A.Krenzle "Hermmn Handrix "E.Willis Jr. "Edmuhd Willis "Wm. Anderson W.R .Hughes Mrs. Raymond D~mond Seac ~e st Homes Bowye rs Motel Terosa E. Padgett 25°00 Eleanor Puffer 17.75 Hugo Poyts 4.00 Lorimer Horn Don Shetto n Leon~d Banks Acct. o£ Dav-Mar Acct. of Economy Builders ~argsmet Groover George A. Ploumis Arthur Ctouti e~ Ri cha rd~&iEa~e Richards~ Hale~ GeOrge Iverson Acct. Hugo Pryts Lela Stroebel Carl W. Stone 25.00 Willie · O. Bay ley 25.00 Arthur Black 25o 00 John Johnston 8.33 Lee Thomas 25°00 Mrs. Dilcoy Clark Acc. Ge~ald Tomlinson Chase Manhattan Bank Mrs. H.?.Hex Acc. Gene Davies " 3. 10 Joseph ~oss Acc. Peter 01sen Peter 01sen 2.50 Arthur Cloutier I.& S.40.00 Depositors, ~und. 7.50 7.50 7.50 V. 50 7.50 7.50 25; O0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 V.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 V. 5O 15. O0 7.50 7.50 15. O0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15. O0 V. 50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 ?.50 V. 50 7.50 .50 .50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Mr. Gri~fith said there is a City Ordinance controlling bicycles amd that S~e~o.~ laws forbid double riding. He suggested a newspaper amouncement that the C~ty will enforce the ordinance fror~ no~ on. Police Chief Carver was instructed to have checks made on the condition of all bicycles in the City operated by students aud other j~eniles~ ~ud also to check ~aeir licenses for motor vehicles. A Resolution was read covering repairing and paving streets in Arden Park. Mr. De~arco moved, Mr. Shook seconded, tn~ this Resolution be adopted. I~otion carried. ~s.Rider asks that she be granted ~dow's exemption which she claims she filed. It was stated she filed her claim in West Palm Beach Court House, and probably thought she filed it in the City Hall. Mr. DeMarco moved that ~s. Rider's request for widow2s exemption be granted. Mr. Shook seconded. Motion car~ ~ea. Chief of Police Carver read the reoort of the Police Depar~ent for the month of November. He asked that the police officers from out of town who helped in co~aection with the All Star Festival last week be compensated. ~Lr. Rehburg moved~ Mr. Shppk seconded, that the police who helped .~.th the Boynton festival be compensated~at ~12.00 a day. Motmon bids for The Mayor said Mr. Senior wants to have/a new fire truck in before the l~th of next month. i~r. Boos, represent~ug the Venetian Isles su2odivision~ asked the Cou_ucil: (1) to let t2ue~ pay for the water pipe in Veneti~u Isles ~auder the sama kind of agreement as was made with Mr. Fields e~c. ~ or (2) if more e~edisnt, they %Dll be glad ye pay for the pipe without a refunding agreement. After discussion~ Mr. Partin moved that the City pay for the pipe up to the property. Mr. Rehburg seconded, y~. ~nook and ~ DeMarco refrained from vot~no, as did ~' ~ ~' ~r. ' ~ .~.~e~va~ which made the vote a tie. Mr. Griffith said a majority ~ote was essential. Mr. DeMarco finally voted in favor of the motion, and it was carried. Mr. Lyman co~p!ained of the bad condition of approximately 3~0 ft~ of the road near their dock, and was assured that te~mporary repairs would be made to it in time for the winter tourist traffic. ~- Mr. Elmer Habel spoke of the condition of the septic tank on his property. It was stated he had been notified his property had not been taken care of and that whatever had happened had not been due to any ill feeling om the part of any member of the staff. Mr. Griffith said ~me person in possession of the property is given notice, and the City has no authority to go on some one else,s property. He added that Mr. Habel had been told several years ego that the property was not in a healthy con- dition. ~s. Waite, of the Waite Bird Farm, done to her b~ as by aeighbou~s' cats. Occupational License ~ndsr protest. complained of the d~age She said she paid her It was stated m~ offer of .7~ cents a square yard has been received to pave Ocean Avenue. A meeting of the Councillors was arranged for January 4, 19~7, to nominate members to the Zoning, Planning~ and other Boards for 19~7~ There being no further business, the Mayor adjourned the meet~ug at ll.40 B E S 0 L UT I O~N WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bee=h, Florida, does, pursuant to Article said City, deem it necessary for the streets, boulevards, avenues, lanes public highways, within the limits by being built, repaired, resurfsced, and rebuilt, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CT TY OF B~YNTON BEACH, AS FOLLOWS: Beynton , that certain now, 1. The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby for repalr~ re- boulevards over the dedicated rights-of-ways ~: Railroad Avenue ss shown on Plst of ~rden Park, 2~78 feet N. E. 3rd Avenue from Railroad Avenue to N. E. 3rd St., 297 feet N. E. Sth Avenue from Railroad Avenue to N. E. 3rd St., 297 feet N. E. 5th Avenue from Railroad ~venue to N. E. 3rd St., 297 fee% N. E. 7th Avenue from Railroad Avenue to N. E. 3rd 297 feet N. E. 8th Avenue from Railroad Avenue to N. E. 3rd St., 297 feet N. E. 9th Avenue from Railroad ~venue to N. E. 3rd St., 297 feet 2. That the Superintendent of Public Works shell pre- pore plans and specifications which shall be_on file with the City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, which s~$d plans and specifi cations shall be im accordance with the laws and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, having a paving width of not less than 22 feet, be constructed of lime rock compacted to not less than 6 inches and surfacing as set o~t by laws and ordinances of said City of Boynton Be~ch. ~ The said Superintendent of Public Works shall hsve preo~red and present to the next regular City Council meeting of the'City of Boynton Beach, on January 7, 1957, the said plans and specifications as herein mentioned. UNANIMOUSLY passed and adopted this l?th day of December, 1956. May~r Ci~y 'Clerk Coun¢ councilman Councilman Railroad Avenue es N..~, 3rd ~venue from Railroad Avenue to N. N. E. ~th Avenue from Railroad Avenue to N, N. E. ~th ~_venue fram Railroed shown on Plat of Arden P~rk~ 2,~78 feet N. E. 7th Avenue from Reilroad N. E. 8th Avenue from Railroad N. E. 9th Avenue from Railroad E. 3rd St;, 297 feet E. 3rd St., 297 fee% Avenue to N~ E. 3rd St., 297 feet Avenue tO N~ E. 3rd Bt, ~ L~? fee~ Av~ue to N. E. 3~ St~ 29g feet ~v~nue i~ N. E. 3rd St,, 297 fee~ 2. That the Superintendent of Public ~rks shall pare plsr~, and Specifications which shell be,on file with the City Clerk of t. he CitY.of Boynton, Beach, which s~d pl~ms :~ SPecifi~ ca,ions snell be ~n ~cco~nce wi~h the Iaws~ ~ ordnances of the feet~ be constructed of l~ rock ~ct~ to not less ~ 6 ~ehes ~nd surfacing ~s set ~t by laws ~ ordinances ~f City of ~ton Bea~. ~ The s~id Superintendent o~ Public Works sh~ll h~ prepared ~ p~esent ~ ~e nex~ relier Cl~ Oo~ei} meeting of the,City of Boynton Be~,-on Y~nusry 7, 195g~ the s~id plmns and specifications as herein mentioned, ~ANIMg~LY pmss~ mhd mdopted~ this 17th d~y of December: 19~6. Mayor CouneLImmn ~ - Councilman ( RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY TRE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That until fmrther order from the tit Co~neil of the City of~Boynton Beach, Florida, that there s~all be'no fmr~ther, pe~mis~sio~ from the ~ity of Bo nton Beach te $1~bdividers or aeVel~pers te 'be permitte~ t5~ use C~ty water with Ali Outlets for all 9s+-_~C. ....... out charge. ~- u~mveree rr~m the City Of Be~ton Beach Water be metered ~ the usmal ~mplianee for the las~ ~rs. co~eetion charges and sba1! oR ~ ) ~ays notleme to~ water now in use not ~ ~ributien of water. be terminated after fifteen having requested the supDly of ~lready been metered. benevol, 2. There shall be allowed for all churches and all~wamce of 60,000 gallons for each such ii per month. Such or a net ampunt of ~,000 gallons the City Clerk. i shall be in the 4iscretiom of by such over ~ amount herein specified for. Passed and adopted by unanimous v~te of the City Council this 19th day of Novemger, t9%6. Mayor ce-Mayo~/ ATTEST: City Cl~rk EXCERPTS FR~.~ TEE ~I~oTES OF THE PI~ING BOARD ~ING ~.I~ ON DEC~ER ~2~ Mr, I~rkin .moved that the fol!ovring reco~endatians be submitted to the City Council for consideration. ~Kr. Oyer seconded, ~tion carried unanimously. ITF~{ I: Starts at the North side of Lakeside Gardens, r~lming to South Boundary of Lot $ of Sam Brown Jnr. 's SJD, co~o~y~oE ~he Joseph ~r~er p~y, from the co~ercial setback a!o~ U.S.1 to the ~e~ of ~ke Work. ~o be re-zoned ~!ass which is now zoned 'B' a~ 'D'. IT~[ 2: Lobs 4, 5, 6 and ? of Sam Brown Jnr.'s S/D to re~ain in zone 'D' iT~ 3: That the Dorothy Shepperd and B.Kirsch properties be zoned 'F', now zoned Residential 'B'. !TE~I 4: Lot !0 of Sam Brov~m Jnr. 's S/D, k~own as Inlet Village Inc., which is now zoned 'B', to be zoned Colorola! 'D' to confoiT~ v~ith i~s present usage. That portion of Paso Rob!es S/D, ~t~ich now belonEs to the City of Reynton Beach, to be zoned for park D~rposes. The property being presently operated as Valentine's Cou~ to be zoned Commercial 'D'. The ~J~.S.ShepSerd S/D, lots 1~, 14 and 15 of ~am Brown Jnr.'s S/D, to retain its present zonir~g of "~ from the commercial setback along U.S.1 to the v~ters of Lake ~o~h. tTE~ ?: Lots 16, 17 and 18 of Sa~R Brown Jnro'S S/~, kno~n as the Le~ -'~ii!er proper~y, from commercial setback alor~ U.S.! to the ~aters of Lake %~brth, now zoned 'B', to be re-zoned Class '~' Stmr~i~g with lot 16 on the South side of Lake Street, l~ts 16, t? and 18, Lake Village, Philip Bringer ~ract, and the Boynton l~anagement Corporation tract, to ~he No~h bo~ud~ of Coauin~ Cove, f~m commercial setback along U.S.1 to the waters o~ Lake ?io~h, now zoned 'B', to be ~-zoned Cl~s F. A letter was read from the Rev. Ke~.~n'~.' Love of the Presbyteria~u Church, requestir~ a per,air to l~ild a church on ~th Avenue and Seacrest ~'e=~er attached). ' Mr. 0yer moved that the Plslnuing Board recon~end to the Council that the request in lyf. Love's letter be aporoved. Er. Sin~nonds seconded carried. - ' Henry ~efzel Jr. Cha~ rmmn.