Minutes 11-05-56M~JTES O~ A R~G~LAR ~ETING OF THE COD~CILLORS OF BOT~/~TON BEACH~ FLORIDA, R~D AT TFE CITY HkLL~ BOY~JTON BEACH, NO~ME~v~BER 5, 1958. P?~ SENT: Mayor Star~ey Weaver° Vice Mayor Joe DeMarco ~r. A~E.Shook ~. Eott Partin D~. Do~Id Eeyburgo City Clerk D~V.Williams Chief of Police Carver }~r. Zeii Taylor. ~,~r. Carl Stone~ The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.~0 The minutes of the last regular meeting of October 15 were read~ The ~ayor said the reference was to Prince Pa~k in con- nection with Junior College. Mr. Shook moved that with the above correction the minutes be accepted~ Mr. De,arco seconded. ~otion carried~ ~r. Rehburg moved that a title search be authorised of the approximately twenty acres the City ~acquired from the County West of town. ~r. Shook seconded~ Motion carried. ~,gr, Griffith was asked to take care of this~ The report of ~gr. Charles Senior, Chief of the Fire Depart- ment, for the year ended October ~!~ !~88~ was read~ The ~ayor said the probable reason for the large number of people present was dissatisfaction with the new taxes. He pointed out that the special meeting required by law to be held to enable freeholders to appear to discuss their taxes had been advertised, and held, after which the rolls had been made up, He added that any adjustment from now omnu,be made only on account of clerical errors in the tax bills. After discussion, Er~ De,arco moved that Mr~ Vincent Wray's request that taxes on property belonging to St. Joseph~s Episcopal Chu~.ch be abated, as it is only to be used for church purposes. Mr. Partin secondsd~ ~otion carried~ ~r. De,arco moved that Mr. George Seebltz~ request for a disabled veteran's tax exemption of ~500 be granted for this year but that in rupture he must make application for such exemption annually. Mr. Partln seconded. Hotion carried. Mr. George Eouse expressed dissatisfaction with the taxes~ saying the City Charter has provision for a City ~uager and he thinks now is the time for one to be on the job twenty-four hours a day to take care of City business. It was stat.~d that Mr. Bob Rose will give to Mro Wood a road for an 80~ ~/W~ mt Er. Wood will build a hew East-~est r~ad South of Woo!bright ~d West of Seacrest~ Mr. R~id a R/W was pr~oosed across S~R~9 and another across the Seaboard r~m!ws%~ Mr~ Partin moved that the City request from the Cotunty the R/W for two crossings, one over S.R~9 sm_d One over the Sea~Ord railway. Mr~ Rehburg seconded~ ~otion c=rr~ea. Gus Thompson complained about his street repair assessment and the Mayor exp~ined the reason for it. After mzScusszon, Mr. De,arco moved that the City install a street_~g~ ht at l~th Avenue N~E~, near Seacrest~ ~r. Partih seconded~ Motion carried~ A letter from ~r~ Grtu~aons, Electrical inspector, was read saying there is nothing in the Elec~rzcal Code covering such a license as that requested by Mr~ Rogers~ [~r. Grzffm~h said he b~d made f~arther enquiries and could find no such license being arranged for. Mr, Ho~hmuth said the Plumbing Board had also checked and could find no ground for such a ~zcense~ ~. Shook moved~ Mr. Rehburg seconded~ that thc reports of the Electrical and Pl~mbz_.g Boards be accepted regarding ~r~ Rogers? request~ Motion carried~ zhe bu~lazno _epcot ~or the mpnth of October was read, amounting to A le~te~, signed by Y~ Brand~ was read f_o.,~. Rolling Green Ridge requesting hose pipe outlets every 200~ on the oarkway West of ~eacrest. - The matter was tabled for further discussion before the next meet ing~ ~. Griffith was asked to draw up a Resolution covering water supplies to o ' ° ~ ~ rganmzatmons such as cn~ches~ etc. A tentative plat of the b~l park was presented by ~. Jack Liebm~ and was tabled for further ~xsmmnatmon. Ordinemce No.~89, establishin~ a bulkhead line, was read for the first time~ ~g.. Shock moved~ Mr~ DeMarco seconded~ that Oramnanc® be acceoted for tb~ z~rst reading~ Ordinance No.288, covering the new revised Building Code~ was read for the second t~e~ ~r~ Shook moved~ Mr~ Rei~Ourg seconded~ that Ordinance No~288 be accepted for tlme second readirg. ~otion carried~ Mr~ Rehburg mo.ved, Mr. Partin seconded~ tha~t the. Resolution setting forth buildzng pe~it fees be accepted.~ Motion carrzed~ Mr~ De~arco m~oved: ~r~hook seconded~ that the R/V~ Deed from j.R.Dewey for the nospztal~be' accepted~ Motion carried~ ~.~r~PErtin was asked to contact the Chief of Police regarding police protection at the churches on S~uudays~ Notion carried. Tbn~ee bide on a tractor were opened~ Mr~ DeMarco moved that the bid of the Osborne Services a~ud Equipment for $3,285~00, be accepted as the lowest~ l(r~Shook seconded ~ ~otion carried~ The Mayor read a letter from ~,~r~ Yoe Tomberg requesting a ref~smd to one of his c_~ents of approximately ~40~00 charged for water pipe running across the street to two houses. Nr. Griffith was asked to draw up a taxi franchise for Earl i~allac e ~ A request was ~recemved from ~Yr~ Charles Whitman for a re_~nd of ~lV~80 Da~d. ~_or a license wn~cn he claims h~ m~ver operated~ ~r. Shook moved that the application for license for the former Georgia Pig be granted~ seconded~ ~otion carried~ a beer ~_nd wine ~rs. Williams ~was authorised to purchase a desk for City H al 1 ~ A request was received from the Commodore of the Boat Club for an Executive meeting with the Council. Mayor City November 2, 19~6 City Council City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florids Gentlemen: We wish to call your attention to the followi~z psregraph from the minutes of the re2~l~r meeting~o~ the Electrical Board held October 18, 19~6: "Mr. Rogers case was again discussed at length, and it was decided that no license could be issued to him, ~nd a letter be sent to City Council of our findings. Motion was made and seconded to this effect. Motion carried.~ Very truly yours, LG/pl Leon Grmmmons, Secretary Electrical Board That we ~ of taxable the ADOPTED in Speciml Needing this 22nd ATT~T. 'G~ity ~e~k