Minutes 10-15-56EIkrGTES OF A REaR ~ETING OF THE C0~jNCILLORS OF B0~TON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HELD AT THE CITY HAL~ BOYNTON BEACH, OCTOBER 15, 1956. P~ ~SENT: Mayor Stanley Weaver Eice Mayor Joe De~arco Mr~ A .E. Shook Er. ~ott Partin ~,~ Donald Rehburg. City Clerk D~V.Williams Chze_ of Police Carver ~r~ Zell Taylor~ The ~myor called the meeting ~o order at ?.~0 P~Mo The City Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of October l~ ~r~ DeNarco moved that the minutes be accepted as read. ~fr~ Partin seconded. Motion carried. hayer Weaver reported on the s~bjects which had been dis- cussed at the County C o~mission meeting on October 8, including the acquisition of a new garbage ~L~. Definite decision on the latter awaits discussion with Lake ~orth as to whether they want the same area. He added that unless the County maintain the area there is not ~ach uss in the City obtaining it~ although it can acquire title to it ~nd details can be thrashed ouy later~ ~0 acres would take care of the two towns for a n~mber of years~ ~ro Rehburg moved that ~mtnorz~y be gr~anted to have the p~operty of approximately twenty acres located St_st ~Vest of City limits~ surv~yed~ Nr. Partin seconded~ Motion ca~ rled~ .l~vo letters were read from the Recreation Board containing copies of two motions passed at their meeting of October ~th~ one regarding the location of the proposed recreatio~ center ~. the park across from the school; the other r~qmesting permis~ sion to name that pa~k after the largest contributor to the recreation center~ ~OU~ ~ The ~avor said that until such time as the Boy .... hav~ been provided with ~_uother location, theymust be allowed to use the building. As far as the City Co~mission are'conoerned they are agreed to let the Recreation Board handle the matters and ask that the Board be ir~o~ed that their plam~ meet with the a~roval of Council. In ~uswer to a request by letter from [~[ro Pa~l Johnson~ -~ Mr. Partin seconded~ that the license f6r Paul Shook mo~m~ gob_uson~s restaurant be transferred to the name of ffob~ Me~Eahon~ ~otion carried~ There was discussion on a Resolution received from Boca Retch recommending the iocation~of J-~ulor College there~ The Mayor said the Council had advocated the college be located ad.~ozn~g P~ park as most ae~tageous to Boyn,on. k1~e iscussion on Dr. Nelson's request for a renewal of his license for a trailer park~ It was pointed out that he had no~ yet complied with the requirements of the City, He is not operating the park !%imself, amd it is up to the Council to decide whether the license should be gra~ted, .~Ir. Griffith said Dr, ~Nelson cannot rightfully be denied a renewal of his license. The %~ayor suggested a search be made in the City 0rdin~3mces and if one does not exist to cc~er such $ case one should be set up. The license is limited to ~5 trailers, but more than this n-ember are said to be ih the park° The City Attorney was instructed to draw up an ordinance to be ready at the next meeting of the Council, 51r. Shook moved that the license be granted limiting the trailer park tc 55 spaces. Mr. P~tin seconded. Eot!on carried~ An application was read from Mr~ Cutler for a position of Life Guard on the beach at ~0.00 a month, stating he w~uts $ full time permanent job° , ' '~, 4a * willing do ~her C~t? ~r. Shook suggestem n~.m~h~ be to ' - work whe~ not on life-saving dut?~ Mrs. ~,m±L~ams was asked to contact ~.Outler and ask him to come to City Hall for au interview~ A plat of Forest Park H~mghts was submitted for approval by ~:~r. Ray Zompa and }x~. Paul ~IcBr~,de. After discussion Nr, DeMarco moved that tentative approval be given of the plat pending compliance with City regulations and working out of c~rtain changes to be recorded. Mr. Shook seconded° ~otion passed. The Nayor announced that corrected copies of the changes ib the Southern Staudard Building Code~ as draw~ up by ~he Building Code Co~mmfttee, are now available~ including two changes made by him since it was passed,- one regarding side- walks mud one re fees for permits. Ordinance No,288 covering the revised ~.ilding Code as reco~endem by the Building Code Co~m~tee was ream. }~_~. Shook moved,.Mr. De}~arco seconded, that 0rdmnanc~ No.288 be accepted for the fzrst readik~g~ .~ction carried. Reference was made to a Resolution~ which won-~t become effective ~util November 13, covering charges for s~mare footage of various types of buildings, which will be passed at the next regular meeting~ ~. Grzffztn said the see what can be done about at i~oolbright Road. S.A.L. railroad state they will the riglat of way and signal block The ~ayor read a letter from Delray Beach regardLug the meeting held at the Council Chanber there on October S, to discuss the purchase of a beach for colored paopleo Another meeting is being called for this coming Thursday in the same place to discuss the same question. Er. DeMarco moved that the plat of Seacrest Heights be approvsd when money is in escrow with the City covering streets and water~ ~ir~ P~t~_ seconded. Motion carr~e~ ~. Shook moved that the five Bonds~ purchase of which had been verbally authorized by the Co~ucil~ be purchased. ~r. Rehburg secon~em. ~o~lon tattled. The City C~rk read 0rdzn~uc~ No~87 covermng the bmdge~ for the fiscal year begir~uing November l~ 19~6~ and ending October 31~ 1987~ for the second time. Z~. Rehburg moved~ Mr. Partin seconded~ that Ordinance Nc.E87 be accepted for t~h~ second readir~. Motion carried~ The Police report for the month of September was read. Police Chief Carver reconLmended giving Jules Klingler a sergeant's rating and putting him in charge of night duty. ~. Shook moved ~mat the recommendation of Police Chief ~Y~ Carver be accepted and that the pay of Sergeant iu~ be raised to ~l~ a month from Novembsr 1. Er~ Partmn seco__dem~ Notion Er. De~co moved that Patrolman Henderson, who he said has been doing extra duty and has take~ no vacation should be paid for seven days~ work ~nd be granted six days, leave for attending F.B.I. classes. Mr. Partin seconded. Eotion carried. It was agreed t_~ao ~ crossing str~pebe painted at the of Palmetto Street and N.~ Bnd Avenue to avoid danger to school children who cross there~ In a discussion on the water supplied by the City to the par~way at the N.E. entrance to Rolling Green~ it was stated that the originally agreed emou_ut of 80,000 gallons ~nnually has been greatly exceeded. Mr. ?artin thought the City would be better off without so many parkways, and ~o Shook thought no more should be approved. It was finally agreed that no one be allowed more tha~u the ~ d 80,000 gallons per year no~r allo~te to churches, etc~, for landscaping~ and that the water used be metered regardless o£ location~ ~¥tr. Rogers asked if a decision had been reached on his request for s license for general home maintenance, including ~bing a~ud electrical repair work~ ~o G~mmons sa~e would b~ing the matter up at the next meeting of the Plumb~Board~ that he had called the Inspector at ~est Palm Beach who said they had nobody doing that type of work excepting as attached to hotels, and t~at he doubted whether such a license could b~ worked out~ ~r~ Griffith s~Id he had checked on it and been unable to find ~_uy City who gave such a general license~ adding that he would not advise the City to start such a license. Mr~ Bosworth~ spe~king as a member of the Plumbing Board, said that Board cannot go hal~ay. The Mayor said he did not want to ~urn [~,r~ Rogers~ request dova~ entirely and that Darther thought will be given to it before the ne~t regular meeting o£ ~ne Co~uncil. ~. Zopfie at the Casino~ placed. asked for spring-type cutouts on the showers and also asked that the toilet doors be re- Mr. Partih moved, Mr. Shook seconded, that Mrs. Williams bs authorized to expen~ approximately ~400~00 for a Copier machine. Motion c~rrmed. The meeting was adjourned by the Mayor at ll Cmty Clerk.