Minutes 09-17-56MINUTES OF A REGD-LAR h~ETiNG OF THE., COUNCILLORS OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, .HELD AT THE CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ SEPTEMBk~R 17~ 1956. PRESENT: Mayor Stenley Weaver Vice Mayor Joe DeMarco Mr. Mort P~rtin Mr. Don Rehburg City Clerk D.V.Wiiliams Chief of Police C~rver Mr. Zell Taylor ~. Carl Stone The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 O.M. Mr. K.C.Mock spoke regarding the laying of water pice for Hypoluxo, Park and suggested one fo~s~the ~ai!way R/W~. saying taere would be no need to relocate when Highway widenmng takes place if oleced on the West side of Highway. ~ Mr, Kenny Lyman asked if the 9ouncil had reached any -' decision regarding acceptance of tne street R/W he offered to donate if the City will comOlete the street at no expense to him; also he would~ like 8n enswer on the wharf he proposes to ..... build on,.the intercosstel canal. Ehe Mayor said ta2 Council had not yet had ti~e to discuss it and that street work at present is at s standstill, but~ ~t the beginning of the next fiscal year it may be oossible something can be done. ~ Mr. LeCroix sogke of the bad condition of the road to his business, inc!u~in~ "dee0 ~les". ~ Mr. Ston~ was asked to supoly s discarded water oipe for ~ drain of approximately 18 ft] to t?beDlaced mS cane! end of street. A few ~oads of shell rock are to be supplied to make temporary repairs to street. M~. DeMarco moved that Kenny Lyman have oermission to build a wharf ~ to 6 feet wide from the end of their orooer~y across the Eastern terminus of N.E. 1st Avenue R/W, at his own expense~ at the same time plaicing the necessary drain pipe from the street to the inland waterway. Mr. Taylor in the meantime to get shell rock and do temp, orary reoairs needed on the street. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Paul J~nnson requested a Bar and Packske and Night Club license for his ne~ly ourchased restaurant Town Tavern. ~.~. DeMarco moved that Mr. Paul Johnson's request be granted subject to the approval of the State Beverage Board. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion~carried. in the local oeper~ the date to be anno~maced later. A Budget meeting wes set for tomorrows September 18~ at City Hall~ at 8 P.M. Mr. DeMarco moved that the salary of Jsmes Butler, "Special Patrolman", be raised $10.00 per month~ bringing him to $280.00 per month, as recommend~ed b~ the Civil Service Board. Mr. Reyburg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Rehburg moved that the above raise be retroactive to Septem- . ber 1. Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion car_~e~. It was agreed that those people in colored town who say they never have garbage should have their back yards inspected. It was agreed that curbs and streets eround fire hydrants should be oainted red. Ordinance No.286, amending Ordinance 208~ was read for the first time. Mr. DeMarco moved~ Mr. Partin seconded~ that 0rd~nance 286 be accepted for the first reading. Mr. Pa~tin seconmed. Motion c~rried. There being no further business, tae ~ayor adjourned the meeting at 10.50 P.M. Mayor Cit~ Cle~k. ~. Carl N~ Warner showed a plat of Seacrest Estates asking approval oF his water layout and street clans. Mr. Hartwig protested the bui!di~g of a Recreation Center the Park in the ne~ghoo~hood of 1st and 2nd ~venue S.E., which h e said was a residential zone. in He wes told that such zoning did not apply to ~ oublic park~ and was advised to attend the next meeting of the Recreation Board to discuss the matter with them. _ T~e City Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of ~eptember $o Mr. DeMarco moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. After discussion, Mr. Rehburg moved the City advertise for bi~s on a new garbage truck and on e Decker body. Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. After discussion on a contract received from the Harless Realty Comosny regarding the ~rgo lot, which ~.Griffith advised be signed, Mr. DeMareo moved that the City ourchsse the Argo property on N.E. 2nd Avenue for $3,500.00~ and spend aporoximately $1~000 on repairing the house. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. In a discussion on a reoorz on license and permit bonds submitted by Mr. Charles Weaver in connection with the new building code, Mr. Griffith said he did not ~nderstand some of'the ooints~ and ~.~.Weaver was asked to give a fuller explanation~ which he did. After further discussion, Mr. DeMarco moved ~hat until the new Building Code is adopted the City will no ~onger require license and oermit bonds, but will require a certificate of insurance liability from all contractors and sub-sontrectors. Mr. Partin seconded° Motion carried. It was stated that the Wolfe oroperty will be advertised for the next Zoning Board meeting. The Supplementary Budget for the year ending October 31, 1956, Ordinance No.28~ was read for the second time. Mr. Rehburg moved that Ordinance No.285 be accepted for the second reading. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Bowles, when asked, said he did not think the lest meeting of the new building code committee representative of all the contractors, as many had not been notified of the meeting. He thought every contractor should be notified officially. It was agreed notice of ~ fina~ ~eting of the committee be advertised -2A- BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PAYMENT: Water All State Pipe Supply Co. 265.92 Brooks Products of Florida 123.75 Cameron & Berkeley 140. Davis Meter Reoeir S. Co. Neptune Meter Co. Vsughn & Wright Shaw Bros, Oil Co. Scotty Therr ien Acct ~ High Point Co~tun- tion Co. Acc. Chas. Kuss Acct. Roy Reid Austin Supply Co. 13.29 Brooks Products of Florida 133.50 Cameron & Barkeley 25,9.89 Central Truck Lines Inc. ~.06 Davis Meter Repair 907.63 Trustee F.E.C. l. O0 Roy Reid 4.60 Hanneh Jones 5,. 20 Acct. of " of J.S. Greenwood J. S. Greenwood 1.30 Acct. R.W.k~illiams Richards & Hale Foy Ward 6. O0 Acct. of " Chss. N. Boos Acct. Mary Beach C. C. We eks " Mrs.D. Grey Ch~pei Hill Homes Kenneth L. Goss Acct. Joel Newman " 2.70 Gulf Stream Ll~mber 7. Neptune Meter Co. 2 ~ 51+8.72 S~anley Porter-Doneld Ward 4.32 Eenneth Snow 9. O0 ~e~'~ ~Sn~,. ~_:oow 70.28 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel 24.35 John ¥iolante 26. Deoosltors' Fund 267.91 999.60~ 9.05 24.86 7.50 7.50 7.5'0 7.5'0 7.50 ? · 50 7.5o 7. Fo 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.FO 7.5O 7.50 7.5,0 7.50 7.50 7.5,0 7.50 7.50 7.50 ?.~0 l~.~O 7.5o Fenob Chemical Co. All State Pioe and Supply Je~ Cloutier Alonzo Wittick Acct. Leroy Lang " A.C.Carver " ¥. 50 Pan-American Car-loading Dispatch ~6.09 Trustee - F.E.C.Rly. 1,00 Blue Cross of Florida 18.30 ~ 0 Eerl G.Brown mS. 3 Brown& Moseley .955 Florid~ Pwr. & Light 1,560,58 Pic~rd Chemical Co. 96.63 Gulf 0il Co. 8.69 Francis McF~rquher 9;50 Acct. George McCormack " EVelyn Dewberry " 5.60 Petty C~sh 29.~5 Acct. Quentin L.H~rrington Joseph M¢Cheaney ~.20 ~cct. ~ " M~F.Russo u F.W. Leuenberger " 6.00 Florida Pwr. & Lt. Co. I~067.70 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. 4.91 Central Truck Lines 2.06 Geo. T.King Foy Ward Geo. Loynd M. Hardaway l~ Acct. ~.A.Longstreth " 6.00 Acct. Mrs. K.Place .70 ~2B- 89 27~.~ 7. ~0 7. ~0 7.50 7. 50 7.~0 7. fi0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.oo 7.50 ?. 50 7.50 15.o0 ?. ~o 7.50