GUST 2~, I~6.. '
Mayor Stamley Weaver
Vice Mayor Joe DeMarco
MP. A. E. Shook
M~, Mort Partin
Mr. Don Rehb~rg.
City Clerk Dorothy V.Williams.
Mr. Zell Taylor.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7.30 P.M.
Mr. Clark and M~. Johnson, representing the F.E.C. railway,
were present in respOnse to ~omplaints that Boynton Beach mail-
bags, both incoming a~d~outgoin~, were being d~st~oyed by the
trains picking them up or dropping them off, withc~nsequent
damage to their c~ntents, resulting in great inconvenience.
The Mayor asked if th~ railroad could do something about it,
such as slowing down the mail trains through Boynton Beach station,
which now go through at seventy miles an hour.
M~. Clark expressed~regret on ~behalf of the railroad that
such destruction had occurred and prOmised to t~y to work
something out about it.
Mr. Weaver suggested the possibility of the railroad build-
ing a station halfway between Delray Beach and Boynton Beach,
to be used by the two cities.
M~. Clark said
be possible
until su~ime
the meantime they ~
glad to
c irc~stances this would not
estion put on th~ record
legal matters are settled. In
cooperate in any ws~y possible.
The ~ayor thanked the two gentlemen for attending the meeting.
Mr. Rushton from the Russell Axon Company was present in
connection with a sewage survey.
Mr. Rehbu~g
contract, but
City has ~r
for~smust be
for ~y of the expenses until
put ~n hand.
the Company d~aw up a tentative
letter showing that the
a contract, and the necessary
not be obligating itself
such time as the sewage scheme is
M~. Rushton suggested making a request for a $100.00 ~
~l~ma~for such a survey as it would be better as far as the appli-
catio~ goes and the GoveEmment would see the City is interested.
He asked for a copy ~of the B~oQkway report, which they might
incorporate with theirs.
He was asked tq~ writ~ a letter, for O~i$y files, stating
exactly what has be~n~proposed and eutlining the steps the City
must take regarding a
Mr. Rehbu~g was asked to 'phone the Mayor of ~ake Worth
and cooperate With M~. Rushton in a~ranging a meeting.
Worth on the s:
moved that a survey for a sewage system be
with the Mayorof Lake
Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried.
a Survey
said it might
would be
~ tntro~nced Mr. Humphreys who is making
asr of Florida for the location of a
scheme in great detail, and
ac~es, with
was to create an outlet
and the~e
machine r~y here.
ested in
assu~ed ~
said the Chamber of.~Oommeree was greatly inter-
my int~the City, ~d Mr. H~mph~eys was
be made ~or suit~bl~ land, if such is
a Boynton.
The CityClerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting
of August 6~
Mr. Weaver said 'the amendments, to the Electrical Code
were adoptsd~
Mr. DeMa~co moved that with the above correction the
minutes be ~dc~p$~d. M~. Rehburg seconded. Motion c~rried.
Relative to streets in ,The Lawns, subdivision, Mr. Boos
is stated to have said that he owns no lots there and should not
be expe~e~ to put up any money~-unlsss he is paid 8% interest
on ,it.
It was decided to take no further action at the presen~
After discussion, Mr. DeMarco moved that ~oproximately
300 feet. Lake frontage in Sam Brown Jr.,s subdivision be
purchased ~or $30,000.00; $1~,000.00 deposit to be paid f~om
.City Improvement Fund; the balance to be budgeted and paid in
Novembe~ closing. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Griffith d~ew attention to a Jog in the bul~JaeAd line
near Coquina Cove which he thought should be looked into before
the final bulkhead ordinance is drawn up,
M~. Griffith suggested an ordinance covering types of fill,
and also one for the construction of sea walls and pilings.
The matter was tabled with the suggestion that vthe two
ordinances be combined.
to the Bi~llding Code, Mr. Weaver
thou go over them once mor~ with the
to ~his end should be arranged
on the return of Mr , the Building Inspector,. f~Om his
vacation. He suggested the contractors ~ome to the City Hall
to study the amendments before the final meeting, to give them
a chance to raise objections. The date of this meeting, when
fixed, to be annoUnced in the local paper.
Mr. Walker .Field
Committee be~
given two
that members of the Building Cede
smendment e. He was
A copy of a ques~tionnaire from Attorney Fruda on the Habel
property was handed to each comncillor. Mr. Griffith said the
questions were legal and must be answered.
Mr. Rehbu~g repo~ted ena visit from the Palm Beach County
Healt~h Department, who had looked over the City garbage dump a~i
in their report on it, had described it as being in a very
Unsatisfactory condition.
It was stated that landfill and incineration cost about the
same, and that one acre should be enough for a City of lO,O00
people for one yes~.
Mr. Rehburg ~aid conditions at Lake Worth would be looked
into and he will have something more definite to report at the
next meeting.
Mr. Rehb~g said the Recreation Boa~d, at its last meeting,
~ad decided to complete the recreation building by Christmas with-
ut expense to the City, but would like permission to erect a
large thermometer on the City Hall lawn showing collections.
Mr. Taylor was asked about making such a thermometer.
Mr. DeMarco moved that Mr. Taylor be authorised to make
whatever tables a~e necessary for the Casino picnic a~ea,
Shook seconded. Motion carried.
M~. ~hook moved that, starting September 1st, ou~ three City
Inspectors make inspections South of Ocean~Avenne in the morning,
and North of Ocean A~enue in the afternoon~ morning inspections to
he rec~est~d before 8 P.M.~ne previous day~ and afternoon inspec-
tions b~efo~e n~on of same day. Mr. Pectin seconded. Motion
After discussion of the various items which must be ~
included in the coming budget, Mr. Rehb~g moved that author-
tmation be given ~rothy Williams to tax 14 mills en 100%
valuation of all real and personal property in the City.
Mr. Shook seconded. Motion carried.
The~e being no farther business the Mayor adjourned the~
meeting at ll.tO
Mayo r