Minutes 08-06-56MI-~JTES 0F A REGULAR k~TING OF TF~ CITY COL~CIL OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLOt~DA, t{ELD AT ThE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, AUGUST 8, 1956. PRESENT Mayor Stanley Weaver Vice ~ayor Joe DeMarco Y~. A .E. Shook ~fr. Mort Partin. Cl~y Clerk D.V.Wi!liams Bgro Zel! Taylor Police Chief Carver. The mee~mng was called to order by the Mayor at 7.30 P.M. The City Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of July 16. Mr. Shook moved, Mr. DeMarco seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. Notion carried. 3~r. D,~nc~ Hunter reported on his attendance at the meeting at the Marine Association of ~immi Building on July on ~bllc Law 519. He said no one seemed undulyalarmed about the law or thought it would be harmful to the interests of fishing fleets if retained in its present state, even without amendments. He added that the Coast Guard was presen~ at the meeting. The Mayor assured him'that~the City Council would help in any way possible to foster the boat situation. It was ~ta~ed~-that the County authorities ~e coming to make a survey on the garbage d-~np situation, and it is hoped better location cau be found as the County are sure matters can be arrar~ged. Before leaving for his two weeks~ Reserve duty at Fort Bragg, ~r. Rehburg asked for authorisation to have a survey made by the Russe&l & Axon company for sewage disposal, as provided for by the Federal Government, stating that such s,&rvey would not cost the City anything until such time as the scheme is put in hand. The matter was tabled for further checking. ~. Gr~efith said the City was not required to call for bids on petroleum products. 7.30 P.~., ~onday, August 13, was fixed as the date of a Council meeting to discuss the adoption of the Building Code ~end~r~n~s. A letter was read from Cleo Lanier requesting the 'transfer of the Dolphin Bar ~iquor lmcense from her name to that of Mrs. Crist. BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PAYMENT: General Fund. Wa~mes Akers Ford 1,131.29 James Edward Jones 3.50 Asphalt Sales Co. 489.46 Blue Cross of Florida 272.45 Austin Supply Co. 43.~0 Bob's Bob Shop 134.25 BodeI1 Printing 29.25 BoB. Chamber of Commerce V71,91 Burroughs Corp. IV. 52 Herman Butt s 13.00 City of Delray Beach 45.00 CoUrt Rec or ds 15. O0 Bryant Adam Drake 15.00 Andrew Pears on 1. O0 Boynton~,,~ac~' Fire Dep~. 524.99 AmeriCan Industrzal products- V4.V1 Delr ~, Zgnzt~ n . 5.40 East ~Coast F~re ~qu'~pment 7.75 Florida Pwr, & L~ght Co. 63Vo$1 Hilt ~g. Co. 25.99 Hood, s :~uto Service 56.34 Mmamm Unm£orms 5.25 N~t~rota Comm. & Electronic s Inc. 4V1 o 06~ ~Palm Beach Camera Service 18.80 Palm' Beach Typewriter 5.36 Pierce Time 0o. 70.?2 Rub~ Con.str. Co. 40.00 Kermeth ~_ow 79.07 S,troberg & Co. 48.83 Miami U~i~orms 39.90 Gulf Stmeam L ~%uuoer ll.16 Vaugbm ~ Wr~g_~t 9.50 ~ilLiams Char~ical Corp. 15.90 J,N, Tee~ 1,00 Herbert ~ltzer loO0 Paul Dennis 1.00 Childr~s~s Window Co. 1.00 ~s, T~&lm-a Weaver 1.00 Raleigh Founta in 1.00 ~. ~. B~ket t 186. Bi-Later~ Fire Hose Co. 32.00 C.T.~wlas mlec~r_c Co. Brown & ~goseley 30.~3 Cameron & B~keley ~oc~-~, Weber & Brocks, ay 444.00 Clewiston Motor Co. 14.23 Collins Signs 15.00 John H. Gregory 25.00 East Coast Fire Echpmnt. 86.59 Halsey & Gri ffith V. 55 Jackson Armature & Sled. S 9.00 Paul Johnston's Rest. 76.55 Sta~ley Porter-Donald ~ard 55.95 Nsway Uniform & Towel S. Co. 5.90 Mine Salty Appliances Co, 2.45 V~q~it t McDow ell 29.57 Standard Oil Co. 24.12 Stevenson Seed Stor~ 1.95 Wayne Akers Ford. 14V,04 Shaw Bros 0il Co. 9F9,,18 ~, J,Est afen 9,70 Jos. C. Bates ~.85 " 49.47 Chase Manhattan Bank Mrs. Nathan Bates 1.00 B.B. State Bank for Withholding 1,304.20 Florida-~eorgia Tractor 3.30 ,Gulf Oil Co. 89.54 American Legion Post 164 ~00.00 So. Builders & Realty 5.53 Mission Co. 6.59 N .N. ~arket t 13.58 So. Builders & Realty ~. 25 C .F. Boswo rth 137. V4 Pay roll 1~ ~02~ 32 " 874.23 " 2, 04V. 1! " 316.18 " 1,089.54 " 883.28 " 1,116.70 ~' 2 ~ 355 · 26 " 1,048,~ O0 l~_ich~el J,Estofan Ash. 5.34 Boynton Beach Fire Dept. 312.45 Andrew Smith Jr. 10.00 I. & S. Fund ~V36,88 Florida-Georgia Tractor Asphalt Sales Co. 273.00 Austin Supply CO. 38.20 Boynton Beach News 257.20 The Chase Manhattma Bank 5.00 City of Delr~y Beach 90.00 The Court Records Co. 15.00 Dave's Dept. Store 14.55 A.C.Reynolds 9V,13 Fla. Pwr. & Lt. 69!.18 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. 117,88 Miami UnifOrms 267.50 Kenz~eth Snow 71.25 Pa-o.1 Jo~mson' s Rest. 56.85 I ~!ber~ james Schultze 5.00 ~eacez. s Ins~a_r. Agency 1~880.48 Wayne Akes Ford [[nc. 69.46 Del~ay Ignition 11.40 Gulf Oil Co. Sts~ul~y Porter-Donald W~d 195.30 Edg~ Statio ~ 3~,9~ n~ Sto~e 5.00 Rubin Const~ction Co. 91.00 Williams C ' heroic al C ~p. 9.80 The Sherwin ~' ~ - ~1~ s Co. 1.10 ~kley~s G~ocery 8.50 Mine S~ety Appli~e~s 5.35 Dr. B.A. Ki~sch 1.00 Lawrence Andrew Ch~bon- neau 15.00 Albe~ Cr,~ H~ry ~ ~5.00 ~s field Sc otty Therrian 1.00 5.00 Jo~m E. Suntala 34.62 Mil~d A, ~ckey 5.00 ~ildre d Lofley zstrzct Direotcrs of Zntsrnal Revenue 880. A.B.A. mms~ness FO~s 13.07 Blue Cross of Florida Addre s s O~h-~gult i~oh ~54.95 Corp. 21.03 ~ynton Beach News 19.00 Nation~ Recreation Assocn. 4.08 H~sey & G~iffith V5.17 Civil 2s~b~yAssembly 2~. 50 Boynton ~ach Fire Dept C afl ~ ~ ' ~rnOn B~l 0bie D~aarb 15.00 46.50 ~rs. Joe sph B~no 0stopowitz 50.00 Je~s sis ~oo re 25.00 Znternation~ Service Co. 50.00 Shaw Bros, 0il Co. Gulf 0il Co. 14. P~m Beach T~ev~iter 35.13 C O~ty ~gerc~ til~ ll. 35 Jayeem Enterprises Pay roll 911.10 934 2;346.68 !,165.06 924°72 7V~ .07 i,011.60 ~Ir. Shook moved, ~&ro De~arco seconded, that the tr~_usfer be allowed. ~totion ca,tied. The Building report for the month oT July was read amounting to ~ne Fire Depar~nt report for the month of July was read. private Nr. Gr~ffith suggested adequate prctection for/swimming pools Jo ~limihate danger ~o children~ an~ ~tso suggested. . the Bumldmng Inspector be instructed to dmsapprove any sw~ming pool u~ess it is far enough back from the property line, and not on the line itself. ~r. Shook mbved that swi~ing pools must be ade~mately protected and mus~ be maintaiued at the building setback line at the time of 6onstruction. Nr. De~a_~co seconded. ~ot ion ca~ried. In connection with the moving of a building, ~r. Senior asks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- _~ ~n~ming ~ ~iaTor~d, when they come 'to the City Hall for permits, that they must also notify the Florida Power & Light Company mad the B~ll Telephone Company. Nr. Shook moved that, effective November 1st, the City pay ~% of total salaries of Police and Fire Dep~tments to their respective pension funds. ~ro De~Y~arco seconded~ ~otion carried. ~/~r. Shook suggested unmetered properties for water they use° putting water meters on several a few weeks to check the amount of Relative to streets in ~The Lawns~ subdivision~ ~gr. Taylor was asked to ~neck, and i~r. Shook will ask ~r. Boos what he intends to do. The City must have the money in advance, as previously agreed, before any letter of authorization c~a be given the L. & ~ Sod Comp~uy to proceed with the con- struction. Regarding the cleaning up of lots, ~r. Shook syggested ~o Taylor get a City contrzctor to go r~nd and give a price on this work, as this ~ould be cheaper than the City could do is. Nr. Griffith~said thirty days' notice must be given to the owners of such lots regarding any assessments against their properties. ~r. K.C. ~ockagain raised the question as to the possibility of the City supplying water to 'Hypoluxo Park' a new subdivision in the town of Hypoluxoo He said they are prepared to dig deep wells in the subdivision for immediate use, but would like to be eventually furnished with water by the City of~ Boynton Beach. ~r. Griffith wondered as to the feasibility of a franchise for the whole town of Hypoluxo, which includes the subdivision of ~Hypol.~xo Park~o ~r. Weaver said th~ question is whether the town of Hypoluxo would be interested~ if it was found possible for the City of Boynton Beach To make some sort of agreement; adding that with the area built up and our water increase now in progress, there should be smfficient supply for their req~ irement s. in the meantime i~r. ~ock was asked to see what he could do with the Hypol~xo oEfieials, sad a meeting could then be held to get the matter ironed out. ~r. C.R.V~arner asked Tor~ tentative approval of a plat adjoining Dewey Heights. ~r. Griffith said the 40' right of way would violate our City ordinmuce ~ich says that no dedication for right of way can be accepted for less than 50~o It was agreed that I~r. ~?arner_.give the City a Deed for the i0' extra--needed a~ud the City c~u re-convey it to them by Quit Deed ~daen additional width is platted by adjoining owners. ~r. Taylor reported he had done soms work on the colored playground, sufficient for theme, to play on. It was stated ~ is a piece of property bordering the playground on the South side ~nich ~ould increase the size of ball park by one-third, and can be bonght at the cost price of ~9.~500.00. It is approximately 180' x ~r. De~arco moved that ~s. ~¥illiams be authorised to proceed with the purchase of the property under~discussion for the p-~rpose of increasing the size of the colored play- ground. ~. Partin seconded. Eotion carried. ~r. Weaver said the City h~s also ~u offer of some property which might be utilised to advantage. It is ~00 ft. of Lake front South of In. let Village, ~ud now that the Lake ~orth bulk- head line has been fixed, this property would give the City about 1,000 ft. in depth. There is a 05' E/V~ for egress to the property. It would be a good location for a small marina dock, etc. The cost is ~r. Hunter spoke at length in favor of purchase of the property. The ~ayor said how to finance it is tlme question. It can be bought for ~15,000.00 now and the rest on terms. It was agreed that the ~ayor ask the owners not to sell the property until the City b~s had time to consider it. ~Ir. DeNsmco moved that if suiSa~e terms can be obtained and the matter worked out~ the property should be purchased. ~r. Partin seconded, ?~otion carried° .~f~. Taylor reported that the Lif? Guard's sts~ud has been anchored tO prevent its removal by chzldren. ~r. De_~f, arco moved that a new water cooler be purchased for the City Hall~ the present one being moved to the Casino, to be placed inside with the faucet on the outside for oublic access at all times. ~.~. Shook seconded. 5Iotion %arried. Mr. Shook moved, ~.r. DeMarco seconded, that the $.44,00~.00 bonds which have sho~m up sm_d which have never been refurf_ded, be purchased at 9V for the bonds mud 97 for the interest~ ~neir due date is April l, 1989. Motion carrie d. · a Mr. De~,~arco moved that the Florida Bank & Trust Comp ny be notified that since the refunding bonds of ~f~-'~,l, 1948 are now almost ten years old, the City Co~uucil of Boyn~on Beach request bonds be caucelled and returned to the City, and that all acco,smts be closed and a statement be rendered. Mr. Shook seconded. Motion carried. Mrs. V~illiams was authorized to aDramge for JANITOR service for the City Hall. in a discussion of a request for a taxi license in the City, Nr. Shook said the present service gives good service and should be protected from an outsider coming in as long as conditions do not warrant additional service~ he moved that the request be denied. ~r. De~arco seconded. ~otion carried. Mr. Shook moved that the City sign a Quit Claim Deed to Dr. Dewey for property now subdivided into Dewey Heights, as the City has no longer any interest in it. ~,,~,~. Partin seconded. Notion carried; ~r. Shook moved, ~;r. De~arco seconded, that the petition of the City Liquor License hol~ers be denied as it does not meet with the approval of Co~om~cil. ~otion ca_~ried. ~Ir. Shook moved that the Electrical Code be adopted. ~g~. De~arco seconded. Motion carried. -5- There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at l0 P.~. ~ayor ~ C iby Clerk-.