BEACH JULY 16, 1956.
Mayor Star~ey Weaver
Vi~e,M~yor Joe DeMarco
Mr. A.E.Shook
Mr. Mott Partin
Mr. Don Rehburg.
City C~erk D.V.Wi!liams
Mr. Zell Taylor
Mr. Carl Stone
Wolice Chief Carver.
Absent: Attorney Griffith
Alice Kelly
Olive Ciernik.
Mr. Weinstock asked permission to replat the amended olat
of Boynton Ridge. After quite a bit of discussionft was agreed
to allow the replat if the lot sizes were kept to a minimum of
65', with larger lot~ scattered through plat.
After read&ng~ of the minutes by City Clerk Dorothy
Williams~ Mr. Shookmade a motion, seconded by Mr. DeMsrco,
that they be accepted as read. Motion passed.
Mayor Weaver reported ~hat although he could not attend the
meeting at West Pslm Beach on. the establishment of a bulkhead
line for Lake Worth, he had the City Clerk contact the meeting
and hsd a report back that our request to hold the filling in to
s m~ximum of 300 feet seemed to be the general opinion of ~ll
effected comunities in the County.
Mrs. Evelyn Croix requested permission to establm h a kinder-
garten at her home on N.E~ ~th Avenue. This request is being
turned over to the Zoning ~nd Pla~i~g Bo~s for action.
A petition from the residents in Rid gewood Hills was read.
Petition attached.
Both Mr. Painter and Mr°Glenn hsd quite s lot to say about
the promises they said were made to-them by the City Council.
None of the Councilmen had any recollection of such oromises,
and said so. No such promises were recorded in any Council
meetings. Mayor. Weaver said that street lights for the ares
have already been ordered, and Mr.Rehburg.is working to ascertain
the feasibility of acquiring s land fill garbage disposal for our
Police Chief Carver was asked to keep closer check on the
speed on ~h Street, and the Council will p~sce 'Yield Right of
Way' signs where needed most.
Mr. Bortacheller is to b~ notified that he must remove the
pine trees planted in the alley west of his home st once. This
is a d~dicated R/W to the public and at any time the City sees
fit tO open Same they do not want the expense of moving ~he
The~Council asked that the Civil Service Board be asked to do
something to clear the status of Patrolman'Butler. Chief Carver
Stated he was on Butler's side and wanted him equal to the other
Mr. Earl Brown of GULF 0IL COMPANY, and Mr. Albert McGregor
representing SHAW BROTHERS 0IL CO., were both present and vicing
for the City business relative to~troleum products, openly.
After considerable debate, Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded
by Mr. ~ehburg, to keep the business as is. Mr. DeM~rco voted
No; ali'other~ voted Yes. Motien carried.
Mr. Brown then said that as a taxpayer and a business man
Mr. Rehburg told the Councilmen ~hat the Kiwanis Club of
Boynton Beach has agreed to match what any other club or person
will donate to light ~ence Par~.
The water lay-outs ~E~VENETIAN ISLES and LEISURE PARK
were approved
as ~.end~d~m~. Stone.
Mr. Partin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Rehburg, that
permission be granted Venetian Isles Associates to have the
monies now on depdsit with the city~0r completion of streets
to be used for the purpose of purchasing water pice on the
Associates' oromises to repay the monies in time to comolete
streets. Motion carried. '
Mayor Weaver appointed George Kelly to the Recreational
Boardon request of Councilman Rehburg, and with the consent of
Mr. Kelly.
The Mayor d~red a cle~n-up campaign for all citizens of
their properties~ beginning right now, so that in case of any
unwelcome hurrica~our trees, Shrubs etc., will not suffer
unnecessary damage~ and there will be no trash or debris of any
kind to fly around and endanger life. The City crew will pick
up all such trash that is put out for the nex~ three weeks.
Mr. Duncan Hunter is to be asked to represent the City 'at
the Marine Association of Miami Building, July 2~rd. Public Law
%19 will be the subject and it vitally concerns al! charter boat
owners in the country. Unless enough people are sufficiently
interested to get this la~ amended, it may mean the forcing out
of business better than 90% of our fishin~ fleet, so vital to
the tourist trade.
After the readdng of Ordinance No.285 by Mrs.Willlams, Mr.
Shook made a motion~ seconded by Mr. DeMaroo, that the 0rdinance
be adopted on this the second reading. Motion passed.
A meeting was set for Wednesday, at 6.00 P.M., to further
study the recommendations submitted for a new building code.
The Council agreed to meetin in August with Chiefs
of Police and Fi~ by
e their
res~ ~sion ftuuds.
Mr. Weaver related that he h~d asked~. Paul McBride to
move up from the Planning Board to the Zoning Board, and that
Mr. Mcbride had accePted.~
Mr. Rehburg recommended that Mrs. Rsiney~6f Royal Pa~lm
Village be apoointed to the ~lanningB6a~.
.Mr. DeMarco made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shook, that'
the recommendation of the CivilService Board as in their signed
minutes of July %th, adjusting salsries, be accepted and
become effective as of ~y l, 1956. Notion passed unanimously.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
MaYor~ ~
City Clerk.
WHERE~S, the Charter of the City of Boynton Beech
provides that compensation to be paid to
the Chief of Poli~e shall be fixed by
Ordinance or Resolution~ end
WItEREAS~ the Council of the City of Boynton Beach
have voted an increase Of $25.20 in salary
for the Chief of Police~ AdolPhus C.
Cerver~ n~
THER ~OP~ BE IT RESOLVED tnet the salary of the
Chief of Police, Adolphus Co Carver be
changed from $350.00 ~o $B75.00 per month.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City
of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ sitting in
reveler s~ssion this t6th day of July,
A. D. 19~6.
Cb~ncilman ~J
Cit~j~ Clerk
~ne Honorable ~{embers of the Oity Council of Boynton Beach, Florida.
We, the ~mdersigo~ed~ Oceup~g ~r private residences in R. idgewood
Hills, a.?~ub-divisie~ of Bo2nton Be~ch~ hereby p.r.esent to you certain f~ct~
~ co~diti?~ns, Come of whic~h~ we ~re of the 0pinio~, h~ve'"ceen, ar~e, and
if not.~died~ will result Ln permanen~ dep~ivin~ us of the enjOYment
of living mn o~r homes and Will retard the value of same. The assailed
conditions are a~ follows:
(I) At the tim~ we purchased our lots
s~bsequently eree~d '0~r residence~ we ~er~e as~ bY ~ re~stel~d
realtor and developer of-~he afereme~tim0~e~~ P_i~ge~oo~ ~ that, under
be used for any p~rpOSe ~ther than a
Relying on this holdiug
Subsequently certain ~ty or p~rtie~ h~ve erected houses i~ this sub-
div~sion ~nd are rent~ ?~rnished and/~
been ~ye~ ~e ~, ~herefo~ ~el~ ~ ~s~ ~the
~ ~ no~ice, do not c~e r~t~g the
used for ~u~ ~ ~ses
(2~ ~e ~ere not informed~ nor ~re wB ~wB~e at -hhe time ~e purchased
our lots in the described s~o-division, of the exis%ence of the City
~p on the State of Florida property adjacent +~ ~ur proper~y. ~hen
we discovered tb~s State property was beiz~ u~ed as a d~p, our repre-
?entatives~ d~ring an ? ses.sm?n ~oproxim~tely two years ~go,
~c~med the City Oo~cil of this condition. They described to the
Council tb~ ohno~ous odors e~an~ting %h~refrom ~nieh are so nauseating
at times that doors~ ~ndows and other oD~n~gs in our homes h~ve to be
closed so ~ to at least partly avoid such odo~ ~e were then~ and are
~ ~ ~ ° ' ' a hes2th men~ce, due net only to Lu-
now, o_ the op~u~on thze d~mp ~s
crease o~ resmcencos ~ ad~cent a~e~, b~t also, beemuse o£ the L~ed%_ate
proxLmity of the colored school. The Co~.cil at ~t time informed ~ the
city h~d other property that wottld be used as a dEap ar~ that the
existing d-~ap,M~zld be discontinued wi~n ninety to one hundred and
~.went~-* days and that the hole or dump wo~ld be f~ed in preparatory to
the buil~g of State Route 9 thereovero ~?e 'believe ~e have~ed good
patience ~th respect to these matters a~d~ ~*e now urge that the council
give ord. ers that will accomplish these premises to us~
(3) Becsuse .of the.i~cre~sed t~fic over T~rd ~d Fourth $~eets
e ~ e~er wzs~ ~r~ to the preser~t city d~p, ~ f~ther,
ca-~ of f~t.~e~t~g ef ~nger c~st e~ t~_ese ~ arrests, the
Oity, Lu order to protec~ eh~en ~d o~er ~rs~ ~Lug these two
/ ·
The Honorable Men, sets of the 0i%y Council ~ Boynt*m ~each, Floridm.
streets, erected *~r~ffic signs on Fourth Stu~et l!mitir~ speed th~e~
~ %-~{en~-five ~es ~r ~ ~ ~r si~ ~o~bit~g p~ at
s~ ~sreg~ thee ~fic ~s ~ si~s.
We, thereffo~, ~rge you to issue definite amd positive orders to the
city employees whose re~ponsibili~ *'
x~ is t~ see that those traffic
regulations ~e obsess We also request:
A ~e~ty-fiv~ mmle ioer hour tr~fFi~ zone se es~blished
e~f~r~ed on N~ Wl Second Avenue oetwe~n ~h~ east side
Seaboard ~oad t~acks and U. $. R0~te No. ~.
(b) Parking be limited to four ~'~rs on stree~ in this
(c) Pending removal of said d~m~p, ali traffic thereto to be
diverted to streets or routes that do not pass through
(d) Lights simila~ to those on N.W. 2nd Street ~e l~tailed on
N. N. 3rd and N. W. Sth Streets.
Fast and m~cream~ag tr~ffmc over Second Avenue mskes it ~-mpera~-ve
sp~ed zones be es~b!~shed.
Your .imm.~d_ate a~entm~n ~o the a~orementioned conditions and sit~ati~s
~ one mss~auce oz ~e~inioe ~nd ce~_u or, er by you to remedy s~ch
matters' ~_ll be mpprecim%ed by us.
Honorable ~embe~rs ef the City Oeuucil of Bcz~to~