Minutes 07-02-56Mi}~'OTES OF A P.~.Gii!.~ I~IE~ING 0]~ [T'~i~ CiTi7 COUI{CIL OF B0_~vETON BEACH, FLOR/DA~ 5!ELD AT T~ CITY H-~LL, BO~ZNTON BEACH~ JULY 2, 19~6. PRESE~: Mayor Star_ley Weaver Vice Mayo~ Joe DeMarco !~, A.E.Shook !bo Mort Pa_~ti~ ~. Do~ld Rehburg City Clerk D.V.Wii!i~s ~. Zell Taylor }.~. Car! Stone Tho meeting ~gas calied to order ~ t~he Mayor at ~.30 P.M. After reading-of the ~utes by the City Clerk, M~. Shook made a motion~ seconded by Mro Partin, that the minutes bo accepted as reaJ,Motion ~ssed. A letter was road from tho ~nambor of Commerce suggest- Dug a lettem of welcome be sent to al! new businesses start- ing to operate within the city. Such l~t~e shou2d also advise that a license is re~ired, mud should give information acquainting thom with the operation of the city in regards to their business. The building ~eport for the month of June was read totall~ag ~346~790~00~ The Fire Department report for the month of Juns was read. donation A note of th~ was received from the ~b Scouts for from the City. A letter from the L~.DoD. requested the cooperation of tlme City Co~cil in making certaLu that their rigb£v of was not endangered before they accept any new p!atsfor s~odivisioD~. l~. Ralph Dupree asked by letter that he be allowed to sell wine as wel! as beer to ea~y out only. Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded by ~'~. DoMarco that ~. Du'oree~s license be amSnded to road B~ ASVD W~VE to ca~ry out only. Motion passed. A resident of Rolling Green ~.~oto parking or_ the stroet~ of that subdivision at all This letter was tabled %uutil the 0rdin~uce c~Ube checked to ascertain if there is an ordinance on the books pro- b_ibiting this practice. Attorney To~oerg asked what action had been taken on the petition he ~esented in behalf of the liquor establish- ments~ He was asked to attend the next Pla~ing Board meet~ ing~ scb~du!ed for Wednesday July tlth. Bulkhead lines in Lake %gorth were disc~sed and Mayor ~eaver agreed .to attend the meet~ug at the Datura Street Cou~t Ho~e tomorrow. It was the concensus of opinion that he should cooperate with the wishes of Hypol~xo, if ~e~s:ihle, but to not allow filling in of more than 300 fe~t, ~nless a little deviation be necessary to Join the established line a~ Coquina Cove. ~o Rehburg was asked to obtain a written agreement from the Lyman Brothers. befo_.e ma~l ms removed from thezr property ~o be taken to ~.ild a new ball park on Lake Avenue. I~. Rehbu~g also agr?sd to.approach the Boat Club to check prop- ert~es zor sale oorder_.ug Ds~e ~ortn~ as a possible small boat launching site. ~ The re*zamped buildiug and electrical codes were presented for consideration,b~htw~re tabled until ~u Executive meeting on Monday, July 9th. Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parti~. that the P1;~bing Inspector is hereby given authority to have all plumbers call for final inspection. Thais provision will be i_uoo~o~ated in ~ ordinate in the nea_~ f~.ture. Attorney Griffith read zon~ ordinance i~o.284 for the first reading ~ ~o Shook made a motion that ordinaries No.284 be accepted for the first ~ading. ~. D~_~la~co seconded ~ud the motion was cBrrie d. ~. Grtffith stated he was asked to ascertain the status of the p~king area aro~_ud ~r, Party's new building Lu Arden Park. _~fter ~ch discussion it was a~reed to Erant temporary pe_~mmss_on to use the area, as it has Seen constructed of shell rock~, but the ~lope must be changed to co~_form to drainage re- quiren~ents~ so that no water drains off the shell onto the City st_~eet right of way. A petition 'was oresented from tb~ residents of PLAYr~ HO~S PROTESTING ~bYg moving of the frs~me Baptist pastorium from the co~ of Seacr~st Bo~evard ~d N.E. ~d Avenue to the lot adjoi~ Y~ustin Supply, j~t 0cesn Avenue. The ~tition was denied ~smuch as ~. Austin hgd c~lied with all requirements of lations, etc. Relative to the signers~ protest against a fr~e home~ they were ~o_~ed that the City still allows a~u individual to build his home according to b~s p~sons~ preference, as far as choosing bet~yeen a f~ame o_~ CBS constructlon~ ~% man asked from the floor tna~, Ocean A~enu pav%~o be done . ~'-~ would be as soon as possible. The ~ ~ ~ ass~ed h~m that done as soon as money is available. A recent p~chassr of ~erry Hills lots protested that oc~aOying a d~lsx built on the South side of 10th Avenue ' -~ from Russell Axsc, n Eng~eering ~ One of the en~mnee-s - feasible for spoke of it as him belief thao ~o Bo~ton ~ = in a sewage dispos~ B~gcn to jo~ with Lake We-arb ~d plea whereby all these o~_~m~ies could ~e the s~e oce~ outfall~ For ~600.00 he said ~s fi~ co~d mak~ the necess~ relimi~mv survey. He also said that a loan for the s~vey co~d bs obtained f~om the Ho~g s~d Home F~.ce Agency, After -~eoal!e~ ~or ~nd .~_r~naed co~!aints to the C=ty ~_ Co~ci!m~ by several of the empl~ees~ the City Clerk asked -~ defin.te pay ~y an( ~ Co~mcm- t8 set a ~ d- ~_ ~h~ for giving out the checks. The Co~.cil agreed to keep the pay day the s~.e as it b~s always b~em_~ that is t~e _s~ ~_d !6th of between 4 ~_d j P.M. On recon~_er~datio~ of ~. Zel! Taylor, ~r, Del~,co made a ~ .... ~ded by I~.Partin~ 5-~.~ ~.ir. Car! Stone~s pay be e. ~.~otion passed~ raised by 5~20.00 per month. ~ere oem~_g ho further busLuess the meeti~ ad Jo