Minutes 08-15-00 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMI~IISSION I~IEET~NG HELD IN COMI~IISSION CHAMBERS~ CTI'Y HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOI~DA ON TUESDAY~ AUGUST 15~ 2000 AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald Broening, Mayor Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Black, Commissioner Charlie Fisher, Commissioner Kurt Bressner, City Manager ]ames Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk I. OPENINGS: Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Broening Invocation - Reverend Bob Hahn - First United Methodist Church Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Following the invocation, Mayor Pro Tem Sherman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. D. IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION: · FILL OUT THE APPROPRIATE RE(~UEST FORM · GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK (ON THE DAIS) BEFORE THE "OPENINGS" PORTION OF THE AGENDA HAS BEEN COMPLETED. · COME TO THE PODIUM WHEN THE MAYOR CALLS YOUR NAME INDIVIDUALS F4AY SPEAK FOR THREE UNINTERRUPTED MINUTES. E. Agenda Approval: :L. Additions, Deletions, Corrections There were no additions, deletions or corrections to the agenda. 2. Adoption Vice Mayor Weiland moved to accept the agenda as presented. Commissioner Black seconded the motion that carried unanimously. II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: Commissioner Fisher pointed out that with the exception of the Code Compliance Board, the membership terms of all of the remaining City's advisory boards expire at the end of March to coincide with the City election. He asked if it would be possible to extend the terms of the expiring members of the Code Compliance Board so that all boards would expire at the end of March. MEETZNG MTNUTES REGULAR CI'TY COMMZSSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR]DA AUGUST 15, 2000 Attorney Cherof said the Commission could extend the current terms. He further explained that the terms of the Code Compliance Board members were originally set by State Statute. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to extend the current members on the Code Compliance Board to coincide with everyone else. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. Commissioner Black questioned whether this item would have to return to the Commission in the form of an Ordinance. Attorney Cherof responded negatively since the existing Ordinance would cover this change. The motion carried unanimously. Appointment Length of Term To Be Made Board Expiration Date IV Black Children & Youth Advisory Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/01 Mayor Broening Children & Youth Advisory Board Stu/Reg/Voting 1 yr term to 4/01 I Weiland Children & Youth Advisory Board Stu/Reg/NonVoting 1 yr term to 4/01 Mayor Broening Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Alt i yr term to 4/01 III Sherman Education Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 !V Fisher Education Advisory Board Alt ! yr term to 4/01 Mayor Broening Education Advisory Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/01 ! Weiland Education Advisory Board Stu ! yr term to 4/01 I! Black Education Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 Tabled (2) ! Weiland Nuisance Abatement Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 TT Black Nuisance Abatement Board Alt i yr term to 4/01 · Vice Mayor Weiland appointed Caroline Rorer as a Student member of the Education Advisory Board. All remaining appointments were tabled. ITl. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements: None B. Presentations: 1. Proclamations: MEETI'NG MTNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMM1'SSTON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA AUGUST 15, 2000 a. "Non-Violence Week in Palm Beach County"- August 20-26, 2000 Mayor Broening read a Proclamation declaring the week of August 20-26 as "Non-Violence Week in Palm Beach County". b. "Firefighter Appreciation Week" - August 28 - September 4, 2000 Mayor Broening read a Proclamation declaring the week of August 28-September 4 as "Firefighter Appreciation Week" and presented it to Fire Chief Bill Bingham. 2. Orientation PowerPoint Presentation - Utilities Department John Guidry, Utilities Director, made a PowerPoint presentation of the operations of the Utilities Department. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the original set of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.) Presentation of Preliminary Report on a new Teen Center by the Advisory Board on Children & Youth City Manager Bressner announced that this item appeared on the agenda in error. ]:t will appear on a future City Commission agenda. ~[V. CONSENT AGENDA: Vice Mayor Weiland requested that :Item [V-C.I.b. be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. A. Minutes: Agenda Preview Conference of July 27, 2000 Regular City Commission Meeting of August 1, 2000 Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1999-2000 Adopted Budget Extend BID #087-2510-00/KR for "TEMPORARY LABOR SERVICES" for one additional year to Tandem Staffing, with an estimated annual expenditure of $10,000 Extend BID #086-2510-00/KR for "MOB]:LE REFUSE CONTAINERS" for one additional year to Schaefer Systems International, Inc., with an estimated annual expenditure of $10,000 MEET~'NG M]:NUTES REGULAR cTrY COMM1'SS'rON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOR.I[DA AUGUST 15, 2000 Award the bid for "PURCHASE OF ONE NEW AND UNUSED HYDRAULIC EXTRICATION PACKAGE'; BID #075-2210-00/C]D to Porche Fire Equipment, Inc. of Ocala, Florida in the amount of $23,243 Approve the piggyback of State Contract #070-840-99-1 to Harley- Davidson of Seminole County for the purchase of one new 2001 FLHP-1 Harley Davidson Police Road King Motorcycle for $12,100 Approve the piggyback of the City of Palm Bay Bid #97-14 to AMPS, Inc. to install a well and pump system in the amount of $29,000 and Palm Beach County Bid #99-052 to Vila and Son Landscape Corporation to repipe and rezone irrigation lines in the amount of $35,000 at the Tennis Center for the North American Corporate Games (NACG) Approve an addendum to extend RFQ#047-1210-99/CJD for the "ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR TOWING" to various companies to include Jordan Wrecker Service for an additional year with estimated expenditures of $34,000 (~oRO~O$£D R~$OZUI'~ON NO. R00-2[.~4) Reimbursement to Lawrence Lake Estate Homeowners Association - Landscape Improvement Installation (payment from surety bond) C. Resolutions: Proposed Resolution No. R00-115 Re: Ratifying the action of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board on July 20, 2000 as follows: Authorization for Chairman to sign interlocal agreement between the City of Delray Beach and South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board for use of 24" interlocal pipeline crossing; Authorization for chairman to sign special warranty deed transferring from SCRWT&DB to Palm Beach County a 40" wide tract of land on Golf Road west of Congress Avenue At Vice Mayor Weiland's request, Item IV-C.l.b. was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Authorization for option for pre-7/1/98 GRIT Claims Member acknowledgement and file release form Authorization to expend $26,000 from Surplus Fund to settle injury claims Eddie F. Adams vs. SCRVVT&DB; M EE'I"~NG M~'NUTES REGULAR cTrY COMM'rSSI'ON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOI~DA AUGUST 15, 2000 Authorization to expend $8,000 on an emergency basis from Repair & Replacement Fund to replace 1,200 amp breaker for unit substation #3; Authorization to expend on an emergency basis from Repair & Replacement Fund $2,000 to purchase five alarms to enhance the chlorine system; Authorization to expend from Repair & Replacement Fund $2,780 for Roy Bell, Tnc. to repair roof in the Administration Building; Authorization to establish wastewater user rate to cities for Fiscal Year 2000/2001 as follows: 2000/200! Operations & Maintenance Sinking Fund $0.5425/1,000 gal. $0.1500/1,000 gal. TOTAL $0.6925/1,000 gal. Authorization for acceptance of 2000/2001 wastewater and reuse O&lVl budgets and wastewater repair and replacement expenditures; and Approval of corporate resolution allowing the Executive Director to enter into a three-year lease agreement with Saturn of Delray for a LW 6 cylinder wagon at a rate of $275.50 per month. Proposed Resolution No. R00-116 Re: Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Development Regions Round ]:V Core Grant Agreement with Palm Beach County for the MyEmot/o, qs project Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: Woolbright Professional Plaza (Nguyen) - Woolbright Road approximately 650 feet east of Congress Avenue - Request for a height exception from the City's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.1, to allow a five (5) foot increase from the maximum twenty-five (25) foot height limit required within the C-1 Office and Professional Commercial zoning district Woolbright Medical Building (Freeman) - Woolbright Road & 22"d Street (northwest corner) - Request for relief from Chapter 2, zoning, Section 6.A.3. limiting the maximum building height to 30 feet to allow a 9-foot variance, or 39-foot high building MEE1TNG MZNUTES REGULAR CTTY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH`, FLORZDA AUGUST 15,, 2000 m Landscape Regulations - Amendments to Chapter 7.5, Article II (and related sections) to add aesthetic/beautification requirements, to create additional buffering standards, to increase maintenance requirements, increase planting specifications and to codify lake planting requirements Approve State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) grant funds in the amount of $20,000 to Debborrah D. Washington, first time homebuyer, for the purchase of property located at 1950 NW 1~ Street Approve funding to proceed with advertising for bids from the Utility Reserve Account #403-5000-96.01, WTR094, for the construction and installation of Fluoride Systems at both East and West Water Treatment Plants Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA TTEM FOR DZSCUSSZON: IV-C.l.b. Authorization for chairman to sign special warranty deed transferring from SCRWT&DB to Palm Beach County a 40' wide tract of land on Golf Road west of Congress Avenue Vice Mayor Weiland said he did not attend the SCRWTD Board meeting when this item was discussed. He asked Mr. Haggle to clarify the location of this 40' wide strip of land and whether or not this item pertained to Quail Ridge not putting a backflow valve on their property. Mr. Haggle explained that this strip of land begins approximately 200' west of Congress Avenue along Golf Road. It was needed when the decision was made to install the reuse system. The tract of land was 40' wide and 600' long. Twenty feet of the 40' width was in the road right-of- way. Palm Beach County would like to use this property and they have already graded it and planted grass. The SCRWTD Board attorney advised that if someone were hurt in this area, the SCRVVTD Board would have liability. Therefore, this 20' x 600' strip of land has been transferred to the County. No money was involved. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve Item IV-C.l.b. Commissioner Black seconded the motion that carried unanimously. V. CZ'I'Y MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Proposed Revision to Beach Pass Pricing (August ::[5, 2000) MEETTNG MTNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP~DA AUGUST 15, 2000 City Manager Bressner advised that staff is recommending that the Commission approve an increase in the beach parking decal price from $10 to $20 for residents and increase the seasonal beach decal price by $10. The six-month beach pass would be increased from $50 to $60. Mr. Bressner noted that this increase is a modest adjustment. Commissioner Fisher questioned whether any other neighboring cities offer special rates to non- residents. Wally Majors, Acting Director of Recreation, reported that the City of Boca Raton offers non-resident decals at a cost of $27 to use the extreme southern end of their beach. Tn Lantana, the fee for non-resident use of their beach is $100. Delray Beach provides an option of meter use or payment of a non-resident fee. Residents and non-residents pay $53. However, residents are given better parking. Commissioner Fisher asked whether the market could bear a non-resident fee of $75. Mr. Majors pointed out that 96% of the decals are sold to residents. The purpose of the system is to regulate traffic. He did not believe that an increase to $75 for non-residents would result in a major impact to revenue projections since it would only affect 4% of the beach users. Mr. Bressner explained that the increased rates would help us continue to maintain the "Best Beach in Palm Beach County". We have already realized a 30% increase in traffic since the designation was awarded and we anticipate continued future growth. Motion Commissioner Black moved to follow staff's recommendation in raising the beach parking fees. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion that carried 4-1. (Commissioner Fisher dissented.) Attorney Cherof advised that he would read the Ordinance later in the meeting. Health Tnsurance Renewal for 2000/2001 (August 15, 2000) pending discussion with bargaining unit representatives City Manager Bressner reported that it is necessary to recommend that the City Commission approve an insurance premium increase to the employees and the City because of our claims history. ]:t is recommended that the deductible for the PPO coverage be changed to reduce the impact of the premium increase. The existing PPO coverage has a $100 deductible which is unheard of today. By changing the deductible to a $300 per individual/S900 per family deductible, but retaining the $1,000 per year out-of-pocket maximum, the recommended proposal would soften the increase. One of the benefits of the PPO is that the participants have a broad choice of doctors. However, the overall cost of that program has driven the premium costs up. To date, the City has blended the costs of the HMO and PPO. :In reality, the cost exposure to claims history for the PPO is much higher than the HMO. The participants of the HMO have been subsidizing the participants of the PPO. The proposal includes continuing the blending to avoid very high increases for the participants in the PPO. Tf the City were to continue with the current program, the rate increase would have been approximately 25%. The City budgeted approximately 19% based on the adjustments we were able to negotiate. MEETTNG MTNUTES REGULAR CITY COMM:[SSTON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOI~DA AUGUST 15, 2000 Mr. Bressner said staff was criticized for not going out for bid. However, the claims management track record of the current carrier has been superb and their cost containment program has been good. Other communities were researched and we learned that when they jumped from carrier to carrier, they were dissatisfied with service. In addition, it is a known fact that other carriers would not provide the PPO coverage with a $100 deductible. Mr. Bressner said this is an artificially Iow deductible that needs to be changed. Mr. Bressner reminded the Commissioners that he provided a preview copy of his report but at that time, he was not certain whether or not the City would be in a position of recommending going forward with the proposed change. There had been discussion with the employees and representatives of the bargaining units. The reaction from the bargaining units ranged from anger to acceptance even though they did not like it. There are two bargaining units that would require a re-opener to discuss impact bargaining. Administration has indicated to the unions that the City is ready to sit down with them. The contracts for the remaining bargaining units are coming up for negotiations and this issue will be dealt with at that time. Mr. Bressner said the City would offer the bargaining units a three-way package as follows: Continuation of the HMO with no cost to the employee and some increases to the family coverage; PPO coverage that is based on the existing PPO package that would require the employee to pay $11.70 per pay period for individual coverage where there had been no cost in the past; and 3. PPO coverage with a higher deductible that would result in no contribution by the employee. Mr. Bressner said he did not like recommending a 19% increase. Although a number of employees feel the City should absorb the increase, Mr. Bressner does not feel that would be responsible. MOtion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to table this item for two weeks. Vice Mayor Weiland explained that this is a very hot issue with City employees. This issue was mentioned to the Commissioners three weeks ago, but the back-up information was provided only as the discussion began this evening. (A copy of the back-up information is attached to the original set of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.) Vice Mayor Weiland would like two additional weeks to review this issue in order to make an educated decision. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Commissioner Fisher referred to an article in The Palm Beach Post in which his quote was edited with respect to going out to bid. He explained that he is covered under his wife's insurance that is less expensive because the company opted for a lesser-known company in an 8 MEETZNG M'rNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMTSS'rON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA AUGUST 15, 2000 effort to keep costs Iow. Because of misappropriation of funds, he had to pay cash for the birth of his son. C. Strategic Planning/Goal Setting City Manager Bressner reported that a strategic planning session was held and 55 objectives were identified and will be prioritized. (A copy of the objectives is attached to the original set of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. Vi'. PUBLTC AUDI'ENCE: Steve Myot't, 3012 Fernwood, is a member of the Planning & Development Board. He said he was attempting to make peace between the City Commission and the Planning & Development Board. He felt that the major issue was the role of the Planning & Development Board. He said it is the board's responsibility to focus on the applications. The members of the board bring expertise to the City that the Commissioners may not have. He commended board chairman, Lee Wische, for the way the meetings are conducted. When the members make suggestions to applicants, it is done in the interest of the City. The board members want the City to look its best. Mr. Myott pointed out that planning and development boards in other cities meet in their Commission Chambers. He requested that the Planning & Development Board be moved back into the Commission Chambers. Vice Mayor Weiland said the Library Program Room is a very comfortable room. This topic has become very volatile. He spoke about two groups of adults that need to accept change in order to move forward with the best interest of the City of Boynton Beach in mind. He explained that the City Commission has taken its meetings on the road. The CRA meetings are held at the Library and workshop meetings have been held at the fire station. He suggested that the Planning & Development Board hold its meetings at Hunters Run, Village Royale on the Green or Leisureville. Lee Wische, 1302 SW 18th Street, said he is angry because the Planning & Development Board works very diligently with the Commission. He pointed out that the City Commissioners appointed the members of the board and they accept approximately 99% of the board's recommendations. Mr. Wische feels this change was made for personal reasons. Mr. Wische said the volunteer boards give of their time and energy to the City. He finds this treatment ridiculous, objectionable and unjustified. Mr. Wische pointed out that professionals appear before the Planning & Development Board. Commission Chambers is a beautiful room that leaves an impression on people. Mr. Wische said he could rig every Planning & Development Board meeting so that there are too many people to accommodate in the conference room and the meeting would have to be moved to the Chambers. He said he does not want to do that. Mr. Wische said the Planning & Development Board is being punished and he knows the reason why. Robert Ensler, 26 Woods Lan~-, is an alternate member of the Planning & Development Board. He advised that he was asked if he was willing to volunteer to serve on the board and 9 MEET1'NG MZNUTES REGULAR CI'TY COMMI'SS'rON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA AUGUST 15, 2000 he agreed to do it because he thought he could bring experience and education to the board. Mr. Ensler said he is not concerned about where the board meets, but is concerned that there are adequate facilities wherever that location might be. Mr. Ensler is more concerned about raising the level of respect for what is trying to be accomplished. Mayor Broening commended the board for its work over the years. He explained that the job is difficult and it requires expertise that the City Commissioners do not possess. Mayor Broening feels there is a problem of quotes and misquotes in the press that angered people. He urged everyone to accept these changes in a professional manner and to end the discourse. David Kat-z, 742 NW 11th Street. asked if the Commissioners or City Manager were aware of any proposed projects along Seacrest Boulevard near Martin Luther King, .lr. Boulevard that would cause the Public Works facility to expand. Mr. Bressner said he heard the same rumor and he does not know where it is coming from. He said he was offended by the thought of putting a bus barn on Martin Luther King, .lt. Boulevard. V?T. PUBL?C HEARZNG: Attorney Cherof advised that Commissioner Black filed a Conflict of Tnterest form and he would step down from the dais to make his presentation as a citizen. Commissioner Black would remain away from the dais until after the Commission concluded its discussion and vote on this issue. Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all that would testify during the quasi-judicial proceedings. Project: Owner: Location: Descri ptio n: Bruce Black- Fence Variance Bruce Black 321 SW ist Avenue Request relief from Chapter 2-Zoning, Section 4 General Provisions, ].1 - Other Structures, limiting maximum front yard fence height to four (4) feet to allow a one (1) foot variance or a five (5) foot high fence Mr. Black circulated photos for review by the Commissioners. He said he bought this property that is approximately 80 to 100 years old. The cement pool that is 25' x 53' existed on the property and was poured 79 years ago. Mr. Black said there had never been a fence on this property. He learned that he is not allowed to install a 5' fence within 25' of the sidewalk. However, he would be permitted to have a 4' fence. Mr. Black said there is no way that he would agree to cut down the 25' tall Areca Palms that exist on his property. However, he would have to cut them down and go across the concrete to place the fence within the 25' setback. Mr. Black requested approval of the variance to allow him to install a 5' fence that would be 13' back from the sidewalk on SW 1~t Avenue for a distance of 34'. That fence would angle back to the corner 10 MEETZNG MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSTON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~DA AUGUST 1S, 2000 of the building where a gate would be installed. This fence would be installed on the inside of the Areca Palms and would not be visible from the roadway. He urged the CommiSsion to approve his request. Vice Mayor Weiland asked whether Mr. Black had considered installing a child protective fence around the pool and a 4' fence around the property. Mr. Black said this suggestion was considered, but it was determined that the beauty of the house would be destroyed if that was done. Mr. Black explained that this is a unique piece of property. Vice Mayor Weiland was uncomfortable with this situation and questioned whether an option of a child protective fence would negate Mr. Black's hardship. Attorney Cherof responded negatively and explained that staff analyzes all of the elements that are required for granting a variance. Attorney Cherof pointed out that staff recognizes this situation as being unique. Mayor Broening said this is an issue that has been on his mind since he came to Boynton Beach. The City's zoning does not fit all neighborhoods and situations. One of the Commission's high priorities is to fix the zoning with overlays or a change to the Code to allow variances to occur without the difficulties that are faced at the present time with respect to hardships. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman said he is worried about the appearance of impropriety. He quoted from the minutes of the Planning & Development Board meeting regarding people who wished to speak on the item. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman said the Commission was being asked to do something when there is a neighborhood objector. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman did not want to take sides on this issue. Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, explained the process involved in seeking a variance. He confirmed that property owners within 400' of the affected parcel are notified in advance of the hearings. Mr. Rumpf said that if the Planning & Zoning Division receives objections that provide relative information, copies are provided to the board chairperson and the Recording Secretary. Commissioner Fisher pointed out that staff and the Planning & Development Board had no objection to this application. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to approve, Mr. Black referred to the issue of hardship. He explained that his hardship involves the fact that his neighbor threatened to kill his wife and children. His children are afraid to go out in the yard and want to move back to their old house. Vice Mayor Weiland sympathized with Mr. Black but pointed out that although staff and the Planning & Development Board approved the request, the Commissioners would have to take a 11 MEETING MTNUTES REGULAR CI'TY COMMTSSI'ON BOYNTON BEACHf FLORIDA AUGUST 15f 2000 "hit" on this issue. He said he was not comfortable with this request and would like another way around this. Attorney Cherof explained that thero was no other way around this issue. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion that carried 3-1. (Mayor Pro Tem Sherman dissented.) Commissioner Black left the Commission Chambers. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Berry Veal Corporation .]aime Plana Berry Veal Corporation 1421 Neptune Drive Request for conditional use and site plan approval to construct a 4,050 square foot addition to an existing building for a business which engages in the cutting, packaging and shipping of meat Vice Mayor Weiland left the Commission Chambers. .laime Plana identified himself as the architect for the project. The Commissioners agreed that there was no need for a presentation from the applicant. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman seconded the motion that carried 3-0. (Vice Mayor Weiland and Commissioner Black were away from the dais.) VIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Minimum Landscape Standards Ordinance (August 15, 2000) Bm Authorize the sale of a certain portion of the City's utility service area (generally known as Biltmoro Terrace) to Palm Beach County Utilities, and to establish a new service area boundary between the City and the County based upon that sale (~oRO~OO$£D R£$OZOT~ON NO. RO0-) (September 6, 2000 ) Proposed Resolution No. R00-99 Re: Interlocal Agreement establishing water and wastewater service area boundaries (T;4B££D ON./g'£Y~ 2000) (September 6, 2000) D. Future Annexation Areas (September 6, 2000) Em Report on Implementation Options for Stormwater Fee Structure covering CBD Area tributary to Pond "B" (September 6, 2000) 12 MEET'rNG MTNUTES REGULAR CZ'FY COMMI'SSTON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOR]:DA AUGUST 15, 2000 Review of Proposed Interlocal Agreement with School District of Palm Beach County to establish public school concurrency (September 6, 2000) Review policy for cemetery late arrival fee and space requirements (September 19, 2000) Agreement between Palm Beach County, the City of Boynton Beach and the Boynton Cultural Centre, Inc. for purchase and construction of the 1913 Children's Museum Interactive Ecosystem Indoor Exhibit I. Report on Proposed Criteria regarding CRA Membership (October 4, 2000) Proposed Policy for Community Activity Grants Status of Enforcement of Non-conforming Freestanding Signs with Update on Wall Sign Inventory Work (October 3, 2000) DEVELOPMENT PLANS: None X. NEW BUSTNESS: None XZ. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLTC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-41 Re: Modifying the term limits for City Commission Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O00-41 by title only. MAYOR BROENING ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. Dee Zibelli, 440 Ocean Parkway, reported that the members of Citizens for Good Government were polled and they support two three-year terms of office. She urged the Commissioners to put this issue on the ballot. Lee Wische, 1302 SW 18th Street: is opposed to this Ordinance because it is self-serving unless it becomes effective after all of the present Commissioners are out of office. Mr. Wische said the terms of the present COmmissioners should not be extended because they have been serving for 11/2 years and have not accomplished anything. 13 MEETTNG MTNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMM]:SSTON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~DA AUGUST 15~ 2000 Henrietta Solomon, 230 NE 26th Avenue, said one of the biggest problems we have in Boynton Beach is the Iow turnout of voters. She feels they do not come out to vote because they do not trust politicians. Ms. Solomon is not against two three-year terms, but feels this should be put on the ballot in the future. Elizabeth 3enkins, 711 NW 1~t Street- urged the Commissioners to "give us a break". Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-41. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 2-3. (Mayor Broening, Commissioner Black and Commissioner Fisher dissented.) Commissioner Fisher proposed amending the Ordinance so that it would not become effective until March of 2003. That would eliminate any of the present Commissioners from serving an extended term. This Ordinance would serve future Commissions. Attorney Cherof advised that Section 8 of this Ordinance could be amended to change the effective date to the March Election of 2003. Attorney Cherof confirmed for Commissioner Black that it would be necessary to pass a motion to reconsider the issue. Following approval of that motion, another motion would be needed to approve the Ordinance with the amendment to change the effective date. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to reconsider. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman said that the upcoming November election is the proper time to put this issue on the ballot because 12,000 Boynton Beach residents will vote. The usual turnout is only 4,000 to 5,000 voters. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman would be interested in what the people would have stated. This Ordinance was not proposed to be self-serving. Vice Mayor Weiland said that delaying implementation of the Ordinance would stall Boynton's forward movement for three more years. He said there are people who do not want to see change in Boynton Beach and this continuous turnover of the Commission stalls progress. He explained that he took on this job to help the City move forward. He said he could be spending his time at home with his family instead of getting beat up by people on a bi-weekly basis. Vice Mayor Weiland said it is not fair, at this time, for any of the Commissioners to state whether or not they plan to run again for office in March. However, he stated that he is not interested in running next March. Mayor Broening said he is a proponent of doing away with term limits completely. However, he voted against this Ordinance twice because he disagrees with the process. The motion to reconsider carried 5-0. 14 MEET/NG MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACHf FLOR/DA AUGUST 15f 2000 Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to amend the Ordinance to commence on the Election of March 2003, Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 4-1. (Mayor Broening dissented.) 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-43 Re: member voting districts Instituting single- Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O00-43 by title only. Attorney Cherof reported that there was one amendment to Section 4 of the Ordinance between first and second readings. The amendment is a clarification of the proposed ballot title and the explanatory language. He instructed the Commission that if they passed the Ordinance, they would have to first amend the Ordinance to reflect the language in Section 4 and then make another motion to approve the Ordinance. Vice Mayor Weiland apologized to former Commissioner Shirley .laskiewicz for his comments at the last City Commission meeting on single-member voting districts. He stated that he regretted making the statement during the public meeting, but that did not change his opinions or thoughts on the matter. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve the amendment. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Commissioner Fisher said Lance deHaven-Smith was very articulate in explaining that single- member districts could split the community. In July, when the Census comes out, the districts will be realigned. At the present time, the minority vote is split between Districts II and IV. If single-member voting districts are instituted, it would split the minority vote in half. Commissioner Fisher feels this is one community and the districts should not be split. Commissioner Black reported that he has received many calls over the past two weeks with regard to this issue. Some of the callers said single-member voting districts are needed to break up the voting block and other callers said this was necessary to get a minority on the Commission. Commissioner Black feels both of these reasons are wrong. Like it or not, the voting blocks work hard to get their people out to vote. In Commissioner Black's opinion, we need to have one Boynton Beach. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman said the process in Boynton Beach is wrong. The citizens need to vote for the people in their districts. In that way, we will break up the voting blocks. Commissioner Fisher feels there would always be someone campaigning harder. Blocks are part of our government and they can be beaten with hard work. 15 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA AUGUST 15, 2000 Vice Mayor Weiland had trouble understanding why this is such a difficult topic. Although the voters in their own districts will elect Commissioners, he cannot imagine that the Commissioners would not look out for the entire City as a whole. Vice Mayor Weiland does not believe single- voting districts would result in putting up walls within the City. Commissioner Fisher believes that if Commissioners are elected to represent specific districts, they work specifically for those districts. Dee Zibelli, 440 Ocean Parkway, supports single-member districts because they allow the candidates to go door-to-door to get to know their constituents. This would take the power out of special interest districts that make us the laughing stock of Palm Beach County. She urged the Commissioners to pass this Ordinance in order to give the people a chance to make this decision. Lee Wische, :L302 SW [8th Street- is opposed to single-member voting districts because he believes they are dangerous. Mr. Wische said single-member voting districts would result in Commissioners being concerned only about their own districts. Elizabeth .lenkins supports single-member voting districts because the Commissioners would know whom they are working for. 3ames Miriana, 728 NE 8th Avenue. is opposed to single-member voting districts. He feels the City of Boynton Beach is too small to divide. This would disrupt momentum in the City and seize the citizens' ability to elect all Commissioners at-large. The citizens do not want to be limited and left without choice. Mr. Miriana feels this is a political ploy that will pit one district against another. He also feels this takes away his voting rights. Mack McCray, 806 NW 4th Streetr supports single member districts because they would assure proper representation on the dais. This would also allow for easier and less expensive campaigning, and would end voting blocks. Notion Mayor Pro Tem Sherman moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-43 as amended. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 3-2. (Commissioners Black and Fisher dissented.) Proposed Ordinance No. 000-44 Re.' Authorizing amendment to 105.12 of the Standard Building Code an Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-44 by title only. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WTSHED TO SPEAK ON TH:IS ORD~[NANCE. 16 MEETING MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA AUGUST 15, 2000 Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. B. Ordinances - ist Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 000-24 Re: Amending Land Development Regulations, Article T~[, Chapter 21, Section 3. to allow billboards in public use districts on property owned by the City and adjacent to 1-95 as a conditional use (TABLED ON 4/4/00 - W2ZL REMA.~N ON THE TABLE UNT~rL AFl'ER THE WORKSHOI~ ME~'.LrNG ON .IUL Y ~3~) Attorney Cherof requested that the Commission remove Ordinance No. 000-24 from the agenda since there are no immediate plans to bring this issue before the Commission. ,Motion Commissioner Black moved to remove Proposed Ordinance No. 000-24 from the agenda. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Proposed Ordinance No. O00'46 Re: Amending Chapter 16, Article 11 City Parks and Beaches, by amending Section 16-82, Policy No. I and No. 3; increasing annual beach parking permits and related fees and clarifying issuance policy Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-46 by title only. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-46. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-45 Development Regulations, Chapter 20, adopting the 1999 National Electrical amendments thereto Re: Amending Land Article ~[:[. Electrical Code, by Code and the Boynton Beach Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O00-45 by title only. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-45. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. 11 MEETJ:NG MINUTES REGULAR CTTY COMM'rSSI'ON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOR.TDA AUGUST 15, 2000 C.Resolutions: None D.Other: None XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None XIII. OTHER: None XIV. AD.1OURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Black seconded the motion that carried unanimously. The meeting properly adjourned at 8:35 p.m. C~'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH Ice ivlayor ATTEST: City ~:lerk es) .1MP Mayor Pro Tem Com' 'ner 18 DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Woolbright Professional Plaza (HTEX) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Jon Schmidt APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3695 Boynton Beach, Oakwood Lakes Prof. Center, Suite #3 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 15, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Height Exception LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Woolbright Road, approx. 650' east of Congress DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" A'I-FACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof, DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. DATED: Other EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Woolbright Professional Plaza File number: HTEX 00-001 Reference: Application received June 27. 2000 INCLUDE I REJECT DEPARTMENTS PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIES Comments: NONE X FIRE Comments: NONE X POLICE Comments: NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: NONE X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1. NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS J:\SHRDATA~Iannln~\S~D\W]~pRo.IF~CT.q\Wnnlhri~h+ PrnF~¢i~n~l ~1~ IaTITX~C't~ ~ ~ ¢ an o~xm ~e a nn~ ~ ..... ~PPROVAL. doc . DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE .~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: BLACK FENCE VARIANCE APPLICANT'S AGENT: Bruce Black APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 321 SW 1st Ave. Boynton Beach DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 15, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Zoning Code Variance (Fence) LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 321 SW 1st Ave DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: ,~'.,~,,/~,d ·J~-~-<~;;~ City Clerk J:[SHRDATA~Planning\SHARED\WP~PROJECTS~Iack's Fence variance\CC 8-15-00 Develop. Order. doc EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Black Fence Variance File number: ZNCV 00-002 Reference: Application received June 7, 2000 PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIES Comments: NONE X FIRE Comments: NONE X POLICE Comments: NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 1. The encroachment of the five (5) foot fence into the front yard setback is not to exceed 12 feet, or a minimum setback of 13 feet. X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2. NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3. ~d Ai~A/~ i/// $:'xSHRDATA'xPlannlna\SHA.RED\WPXl~RO.IF~CT.qXl~laek'a gane~ ~d~.~xor a_l q_nn r,t~xrrs c~v ll~nonxrA T ~-- DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Berry Veal APPLICANT'S AGENT: Jaime M. Plana APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1421 Neptune Drive DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 15, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Conditional use and site plan approval to construct a 4,050 square foot addition to an existing building for a business which engages in the cutting, packaging and shipping of meat and poultry. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1421 Neptune Drive DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. Other DATED: J:\SHRDATA\Planning~SHARED\VVP~PROJECTS~BERRY VEAL\COUS~CC 8-15-00 DEVELOPMENT ORDER.doc EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: BERRY VEAL CORP. File number: COUS 00-003 Reference: 2nd Review Plans Conditional Use. File # COUS 00-003 with an April 4, 2000 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings X so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec.7.5 -18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 2. LDR Chapter 6, Art. 4, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will X be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. FIRE Comments: 3. The square footage (over 12,000 square feet) shall require fire sprinklers. X POLICE Comments: NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. It is recommended that the exiting parking areas be overlaid and re-striped X as part of the new construction. Handicapped access aisles and pavement marking shall be white in color. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: Berry Veal Corp. (Addition) COUS 00-003 Page 2 of 3 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT 5. Before permit review, submit a current survey of the subject site. X 6. Add text to the site plan indicating that the accessible route that is shown on X the plan is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4,6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida accessibility code for Building Construction.Verify that the accessible route that appears to be obstructed by a site lighting pole meets the minimum width requirements. 7. Identify, within the site data, the title of the flood zone where the building is X located. 8. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review. The permit fee, water, and sewer facility fees, Fire and Life Safety fees, County fees and state fees will be determined at time of permit review. 9. Permits are required to construct the improvements that are shown on the X approved site plan. Permit application forms are available in the Building Division of the Development Department. A permit submittal checklist is available in the Building Division. The list identifies the basic documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submits for permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10. On the site plan, label and dimension all building setbacks. Also include a X setback chart in the tabular information. (Ch. 4, Sec. 7, Par. B. & Ch. 2, Sec. 8, Par. A. 6) 11. On the site plan, label all surrounding land use and zoning designations for X adjacent properties. 12. Provide the following information in the site plan tabular data:(Ch.4, Sec.7, X Berry Veal Corp. (Addition) COUS 00-003 Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT and Par.E.) Existing and proposed building use Open space requirements Building height - Existing and proposed zoning and land use designations - Handicapped and loading requirements with the parking calculations 13. On the site plan, label and dimension all loading spaces, including screening X requirements. (Ch.2, Sec. 11, Par. J.2. & Ch.9, Sec. 10, Par. C.1.) 14. On the site plan and Landscape Plan, provide all proposed traffic control X markings, fire hydrants, and light poles. (Ch.4, Sec. 7, Par. B) 15. On the site plan, provide a handicapped accessible walk from all accessible X spaces to a main building entrance. Indicate exact location of the 2nd entrance. (Ch. 9., Sec. 10, Par. 1.) 16. Additional signs were not submitted as part of this review. Any additional X signs must meet the requirements of Chapter 23, and be reviewed by the P&D Board and City Commission. 17. Submit a colored elevation graphic showing building elevations of all X proposed improvements prior to the Planning and Development Board Meeting. (Ch.4, Sec.7, Par. D.2.) 18. Provide traffic statement for the proposed expansion showing trip generation X and related information. 19. Environmental Review permit must be obtained for the intensification of X the existing use. (Ch. 2, Sec. 8.A.3) ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 20. Omit comment #1 X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS LG/dim J:\SHRDATA~PLANNINCASHARED\WP~PROJECTS'~BERRY VEAL\COUS\CC 8-15-00 CONDITIONS or APPROVAL.DOC , ~ DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Woolbright Medical Building (Freeman) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Everett Jenner APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9776 S. Military Trail, Boynton Beach DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 15, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Zoning Code Variance LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Woolbright Road and 22nd Street DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B' ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant HAS X HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's app cation for relief is hereby GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. X DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other City Clerk J:\SHRDATA~J~Ianning~,SHARED',WP~PROJECTS~Woolbright Medical Building (ZNCV)~CC 8-15-00 Develop. Order. doc Exhibit "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Woolbright Medical Building (Freemen) File number: ZNCV 00-010 (building height) Reference: Woolbright Corporation of Boynton Beach a )lication for' :e dated Jun DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1. DENIED X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 2. Tr, be d~m~h~d. :/~4/~: t// J:~SHRDATA~PLANNING\SHARED\VVP~ROJECTS\WOOLBRiGHT MEDICAL BUILDING (ZNCV)~CC 8-15-00 COND. OF APPROVAL.DOC BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - PUBLIC AUDIENCE Fill in the information called for below and give to the City~erk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. . Address ~1~ Telephone # 2 ~ Summa~ of Matter to be A If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings andy for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - PUBLIC AUDIENCE Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. N a m e Address /~~' Telephone ~ / Summa~ of Matter to be A~drCd If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. {F.S. 286.0105) The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (551) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - PUBLIC AUDIENCE Fill in the information called for below and give to the City ~/lerk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. ./~ Name ~ ~]-~ ~---~ff{ff 3/-'- ~ ~-- /// ' Address Telephone, ~~ ~--Z/0 ~3~/ Summary of Matter to bT A. ddresselg ._~ If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedin§s andy for such purpose~ he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - PUBLIC AUDIENCE Fill in the information called for below and give to the City~rk prior to the start of the City C°mmissi°n Meeting' iff J Name .'~,~ .l~i~ ~ ~/ Telephone# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ._ _ ~ Summa~ of Matter to be A~ ~o3~ ~ ~~~~~ If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, {561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD. AGENDA, ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. Name ~]~1~ Z Address Telephone # Summary of Matter to be Addressed Agenda # If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services Where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service~ program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561} 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and Eive to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City Address /~ *c~ ~-~/' /~ '~~~/ '~v~'~ Telephone# ~Ta Z - 7y~ ff Agendas Summary of Matter to be Addres~O~/~~ ~e~ ~ ~0~- If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105} The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service~ program~ or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, {561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - PUBLIC AUDIENCE Surnmary of Matter to be Add~~ ~~J If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meetinE, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105} The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the pro§ram or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Cler/k prior to the start of the City Commission M~eting. Name Address Telephone # Summary of Matter to be Addres~edff If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. {F.S. 286.0105) The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561} 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the pro§ram or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request.  BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of th ' . Name Address ~/~ Telephone # ~/~- ~z~O/ , Agenda # Summary of Matter to be Addr~sse~ ~,~ If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. {F.S. 286.0105) The City shall furnish appropriate attxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, {551~ 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. Name Summary of Matter to be If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 285.0105} The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the C~y Clerk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. / Name Address Telephone ~f a pe~n decides t~ appeal any deCision made~y ~he City Cemmi~ien ~th ~espe~ t~ any ma~er ~nsidered a~ ~is meeting, he/she will need a record ~f ~he proceed~gs and, for such p~pose, he/she may need to ensue ~ha~ ~ verbatim record of the proceed~s is made, which reco~d includes ~he ~es~imony and e~dence upon which ~he appe~ is ~ be based. ~F.S. 285.010~ The City shall f~nish appropriate a~ aids and se~ices where necessa~ ~ aff~d an individual wi~h a disab~i~y an equal oppor~uni~y to participate ~ and enjoy the benefits of a se~ce, program, or ac~i~ conducted by ~he City. Please contac~ Joyce Cos~e~o, ~S61~ 742-6013 a~ leas~ twenty-four ho~s p~ior ~ ~he pro,ram ~r acridly in order for ~he city ~o reasonably accommoda~e yo~ request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City Commission Meeting. Name Address If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT CARD AGENDA ITEMS Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City Address ~ /~/~ ~J~ ~J~ k~J ~/~~~ ~ Telephone, ,5--~/- ~ ' ~/~ ~ ~genda, ~/ sum .or to Ue .ddress,d y If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. FORM 8B_ MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS ~'~ ..............,-, ~ ,q/X ~ .-, _-- / WHiC. ~ sr~vr. ~ ^ 6~.'o~'.~'~s~°~' ^~,'r.o,.~ o, CO~m'EE O~ DATE O~ WHICH VOlE tX'('UEEED '" 1 ~ /~- ~ I ~LE~VE = ~P~,~T~VE ' WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This form is tbr use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee, it applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which vou have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, ~lease pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: A person holding elective count~,; municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agent') by whom he is retained. ' In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: A person holding appoinihte county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making an3' attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND'TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: · You should cc~mplete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. · A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. · The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. C'E FORM 8B - 1-91 PAGE I 0 ~ The City of Inton Beach OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGEN 1 O0 E. Boyr~on Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 City Manager's Office: (56I) 742-6010 FAX: (561) 742-5011 To; City Commission and Senior Staff Team From: Date: Subject: Kurt Bressner, City Manager August 14, 2000 Recap of Objectives Evaluated at Goals Session As a follow-up to a great goals session I am pleased to provide you with the final list of 55 short and long term objectives arranged in eight goal areas. These objectives were derived from one on one meetings I had with members of the City Commission and the Senior Management Team. There are two basic categories of objectives: Short-term Objectives: These are objectives that those interviewed felt should be accomplished or well underway within six months. Long-term Objectives: These are objectives that those interviewed felt should be accomplished or well underway within a year or two. The objectives that you have developed have been divided into eight basic goal areas also having identified the source of the objective as being: City ~Commission Senior Staff Team Both City Commission and Senior Staff Team The eight goal areas that emerged are as follows: o Developing a community identity. Guiding appropriate development and re-development of Boynton Beach. Maintaining public health and safety. Engaging and informing citizens and businesses. Defining, developing and refining community events and celebrations. Developing and implementing an effective capital improvement program for public facilities and buildings. Enhancing City Commission, Advisory Board and City Staff relationships and developing staff capacities for leadership and quality. Helping review of structural changes to Boynton Beach's system of governance. The group at our meeting on August 14th reviewed the original list and each objective was evaluated using a colored dot based on the following scheme: Must Do!!! Means the highest priority and essential objective. (Green) Should Do Means the objective is important by not essential. (Yellow) Could Do Means objective is of interest, but is not essential. (Blue) Huh? Means hold off on this item for now; too many other items to do. (Red) The Objectives were arranged along a wall on sheets of paper at Fire Station #3. Members of the City Commission and the Senior Staff affixed a colored dot on the sheet of paper reflecting an evaluation as to the importance of the objective. The wall was transformed into a multi-colored mosaic of ideas and programs you have selected. This report summarizes what was determined to be important to do in the City organization and the community. Answering the "What" question is an essential part of the process. Once this is known the staff and the Commission will need to address the "How" question for each of the chosen objectives. The basic scoring of the objectives was as follows: 2,5 or more = High priority; The objective is viewed as essential and necessary to complete. Page 2 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 1.9 to 2.4=Medium priority; The objective is viewed as being important and desirable to complete. 1.8 or less = Low Priority; The objective is viewed as having limited importance and should be dropped or deferred. Results Achieved at Meeting of August 14th: Goal Areas with Proposed Objectives 1. Developing a community identity. Develop Boynton Beach's identity or niche. There may be several ideas or niches based on geographic locations. Boynton Beach is a calm, quiet community with a great deal of charm. This is a feature that should be preserved as redevelopment activities increase. Source: City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.5 Importance Rating: High Establish an Arts Commission to guide the development of standards and placement of public art and sculptures. Source: Both City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 1.18 Importance Rating: Low Establish a Historical Commission to assist the City in identifying areas, events and structures that have significance to the history of Boynton Beach. Establish system of inventory and markers for locations, events and structures. Source: Both City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Long- term) Score: 1.18 Importance Rating: Low Work with the City Commission to define the City's vision. What does "World Class" mean and is it really appropriate for Boynton Beach? Are other elements of a vision more appropriate for Boynton Beach? Are we a family and retirement oriented community? Is our focus to be further growth and economic development? Etc. Source: City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Long-term)Score: 2.5 Importance Rating: High Diffuse the perception of a barrier between the part of the City east of 1-95 and those west of 1-95. A concerted effort should be made to unite the community behind issues that affect everyone and not just individual neighborhoods. Perhaps a community education project would serve to show residents that development in one section of the city benefits everyone and not just those proximate to the development area. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.0 Importance Rating: Medium Pa~e 3 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Guiding appropriate development and re-development of Boynton Beach. Develop outline and action plan for the comprehensive plans for Federal Highway, MLK and Boynton Beach Boulevard corridors. This will include identification of key objectives, request for proposal for consultant and award of contract to consultant(s) to perform the work. Source: City Commission (Short-term)Score: 2.54 Importance Rating: High Push forward on neighborhood overlay districts to facilitate re- development. As an alternative to this, provide amendments to City Zoning code that assists in appropriate redevelopment tools. The priority area is east ofi-95. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.3 Importance Rating: Medium/High ImPlement independent CRA with appropriate review responsibilities for land use changes in the CRA area to eliminate the possibility of duplicate or conflicting reviews of development proposals by other city agencies. Also, develop framework or guidelines for City Commission review and general oversight of CRA work. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.41 Importance Rating: Medium/High Find development groups or organizations that have the necessary capital, resources and planning capacities to parmer with the City for redevelopment on the Federal Highway and MLK corridors. Also, cultivate relationship with commercial brokerage community and inventory redevelopment sites or opportunities. Assist developers in land acquisition, where appropriate by lending eminent domain authority, financial participation or property assemblage. Source: Both City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Long- term) Score: 1.77 Importance Rating: Low/Medium Complete comprehensive review of Vision 20/20 Plan to update or resolve conflicts with current planning initiatives in City. Source: City Commission (Long-term) Score: 1.90 Importance Rating: Medium Develop specific strategic plan on how to achieve true economic development for Boynton Beach that includes strategic parmerships between the City, CRA and the development community. Work necessary for the City includes acquisition of development prone parcels~ as needed and the construction of necessary City infrastructure(utilities, Fire and Police facilities, roads etc.) to serve the new developments or re- development areas. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score:2.45 Page 4 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Importance Rating: Medium/High Position Boynton Beach to be an attractive place to live and work by assuring there are equal opportunities for all age groups with special emphasis on making land-use and re-development decisions that will make Boynton Beach attractive to younger professionals and retiring baby- boomers. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.30 Importance Rating: Medium/High Promote development in Boynton Beach that contributes to the diversification of the city's economy. Evaluate the cost of all types of development to determine what is beneficial. Assure that the local economy is as "recession-proof' as possible. Explore tourism or hospitality based economic development. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.63 Importance Rating: High Foster livable communities in Boynton Beach through enhanced citizen participation in the planning process and through renewed neighborhood based forums. Initiate sector planning for Boynton Beach to assure that comprehensive plans are developed for all neighborhoods and are reviewed and revised as needed at regular intervals. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.25 Importance Rating: Medium Transform the development review and implementation process in Boynton Beach to a facilitative approach as opposed to a restrictive approach. 'The focus should be on how to get things done rather than on reasons why they can't be done. This will require a substantial review and revision of the City codes and procedures as well as a re-training of staff. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.3 Importance Rating: Medium/High Commence annexation of property into Boynton Beach where it makes sense to do so. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.17 Importance Rating: Medium 3. Maintainingpublic health and safety. Develop comprehensive traffic safety program including education, traffic calming, enforcement and traffic engineering. Source: This objective was re-worked by the team at the August 14t~ meeting. (Short-term) Score: 2.0 Importance Rating: Medium Page 5 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Back to School - The sidewalks in front of Galaxy Elementary and Forest Park Elementary Schools need repair. We will most certainly get complaints on this as we did last year. Source: Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: · 90 Importance Rating: Low Focus code enforcement efforts in all areas of the community. Source: City Commission (Long-term)Score: 1.91 Importance Rating: Medium Clarify ordinances regarding operation of adult entertainment and nightclub type establishments. What criteria are used for issuing permits and what limits are placed on the operations? Source: Senior Staff Team (Long- term) Score: 1.36 Importance Rating: LoW 4. Engaging and informing citizens and businesses. Provide minutes and agendas of Commission and City Advisory Boards via the City's web site. This information will then be available to citizens and staff via the Internet. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.25 Importance Rating: Medium Establish system quarterly town meetings for members of the City Commission to ,augment and energize the current Neighborhood Forum meeting series. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 1.17 Importance Rating: Low Continue to improve public information methods for residents to advise them of events, programs and significant activities. This can include prOject signs, web site, CATV, newsletters, media coverage, etc. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.46 Importance Rating: Medium/High Improve access to citizens for City programs such as offering bill 'payment at the police department after hours, registration for recreation programs at the Hester Center, Civic Center and other locations. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: l.73 Importance Rating: Low/Medium Page 6 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Continue to develop the principal of "inclusion" in the role of City government and leadership in Boynton Beach as a way to involve a greater number of people in the decisions affecting the City' and the Community. This includes outreach to youth, neighborhoods and the minority population. Source: City Commission (Long-term)Score: 1.91 Importance Rating: Medium Engage the youth of the City in ways to get them involved in events, programs and decisions. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 1.2 7 Importance Rating: Low 5. Defining, developing and refining community events and celebrations. Holiday Tree Lighting Program involving the entire community for Boynton Beach in 2000. Evaluate program for possible continuation in subsequent years. Source: City Commission (Short-term)Score: 1.41 Importance Rating: Low Energize the TNT concerts (to the beach!) and community events to attract more diversity of the community. Focus on "raising the bar" for community celebrations such as "Gala" to concentrate on the arts and entertainment rather than on carnival rides. Rotate community events throughout the City. Use community festivals and special events as a way to bring people together. Source: Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: 1.72 Importance Rating: Low/Medium 6. Developing and implementing an effective capital improvement program for public facilities and buildings. Initiate construction and project management program at the staff level to improve project definition, presentation to City Commission, design and timely construction completion. This means securing short-term and long term financing for projects and hiring necessary staff and consultant resources. Source: City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: 2.33 Importance Rating: Medium/High Improve entryways to Palm Beach Leisureville with landscape improvements to ROW and private property with City and association funding. Targeted improvement areas are 18th and Woolbright, Congress and Golf Lane and 8th and Ocean. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: .54 Importance Rating: Low Page ? America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Continue the good.progress to date on the median landscape construction and maintenance for major arterial corridors and residential pockets. Improve the quality of contractual work by effective supervisibn and contract administration. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 1.27 Importance Rating: Low Finalize design plans and begin construction for Intracoastal and Boatclub Parks substantially consistent with draft plan as approved by the City Commission to assure that it is developed as an amenity for the community with public accessible open space. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.5 Importance Rating: High Communicate and implement the citywide storm drainage program outline including the swale improvement program and specific storm drainage collection and retention projects. Work in the next six months should include identification of the necessary projects, designation of consultants and authorization of design work for approved projects. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.82 Importance Rating: High Complete site analysis and fimding option review for new fire station in SE quadrant of the City, with due consideration for replacing Station 1 in the NE quadrant. Source: Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: 2.15 Importance Rating: Medium Inventory all existing park properties for upgrade and refurbishment needs. Include inventory of vacant city owned parcels for possible conversion into parks based on an open space and recreation master plan. Develop improved funding mechanisms from development activities for new parks or improvements to existing parcels. Source: City Commission (Long-term) Score: 1.58 Importance Rating: Low Look at feasibility of a Teen/Family community center to provide such amenities as education classes, recreation and hobby center, meeting rooms and cultural events or programs. Source: City Commission (Long-term) Score: 1.18 Importance Rating: Low Page 8 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Resolve funding approaches for capital improvement projects including possible referendum for Police, Civic Center and Library Facilities. For example, a bond issue via referendum may require enlistment of support to "sell" the idea to citizens. Develop funding sources for capital projects and City programs to Systematic review of existing revenue sources Determine methods to find new revenues Develop revenue stream into discretionary revenues and non- discretionary revenues. Allocation of reserves to capital improvements. Provide early warning to citizens and businesses of tax or fee increases. Source: City Commission and Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.5 Importance Rating: High Relocate operational functions of Public Works out of the residential district. Source: City Commission (Long-term)Score: 1.42 Importance Rating: Low Develop finalized plans for the Civic Center complex that are complimentary to the Ocean Avenue Promenade project. Plans may include conference center and performing arts venue. Include critical review as to appropriateness of Vision 20/20 plan elements, which currently includes retention of High School. Source: City Commission (Long-term) Score: 2.36 Importance Rating: Medium/High Resolve drainage problems at 8~ Avenue area as it drains west into Leisureville. This is a four-way effort involving the City, state, association and developer to document conditions and assign responsibility for corrective work. The City will also need to carefully monitor the development proposals in this area to assure that adequate storm water run- off protection is provided. Source: City Commission (Long-term) Score: 1.18 Importance Rating: Low Resolve the cemetery issue as to current space needs expansion or closure of cemetery operations. Source: City Commission (Long-term)Score: 1.85 Importance Rating: Medium Page 9 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Upgrade all City owned buildings to the current fire and life safety codes and insure that all new city buildings, and buildings substantially renovated will be fully sprinkled, in accordance with the code. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 1.67 Importance Rating: Low/Medium Enhancing City Commission, Advisory Board and City Staff relationships and developing staff capacities for leadership and quality. Review role and function of all advisory boards to improve working relationships with City Commission and assure consistency with City vision and goals as determined by the Vision 20/20 plan and updates as approved by the City Commission. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.17 Importance Rating: Medium Develop an effecti.ve "early-warning" information mechanism to the City Commission on emerging projects and activities. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2.17 Importance Rating: Medium Focus on specific short-term goals to mark progress rather than jumping from one new project to another. Source: Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: 1.64 Importance Rating: Low Work with City Commission to ascertain their philosophy of governance. Is their style populist or representative democracy? What is the appropriate work arena for the Commission to focus on? What is the appropriate work arena for the City staff to focus on? The lines have been blurred recently and this has caused confusion for the staff. Look for the City Commission to provide leadership through their efforts at legislating, not at administrating. Source: Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: 2.67 Importance Rating: High Continue to develop effective communication between the senior executive staff team and next level of department director below. Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 2. 73 Importance Rating: High Encourage department heads to expedite programs and projects even at the expense of making an occasional mistake. Stay focused on good, solid management techniques and avoid adoption of management fads. Source: Senior Staff Team (Short-term) Score: 1.54 Importance Rating: Low Page 10 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Develop good working relationship and communication with employees and bargaining units. Source: Senior StaffTeam (Short-term) Score: 2.45 Importance Rating: Medium/High Develop and effective working relationship with the Chamber of Commerce which will assist the City Commission review proposed code changes affecting businesses, develop an effective business recruitment and retention programs and help coordinate redevelopment efforts in accordance with comprehensive redevelopment plans as approved by the City Commission. Source: City Commission (Long-term)Score: 1.91 Importance Rating: Medium Internally, continue to develop the skills of employees by training and job enrichment work. Shift the focus of work from departments to inter- departmental teams, as appropriate. Source: Senior StaffTeam (Long- term) Score: 2.2 7 Importance Rating: Medium Implement the GIS System and related network upgrades to integrate the data sources for the City that can be used by all departments and citizens. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 2.0 Importance Rating: Medium Enterprise Operations Leadership Team -- (Utilities, Public Works and Golf Course Operations). The Enterprise Operations Team has met with some great successes~over the course of the last two years and it has done well to provide support, sources of revenues and has served as a great resource to the General Fund and the City as a whole. Allow the Enterprise Operations Team to keep doing the type of teamwork things that they have been so successful at recently. Source: Senior Staff Team (Long-term) Score: 1.36 Importance Rating: Low 8. Helping review of structural changes to Boynton Beach's system of governance. Convene Charter review panel to look at entire situation with emphasis on: a. Term limitations b. Compensation of elected officials c. Election districts and method of voting Source: City Commission (Short-term) Score: 1.67 Importance Rating: Low Page 1 ~L America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Resolve the term-limit issue. Source: Senior Staff Team Score: 2.2 7 Importance Rating: Medium (Long-term) Page 12 America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 0 0 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] July 18,2000 [] August t,2000 [] August 15, 2000 [] September 6, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office July 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) July 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) August 2, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) August 16, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] September 19, 2000 [] October 4, 2000 [] October 17, 2000 [] November 8, 2000 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office September 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) September 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) October 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) October 18, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unf'mishedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt the resolution authorizing renewal of group insurance coverages with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida-Health Options for health insurance, Metlife for dental insurance and Cigna for group life and group long term disability insurances. EXPLANATION: Scheduled for the City Commission meeting of August 15, 2000 is a proposed renewal of the health insurance package for city. employees. Attached please f'md a summary sheet which details the proposed renewal and plan modifications. Currently the package is being discussed with representatives of the city's bargaining units with a view towards having this matter finalized for the City Commission meeting of August 15, 2000. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Further adjust benefits for employees. Department Head's Signature 19% increase in health insurance premiums paid by the city for employees. ~ ' ~'~2ity Manager' s S~'gnature Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\BULLETIN\FORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC To continue the present program "as is" and disregard triple option HMO and High-Option ($100 deductible, 90% co-insurance) City Cost Total Premium $2,439,744 $3,846,291 (23% increase) City's cost Total Premium (Including employee share) A. Cost in % and $$ for renewal as is 23% $3,846,291 $2,439,744 "B. B. Cost in % and $$ for triple option 19% Numbers based on assumed enrollments $2,360,406 $ 3,807,685 C. C. Cost of current program $1,983,549 $3,127,073 D. D. Cost of each % point of increase 19% $2,360,406 20% $2,384,010 $23,604 ~ 21% $2,407,208 $23,604 22% $2,431,218 $23,604 23% $2,454,822 $23,604 NOTE: The City's cost for Health, Dental, Life and LTD taken together is a 19.5% increase. Dental + 2.8% $5,572 Life - 4.3% ($2,024) LTD - 4.5% ($4,522) RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF GROUP INSURANCE COVERAGES WITH BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OF FLORIDA-HEALTH OPTIONS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE, METLIFE FOR DENTAL INSURANCE AND CIGNA FOR GROUP LIFE AND GROUP LONG- TERM DISABILITY INSURANCES: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon recommendation of staff, has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of this City to authorize the renewal of group insurance coverages with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida-Health Options for Health Insurance, Metlife for Dental Insurance and CIGNA for Group Life and Group Long-Term Disability Insurances; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby authorize the renewal of group insurance coverages with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida-Health Options for Health Insurance, Metlife for Dental Insurance and CIGNA for Group Life and Group Long-Term Disability Insurances. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of August, 2000. CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner ATTEST: Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) $:co\Reso\lnsuronce£ene~a ).s D 8 ].5 O 0 What does actual experience mean? The premiums for the plans are based on Boynton Beach employees (and dependents) use of the plans. When an organization has a large number of employees and has been with a carder for several years, the premium is calculated based on that group's actual usage. Our results might be better or worse than other cities, counties, private companies, local or nationwide. I heard that we have blended rates? What does that mean? From the time Blue.Cross/Blue Shield first offered both the PPO and the HMO options, the premium rates have been "blended". This means that the insurance company calculated the premium by looking at the results of the HMO and the results of the PPO separately. After determining the rate increase for each plan, the rates were combined (blended) and that blended rate was used regardless of which plan was selected. This blended rate was originally developed so that people could choose the plan that was best for their needs without cost being a primary factor, How do the two PPO plans being offered compare? They have the same out-of-pocket maximum, use the same network of physicians, and have the same prescription program. The differences are in the annual deductible and the co-insurance percentage. Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum Prescriptions Calendar Year Deductible Co-insurance High-Option PPO $1000, on covered expenses, after deductible. 70% reimbursed, no formulary list $100 per person $300 per family Deductible amounts satisfied for dates of service in the last calendar quarter of the year will also count toward the next calendar year's deductible. 90% in PPO network 70% out of network Mid-Option PPO $1000, on covered expenses, after deductible. 70% reimbursed, no formulary list $300 per person $900 per family Deductible amounts satisfied for dates of service in the last calendar quarter of the year will also count toward the next calendar year's deductible. 80% in PPO network 70% out of network Are there any changes in the HMO? The HMO will now have a mail-order prescription drug benefit and physical therapy is extended from 60 calendar days to 60 visits per condition. Benefits Highlights of the HMO: Pdmary Physician co-pay $5.00 Specialist co-pay $5.00 Prescription co-pay $5.00/genedc; $10.00/name brand (paid at pharmacy) Annual adult physical covered No referrals required for OB/Gyn, Chiropractor, Podiatrist or 1st 5 visits to Dermatologist Will we continue with three options from now on? The insurance company has agreed to provide three options for two years. Because of the unpredictability of the health care market, we cannot say with certainty at this time what will happen at the end of the two-year pedod. More than likely, after two years, the choice would be between the HMO and the mid-option PPO. The City has always paid my personal premium. Is that changing? The City will continue to pay each eligible employee's premium forthe HMO and for the Mid- Option PPO. If you decide that you want the high option PPO, you will contribute a small amount toward your premium. What are the new bi-weekly premium deductions for 2000-20017 HMO Mid-Option PPO High-Option PPO Single 0 0 11.70 Spouse only 125.86 125.86 150.15 !' Child(ren) only 108.55 108.55 131.10 ... Family 164.94 164.94 193.13 Why is the premium for the mid-option PPO the same as for the HMO? To encourage employees who prefer a PPO type plan to consider and accept the mid- option/more cost-effective plan. When do I have to decide which plan is for me? Each year during an Open Enrollment pedod you have the option of selecting between the plans offered. This year's Open Enrollment will be MaYbe next year will be better. Why don't we just wait and see? Hopefully it will be. Maybe people won't be a sick or have as many accidents. 'However, it has been three years since we had a year where the usage was down enough to see a decrease in the premiums. ~ Since it isn't likely, we must be realistic and consider what cost containment features will help. hold the costs down for everyone as much as possible over the long term. o .Z ~1 c~ 0 I- Z 0 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Revised Negotiated 1011100 Renewal Offers Revised Employer's Premium Cost As Of Tuesday, May 30th Negotiated Group 1011100 Benefit Current ReneWal Plan Premiums Offers Medical $1,983,549 $2,439,744 Dental $ 199,014 $ 204,586 Life $ 46,552 $ 44,528 LTD $ 99,478 $ 94~956 Total $2,328,593 $2,783,814 Dollar Percentage Chan~e ChanRe $456,195 23.0% $ 5,572 2.8% ($ 2,024) (4.3%) ($ 4,522) ('4.5%) $455,221 19.5% Note: Note: Note: Employer's cost based on only the benefits for 776 employees paid by The City. Retirees, COBRA continuants, and dependents are not included. All premiums based on the average monthly enrollment for the twelve month experience period of 4/1/99 thru 3/31/00. All revised renewal rates and/or premiums as of 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 30~. 4 HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL - 2000-2001 Health Insurance Plans Offered The City offers each full-time employee a choice between two health insurance plans from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida. Regardless of whether the employee selects the health maintenance organization plan (HMO) or the preferred provider option plan (PPO), the City pays the full premium for the employee and the employee pays the full premium for any dependents. Background Current Status Proposed Changer or 2000-2001 What is a Triple Option Plan? Through the years, various elements have impacted the health insurance plans and premium rates: .~ · Based on the number of employees covered' and the length of time with the insurer, our rates are based solely on our own claims experience (frequency and cost of plan usage). · In the last five years, enrollment in the HMO has increased from less than one-third to more than one-half the total enrollment. · From the time the HMO was introduced, the HMO and the PPO rates have been averaged rather than having the rate for each plan based on its own claims experience. · After. three years of excellent experience and decreased premiums, we have had three years of poor experience with corresponding premium increases · Analysis of plan experience shows that the PPO has significantly greater usage than the HMO. The result is that the HMO participants have, in fact, been subsidizing the PPO participants. We believe we must now consider how to adjust the premium inequity and have the rates more accurately reflect the actual usage. Mindful of the impact any changes to our present method of health care coverage would have on employees, we challenged our consultants to help us find ways that would cause the least disruption and still afford employees a range of options that would best suit their needs. The result of many discussions, research and meetings is a triple option plan. The triple option plan provides for the current HMO with some enhancements and two PPO plans. The PPO plans include the PPO we now have and a second PP'O that offers slightly lower benefits. If they chose to remain in the present plan, employees will have to contribute toward the cost of their own coverage, which they now do not do, in addition to increases in dependent coverage, above what HMO and the new mid-option PPO enrollees will pay If they elect the alternative mid-option PPO, their own premium will continue to be paid in full by the City while the cost of dependent coverage will still be the same as the HMO enrollees pay. The difference in the two PPO plans lies in the level of coverage in two key areas. Alternate Levels of Coverage HMO Benefit Duration of Triple Option BENEFIT Calendar Year Deductible CURRENT PPO PLAN $100 per person $300 per family PROPOSED ALTERNATE PPO PLAN $300 per person $900 per Participating Provider Co- insurance 90% in PPO network 70% in Traditional network $1000 out-of-pocket cap on covered expenses (after deductible) $1,000,000 maximum 70% reimbursement for proscriptions 80% in PPO network 70% in Traditional network $1000 out-of-pocket cap on covered expenses (after deductible) $1,000,000 maximum 70% reimbursement for proscriptions No lifetime maximum No deductible $5.00 co-payment for any doctor visit $5.00/$10.00 co-payment for proscriptions New this year:, proscriptions by mail Blue Cross/Blue Shield has agreed to provide a tdple option for two years. At the end of the two years, we would in all likelihood revert to an HMO plan and a single PPO plan. HEALTH INSURANCE 2000-2001 To Our Valued Employees: For many years, the City has offered each full-time employee a choice between two health insurance plans from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Flodda. Blue Cross has been the City's health insurance provider for more than twenty years. With the two plans, regardless of whether you selected the health maintenance organization plan (HMO) or the preferred provider option plan (PPO), the City paid the full premium for your coverage and you paid the full premium for any dependents. We are now faced with the third consecutive year requiring a significant premium increase based on our plan experience. It comes as no surpdse to anyone that health care costs are increasing everywhere. The newspapers and other media have stodes every day about the dsing cost of prescription drugs, hospitalization and physicians, not to mention the failures of many hospitals, insurance plans and medical practices. We have spent a great deal of time considering how to address the issue of this spiraling cost. We believe we have found a way to maintain a choice of quality health insurance plans and begin to "get a handle on" health plan premium increases. We are confident that by working together, we can begin to slow these premium increases while maintaining quality health care for all. Arthur L. Lee Director, Human Resources 7/08/00 Why do we need two PPO's? In analyzing the experience (usage) of our plans over the past 3 years, we have found a significant increase in paid claims of the current high-option PPO plan. Adding a mid-option plan will help offset the dsing PPO claims expenses. What's the difference between a high-option plan and a mid-option plan? Generally speaking, a high-option plan has a very Iow annual deductible and a high-percent co- insurance. Our current PPO, for example, has a $100 deductible and a'90% co-insurance for network physicians. In today's economy, this level of plan is rare because the premiums have to be so expensive to cover claims. A mid-option plan has a slightly higher deductible and lower co-insurance. For example, $300 deductible and 80% co-insurance. This is much more common in agencies and businesses today. There are also plans available that have even higher deductibles ($500 - $1000) and lower co- insurance (less than 80%). What are other cities doing? As you might imagine, other cities have a variety of different health plans. Some cities offer only one plan - everyone has to be in the same one. Others have deductibles ranging from $150 to $300 with .various out-of-pocket totals up to $2000. Have the unions been updated on this information? Yes. Union representatives were involved in explanatory meetings. Why didn't we go out to bid with other companies? We have enjoyed great stability with Blue Cross and for many years have had excellent customer service and few employee complaints. In addition, because of their size and market share, Blue Cross PPO/Health Options offers a higher negotiated fee discount with physicians, hospitals and other medical care providers than other carders. Fewer or lower discounts would mean higher premiums since our premiums are based on our own claims experience. A detailed survey of other government entities shows that the value of our plan is very favorable in comparison with the others. Recognizing the value of what Blue Cross provides us and considering the experiences of other agencies that have changed health plans frequently, we decided not to go to bid.