Pyle, Judith
From:Majors, Wally
Sent:Tuesday, May 29, 2018 8:37 AM
To:Barry Davis; Bettie Pierce-Roe; Blackman, Amy; Chamber of Commerce; Charles E.
Kanter (charlesekanter@gmail.com); Christina Johnston; Daniel Schapiro
(dmschapiro@gmail.com); Eric Ammon (ericammon@gmail.com); Hall, Glenda; Julie
Mondello; Lisa Browne Banic (lisa.pr.expert@gmail.com); Michael L. Byrd - East
Boynton Wildcats ; Renee Stern; Shandra Stringer
Cc:Pyle, Judith
Attachments:Agenda - June 4, 2018.doc
Good morning,
Attached is the agenda for our meeting this upcoming Monday, June 4. Don’t forget, we are meeting at the Intracoastal
Park Clubhouse.
Wally Majors
Recreation & Parks, Administration
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. | Boynton Beach , Florida 33435
561-742-6255 | 561-742-6238
MajorsW@bbfl.us | http://www.boynton-beach.org/
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
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