Minutes 03-19-56MI-~JLW~ES OF A PGE~JLA~ R
19, 1956.
Mayor Stanley Weaver
Vice Major Joe DeMarco
Mr. A.E.Shook
Mr. ~ott Partin
Mr. Don Rehburgo
City Clerk D.V.WilTi~ms
Mr. Zell Taylor
Mr. Rocky Stone
Police Officer Klingler.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. and
said that since so many people were here, many of them standing,
the public v~ll be heard first. He asked for a spokesman,
and ~r. V.W.Wilson, a resident of Royal Palm Village, said he
had been asked ~o mSke a statement in the absence of the president
of PO~. He said that the residents of Royal Palm Village had
located there in good faith on the understanding that the w~ole
su~oundlng area was to be residential, and they respectfully
request that no industry, regardless of type, be allowed in the
smea. Fifty-four property owners had signed a petition against
the proposed zoning change, and most of them were at the meeting
this evening.
The Mayor said there was some mistake about it all being
residential as nothing can be done regarding acreage in tov~_ excent
~h~ C O1Lrlcll. -
by~ ~ ·
M~. Schlissel, an Attorney from Miami and former Judge,
representing the owners of Royal Palm Village, said no notice of
the proposed change in zoning had been received by any resident.
He outlined in detail the reasons why the residents are opposed
to the proposed industrial zoning, and described the care they
had taken ~ ~
~o beautify the development, saying this zoning change
would be a tremendous hardships ~ ~
~ha~ such types of business
could be located in areas arranged for industrial.
Mro Weaver said the proposed factory was only to be on the
· ~ortn smae. It has been recormmended by the Planning and Zoning
Boards, but must be decided by the Council.
Mr. Shook said, as a member of the Zoning Board at the time
he had thougn~.a~ all right, but now that he hears the arguments
of the other smde and sees so mar4vrpeopie here objecting, he
feels as if the Zoning Board had made a mistake in recommending
the ind,~sv~a
~, ~,_ I zoning.
~r. Rehburg moved to reject the Zoning Board's
for mn industrial areao~f~the~ ~maxmn~ ' property. Mr.
seconded. ~otion Carried.
The delegat=on from Royal ~ ~ ·
~a=m Vmllage thanked the Council
for t~ing the action they have, for which they expressed
their appreciation.
~r, Weaver assured those present
zoning change has been rejected, the
that since the Lakin
Bellis one will also be
Mr. Joe Greenwood's request regarding water on his newly
purchased lot on SoW. let Avenue was tabled for further con-
Mr. Felkner showed a plan of his proposed building addition.
mr. DeMarco moved that the plan be approved°
seconded, motion carried.
Mr. Partin
Mr. Johnny Belt complained that the brush fire, extinguished
by the Fire Department, had set fire to the muck beneath and the
resultant smoke was a nuisance.
}f~. Partin said he thought he had an idea for stopping
this b~mrning and it' was agreed that he smd the Councilmen
would go out and look az it tomorrow morning at 8 A.~.
Mr. Boos showed a zoning map of the Rolling Green Ridge
First Addition marked as passed by vhe Planning Board.
Mr, Shook moved that ~rs.Williams be authorised to grant
building permits to ~?r. Field and Associates to comply with
the proposed zoning in Rolling Green Ridge Eirst Addition. mr.
Rehburg seconded, motion carried.
It was agreed that a meeting of the Council would be held
with ~r. Field on Thursday, March 29, at Vo30 P.M., to discuss
the water situation, and that Mr. Weber would be asked to attend.
M~. H~mett, of the Sun 0il Company, said he would be
willing to delay the Councii~s decision regarding his requested
gas station for a few more weeks rather than have it rejected now.
The matter was therefore tabled with the object of checking
on the adjoining property o~mers.
~r. Shook thought it would not be a good thing to change
the Ordinance to read 300 ft. instead of 600 fi. between service
Mr. Willimm Rutherford, a realtor from miami, said he and
his Associates are planning on purchasing 650 acres, more or less~
of the McCormick property in Section 32. He asked for informa-
tion regarding City regulations on streets, etc., which was
given to him.
The City Clerk read the Minutes o£ the previous regular
meeting of the Council of march 5.
~r. Shook moved that the Minutes be accepted.
seconded. Motion carried.
mr. DeMarco
Excerpts from the Minutes of the meeting of the Zoning Board
of ~arch 15 were read.
Mr. Shook moved, Mr. Partin seconded, that they be incor-
porated in the ~inutes. Motion carried.
The Police Department report for the month of February
was read.
It was agreed that'contractors should be notified of a
further meeting in connection with the new Bui&ding Code during
the second week in
Mr. Griffith read Ordinance No.279 for the second time.
Mr. Shook moved, Mr.'DeMarco seconded, that Ordinance
No.2V9 be accepted for the second reading. Motion carried.
Notice has been served on the realtors in town that if
they continue to violate the Sign Ordinance in the mabter of
placing more tha~ one silo-_on property for sale, the matter will
be turned back to the Police, as they do not seem able to enforce
the regulation, althou~htthey had agreed to do so.
A leto r was read from an Attorney representing the Habel
property ov~ners claiming $5,000.00 for dmmages in tearing down
the old shacks.
Mr. Griffith read Ordinance No.280 for the first time
covering specifications for roads.
~r. Psrtin moved thaz Ordinance 280 be accepted for the
first reading. Mr. Shook seconded. Motion carried.
A Resolution covering the sale of Lots 105, 106 and 10V
in Arden Park by the City to Mr. Gordon Parry was read.
_~r. Partin moved that the Resolution be adopted. ~r.
Snoo~ seconded. Motmon carried. (Resolution attached).
A letter was rea~ from Fred Benson and Dr. Raborn thmnking
and praising the City Fire Department for their work in putting
out a brush fire near .a~elr homes.
Mr. Weaver said Dr; Dewey has never presented a plat of
development ~Dewey Heights~' for zoning.
~.~. Taylor was asked to check and to t~==n ~ >gr. De~farco what
he wanted in '~
~.e way of a grader, and Mr. DeMarco was aut~rzsed
to put out speem~mcao_o_,s for bids.
it was agreed that two weeks from tonight,
the meeting would begin at 7 P.~g. to meet with
Monday, April 2
the Civil Service
Mr. Rehburg moved, seconded by ~r. Partin, to adopt a
Re~o~u~mon authorising purchase of ±~nd~ ~o~mon passed
unanimously~ (Resolution attached).
There be~_ng no ~urther busir~ess, the ~ayor a~journed the
meeting at 11.80
~ayor ~