Minutes 03-13-56~!~GTES OF A SPECIAL ~,~TZI~G OF THE COUNCIL OF BO~f!\TTON BEACH, ~ORIDz~ ~YITH T~ ZONING A~qD PLANNING BOARDS~ HELD &T TEE CITY HALL, MARCH 13, 1956. PRE~T: Nayor Stanley Weaver Vice Mayor Joe De,arco ~, A.E. Shook ~ ~ott Partin I~r. Don Rehburgo City Clerk Dorothy V.Williams. Road Super_ntenden~ Zell Taylor~ ZOJING BOARD PL~YNtNG BOA_RD: Mr. Joe E.Hartess, Chairman~ ~r. ~alter No!an ~Jr, Albert Deen ~r. Forney Herren ~r. Robert Q. ~yckoff. ~?~. Charles No Boos ~r~ N. R. Field ~. Leonard Brand 5~. Slaughter. ~r. J~mss ~ahoney. ~r. Hemmett~ of the Sun Oil Company. Eayor Weaver called the meeting to order at 7.~5 p.~. He referred to the joint meeting on Tuesday last of the Council Jmth the Zonmn~ and Plannin~ Boards and ~ settled thm~ evening mn regard to the matters nothin~ could be ~ , ~' ~ ~ .... ~- - discussed there, bu~ thav thzs meeting ms more ~n the way of a general discussion to see where we agree or disagrae ~d to give each side a chance to figure out ' ~ Jus~ what c~n be done to obtain a sol~u, tion of tbs problems. -- endings to be straightened ~ut on the rocommendavlon of a nut, bet of_ooop~- ~e, first, the Heir property should not be cut off on the East and North sides, ~r. Boos said~ speaking of the South ontrance~ that has been t~ken~a_~e of and changed so that there is e~ess to N.E~ 14th Street,o'and ~r. Brand drew on the plot~ by removing a lot, another access p mnt on the North. ~o Meaver continued with, secondly, the fact that a park has been planned for ~s area. 0r~gmna_±y they had the Pittmen tract, about fourteen acres, but it was stated that the authori- ties wouldt~ ~like ten acres for an ordinary school, ~ud ~r~ Field said ney would donate:four acres adjoinin - g for a park, ~ro Boos said the school proposal has bean put up to Talla- hassee. The last thing they asked for was a High school instead of a grade school, amd ~,~r. Field will donate the laud on the high part West of SeaBoard when the~ deci~e, N~. Field: 'Pi am perfectly willing to give the property to the school without their buying it~ ma~d wil~ give it when it is wanted by the S~hool Board, if they will bumld." ~r. Boos said Er. Field is glad to give the land to the s~hool and will do that in the area where it will do the most good° He ~eferred to the Liquor 0rdin~uce forbidding liquor licenses within 2800 feet of school, church~ park Or library~ and said unless this clause is rescinded a church cannot be given a site near the shopping area property~ and thus so~ve a big parking problem~ There was a discussion on the possibility of building a church under these restrictions. ~. Field: ~Does the City wish to mainta~ a park if provide the area? ~r~ ~eaver said it was up to the City to provide ~ ~creatfonal space° ~r, Boos: ~'Nntit the School Board gets word from _atla~ hassee$ nothing much c~ be done° We shall have to wait to put the plat on record." Mr~ ~meld said he was still willing ~o give four acres to the C~ty for a park. ~. ~eaver sai~ he thought the ~and adjoining City proper~y~ already intended for recreational purposes~ would be a good place for the park area. ~r. Field said it would be practically impossible to p~ n for a park because of the restrictions of the liquor Ordinance. Mr. ~eaver said the Pittman plat has not bean brought into the C_~y ~i~. Field said he was qmite willing to have it brought into the City limits. ~r. ~eaver though~ the Liquor 0rdin~ce, which ism ten years old, should be ~ev~sed and the required min~num footage Mr. Boos said at the last meeting of the Rolling Green Rid ge Association it was agreed to comply with the Pla~uing~Board's proposal that the 650 sq. ft. houses be raised to 850~ sq. those in the green area to be r~sed from 850 sq.ft, to 1200 sq. ft., and in the ywllow to 1,O00 sq.ft. He.outlined the zoning agreement~arrived at by ~he ~ssocmatmon, and added that the' City' - ~s' as~ea~ not to O.K.~any. plans without the aporoval_ of ~h~ A~chitectural Committee° The upper section has been raised from 8~0 sq. ft. to 8~0 sq. ft~ The P!a~uing Board had reccnmmended 1,000 sq.fto ~r. Field, in reply to a question as to whether he intended to build the s~me type of house as he had in Fort Lauderdate, said it was more a matter of lots, but they are to have formicu- lite roofs° i~. Feltis said he had found this type of roof unsatis- factory, as it cracked. Mr. Weaver, referring to the zoning, said this could all be taken.up at the regular meeting of the Zoning Board on Thursday next. The Board can then give its recommendations to tbs C ouncil~ and it did not see~ necessa~ to argue about it ~uy more this evening. Nr. Weaver took the opportunity of tha~d~ing ~r. Harless for the good work he has done while serving on the Zoning Board and to regret his r. signation, to become effective following Thursday's meeting of the Zoning Board~ ~r. ~eaver said, for the information of any subdividers hers tonight, a recommendation is to be made to th~ Council that an Ordinance be passed to have 7~ ft. frontage on avery build- ing lot. Mr. Field said, regarding the R/W across the railroad track, that he applied to a close personal friend of his connected with the railway and was told that he was awaiting a City m~,~ of Boynton Beach from City Hait, showing whether the l~ud is in Bo~mton. ~f~. Griffith said he cannot locate the R/V;~ but he thought the plat shown by Nr. Brs.nd seemed different from Mr. Brock~ay's. Mr. Field said what was wanted was a map of the City on which could be marked whether the lsmd is in the City limits~ He said he had the plat. Mr. Weaver said he did not think the City had ever made an official request for the crossing on Woolbright ,Road, r. Field said if the ~mty want to make the request he will be glad to follow it through and do anything he cmn. ~o Weaver said we might draw up a Resolution requestimg tha County to do everything possible in the dsvelopmant of the property as we wish 5o acquire the R/W for that crossing. Mr. Forney Hortom said: "Get the crossing amd we will take care of the gates etc.~ Mr. Wea~er said: ~our Councilmen are in favor of it~ so we ea~ send off a letter i~ eontamplation of an extension to Hagen Road~~ Mr. Field: "~aat about our water construction~~ ~r. ~eaver said n~ conclusion has yat been arrived at as to just whaz the City can do~ but we are still studying it. Brockway and Weber advise that we have an over-all plau, and the o~estion of suppl~ehas been up with the State Health Department this last week~ tn y are worried about the supply o~ water which, instead of being adequate for ~0,000 is adequate for 5~500. We do know we do not have to have another source of water. Everyone here understands that the system would pay for itself ~ud not be a burden on the taxpayers, but the City has not been abl~ to come to any conclusion for extensions. Mr. Field asked if he could talk with ~r~Weber goout crossing under the street. ~. Griffith said the City could not objec~ to Mt.Field seeing Brockway & ~eber, who have handled bhe whole business, mud see how long it ~ouid t~xe Broc!o~fay to give him an idea of what proEram would be needed~ whether a plant, stud-pipe, etc. Nr.3riffith suggested Mr.Field then contact the City and let us have the information he obtains. The Mayor amoou~nea the meeting at 9.35 Chairman, Zoning ~--~-~irman~ ~g Board~