~ayor Star~ey ~Veaver
Vice Mayor Joe DeMar¢o
~, A.E.Sho0k
~. Nott Partin'
Nr. Don R~hburg.
City Clerk D.~.Wmll~ms.
Road Superintendent
Zell Taylor.
_ =ann~n~ :
~gr. Henry ~erke! Jr., Chairman.
Nr. L.S.Chadwel!
~r. James Feltls
~r. Paul NcBride
~r. Harvey 0yet
~. ~artin Durkin.
Zoning Board:
~r. Walter Nolan
~r. Robert Q. ~ckoff
~r. Forney Horton
~r. Albert Deem.
~. George Brockw~ay, Jr.
~?~. Eiwyn L. ~iddleton.
~ayor ~eaver called the meeting to order at ~.~8 p.N. and
explained that it had been called with reference to Rolling
Gte n Rmdge and that ~. ~zddleton and a representative from
~Mr. Brockway,s office had been asked to attend to ~dv~se~ ' us
concerning the legal aspects of o ~ ~
ur waoer installation at
Rolling Green Ridge, ~ud whether or no~ we have to accept this
subdzv~s_on in town~ smd if it ~ '
~uzts our plennzng. The City
Council believe it time to stop urging subdivisions to come in.
He drew attention to the map showing the layou~ of Rolling
Green Ridge with the changes recommended by the Pla~ing Board,
and said it is unfortunate to have one man controlling such a
large area. Economically it is no~ feasible to have too many
of the small t~oe_ of house~ they would not pay suzf~czen~ ~ ' * t~xes
to cover the cost to the City of the Fire mud Police protection
the former alone costs ~27.00 a year for every t~ee persons.
One of the basic problems of the suod~v~s~on~ ' ' ' will have to be
straightened out here in the City Hall, that is the ~
~ ~ast-~est
rca8 in the section. The right of way has been cut from 80,
to ~0,, and he did not thi~ ~e should ~o along with them on
A few 850 squS~we foot houses could be left in the top
corner, because it is next to a 650 sq. ft. area.
The pla~. 'was passed around for general information.
He said ~f~. Middleton has been called in by Nr. Griffith
co advise on the water system.
~. Field estimates the water system in this and his other
developments wilt come-to approximately a Million dollars, and he
wants the City to issue bonds to cover this.
If we do this for ~r. Field w~ shall have the ss~me diffi-
culty with all other subdividers, except the very small ones.
Mo *~o~,&nt that mn mos~ Courts th~ Cz~y woul be helm liable
to provide water, and said it is necessary to have agreement
between the different Boards on this situation.
~. ~,~cBride asked whether the plant only is referred to
and not the pipe.
~,[r. Weaver said not according to ~r. Field.
~r. ~,?yckoff said if ~r. Field gets hi~ water put in at City
expense, then other subdividers have been badly treated,
.~r. Taylor said ~ro Field wanted to put c:mmmections in as
he puts the pipe in.
~r. Brockway spoke on the waoer system at the request
of ~r. t'~eaver.
There was a i~ng discussion on the advisability of putting
in a storage tauk, or increasing the size of the mains. The
latter, it was stated, would be !ess expensive and would return
more money to the City; or a treatment plant located in the
Mr. ~yckoff thought the raising of the zoning will
out the type of fellow like Field, ~mo wants to build small
houses which don't bring a nickel to the City.
There followed along discussion on the water system.
It'was stated that there is no comparison between the
installation of a water system mud a street system. The latter
is a constant headache, but if the City puts in a water system
it can be very profitable. There is no reason why the City
should come in and pay a million on water pipe. If a plan
is arrived which is considered acceptable, the man is going to
put in a system advantageous to himself and to the City. He
would not expect to be rei~oursed until the Engineers appointed
by the City judge it to be self-~aying.
The only tLme the City would be called upon to do anything
would be at the point where it is breaxl g even, and fro~ then on
it would be profitable to the City and would not cost the City
anything- The City does not have ~o issue bonds until the
Engineer ~udges it is breaking even. The City to select the
~r. Weaver said we could not probably borrow a million
dollars from anybody, but Nr.Field is willing to let us have it
without interest until the break-even stage is reached.
~r. Weber said water would pay
Mr. Weaver asked whether, if the State and Federal
Governments widen U.S.1 through Boynton~ it becomes the obliga-
tion of the City to move all pipe, which would mean about five
miles for us, aud they will have to supply ether subdivisions
outside of Field's~
~ ~iddleton said the first thing is ~ settle on the
zoning problem~
The Cit~ car~_ot make ~r.Field put in water pipe and he cannot
make the City provide water.
~. Wyckoff said as the plat has not been accepted by the
can m~k8 any
C ounce±, or recorded, the Planning and Zoning Boards
' e Wield will have to
changes they think advis~fol , and ~r. ~
with them, regarding sizes of lots~ etc.
~r. Shook asked if there was ar~~ standard setup for a
recreation area. He suggested a joint meeting with ~?~r-~me~d~
the Council~ and the Zoning and Planning Boards.
~r~ Weaver said he would contact Nr.Field and arrange a
date for the meeting, and that M~.Field is to meet with the
Zoning Board at its next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned by the ~ayor at 10.~$ P.M.
Cha_rman, Zoning Board.