Minutes 03-05-56MINU_~S OF A REGULAR ~.~ETiNG OF TI~~ BOYR~ON BEACH CITY COUNCIL RELD' AT Tm CITUff HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MARCH 5, 1956, PRE SE~T: Mayor C. Stanley Weaver ~. A. E. Shook ~Ir. Mort Partin Mr. Joe DeMarco Mr. Don Rehburg, City Clerk Dorothy V.Willimms Chief of Police Carver Mr. Zell Taylor Mr. Carl Stone. meeting to at P.M. Mayor Weaver called the '' order 7430 . , and said that as a n~mber of people are ~ere to discuss a question in Which they are interested, namely~the repair of Ocean Avenue from S.W. 3rd Street West to S.W. Vth Street, the.grder of the meeting ~i ll be Changed to allow them to do so first. He said there seemed to be almost 100% object~on~ to this repair, and that the Council could either go. over ~heir heads and provide for the public welfare, or do what wzll satisfy the objectors who have ,~igned the petition. ~. ~lorser thought the road was in just as go?d a condition as it was four years ago, and asked who had started t~e objections, and why they wanted it done all over again, and whht the original order was. ~. Weaver said m~uy people have complained and the City Council also thinks the street should be fixed. Mr. Morser wanted to know why the Cmty does no~ ~o. the. repamrs to the roads and what order the Co~mcil is counter~andzng mn making assessments against property o~ners. The Mayor said it is an economic problem, the City smmply does not have enough money to do the work without assess, ments, a~.d Mr. Morser was told he s~ould have attended the advertmsed specmal meeting called to hear objections. After discussi6n, ~. Shook moved that the st on Ocean Avenue start at S.W. 4th Street and go We S.W. 7th Str66t, and that Ioroperty owmers between ~th Streets will na~ ben,axed for a~y of the work their property. Mr.~DeMarco ~conded. Motion Mr. Trautner of Boyers Motel complained that buyer of his motel finds he c~unot get a license ~eet repair work ~t f~om ther~e t~ D.~,~~. 3rd ana ~one West of ~r ri e d. a prospective ~ or a trailer p~rk. Mr. ~eaver said the question has never been brought before the City Council who alone can receive such requests. Hr. Griffith said that district is not zoned for trailer ~nd it would mean a change in zonihg. He outlined the necessary steps to be taken for such a change. ~r.- Harry Newett, attorney for Mr. Charles Geary, called ~' ~ oning laws o~ lot 28, attention to a violation of the ~lty~...~ z Block 4, of Lake Add,tmon.. He shoved a pl.an of the lot referred to and various photographs showing trailers~rmght next to Mr.Geary&s lot, saying the zoning is residential. He asked that the v-iolation be removed and proper action taken. H~aid 5~r.5,1a~tell,s lot Nco20, adjacent to ~r. Geary,s property, is beiDg used as his office and workshop, causing much noise and inconv~aience. Regarding Um. Geary,s objection to ~,~r.~artell pa_kmng his trailers in the alley, M~ Grmff_th said as ~artel~ owned both sides of the alley there would be no objectioni to his parking his trailers on it. Nr. Newett said they would re-check~ on City would also check, vhey would appreciate if a violation is found. it~ and that if the action on the matter Y~. Tomberg, representing Lym~a Dock~, InCo, p~ssed around a diagram showing their proposed Boat Lift,. The proposed extension of N.E. 8th Street will have to~b~ dedicated by Lym~n and paved. Also th?y w~ut Lake-Avenue pavem mast tol the 9anal. Lyman wmll p~t a lift mn to be used by the public ab nommnal rates, and they w~ll make adequate provision for paved car and trai~er parking space. - ~ Nayor Weaver thought such a thing in the City ~lly be of benefit to small boat o~ers~ and that our Attorney should go mnto the matter with Nr. Tomberg and see just what the City can do. It was agreed that a meeting should be arrange8 between the two Attorneys snd the Coun6~l. Mr. Weaver thanked them for coming and making the offer· A letter was read from ~,Irs. Gladys gordon. The Planning Board had passed it to the Zoning Board as bem_~g strictly a spot zoning problem~ and it iS now up ~o the Coundil. It is a matter of an addition to a house at l~ S.~ Te~th Avenue ~or use as a beauty salo~o It slants t~wards a ~a~dsh~p case as Mrs. Jordan's young.son zs suffering fro~ a bone disease and she must take care of hzm and also earn mone~ to help p~y for medical attention for him. ~r. Shook expressed didn't stick to ourilaws laps. sympathy for ~s.Jordan, but said if we things had a habit of falling back in our -5- Mro Grlfzlth said, as City Ettorney, although he also has every sympathy for Mrs. Jordan, it is his duty to advise the Council to do things legally. It was agreed that the matter should'be brought up at the next regular meeting of the Zoning Board for a decision° The nesting must be an advertised one so that any neighbor who wishes c~u object. Mr. Weaver said for the benefit of the public aud before begin- ning our regular meeting, he would like to draw attention to a notice in the Palm Beach Times aud to say that the statemSnt q~oted as being made by the County Cozmmission was uncalled for and ~aufair to the subdivider of Lee Manor Islas. Two days later an article appeared in the Palm Beach Post saying that the project was accepted aud was all right, leaving both ~r.Carter and the Council unsatis- fied. The Boynton Beach paper backed up the Palm Be.~ch Post. Mr. Shook thought the Council were more awake than the County with reference to setbacks. Mr. Harold McCloy of S.W. 9th Avenue said F.M~A. loans had not been available because of uncertainty of street pa~ing being carried out, Mr. Weaver said that repairs to S.W. 8th, 9th and 10th Streets between 9th and IOth Avenues hsve not yet been advertised, but we shall be glad to ~rite a letter Eo~'h~for t he information of the F.H.A. ~ssuring him that the City does plan to pav~ these streets° if he will leavs his name and address he will get ~he letter~ although ws cannot prom!se when ~he paving will be done° Ers. Glass co~?lained of the state of t~e street near hs~ home and of how prospect~vs buyers of Economy Builders ~om~slDaoksmn the mmddle of the mar~e~ street, mak~no mt zmposs~ble to pass on N.E. 1st Street beyond ~th Avenue. It was agreed that the matter will be checked into. The City Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council of February nO. b~r. Shook moved, Mr. De~garco seconded, that the minutes bs accepted as read. Motion ca~rmed. ~r. Partin thought sometmmng should be doneoa~out the fur~mture store on Lake Avenue at the same time as houses mncolored town are condemned, Mr. ~eaver said Mr. Miller should be notified that the City is going to take steps about his store and be given time to make other arrangements, it being agreed that the eyesore should be removed. With regard to Buschts Restaurant, ~o Weaver says he still thinks that, in spite of the Sign Ordinance to the contrary, by approaching the Ocean Ridge Commissioners agreement valuable to both towns could be arranged. A letter was read from Mr. South Baptist church regarding SCOUtS~ G.A.Hargrave, Minister of the the necessity for amd fo. Cub ~. De,arco moved that the City GDdnoi~ endorMe.the movement of a group ~r groups tp begi~ organizing Cub Scouts mn Boynton. ~r. Partin seconded. Motion carried. A l~*e~_ was read from County Co~ssioner Lytel stating that Dan Gordon has exclusive franchise for collection bf garbage for County area surrounding Boynton Beach. It was agreed that all outside City pickups s~ould be notified that in future Dan Gordon, instead of the City, will pick up their garbage ~ecause of his fro~nch~se. The report of the Fire Department for the month of Fdbruary was read. The report of the Building Inspector for the~onth of February was read, totalling It was stated that Boynton Beach ranks sixth in the County in outlying. A letter was read from Mr. Joe Hatless tend~mng ~ms resmg- mation from the Zoning Board on account of pressing private Ous±n®sso ~. Shook moved that the resignation be acce~ted with regret and Mr.. Harless thanked for his services; and that he be asked if he will postpone his resignation ~util after t~e ~dver~ised Zoning Board meeting. ~r. DeE~co seconded. Notion carrmed. A letter was read from Colonel Thorne, P.B.A.F., asking for an airport zoning order for Boynton Beach. It was agreed that a letter be written to Colonel Thorne. Mr. Weaver read a proclamation stating that ~he week or March llth to tTth of this year ~e Girl Scout week. After dmscussmon on the revzsed specm_zcatmons for streets, ~gr. Weaver asked M~. Taylor to check w_~h the County to find out -5- about the size roller necessary for black top and to report at the next meeting. Also what they require as their l~e rock specifica- tion. The reading of Ordinance was tabled. !~[r. Griffith read 0rdin~nce No.2V9 covering the old age insurance plan for the first time. Mr. Shook moved, Mr. DeNarco seconded~ that the City accept Ordinance No.~79 covering the placing of City employees under the old age benefit plan as provided by the State and ~deral Govern~ merits. Motion carried. ~ Griffith read an agreement, to be signed by the Mayor, covering the procedu_~e. 5~. Shook moved that the agreement as to procedure of handling old age benefits be accepted. Mr. DeMarco seconded. ~otion carried. After discussion it was agreed that Mr. Parry should be given a starting date of sixty days to begin the building in Arden Park on lots purchased from the City. A holder of City Refunding bonds having offered ten $1~000.00 bonds at 98~ plus interest, Nr. Shook movsd that the ten bonds be bought. ~r. DeNarco seconded. Notion carried. With regard to ~The Lawns', it was stated it has been decided to let them get in contact with the street co$~tractors. The L. & No Sod Company made the lowest bid and should be accepted. Nr. Shook moved that the City accept the bid Of the Sod Company on the Lawns subdivision street paving, pending arrangements~ Mr. DeMarco seconded. ~otion carried° ~t was agreed to check the matter of sewers in this Addition at the meeting tomorrow afternoon at ~.~0 Po~. Two bids were opened and road on a new police car. WaIne Akers ~Ford of Lake Worth quoted $1,75i.~, lsss ~ allowance ~800.00 on the used 1984 cs_~ of BevSmith quoted ~t~724.8V, and made no mention of trade-in allowance. Mr. DeNarco ~oved that the City acce~ the Ford bid for a Police car on the condition that we have the option of accepting their trade-in allowance of ~00.00 for the 195~ car, or of buying it up. ~r. Partin seconded. Notion carried. The Shuffleboard Club asked if they could be given the $450.00 for the alterations to their building, and pay the bills themselves. It was decided that the bills should be referred to the City Clerk for payment as heretofore. -8- ~. Weaver thought it would be a good thing for the City to hire a Surveyor to let us know what our property lines in Ocean Ridge are, and to have a legal description of the property. Mr. Stone said some work was necessary i~ connection with a baffle ring in the City water tank and Mr. Clyde Rippy says this does not come under maintenance, although he could do the work for us for $40.00. Mr. Stone was instructed to get the work done. Bids for hauling 2500 yards of rock were C.E.Keatts $1o05 a yard Joe Formichell .98 C.Wo ~o~b .99 opened and read: Zt was decided to accept Joe's @ .98 cents, on condition that if he cannot fulfill the contract it will be passed to someone else. Mr. Partin said the Harr.~ng~on.Homes smgms nea~ the Baptmst Church are dangerous, and Polmce Chmef Carver was asked to have them moved. ~r, De,arco moved, Mr. Shook seconded, that Nr~.Cierpik should go to the Municipal Finance Officer~, Short Course in Gainsville from ~arch 18 to 2~ at City expense (approximately $~5.00). Motion carried° ~o Partin moved, ~.Rehburg seconded that tw9 ad~zng ma~hmnes be purchased for City Hall and trade in ~he old l0 colt~nn hand B-mrrough~s machine. Motion carried. Mr. Hemmett of the Sun 0il Company asked for a permit for the Company to build a service station at the corner of N.E. 8th Avenue to cost approximately S20,000.00. ~r'. Shook and ~.Weaver both expressed themselMes in favor of ~he 9ompa~y locating ~'m~rBoynton Beach¢ but unfortunCtely it would be mn vzolatmon of a City Ordinance,which prohibits gas stations within ~ feet of each other, for it to be located at the requested cornero~~ It was agreed that the ma~ter shou±d ce checked mnto before definite answer is given at our next meeting, two weeks fro$ to-nzght. Mr, De~arco moved that s grease gun be purchased for ~13V.95 from Earl S. Brown, Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion Carried. Mr. ~,~y after a line for Lake Worth.was through ~rs. Williams. discussion on the establis~M?nt advised to contact the Plamimng of a bulkhead and Zoning Board~ The ~ayor adjourned the meeting at mmanmg__v. Mayor WHERF~$~ the git7 of Boynton Beech did purchase of the s~id said orooerty other the OIty Palm Beaeh~ State of Fl~rids~ being described as BE IT P~OL~ By the City ~f Bo~lon ~a~ that ~i~ property a~ve deserib~ shslt playgro~d ~nd general recreation of the citizens a~ s~ch other uses a~ purooses along a recreatione! program.to m~t the ne~s of the citiz~s of ~ton Beach ~d the said 0rooerty s h~ll be so used ~util the property fails '~ ~- to meat the re~umr~ents for Said Oity reereati~l ?arposes. ADOPTED THIS 5th DAY OF MAECH~ 1956. ATTEST W~iRE~S, the Girl Scouts of the United States of ~.merica have rendered continuous service to their co~m~_t_~y and cormmumities since their fo-~uding March 12~ 1912; Md Wi~REAS, we the People of Boynton Beach arc aware of the important contributions to community welfare being made by Girl Scout leaders through their work with the youth of the nation~ and W~R~AS~ the Girl Scout Organization has gro~n to more than 2 million girl members and more than 600,000 adult leaders, w~o each day liv~ag up to their promise to try to Do Their Duty to G~od a~ud Country~ to Help Other People at All TLmes, mad to Live By the Girl Scout Laws of loyalty, honesty, courtesy, ~heerfulness~ usefu!ness~ kindness and ~!0W~ THEREFORE~ authority vested in me as helpfulness to others: I~d. Stsaley Weaver~ by virtue of the Mayor of the City of Boyr~ton Beach~ hereby proclaim March II vo 17 of this year, 19~6 as Girl Scou~ ~eek and March t2th as the 44~th a~uiversary of the fo~ding of ~ir! Scouting in the United States of America~ i therefore ca!! upon all citizens to ~ve the Girl Scouts now ~ud in the comL~g years the fullest co~ operation sad support so that increasing n~bers of gir~s may benefit fro~ the splendid program of training in citizenship which the Scout org~uization offers~ Mayor: Cmty of Bo~nton Beach March 5, 1956