Minutes 02-06-56~TNUTES OF A F~EGUIAR METING OF THE COU~-{CILLORS 0P BOY~TON ~EA~, FLORIDA, HELD AT TP~~ CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FEBRUARY 6, 1956 · P~SENT: Mayor St~ley Weaver. Vice Mayor Joe DeMarco. ~. A.E.Shook ~r. Mott Partin. ~. Don Rehburg. City Clerk D.V.Williams. Police Chief Carver. Mr. Zell Taylor Y~. Carl Stone. Mayor Weaver called the meeting to order at 7.40 P.M. City Clerk Dorothy V.Wiiliams read the minutes of the last regular meeting of January 18, 1956~ Trailers road, Weaver said it should be specified that the Parry should be moved back ~0 ft. from the center of the Mr. DeMarco moved that with this addition the minutes be accepted. Y~. Rehburg seconded. ~otion carried. A letter was read from the Lions Club, signed by Mr.McFarquhar, ~ _ Pres_dent, requesting a oermit for a circus. Mr, Partin moved that the permmt be granted. ~r. De~arco seconded Motion ca. rmem. A letter was received from Mr. Joe D. Harless. (Attached). An excerpt from the Zoning Board meeting minutes of January 1V was read. Mr. Griffith said an advertisement was-necessary in spite of the ruling of the Zoning Board~ that a request for change of zoning goes first to the Planning Board, but that the Zoning Board must do the advertising. A list of building permits for the month of February, submitted by the ~Gilding Inspector, was read. A letter was read from Mr. Sam A. Bowen requesting a permit to use the Virginia Burin~on Bowen property for selling and renting automobiles. The request was denied as not being in accord with regulations. Three ,?Bids were opened for paving of the Lawns S/D. It was decided to defer a decision on the bids until a ~ ' held at 4.30 P.M., February 21, at City Hall. hear_ng ~s R~. Grifftth read a Resolution covering assessments for street repairs for the Lawns Subdivision etc., for the second time. Mr. Shook moved that the Resolution be accepted. ~gr. De_~garco seconded. .~otmon carried. / Regarding the Hill property, Mr. Grifftth recommended that the Council, beforv orderzng destruction of the building should hold a hearing. ~. Boos reportedthat he had sold the Hill property and that the owner had said he would ~ism~utle it immediately. ~ Regarding the Habel property, Mr°Weaver said the last decision was to have the Fire D~partment inspect it, also the County Health Department. He thought the conditions had existed long ~nough and that something should now be done to correct the situation. ~/ Nr. Shook moved, ~r.DeMarco seconded, that notice be sent to Mr. Habel that he must tear it doyen by the 15th February, and that if he does not the ~zty will do so. Mot~on ca~r~ed. The City Clerk read a Resolution covering the granting of a franchise to the Southern_ Bell~Telephone Company and con~rm~ng~ the results of the recent election regarding it. ~ro DeMarco moved, Mr. Partin seconded, that the Resolution be accepted. Motion carr_ed. Mr. Shook moved ~ * ~na~ the agreement with Ocean Ridge that the charges to them for the year 19~8 be ~l,000.00 for fire pro- ~ection, ~1,200.00 for police~ and $1~1~5.00 for service,- a otal of ~3,325.00,- be accepted. 'Mr. DeMarco s~conded.~ Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read a Resolution covering streets to be con- structed or re-built. A petition from property o~ers in Laurel Hills was passed round. (At~ached) Mr. Shook moved that the Reso~utmon be accepted. seconded. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of January was read~ A complaint regarding a wabe~ bill in colored town covering three houses was read, amounting to approximately $19.00 for the December bill. It was stated that leaks were subsequently found on the house side. -3- The opinion of the Cou~ucil was that it ~as not the fault of the City~ and ths bill must be paid by the occupier of the house° A complaint protesting a water bill was read From Ma. Borchardt, stating that no wa~er had been ussd in the month of July covered by the bill. The mater was checked and found to be correct and it was the opinion of the Council that the bill be allowed to stand as it is~ A request was received from Mt. Stone that a check be made into the possibilities of having radios in the City water trucks so that they can be ~ contact. ~r. DeMarco said a radio would be better and chaaper than a telephone. The matter was held up for further consideration. Regarding the Lake City Trailer Park water bill, ~, Griffith suggested naming a s~ which the man would be willing to pay. The City Clerk had estimated the amount due would be approximately ~600.00, Ers, Williams was asked to suggest the s-~m of ~200.00 to the man as a compromise. After discussion ~,~. Shook moved that the City sign a con- tract with the Picard Company for chlorine for the year 1958, mud also authorlse the ~nrchase of a gas mask in dealing with chlorine. Mr. DeEarco seconded, Motion carried. The water layout for Mr. GeOrge Faltis in Gulf Stremm Estates was inspected. Mr. Shook moved that the City put in the water and streets at M~. Feltis, expense. ~r. DeNarco seconded. Notion carried. Nr. Shook said he preferred a service motor cyc%~ with a tool box on it instead of a truck for the Water Department, as being more economical, He said he would check into the matter and ask a dealer in West Palm Beach to supply one on loan for afew days~ trial. ~s. Myron Knuth, mud Mrs. Joe Tomberg presented a sketch of a proposed Recreation Center, which they aske8 the Council to approve, and to lease them a place of property on which it could be built, The plan originated with the J~ui0r Woman's Club, who hope that with thehelp of all tha other organisations in town enough money will be raised to finance it. it was decided to bring it before the Planning Board for suggestions. Mr. N.R,Field requested aper~it to add a porch to one of his model houses in Block 9, Rolling Green, for a temporary office for six months. ~ DeNarco moved that the request be granted for the porch and use of the house for six months as ~u office. Nr. Shook seconded. Eotion carried. Nr. Fields, in connection with t~hree signs he wishes to put up on the Highway, was asked to make an appointment with the Building Inspector, and the ~ayor said he himself would like to go and look the situation over some time. Nr. De,arco moved that the Chamber of Commerce bake charge of the~lights used for street decorations at C_hristmas, and that the City be relieved of all further responsibilities reg~wding them. ~r. Shook seconded. ~otion carried. Royal Palm Village reports that houses cannot be sold because of the spreading out of the Nelson Trailer Park. The City 0terk said the Trailer Park was spread all over the place instead of keeping within its allowed limits. Nr. Griffith thought the man should be notified by registered mail that he is violating the Ordinance, but should be given a certain length of time to comply, and that he should not have had a permit in the first place; he must make no further extensions. It was agreed that there will be no more trailers until zoning has been completed. ~. Weaver Said ~r. Eartin Durkin has been proposed as a member of ~he Planning Board, and suggested th~ he be notified and asked if he will serve° ~gr. Weaver reported ~hat he and ~r. De,arco went do~ to Fort Lauder~ale at ~r. Field's invitation to inspect his 20' plant mix roads, a~d said it makes a nice useful road surface of about ~0'. He added that it must now be decided how far we can go in changing our specifications, but we do know that a hot mix street is s better ~reet. ~. Field said he was putting in streets to last for thirty years. He rolled them with a 1B-ton three-wheel roller. ~. Shook s d he was satisfied the Cit~ would get a better road than with s~ell rock and slag. A ~ base of 8" compacted shell rock, rolled with a 12-ton, S-wheel roller, ~aad not less than 1~ plant mix compacted surface. ~r. Field asked if this could be passed as an emergency measure so that he can start on the roads at once. ~r. Partin moved, ~. DeNarco seconded, that t~is ~ltera~ tion in the City specifications for streets be accepted, pending ar_ emergency Ordinance which will take care of it ~ the next meeting. Notion carried. -4A- BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PA_Y~NT: Gen'l. Fund Eay Roll 1~003.4V " !~218.49 " 848.53 " 1,645.40 _~ .W. Cobb 437.58 Boynton Beach Fire Department 260.86 John M. Tuite 15.00 East Coast Fire Protection S. 99.68 William Hardwick 17.00 City of Delray Beach 45.00 Pioneer ~lag Company 10.50 Chase National Bsnk 5.00 Court Records Co. 15.00 George S. Brockway Lake ~rth DD. iI50$O0 Dewitt Supply Oo. 26.12 Southern Building Code Congress 52.50 ~aster F. V/right 35.00 Bark;eyes Grocery 8.45 grmitage Restaurant 48.50 W.J.Snow 16.02 United Auto Service 51.34 Deerfield Rock Corporation 2,2!5.78~ Williams Chemical Corpn. Rmbin C~nst~ctiou Co. 40.00 Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 14.98 Paul Johnson's Restaurant 64.80 Florida Power ~ Light Co. 522.10 Petty Cash 190.42 Southern Bell T. & T'. Co. 105.30 City of Boynton Beach 5.78 John Violants 30.75 Bp-Del Printing Co. 92.28 Palm Beach Typewriter Co, 38.29 Pierce Tire Co. 55.11 Warms Akers Ford 1,780.~5~ Paul Mercer Service Station 13.95 Xenneth Snow 181.O0 Hood,s Auto Service 19.98 Royal Typewriter Co. 19~50~ Brown & Moseley 12V.03 Austin Supply Co. 33.05 f Blue Cross o_ Flormda 502o90~. Motor Vehicle Comm. 24.75 Martin Naths~ie! Thieme 15.00 H.Harvey Heberkorm 10.O0 Hula Eae Kitchens 10.00 Nettle Mae Po~s ~5,00 Herman Butts 25.25 Sears Roebuck Co. 21.42 D.J. Tab ano 10.00 Dmrec~or of Internal Revenue 1~724.00 -4B- Blank & Smith 34.08 Cecil Holland's Ail Mi~ami Ford 530.68 Asphalt Sales Co. City of Delray Beach 45.00 Deiray Book Shop 3o15 W,S.Darley & Co. 6~58 Delray Concrete ProducSs Co. 88.00 Florida Georgia Tractor Co. 11.59 Florida League of Munici- palities 65.00 Tom Rhodes 32.00 Charles Senior 30.00 W.J.Snow 20.00 B.B. Chamber of Co~-merce Sewell Hardware Co. i17.30 F. MacFarquhar~ 100.34 Rubin Construction Co. 40°00 Goddard Disvo 1,08 William Walter Dillon 15.00 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. !~147.20 Boynton Beach Fire Dept. 879.06 Brown & Moseiey 48.35 Pay Roil 918.58 " 892.75 " ~ 285.~5 ~' 804~01 " 947.50 ~ 2,281.35 ~ 1~020.00 " 934.30 " 997.24 " 2,288,25 Fred Koepnick 200.00 Asphalt Sales Co. 775.13 Austin Supply Co. 21.40 C.F.Bowles Electric Co. 151.40 Brockway, Weber & Brockway 7.50 Broom & ~ose!ey 28.21 Brownle~s Men's Shpp 11.85 Business & Prgfessional Women,s Club 8.00 Court Records 15,00 W.S,Dartey & Co., 15.70 Delray Gas ~ Electric Co. 10.50 Delray Machine & Supply Co. 10.95 East Coasv Fire Equipment 14.55 Florida Power & Lt. Co, 744.91 Florida East Coast Railway Co. Gold Coast Gas Co. 7.00 Halsey & Griffith 1~ 57 Ho!iday Service Station t.60 C.E.Keat~ 155.00 Gulf Oil Corp, 108.~0 F. MacFarquhar 191~81 Minute Co. 19.1~ Paul~Nercer Service Station ~0.08 -4C - Pierce Tire Co. Palm Beach Typewriter Coo R. & R. Electric John Violante Rubin Construction Co. Sherwin Williams Co. August AleEander Glad Kenneth Snow Southern Bell T. & T. Co. Stevenson Seed Store United Auto Service WaEo Scaffolding Williams Chemical Corp. O.C.Wipper Associates Florida Power & Light Co. Gulf Stream Lumber Seaxrest Band County Mercantile International Assocn. of Fire Chiefs Fire Engineering B.D.Cole Vaughan & Wright Blue Crpss of Florida Boo, ton Beach State Bank Ch~les Walker Schooley Weaver Insur.Egency Joe Hatless ~larence Bosworth Hardrives Inc. Joe Harless Lucy Lemon Jenkins Seaboard Air Line 17.68 17.39 29.32 22.25 51.00 19.14 50,00 112,90 109.84 9.00 25.75 23.53 2.08 5.42 152.23 200,00 25.57 7.00 8.00 03~.58 82.23 188.80 595.50 25.00 673.16 350.00 32.30 22.00 400,00 100.00 235.20 -4D- Water Fund Stanley Martin Martin Builders Rolling Green Homes Holland Constr. Co. R~H. VV~gwill Robert Boyles Theodise Byrd Leroy King Lou Fi~c~hi C~rl I. Spade Martin Builders Gulf Stream Homes St~uley Martin Builders 5.20 '~ 6.00 Walter Leher Stanley Martin Evan Jaines C.L.M~rtel Linbell Lewis Neptum_e meter Co. 3,314.40 Davis Meter Repair & ~'- S. Co. 402.03~ Brooks Products 117.50 Can eton & Ba~ley 49.12 East Co~st Fire Pro- tection 32.00 John D. Martin Trustee 1.00 Pure W~ er Products 41~.50 Addressograph Multi- graph Corpn. 29.30 Southern Bell T. & T.Co. 25.49 0etty Cash 3.73 City of Boynton Beach 8.60 " 1,506.00 Cameron & Bs~jley 6.04 Bo-Del Printing Co. 29.70 Charles Sales Corpn. 284.~0 Brown & Moseley 8.60 Newlar~2s Pharmacy 2.75 ~ustin Supply Co, Blue ~ross of Florida .80.30 Eotor Vehia~ Commission- er 8.75 Fred Benson 66.50 Austin Supply Co. 15.09 Cameron & Barkley 128.99 Charles L. ~euer & Son 40.50 Central Truck Lines 1.55 Brooks Products 130;50 Neptune Meter Co. 404.30 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 63.64 Brown & ~oseley 2.06 Depositors' Fund. 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Walter Leher C.D. Vogwill W.L.Ro~x C.E.Bremer Margaret L. Stutts Hugh Le~man Estate of Norah B. Heaton Cla~ence L. Clark Dixie Fiber Nill H.J.Bollbach Edmund Fo Donofrio M.B. Baskin Norman Burg W.L.Morrison A.E.Shook Austin Supply Co. Brown & ~oseley C a~eron & Bark!ey Davis Meter Repair & Supply Charles Ssles Corpn. Delray Machine & Supply Co. Florida Power & Lt. Co. Gold Coast Gas Co. Charles L. Meyer & Son Gulf Oil Co. Monmouth Plumbing Supply Co. Natlon~ Cash Register Co. Neptune ~eter Co. Kenneth Snow Southern Bell T. & T, Co. Stevenson's Seed Store Gulf Stream Lumber Co. Cou~uty Mercantile Addressograph-Y~ultigraph Corp. Central Truck Lines B!us Cross of Florida Weaver Ins. Agency 11.75 57.98 5,978.80 365.83 3.00 !,371.86 2.40 25.10 65.82 1.80 55.20 39~.60~ 14.20 22.57 18.42 35.54 2.@3 44.38 1.55 i3.00 13.80 50.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 25.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Mr. Shook moved, ~gr. DeMarco seconded, that the plat of the Rolling Green Ridge First Division be given tentative approval, pending completion oF streets and water. Motion carried. Mr. S~ook moved that the City Attor~ney be authorised to take the necessary steps to draw up a Resolution to annex within the City limits twenty acres, moreor less, incorg~orated in the N~th~est corner of this plat. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. There being no further business, Mayor Weaver adjourned the meeting at ll P.M. Mayor City C'ler~. ~ WNDJ%EAS ~%uvs~nt ~ the pr~visions of Section 1~ of 0rdlnanee Eo, 276, enae~ed on seeoR~ ~ final readla~ on 9ctob~ 17, 19%%, a~ Dursuant ~o notice d~y ~ivem in $~eo~- ·nce ~ said ~di~n~ a refe~ eteetion wa~ he~ ~ have duly cer~ifi~ the results the~ef ~t~ this ~oumeil; a~ 197 vo~es ~e for ~he O~insn~e and 31 votes a~a~s~ ~he NOW ~EEF~E ~ IT ~$OL~D t~t O~ina~e No. 276~ Teleohone ~nd Tele~aph O~mpa~ its Sue~ssors and Assi~s~ t~ for City Re~lation and~ Use of the Teleohone System; ~nd Pre- scribing Penalties f~r the Fsllure t~ O~mpty with its P~ovisions.~ having ~en duly aDpr~v~ by a referend~ eleetion~ is declar~ valid s~ effective eccord~g to its terms from ~nd after the 6th day of D~c~ber, t995. P~SED ~ A~DP~ by the City Go~cll a~ a meet~E held on the~ 6th day of F~b~sry, !9~6, Seal D: V. Williams, ~Ity Clerk