PRESENT: Mayor Sta~y~'Weaver
Vice Mayor Doe DeMarco
Mr. A. E. Shook
~r. Mott Partin
Nr. Don Rehburg.
Mr. N.R.Field and Sr.Leonard Brand attended the meeting
mad presented a plat of Rolling Green Ridge.
Mayor Weaver called the meeting to order at 8 P.M.
Et was agreed that it would be advisable to submit plats
to the Florida Power & Light Company so that guy lines can
always be on the lot lines and the easements can be placed
where the Company wants them, for the convenience of their
City Clerk D.~.Williams
Mr. Zell Taylor
~r. Carl Stone.
Small plats were handed round for the information of the
~. Field said there are about 21 acres included in the
plat which are not yet platted, and 950 lots.
~gr. S~ook said the plat can be tentatively approved, but
not accepted.
It was stated that the lots are to be in consecutive blocks
mud that Mfs.Williams has the street numbers, and that there
is a good deal mor~ work in the direction of engineering ~tc.,
to be done before the plat can be presented as finished.
Two name streets were mentioned, as remaining,- 0team
Parkway and Bgynton Parkway.
~r~ Griffit~ asked what was going to be done about mail
delivery~ if the roads etc., have names instead of numbers.
~r. Brand asked whether the Council would like to go into
the zoning in which a slight correction has been made.
D~. Shook said this would have to be advertised and passed
to the Zoning Board.
Nr. Brand said everything would be c~ecked and have to be
approved oefo_e use.
Mr. Weaver said it is the desire of the Council to discourage
the building of small houses, and to have as high a zoning as
possible. If the requested zoning is allowed~ from the figures
worked out as assessment for tax purposos, loss Homestead, it
would mean that the City's oxpensos would be up and income nil.
He said he never liked the type of building being built in Rolling
Green Ri'dge, and never did care for 'prOjects'. Looking at it
from the City, s point of view, we can afford to hold our standard
high. In the South end of town we have been urged to raise
our limit to 1250 sq. ft., and there is a real demand for such
rostricted lots. .t~ we can get a house of 1,O00 Sqo ft. or
better, we can at least benefit slightly from it.
Nr. Field said they wanted to do what is bvs~ ~ for the City~
as they had as much ~t stake as anybody. They definitely are
going to advertise widely and hope that two out of three people
replying to the advertisements will come to their property, but
they will come to th~ other developments i~Boynton as well and be
b '
enefzt to the City. He added that they want to do a creditable
job. in his development at Fort Dauderdale ~00 lots have been
sold; although buildings were zoned to be 450 sq. fto most are
o~er l~000 sq. ft. ~ ·
Mr. Shook pointed out that the lots being less than 78 ft.
wide prohibited a large house being built.
After further discussion, ~r.Fiold said they expected to have
a shopping center. He added that the reason they decided on 900
sq.ft, was that twovbodroom houses they built '~ _
- l~ ~ort Lauderdale
sell for $1~,000 and only have 925 sq. ft.
~ro Shook said the City benefmted' more from taxo~ on vacant
lots than on homes down to 1,O00 sq.
There was a discussion on the Suggestion that an Ordinance
be passed taxing 100% assessment instead of 80% and lowering the
~. Griffith advised ~Tr.Field to leav~ their suggestions on
house~ sizos in writing with 5~-rs.Williams, with a plat. That the
procedure is to pass it to the Planning Board, which passes it to
the Zoning Board, and it then goes ~o the Council.
It was stated that the next Pla~aing Board meeting would be
held at City Hall at 7 P~.~'~., ~¥ednesday, February 8. ~.fl~. Field
said they would attend that meeting.
There was a long discussioh on roads in the develop~nt, and
.~¢Tr. DeMarco gave tho following details of specifications :-
Wes~ Palm Beach: 8" shell rock afte~ conipaction.
Laks ~Vorth: 8" bonded shell rock base.
Delray: 8~' of lime rock~
Palm Beach County: 8" lime rock, shell or marlo.
Nr. Field said he had been assured that the 'bond: will be
guaranteed perfect mud he thought no repair work ~o uld be necessary
for thirty years.
Nfo Taylor disagreed with ~ Field in the matter of road
materla_ ~ua said he preferred Plant Kix ke~t to a.minimum of
B~' width.
Nr. Field said his specifications for roads were better than
the CityTs. This was not agreed with.
In discussi~ sidewalks, Nr.Field said it was not proposed
to put any in until the lots a~e sold~
~. Neaver outlined the City,s specifications for ~oads~
Er~Field said he will guarantee good dra~nag~ and everything
else to make it a firstclass Job.
Nr~ Weaver pointed out the necessity of providing for a
High Sdhool and Grammar School in such a development, if it
goes through°
Nr. Field said he will agree to sell land for such schools
for the price he gave F~ it~ that he has also fourteen acres
which he will present to the City ~er~a~p~k. He later said
he will donate the land on the hill, or in another place, to the
School Board for the schools. He said he will give them,free
of cost, lots, but only when they are ready to build,- for
school, playground or ~uythi~g else~ He said he is willing to
give them a~y spot they like to pick out. He will give them
two sites f~ schools if they need them.
Nr. Field referred to the City incinerator and said he would
be willing to talk to Roy Nichael to get the County to give
Boynton Beach acreage fbr amore suitable site for the i~cinera-
tot, and would even be willing to pay a little something for it.
It was agreed that this would be advantageous to the City
and he was asked to see what he could doo
Continuing the discussion on streets N~. Field thought a ~0~
plant mix with t~ shoulder on either side would be all thst is
necessary, and described s~m~lar streets they had built in Fort
~r. Field said he would put in two miles of streets now and
will continue after sales are made.
It was stated that to use BO~ plant mix would mean a change
in the Ordinance to allow ~0' width, and ~r. Shook thought this
should have been arranged when the Ordinance was drawn up.
It was agreed not to decide on the roads this evening until
the ~0~ plaut mix roads in Fort Lauderdale have been inspected by
~ayor Weaver and Vice ~ayor De,arco, who arrange~ to meet at the
construction office of ~r.Field,s brother at ~.18 Friday after-
The next question taken up was that of water supply to the
development. Mr. Field handed reund to the Council copies of
a memorandum ~e extension of the water service in Boynton Beach,
for their consideration,
~r. Griffith said he did not know if the law referred to in
the memorandum was still in effect, aud that Boynton Beach only
furnished water to the property line.
Mr. Field asked if it would be incumbent upon the ~ty to
bring it to the property line.
Mr. Griffith said the City would bring it ~o a point accessibie
to the property, but that our present Ordinance says subdividers
must put in the water mains~on their property at their own expense,
mud describedin detail the present method of the City's
handling of sub'dividers with regard to water supply.
Field asked if he could have a franchise.
l~[r. Griffith said a franchise would not be allowed under the
terms of our present water bond agreement, and thought in any
case it would be a very poor move for the City to provide a
franchise within the City limits$ it would not be reasonable or
in the best interests of the City.
~gr, Shook said the City would not p~t in the water mains,
,the developers always do it.
~r. Field quoted his lawyer as saying he can put th~ system
in with an agreement with the City to take it ~Ver in a year,
and added he is willing to say it will not cost the City anything.
He says he has never put in a water system and not got his m~ney
b~c~; he thinks ~nywhere in the City limits must be o~ovided
w~tn water by the City, and not only to the property ~mneo
~. Shook said nowhere could a City be obliged to run water
lines into a property where no homes had yet been built.
~r. Field said he would like to go over the matter with ~.
Griffith, but the lat~er said he had already discussed it
several times and cahnot afford to take up so much of his office
time on City matters, unless the City will authorise it.
After further discussion it was agreed that Er. Griffith be
authorised to contact Mt.Field and his lawyer~ ¥~.Cm~son, and
the City would pay his expenses.
Mr, Weaver said Er.Field should have some kind of an a~swer
regarding streets by Tuesday morning.
The meeting was then adjourned at ll.30