Recreation and Parks Board . _ • , ..._ • ; r\,.... ' ' ) _, ... . . • , Sec. 2-51 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD ,.. .,..,,. - "----,:t.:••-• ••••••;-'"---;,.- ,. ,-.• ... .--7,F, ----...„- --.:.1.'"- '... :-Ii•s".-•:•,- =',-,-1.:-tot.*, ••••‘ ,,,. ,,,,,,,,,, ,--,..,,....-' •,-.-•••, :----...•••i•fitatl.0 , ,,,,: .,*:•,. . 4.,..40., _. . 1 ., -g, -i:. ew Ilan .-,-'-,kirc...N.'-',-- '• -'" h"-prell n ,.„------„- ,..,,1.,.. : ",,74, •- mpx,.„4 ---,,,,-; ...,,,f.„0 „„:-a.r ;,. , . 1, '-::7.tc.,,. ;'-'''-i7.?::::::::-:‘"--Cl:;. C;n-;''(4119.1.!°I.2,_-,Z.:,: c,'.:itgi ,1*Ii )9 -,(r , ,,, i.' :_tr, ..,‘„....' : - qte0..°'-z.1-.,,.i,, ,....,, ,::It•i4rai.tj-9P and', 2,-;.,' .,,..:igi.6f.0v0, •• • ,,r,- •,;, latiliAn• i':4,4,6147,4.-,...:3;ZhattrP1T ---•,-1,-41g',,`,or, t..:\ - •-r. ::•.,••......„.:' ;•A-''' diaY -••„-c:40-1:1-1•10-.:40.4.1%:, . :,, •.ifieinP9--z,-''. '.'r • - • ;••Tiv. 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'IN.,-,- --."-,' - ,.....,„,74.--,'' 1 therriein ,,,,, _ ,„---,-,-661-21-rell!,.:, , ..firCitOta i...,r3ty‘tirkz!-;15? • -,;.-.,.. -----"i" , 1.1,,i641.11g,-! :'•.00', ''._ .,-.:;:..,*-_',:::;,4"-''*--- .... --.1 _ _ . ..---e---8-haa.1-. .-... .--_---,,,,-;;*,,-; ,:- -;.-...----=•-..----a-- ; -,--7.-•-•:- • i ) - • • - - - Chapter 16 l PARKS AND RECREATION• Art. I. In General,§§ 16-1-16.17 Art. II. City Parks and Beaches,§§ 16-18-16-92 Div. 1. Generally,§§ 16-18-16-37 Div. 2. Conduct Regulated, §§ 16-38-16-68 Div. 3. Traffic and Parking Regulations, §§ 16-69-16-92 Art. III. Boats and Boating,§§ 16.93-16-96 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 16-1. Board created;appointment,terms,qualifications. There is hereby established a recreation and parks board,here- inafter referred to as "board",which board shall consist of seven (7)members. The city council shall appoint the members of said board.Two(2)members shall serve for a term of one(1)year from the date of appointment;three(3)members shall serve for a term L ), -.t of two (2) years from the date of appointment; two (2) members )) shall serve for a term of three (3)years from the date of appoint- ment. Vacancies created after expiration of these terms shall be filled by appointments for three-year terms. Members of the board shall be residents and electors of the city.(Code 1958, §2-51;Ord. No. 83-18, § 1,.5-17-83; Ord. No. 85-25, § 1, 4-2-85) Sec. 16-2. Removal of board members;vacancies. Members of the board may be removed by a majority vote of the total members of the city council.Vacancies on the board shall be filled by the city council. (Code 1958, § 2-52) Sec. 16-3. Officers of board. Within ten (10) days from the date of their appointment, the director of recreation and parks shall call a meeting for the members of the board to organize by electing one of their mem- bers chairman and one of their members vice-chairman of the ) board. (Code 1958, § 2-53) 'Cross references—Enclosure of swimming pools, § 5-125;,recreational ve- hicles,boats and boat trailers,Ch. 20;parks and recreational areas in subdivi- sions,App.C,Art.IX, §8. Supp.No.21 1141 1 \ S 16-4 BOYNTON BEACH CODE Sec. 16-4. Meetings of board. (a) In the performance of their duties set forth in this article, the board shall hold at least one regular meeting ( • each month in the city hall. Special meetings may be called by the board chairman or the recreation department upon prior notification. (b) Minutes shall be kept during all meetings with a copy given to the city manager and the original copy placed in the files of the recreation and parks department. (c) The recreation and parks department shall prepare an agenda for each meeting and shall contact the chairman of the board regarding the agenda. (d) Four (4) members in attendance shall constitute a quorum before an official meeting is declared in session. (Code 1958, § 2-53) Sec. 16-5. Powers and duties of board. Subject to the control and direction of the city council,the.( ?- , board: (a) Shall act in an advisory capacity (nonadministrative) to the recreation and parks department, to assure representation of ideas of citizens who are interested in promoting better recreation and park facilities and programs for the city. Such advice shall include but not be limited to site locations, d‘velopment, supervi- sion and maintenance of public recreation and parks of the city. (b) May acquire by gift or donation, any property for public recreation or park purposes. Any gifts or donations acquired shall go through the recreation and parks department and shall become the property of the city, and title of any real property so acquired shall be taken in the name of the city. • (c) Shall make recommendations to the city manager and' -- city council, through the recreation and parks . director, concerning the purchase of property by the Supp.No.21 1142 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 2004 Margaret Murphy 04/05 William Orlove, Vice Chair 04/06 Lisa Peterfreund 04/06 Elizabeth Pierce, Chair 04/06 Betty Thomas " 04/06 Tom Williams 04/05 Pamela Winters 04/07 Alternates: John McVey 04/05 John Spannuth 04/05 S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\Board Membership Book\2004 Membership\RECR AND PARKS.doc 1 I ' RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 2003 MURPHY, MARGARET H. 4/05 ORLOVE, WILLIAM 4/06 PETERFREUND, LISA H. 4/06 PIERCE, ELIZABETH, Chair 4/06 RAMNARACE, BALI 4/04 THOMAS, BETTY 4/06 WILLIAMS, TOM 4/05 ALTERNATES: MC VEY, JOHN 4/04 WINTERS, PAMELA 4/04 if I , RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 200a HARRIS, ED 4/03 McMAHON, JAMES R., Vice Chair 4/03 MURPHY, MARGARET H. 4/05 PIERCE, ELIZABETH, Chair 4/03 RAMNARACE, BALI 4/04 WILLIAMS, TOM 4/05 WINTERS, DAN 4/03 ALTERNATES: ORLOVE, WILLIAM 4/03 THOMAS, BETTY 4/03 S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\Sue's Board membership book\ RECREATION & PARKS 2002.doc 5/2/2003 3:53 PM I � RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 2001 PIERCE, ELIZABETH 4/03 HARRIS, ED 4/03 McMAHON, JAMES, Vice Chair 4/03 RAMNARACE, BALI 4/04 THOMAS, BETTY, Chairperson 4/02 WILLIAMS, TOM 4/02 WINTERS, DAN 4/03 ALTERNATES: MURPHY, MARGARET 4/02 ORLOVE, WILLIAM 4/02 S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\Sue's Board membership book \Recreation & Parks 2001.doc Wednesday, April 30, 2003 I , RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 2000 MIKE FITZPATRICK 4/03 ED HARRIS 4103 JAMES R. McMAHON, Vice Chair 4/01 BALI RAMNARACE 4/01 BETTY THOMAS, Chair 4/02 TOM WILLIAMS 4/02 DAN WINTERS 4/01 ALTERNATES CHARLES JACKSON 4/01 ELIZABETH L. PIERCE 4/01 07/31/2000 1:24 PM RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1999 MIKE FITZPATRICK 4/00 ED HARRIS 4/00 JAMES Mc MAHON 4/01 BALI RAMNARACE 4/01 BETTY THOMAS, Chairperson 4/02 WILLIAMS, TOM 4/02 DAN WINTERS 4/01 ALTERNATES: CHARLES JACKSON 4/00 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1998 BRUCE R. BLACK 4/99 MIKE FITZPATRICK 4/00 ED HARRIS 4/00 JAMES Mc MAHON 4/01 BALI RAMNARACE 4/01 BETTY THOMAS, Chairperson 4/99 WILLIAMS, TOM 4/99 ALTERNATES: VICTOR NORFUS 4/99 DAN WINTERS 4/99 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1997 BRUCE R. BLACK 4/99 WILLIAM CONDRY 4/99 BALI RAMNARACE 4/98 MIKE FITZPATRICK 4/00 ED HARRIS 4/00 JAMES Mc MAHON 4/98 BETTY THOMAS, Chairperson 4/99 ALTERNATES: VICTOR NORFUS 4/98 PAM WINTERS 4/98 RECREATION&PARKS BOARD 1996 BETTY THOMAS, CHAIRWOMAN 4/99 MIKE BOTTCHER 4/99 WILLIAM CONDRY 4/99 CHRISTOPHER DE LISO 4/98 MIKE FITZPATRICK 4/97 JAMES MC MAHON 4/98 OPEN 4/97 ALTERNATES: ED HARRIS 4/97 OPEN 4/97 S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\RECPKREC.WPD April26,1996 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1995 BETTY THOMAS, CHAIRWOMAN 4/96 LEE BUFFAN 4/96 WILLIAM CONDRY 4/96 CHRISTOPHER DE LISO 4/98 MIKE FITZPATRICK 4/97 NATHANIEL WEINSHEL 4/97 EDWARD HARRIS 4/98 ALTERNATES: SARAH BROUS 4/96 MICHAEL BOTTCHER 4/96 • RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1992 Patrick Shepherd„Chairman 4/94 Edward Harris, Vice Chairman 4/93 Lillian Artis 4/95 Mikel Lynch-Jones 4/94 George Smith 4/93 Betty Thomas, Secretary 4/93 Nathaniel Weinshel 4/95 19_93 4/95 Lee Buffan 4/96 Edward Harris 4/94 Patrick Shepher2d,JUlair L9 Nathan auaaman 4/96 Betty Thomas 4/96 419_5 Ts: TFE,RtNAzip.TaFtSx m kk 4/_9 4 Larry Leathera 4/94 1994 Betty Thomas, Chairperson 4/96 Lillian Artis (Resigned 8/25/94) 4/95 Lee Buffan 4/96 . William Condry 4/96 ( Mike FitzpatriCk 4/97 . Loretta Rearden 4/97 Nathaniel Weinshel 4/95 Alternates Edward Harris 4/95 Dr. Patrick Shepherd 4/95 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1-990 Dr. Patriek-Shepherd, ehairman 091 EdwaTd-Haxxi-s , Vice-ehairman 4/93 Wild-Lam-Gager Mikel-Lynch-Jones 091 George Smith 419-3 Betty-Themas - 4/93 Nathaniel Weina 092 1991 Dr. Patrick Shepherd, Chairman 4/94 Edward Harris, Vice Chairman 4/93 Betty Thomas, Secretary 4/93 ( William Gager 4/92 Mikel Lynch-Jones 4/94 George Smith 4/93 ( Nathaniel Weinshel 4/92 J‘I RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1988 Dr. Patrick Shepherd, Chairman 4/91 Dorian Trauger, Vice Chairman 4/89 Virginia W. Foot, Secretary 4/89 Edward Harris 4/90 George W. Smith 4/90 Betty Thomas 4/90 Lee Wische 4/91 19-8-9 Dr-.7—Pat-riek—She-rd- Gharman 4/91 Edward Harrks, Viec Ghairman 4190 4-/-8-9 Mkel-Lyneh-Janes 449-1 Gee -go Smith Betty Thomac 4/90 - NathanieI-Weinehel 4k92 RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1985 (Appointed 4-16-85 - Staggered Terms) G. Don Fenton 4/86 Edward Harris 4/87 - Dr. Patrick Shepherd, Vice Chairman 4/88 Frank R. Stockton 4/87 Betty Thomas , Chairwoman 4/87 Dorian Trauger, Secretary 4/86 Nathaniel Weinshel 4/88 1986 (Appointed 4-1-86 - Staggered Terms) G non Fenton 4/89 Edward Harris S 4/87 I , Dr. Patrick Shepherd, Chairman - 4/88 Frank R. Stockton 4/87 Betty Thomas 4/87 Dorian Trauger, Vice Chairman 5/89 NathanieJ. 1987 P-atx-i-c-k—Shepherd_, Chairman' 4/88 DoL . . 0 - ' 0. . ._.ma.0 4 89 G. Don Fenton . 4/89 Edward Harris 4/90 George W. Smith 4/90 4/90 NatbanielWaimalied 4/88 19 8 3 (appointed 4/5/83 - 1 yr. term) Betty Thomas, Chairwoman Dx—_,Zatrick_ahepherd, Vice Chairman Jeanne Combs, Secreta 1.41 . Fenton Fr,n, R. Stockton Nathaniel Weinshel 1 RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD Appointed 4/5/83 - .1 year term. Combs , Jeanne., Secretary 732-8151 B 4072 72nd Lane, S. Lantana 433-0234 R Fenton, G. Don 737-0793 2720 .Yale Lane Harris , Edward 734-6379 522 S.W. 1st Street Shepherd, Dr. Patrick, Vice Chairman-732-2711 .B 2860 S. Seacrest Blvd. Stockton, Frank R 737-7472 2101 S.W. 23rd Court Thomas, Betty, Chairwoman 7.32-7238 331 S.W. 11th Avenue Weinshel, Nathaniel 737-1381 � I • RECREATION & PARKS BOARD . 198o Edward M. Harris, Chairman C. Don Fenton, Vice Chairman $ • , I • Betty Thomas , Secretary Lee Grimes Kathy Haughn Barbara Junnier Stormet Norem 1981 G. Don Fenton, Chairman Lee Grimes, Vice Chairman Betty Thomas, Secretary Lee Grimes f Edward M. Harris Kathy Haughn Nathaniel Weinshel Frank R. Stockton cdgi 1982 • G. Don Fenton, 'Chairman Nathaniel Weinshel, Vice Chairman • Betty Thomas, Secretary Lee Grimes Edward-Harris Frank R. Stockton Dr. Patrick Shepard RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1977 Thomas L. Marvin, Chairman Lee Grimes, Vice Chairman Dorian Beck Trauger, Secretary Victoria Castello Robert Feldman Armeda V. Schultz Emily B. Sinclair 1978 Thomas L. Marvin, Chairman Lee Grimes, Vice Chairman Dorian B. Trauger, Secretary Robert Feldman • G. D. Fenton Walter Madsen Emily B. Sinclair 1979 - Lee Grimes , Chairman Floyd C. VanDeusen, Vice Chairman Beth A. McHugh, Secretary_ Ronald S. Hall Edward M. Harris Barbara Junnier Samuel 0. Kendrick .„l RECREATION & PARKS BOARD 1 1974 Mrs. Walter M. Trauger, Chairman A. A. Stuart, Vice Chairman Tom Marvin, Secretary Mrs. John Schultz Anthony Bonardi L_ Mrs. Blanche M. Girtman Mrs. Gladys Iscoe 1975 Mrs. Walter Trauger, Chairman Tom Marvin, Secretary Mrs. Kathy Wallace Mrs. Blanche Girtman Clarence Hullfish Mrs. Gladys Iscoe - Walter Lacey 1976 Mrs. Blanche Girtman Mrs. Gladys Iscoe Jay Kaye Floyd VanDeusen Clarence Hullfish Walter Lacey \ % ) Tom Marvin Meets 4th Monday at 7:30 P. M. - :: E � k 1971 Phone Expires Ray Jara, Chairman 732 ,6512 12/31/71 Robt. B. Shackley, Jr. , ViceChman 4400 12/31/72 A. A. Stuart, Secy. 8118 rr Mrs. Hayden Bivins 3069 12/31/71 Robert Johnson 2705 12/31/72 I Mrs. Helen Kirkeby 3354 12/31/71 Mrs. John Schultz 4989 12/31/72 Peggy-Hap.shumakepT-Ae r g-Ree.--BiP. Charles Frederick, Rec. Director City Hall Conference Room 1972 Robt. B. Shackley,Jr. ,Chairman 4400 12/31/72 A. A. Stuart, Vice Chairman 8118 rr " Mrs. Peggy Hanshumaker, Secy. 4469 12/31/73 Robert Johnson 2705 12/31/72 Mrs. John Schultz 4989 rr Mrs. Helen Kirkeby 3354 12/31/73 Mrs. Walter M. Trauger 1553 t' Charles Frederick, Rec. Director * West Room of Civic Center 1973 Robert B. Shackley, Jr. , Chairman Mrs. Walter Trauger, Vice Chairman Mrs. Peggy Hanshumaker, Secretary Mrs. Helen Kirkeby ) John R. Dunn Mrs. John Schultz A. A. Stuart Tom Marvin RECREATION & PARKS BOARD - 1970 Phone Term Expires Ramon J. Jara , Chairman 6512 12/31/70 1 A. A. Stuart , Jr . Vice,f.C . 8118 12/31/70 qr27, r1-74-y-e Mrs . Helen Kirkeby 3354 12/31/70 41/4=S,--E€-t-eqd-e-m9c4aaap- 4-2V-B417-0 4-2V-34.77 R.B. Shackley, Jr . 4052 12/31/70 Mrs . Hayden Bivins 3069 12/31/71 ,Mrs . John Schultz 4989 12/31/70 Saleuel Kendripk , 6516 12/31/70 21 • Ed T . Forehand resigned 4/21/70 Mrs . Schaap resigned J.M. Patterson removed by council 5/4/70 ( Meets 2nd Tuesday each month - 7:30 P.M. Recreation Center RECREATION & PARKS BOARD - 1968 Phone Term Expires (1st I ( Ray Jara , Chrman 6512 12-31-69 of 2) (2nd A. A . Stuart, Jr. , Vice-Ch. 8118 12-31-68 of 2) (1st Mrs . Helen Kirkeby 3354 12-31-69 of 2) (2nd Rev. Naaman Grubbs 9257 12-31-68 of 2) (1st Joseph, Hart 2826 12-31-69 of 2) (1st Mrs . Pat Greenwood, Rec.Secy. 9526 12-31-69 of 2) (lot Mrc . John W. Chandler 585 5625 12 31- 9 of 2)- lj (1st 3/i4r Mrs . Estelle Schaap (Replaces 6252 12-31-69 of 2) Mrs .Chandler) ) RECREATION & PARKS BOARD - 1969 Ray Jara, Chairman A. A. Stuart, Jr. , Vice Chairman Mrs. Estelle Schaap, Secretary Mrs. Helen Kirkeby Rev. Naaman Grubbs Ed T. Forehand ( J Mrs. Pat Greenwood I Meet - 4th Tues . - 8 P.M. - Civic Center RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD - 1966 Term Expires Itl Ray Jara, Chairman 12-31-67 � t ; A. A. Stuart, Jr . , Vice Chairman 12-31-66 W. A. Gibson,' Secretary (Resigned) Constantine Kay (Resigned) S Leon B. Miner (Resigned) Mrs . Helen Kirkeby 12-31-67 Benjamin Cain 12-31-66 Mrs . Estelle Schaap 1231-67 Joseph Hart 12-31-67 RECREATION &' PARKS BOARD - 1967 Ray Jara, Chairman A. A. Stuart, Jr. , Vice Chairman Mrs. Estelle Schaap, Rec. Secretary Mrs. Helen Kirkeby Rev. Naaman Grubbs • Joseph Hart J M1 Mrs. Marilyn Huckle , ti RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD - 1965 Ray Jana, Chairman ~-- A1-12/31-/6-5 - ---123-5:E. 25th Avenue-- 6 12 12 � 5 �- /31/65 -W. A. Gibson Jr. „T 26-3-9--N: -E-0 3-rd--Street------ -6059 —12/31/65 - ---- A. A. Stuart, Jr.1-1-5 S. E. 13 th Avenue 8±-18-'A 12/31/66 Leon B. Miner -- -263-0-S:W. 7th-Street----- -- -9$4 y Ikl-12/3-1/66- __ -Ben Cain— - — - -- - 1-100-N. 1-st-Street 2899-v\ 12-/-31/6.6- Sunny Rutherford - -- } 344 S.W. - 1-1-th-Avenue------ -33-16-:,-,7-12-/-3-176 5--- f - - -Helen Kirkeby - - - ---- -( - -504 N.--E E. 22nd Avenue---- - ----3-3- -- 5 12/31/65 - rdTuesday of each month 8-:-00-P- M-.---Civic Center- - - - RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD - 1964 W. A. Gibson Chairman 2639 NE 3rd St. 6059 - 12/31/65 \ A. A. Stuart, Jr. , V. Chairman I V/ f ) 115 SE 13th Ave. 8118 12/31/64 Ray Jars 123 SE 25th Ave. 6512 ,ery 12/31/65 John Horton 11/ 422 SW-6th Ave. 813-84 ?". 12/31/64 William Tiersbier 1f l628-NE-1-s-t Court— ). , 9412 All 12/31/64 Mrs. Dawes Rutherford 344 SW llfh Ave. 3116 12/31/65 Mrs. Frank Kirkeby 1 504 NE 22nd Ave. 3359- 12/31/65 -3rd Tuesday of each month 7:30 p.m. - Civic Center _ _ RECREATION ANDPARKS - -- John Horton, Chairman lj=1,, 1+22 SW 6th- Ave - -838 - - 12/3.1/6 = -_ - Bill Tiersbier �� } --162$ NE=1.st Court - --- 941.2 - 12/31/&x+ I q: -/I Burns ---- - 1408-.SW 10th Ave.-- — - ----- - --- --3573_- 12/31/64 (1 �._ A. A. Stuart, Jr. ---115-SE 1h3tAve.- - 8363 - 12/31/64.- -1 v Mrs . Dawes Rutherford 344 SW 11th Ave,- -- 3116 - - 12/31/63 7-"^ r�� W. A. Gibson, Vice Chairman - ' 2639 NE 3rd- St. - --6059 12/31/63- ,, Mrs . Thelma Goodwin - E - -- 117 SE 22nd Ave: 9811 -12/31/63-- �,/ 3rd-- Tues. of every month - - 7:30 p.m. - Recreation Center - - ---- -- - - - -R CREATION AND PARK BOAR - D. —. --`71.962- ---- _ __f, _ . Earle Waters,. Vice chairman _ ___ (2nd-.yr -af 2) - -- - _414 W. 1st Ave.n.-- - ___ 8150 :__ _ _ _ _--- - Charles Gordon---- ----. - -(2nd yr_ of 2)_ 124 S._E. 24th Ave, - -- 9927 - - - --- - --___---.- - - JahnHor-ton, Chairman_—_-- (2nd _yr_ of 2) - - -- -----120-N.- W.--5th Ave„ - - - - - - - - - George-White-- -- 'R- -- - — (2nd- -yr of 2-)- , _ 314 )- 314 S.-W. Mrd- Ave. - - - - $240 _ Mrs. --Dawes _Rutherford --- - -(1st yr_of 2) 344 S. W. llth--Ave. - - - - - 311-6 - - `'+4 - - -- - - - - Mrs. Mary Shuhi - - (1st yr of 2..). - - S. W. '24th_Ave. - 97$0 - - - - -- aii -- 74).ar4° -- - Bob Mittenzwey (1st yr of 2) 23O-N. .•�1-4th®Ave. — -- & aG 9 71 a ?'%° — Meetings 3rd Tues._,__Rec,_Bldg. — RECREATION ARID PA RTC.;POAR.1?-=1 96-Q- -gar- _-o_r=z — 4 - _ t. Earl_Waters -1 v —— — --- - - - 414 N. W. 1st Ave 81,50 P :Z 2. _ Charles Cord=on i 1//- - - ---- 12/I S. E. 24th Ave 9927 _- _ - — 3. John Horton — — q - -I-- -- 120 N. Tpi} 5th Av_e — — - — 83.4--- ------- • \.. 4.. Bill s 1 _-— U( `1'i_r_y "ems— '— ------ - — — 1628 N. E. s+ Ct. --- 9412 - - - --- 5. George�4htt — �- - 314 S. W. 3rd Ave �� F 240 _.\ Ar; h o PegPs y Hans aker } �y - - - - t j123 S. E. 28th Ave 9215 - - - 1 7. Mx s. -Marsh Anderson. - - - - -,,f - L 136 S. W. _2nd Ave __ _- 2561_ 4 ti _ - ___ _; _ _ _ _ 1 thru 4,_2 years. term-. 5 tiro_ 7;_ 1 -year t4,rm cl .. 1 J:1- ___ 1„,-L-C-6,-. - 0C F - ;s.' i - r_ , ., /1 li , _ _ _ ________ _ _ __ _ _____ ______. _ _ __ ___ _... ________._ ,. - - -- __--_---_-_` RECREATION BOARD- 1960 6,) Al Wolken - Chairman 405 W. Ocean Ave. _9057_ / Charles Gordon 'VRobert McDonald 117 __5tb_Ave. 2802 Mel vin - /440 N.E. 14th Ave. 394g 229 N.W. 3rd Ave. 3119 / J. Lucien Jones 2622 N.E. 3rd St. . . 3565 v Mrs. Clifford Rich 309 N.E. 1st St. 35b8 _______ ~ Francis Greenleaf 2I80 N. Geaurest'B]vd, _ 6335 � ( ' Meetings will be held every Monday at 8 P.M. 2nd at ^ er . / ___ __---_-__ -_-__ - -_' - - _-- - - -- __- ---_-_ --_ RECREATZOY BOARD - | ------' — -------� -- - -- ( _ Mrs . W. B° Hanshumaker, Chairman S. E. tIz Ave . 9215 _ _ John J. Preen _ 2604 N. E. 3rd St . 3308 Mrs . Mildred ]�eII�ez` _____ ___-_____--___-__ _ 322 N. E. 1st St . 2423 Mrs. Peter Ireland 3006 S. W. 6th St . 3478 _ Robert E. McDonald S. E . 5th Ave . 28022 Mrs. George Z,atchum 418 N. W. 7th St " 3SO7 Charles Gordon 124 S . E. 24th Ave . 9927 __- Yrs . Marsh Anderson 136 S. W. 2nd Ave. 4028 Mrs . Harry Lo7ort __ _ 725 Ocean Inlet Drive 3172 Regular meetings are the 2nd and 4th �! Tuesday of each month at the Old City r- - ---- ------ �� | _ Hall at 8P.M. . | '^''� \ ' j �/ - --__- � ��� ______-__-__-- ----___ . -_- -- PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS - 1960 7 Dave Swank - Chairman 1646 N. Federal Hwy. 3391 % Db. Kitching 107 S.E. 8th Ave. 9839 / Lawrence Dale Crawford 410 N.E. 2nd Ave. 9384 Walter Whittaker 302 S.W. 2nd St. 3029 r Wrn. Tirsbier 1628 N.E. 1st Court 941.2 / Ernest Vermeersch 209 S.W. 7th Ave. 3939 John H. Rohrs { --- 2658 N.E. 3rd St. 3 595 $ : ,a 0 • — -- - ) -- e.N T'�� . . I ' PARKS AND PLAvG-BOUND BO ARD - • ,•";9-07 , „.,. i• • Thomas J. Dwyer, Chairman 432 N. E. 22nd Ave. 3000 ( \ Eugene 1\,!rahlmeister park Shores 9708 - .\. E. J. Vermeersch . - ---,•-- . 209 S. W. 7th Ave . 3939 . Mrs . Mark White 109 S. E. 6th Ave . 9416 ,--- ., Mrs . George McCormack 314 N. E. 15th Court 9028 • , . _.— • _ ________,. . _____,.../.... .„-,1,4`,..L.4, ,,•-)„-1..„,....c.f..6....,,,L1 c>.?/-7',-.1-, --&_-`.1/_e__..-E-2'L(1.e.:,,,./. .,.. _ . . . ( ) j idt/1 zi---Al -777.;"-- ---A1._,} ,,-,-ti--.7. ,•/ ,' ,3,.), /61, Al, a-41- ,,J . .„,, ___„2_ • ,L..„c„, /v-,.2.--c-cf-• Aleut, .•,..- ./ . i fi 1 • . ' _.- . I , . I . .... -:. .. .1.f..,:.'. 1 , r -. r-- .. ! . . . ., . ..: -- - ---