Minutes 01-03-56MIN~TES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF T~tE COUNCILLORS OF BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~ELD AT 2~ C!T~-~&LL, B07~NTON BEACH, JA~VJA~y 3, P~W_ESENT.- Mayor A.E,Shook Vice Mayor Stanley Weaver Mr~ Albert Deen ~. Joe DeMarco M~ Port Partin. City Clerk Dorothy V.Wiiliams. Mr. Ze!l Taylor M~. Carl Stone. Mayor Shook called the meeting to order t 7.30 The Two newly elected Councillors, I~. Stanley Weaver and ~. Donald Rehbu~g, were sworn in by the City Clerk and took the oath of office, Mr. Shook said nominations were in order for a new Mayor. Mr. DeMa~co nominated Mr~ Stanley Weaver. M~ Partin seconded the nomination. Motion carried. Mr. Part~n ~ ~ o - nom~.a~ted Mr. DeMs_~co for V~ce Mayor. Weaver seconded~ Motion carried. Appointments for the various City Boards, as agreed to by the Council iu Exectueive meeting were then ar~ounced as follows:~ A six-man Board, including one Commissioner who Mill not vote~ - Joe D.Harless Robert Qo Wyckoff Walter Nolan ~&lbert Deen Ferney Horton. BUILDING BOARD: ~. A.E.Shook ~. Fred Bowles M~r. Ralph Anderson A plmmber and electrician to be appointed by the respective Boards. -2- PLA!~II~G BOAPJ): Mr. Paul McBride -~. George Feltis Nv. LiS ~ ~adwel! 1~. St~tey Weaver M~, H~vey 0yet, CiViL SERVICE BOB~: ~. Ralph Schz, imper ~o Walter Dutch M~r. Paul Mercer Mr. C.ToBowles M~. Hugh David. PLUI~ IR-G BOARD C.F.Hoc~muth, Inspector. George J~mes C.S.Bosworth A~E.Shook Paul Johnson. ELECTRICAL BOARD: Mr, Leon Gru~muons, ~. l~vin Lacey M~. George Dophie ~. S~m Woolbright ~. Donald Rehbu_wg. Inspetor CEmeTERY BOARD: Mrs. Lois Partin Mrs. Bertha 0had~e!l M~s. D.V. Wiili~ms Mrs. C. S. Bosworth M=v. Joe DeMa~co. RE~CREATZON~L BOARD: Tw~ Commissioers have Bos~d ~r. Fred Koepnick. Mro Albert Deem Mr. Ray Zompa Mrs. Rose ~s. Ra~ond Allen ~s. J,E.Mc~esney 1~. Bud Grace M~. How~d Waite Mr. Mort Partin ~ Donald R~hburg. been added to this CI~f ATTOR~-EY: ~IEP O? POLICE: N~JNiCIPAL ~JDGE: %~ATER SUPERIA~TEh~DENT: S~Ii~END~T OF ~LIC WOR~: F~ CH~F: CI~ ~K, ) TR~S~ ~ ) T~ ASSESSOR, ) TAX COL~CTOR, ) PL~C~SING AGENT. ) DEPLOY CI~- CLERK: CITY STENOGP~P~: -3- Robert F.Griffith, A.C. Csmver l~. JesephTmberg ~. Carl Stone Charles Senior Mrs. D. V. %~mit~s~ms. P~s, Olive Cierpik. Miss Alice Kelly. POLICE, A~ FIRE DEPART~NTS: ROLLING STOKC: ROADS: SANITATION WAT~: M~. Stanley Weaver. ~. Joe DeHarco. ~ Mort Partin. I~. Donald Rehbumg ~t~. A.E.Shook. Y~o DeHarco moved that the appointments be accepted and that those who have been relieved of duty from the various Boards receive thanks for their serw-ices, ~ud that all persons who have been appointed be contacted and notified that they have been so appointed. ~. Partin seconded. Motion carried. Hr. Weaver said he wished to take this opportum/ty to tb~2~ the people of Boynton Beach forPret~u~ning him in the last 91ectt0n. ~ledged himself to do all in his power to further the int&r~st~ of the City while hold~_ng office. He referred to Mr. Deem not having been re-elected and said he hated to see a good man go~ even to get ~uother good man tn. ~ Martell ' ' to know Mr. Deem sa_d M~. wmsnes the size buzlmzng~e wmu~s, which is less tbm~u called for inD. zone. if he can build the 750 square feet Tueso Jan. 3~ 1956. To the City Commission of Boynton Beach~ Gentleme~ We the me~ers of the Recreation Board of the do hereby offer our resignationaasicuStomary. our appointment one year ago. City of Boynton Beach, We have served since This also gives as an opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the Commission for your cooperation through out tbs entire year. As an embryo organization the backing of the Commission was most important. As you remember, those you appointed were, Renice Lansing, Rose Duncan Ed~the Hood, Jim Harrell, and myself. During our term we added, Mrs. G.E.Allen, David L Swank, and Joe Tombergo Mr. Lansing's school duties forced him to resign. Mr. Harrel!'s heavy schedule of other meetings precluded his attenddance. Mrs. Hood was appointed vice chairman and Rose Dtuncan secretary- treasurer. The both gave yeoman service. The board members are always willing to serve our city in any cape- city. Sincerely Fred G ~oepnick, chairman It was stated that the present 0rdi_uauce calls for the consent of the Zonlm~ Board and City Co,snell to approve a plan with a m~Lm~u cf 750 square feet, ~.~. Shook moved tb~t the O~dins~uce be ~nended, and that there be no sst footage on the size of the building, and that the City Council alone should s~prove the building. Partin seconded. ~{otion carried. ~,~. ~amtell wanted to know if he could use the back 35 feet of his prope~ty as co~e~cial. I~ was decided that this should be referred to the Zoning Board. The City Clerk read the mLuutes of the lasv regular meeting of the Co~umcil of December !9, 19~. ~. Weaver pointed out that the twenty acres referred to were to be used for garbage disposal and cemetery. ~. DeMarco moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Shook seconded. Motion c~ried. [~,~. DeMarco reported that ?~. Brand had said that if M_~. Griffith would draw up a Deed for lots ~os.94 mud 96 of Copps' Addition to the City, he will sign it. Mr. DeMarco also stated Mr. Coleman had said the City Hall wo~d get a free The ~esignation of the Recreational Boa~d was tendered as being at the end of the year. A letter was read from tlae Mayor of Delray Beach e~pressing his ovum_ and the Co~maission~s gratitude for the help which had been given by the City of Boynton Beach d~ring his te~! of office~ Excerpts from the minutes of the ~eeting of the P!ar~uing Bos~d of December 20. 1955~ were read. In connection with the P!~nL~_g Board~s reco~m_mendation tb~t 1200 squar~ feet houses be called for in certain areas~ ~o Weaver thought 12~0 square feet would be better. ~,~. C~iffith suggested a combined meeting of the Zoning and Piar~=ing Boards to consider the Delmay Beach Zoning Ordin~mce. The report o£ the Fire Department for the month of December The Bu~Idin~q Report eot the month of ~mm~utmng ~o ~39~00.00o Building pe~its for the calendar year i9~ m~o~u~ted to a total ~gluation of A plat of Westohester H~ights (Brock~vay~s No.TMA 632) was s~om~ttem for approval. water installation--s are completed, r e . Motion carried. Regarding the La~a~s~ street moved that paving companies be asked to submit bids for the first meeting in February. Mro Shook seconded. Motion carried. Mm~. ~rmff_th read a Resolution covering streets, etc., to be repaired, (~s Resolute. on h~d been previously read a.~d ~dopted about May, 19J~. Shook moved that the Resolution be adopted as read. DeMarco seconded. Motion c~ried. ~r~_vn reoorted on b~s approach to the Co~_uty :~ega~ding She Goolsb~ twenty acres. Zt was agreed tlmat a volunteer, who has expressed b~s willingness to do so, be sworn in fo~ duty ne~ the Baptist ~murch for a short t~ue each Sunday to pr~otect childredn crossing the road, ~ad l~,Partin was asked to take this ~o ~ith the Chief of Police. Regarding the ~uoaid water bill at Lake City Trailer Park, Mr~ Weaver said as i~ was ~. Griffith~s opinion that the City could not collect the full a~o~t due, it would be best to a~rive at some sort of co~romise ~n order to get a settlement. After a long discussion, M~r. DeMarco moved that pipe be ~e.t in along Seacrest Bo~aevard to vms' '~ from the ~ouvm'~ side of Rolling Green s~od~v~_sion~n~o 13th Avenue. ~. Shook seconded. .... ~ot~on carried. ~ar~_n moved v~_at Oeesm ~avenue be map~oved ~nd re-built z zgn~ on through f~om 3rd Street West to 7th Street. ~. Shook seconded ~otion carried. Mr. Shook thought the colored peoole,s ~ ' _ sw~v~ng pool of standard size should be a~r~uged for this s~er.- ~ It was agz~ed t~hat the Co~cm_'~ go over to,morrow afternoon a~d look the location over. ~ There being no further bus~ess Mayo~ Weaver adjourned the ~eeting, at 9.~0 City STATE OF FLORIDA ) COD$iTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS CITY OF BOIfNTON BEACH ) I do sote~ty swear (or affirm) that I will support~ vrotect and defend the Constitution and Govern- ment of the United States~ the State of Florida~ and of the City of Boyn~on Beschl that I Bm duly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Florida~ the charter and laws of the City of Boynton Beach~ and that I will well and faithfully oerform the duties of the City Councilman of the City upon which I am about to enter~ so help me God~ Smbscrmbem and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January~ 1916o otar7 Pu'[!T~ My~Co~mission ex~oires: STATE OF FLORID~ ) ) COUNTY OF oALM BEACH ) ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH) SS I do solemnly swear (or af.Lmrm) that I will support~ orotect and defend the Constitution and Govern- me.~* of the .... Unm~=d Ststes~ the State of Florida~ and of the City of Boynton Beach~ that I am duly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Florida~ the charter mud laws of the City of BoD~ton Beach~ and that will well and faithfully perform the duties of the City Councilman of the City noon which i am about to enter~ so hel~ me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of Jenuary~ t9~6. Notary ~uo~ic My Co~mission exoires: STATE OF FLORIDA COD~N_~Z OF P2LM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SS I, the undersigned, having been duly elected as Mayor, and also as President of the City Council, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do solemuly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Consitution and Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and of the City of Boyn~on Beach~ that I am duly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Florida~ the Charter and laws of the City of Boynton Beach, and that I will well and faithfully oerform the duties of Mayor, and President of the City Council of the City uoon which about to enter, so helo me God. I am Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 19~6. No~a. y Public My Commission expires~ STATE OF FLORiDA ) ) COIYNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS ) CITY OF BOtT~TON BEACH ) I~ the undersigned~ having been duly elected es Vice-Mayor of the City of Boynton Beech, Floride~ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that Iiwill s~oport~ nrotect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United Ststes~ the State of Florida, and of the City of Boynton Beach; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Florids~ the Charter end laws of the City of Boynton Beach~ and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of Vice-Mayor of the City uoon which I sm about to enter~ so heio me God. Subscribed amd sworn me this 3rd day of January~ Notary Public to before t956, My Commission emoires~ EXCElan, TS FROM ~ES 0F ?~i~i~i~iE~r~I~ OF THE BOY~ON BEACH PLA~ING ;BOA~ H~D AT THE CITY P~LL, BOY~TON BE&CH, DEOE~BEE 20, 195~. ~r. ~yekoff moved that it be recommended tc the Council that eve~zthing~s% ef Seaerest Boulevard, from Ocean Avenue South to ~oo!bright Road. ~$st of Seacrest Beulevard to S.R. 9, be zoned to 1£00 square feet minin~Lm. Mr. Es!tis seconded. .~otion carried. The Plar&ui~ Board realise ~hat there are still some streets between Seacrest Boulevard and S.V~. 1st Street CEnuth Street) of which a study should be~de by the Zoni~ Beard to b~ them up to the tZ00 sq'~re feet zb~, and s-~gest i~mediate st'~y of this situation before pe~ts a~ g~ed for smaller houses. It was agreed that in order to give the ney; Council an opportunity to appoint a new Pia~n~ing Board, or re-appoint some of the members of the present Board, the members of the Board tender their resi§nstions, to take effect invn_ediateiyo At the sadie time they vd~h to express their appreciation of the honor of hsving been appointed to serve on the dity P%anni~ Board.