Minutes 12-19-55MIkVOTES OF A REGULAR ~TING OF TEE COUNCILLORS OF BOY~TON BF~&CH, FLORIDA, ELD AT THE CITY H~LL, B0~NTON BEACH, DE~ER 19, 19%5. Mayor A.E.Shook, Vice ~WL~yor Stanley Weaver. Mr~ Albert Deen Mro Joe DeMarco ~r~ Mort Partin~ City Clerk D.V.Wi!ii~s, Cb~ief of Police Ca~ver ~. Ze!! Taylor ~. C~rl Sto~e. Mayor Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. ~r. Rowan asked for the decision of the Council regarding ~he Shuffleboard Club, and referred to a sum of $450°00 which he understood had been earmarkedfo~ the Club, but not expended. Mr. Shook said the $450.00 was available, but Mt.Shook, Sro, said that unless ~hey could do the job well they would rather not do it at all~ Mr. Shook said everything D~s been cut to the bone this year in the budget and no other money is at present available. He added that, in any case, the City is t~ying to sell that co~ner. Mr. D~ Gordon asked if he could get a speci~l monthly rate fo~ dumping garbage, instead oF $1.00 a load. His request was not grs~uted. N~. Paul Harrington referred to ~ road he is building to give access to the center of his Ridgewood M~uor development, and suggested that in order to ~r~vent it from being torn up by trucks, m rock base be put in ea~wly and the trucks to come in ove~ the back end~ ~. Shook said if the City put dc~,n a base for the road it cannot charge again for assessment later. ~. Griffith ~greed that previous work could not be ch~ged for later~ Mr. Weaver suggested that as o~_!y two property owners are involved, they be asked to accept assessment cost when the rock is laid. ~s. Willi~ns was asked to check tomorrow on N.~. 6th ~. Harrington also re~aested permission o£ the Co~nci!, as a Board of Appeal, to put in ~ sidewalks in ~s development. Th~s ~equest would apply to ~pproXimately 3~00' on both sides of the street. Mr. G.ri~ith sa~ i~ this ~equest w r ~rant Side- sidewalks in subdivisions whe~ not on public roads, as t~is ~, width could not be allowed in one case ~nd not in another° ~L~. Shook suggested a check be made of the regulations in force in other cities before agreeing to 4' sidewalks. It was decided to defer decision on this K~.tter until the Executive Meeting to be held tomorrow evening. The City Clerk read the m~uutes of the last regular meet- ing of the Council of December ~, 19~ l~. Deen moved that the m~utes be accepted as Weaver seconded. Motion ca~ried. A letter was read from Benj~in Brand offering lots Nos. 9~ and 96 of Copps~ Addition to the City to facilitate the installation of water mains~ N~. Griffith suggested he be asked to give the City the deeds for the lots, ~thout restrictions. ~i~. DeMarco moved that~'v~v°o Braud be asked to deed the lots to the City without restrictions. Mr. Deen seconded. Motion A letter was read from Mr. George Lloyd requesting street markers and hydrants in Morrison Heights~ A letter was read from the Business and Professional Women's Association reEarding the gro~ds of the new Forest Hill school. (Lette~ attached). Mr. ~eaver said he had asked Harvey Oyer to get help from the County, and he said the County had asked the Principa$ of ~the school to make a request for material from the Cot~uty mad the City Mould roll it. A letter was read from Mrs. Potrekus asking for the granting of widow's exemption on taxes. N~. Griffith said she should be asked to shc~ receipt from the N~. DeMarco so moved. lz~ Griffith read ~ Resolution covering street repairs N~~. ~eaver moved that the Resolution be accepted. ~ ~eMarco ~econded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read for the second time a Resolution covering special assessmauSs for street repairs. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. ~z~. DeMarso ~oved~ ~.Deen seconded,that the Resolution be adopted~ Mot~0n carried. i~ednesday, Janua~y 4, at 4.30 P.M., at City Hall, was set for the time when any objectio~ from property owners con- corned c~u be heard. Mx. Griffith read a Resolution covering a requ~est t~ the County and State Ro~d Board to baild a street on R/W of ~9 f North of Lake Avenue). Mr. Del~rco moved, Mr.Deen seconded, that the Resolu- tion be accepted. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read au Ordin~uce covering a franchise to the Bell Telephone Company. During the following discussion it was stated that a private line, free, for the City Hall should be requested from the Company. M~. DeMarco said he would call Mr. Coleman and see what can be done. Police Chief Carver requested the appointment of special police officers. Mr. DeMa~co moved, ~.Weaver seconded,ti~at Eell Taylor, C~l Stone and Henry Luusford be made special police officers. Motion carried. Regarding the Hypoluxo water scheme, ~.Griffith said he had been advised that it would not be a good thing for the City to go so far beyond the ~ty limits, ~h~. Griffith was asked to look into the Goolsby twenty acres recorded at ~est Palm Beach Court House a~ belonging to the City of Boynton Beach for sewage disposal. He was also asked to look into the matter with the County~ It was tentatively agreed to plan for a in Boynton ~_ud ignore Lincoln Memorial Park. The City Clerk stated that POM~ h~s not been active for a long time and is still ~eceivirng copies of the minutes and a~enda of Co~uucil meetings. It was decided to let the matter die down and see what happens. M~s. Bosworth read the minutes of a meeting of the Cemeter~y Board with ~. Dyer today. The latter is setting up a new system whereby $99.00 is charge~ ~er lot for c~lored people in Lincoln Memorial Park, aud $25.00 for opening and closing the grave. It was stated that mo~tici~n~ charged $60,00 for the cement vault v£o~ch he buys for $25.00~ M~. Dyer says he will provide a mortician who will chugs only $35.00 for the cement vault. Fu~eral expenses at the presen~ time approximate $350,00 for colored people. colored cemetery BILLS 0~EAYED FOR PAY~ENT: Gert ' 1. Fund M.M. Burkett i5.26 ]Earl W. Royer 14.40 c-. &R. co. 4-74 Bro~-nze s Men's Shpp 7~90 Rubin Const~ction Co. 72.00 W. J. Snow 16. T~ Bi~ing~ Slag C~y 34~.68 iqation~ I~titute of M~icip~ ~er~ 10.00 Asp~lt S~es Co. 493.36 H. & W.B.D~ew Co. I~.29 Libr~y Dept. 600.00 w.s.o me 65.7% Florida Equipment Co. of Mi~i !6.34 Civil Se~ice ~sse~oly 25.00 Seaboard Ai~ Line Railroad Boston Beach Fire Dept. Mrs. W.K. Wo~l~b Pay~Roli First Federei 538.16 t6.00 800.00 897.40 2~297.53 968y67 953.88 25.00 1,855 95 Savings & £~ Loan 119.34 Recreational Board 105.00 Seminole Feed Mills 580.43 Lake ~orth Federal Savings & Lo~ 4,000.00 Edg~r Etliott 1.00 C.W.Cobb 2,382.03 F~t Federal Savings & Los~l 229.25 " 69.39 Roy Ratc!iffe 15,00 Kenneth Sn~ 223.61 L~ke Worth Federal Savings & Loan Scockton, krnatley, Davis & Co. 27.52 Palm Be~ch Typewriter 57.79 B0-Del Printing Co. 13.57 Gulf Oil Co. 3~.53 Austin Supply Co. 1~.23 Deerfieid Rock Corpn~ ~98.!4 5,000.00 13B~ Motor Veh~Icle Co~m. 3 · 25 E~al G. Brown 3.47 Hood's Auto Supply 35.94 Gene Wright ll.00 Gulf 0il Bi~in~ Slag Co. 2~.7~ Paul J~son's Resta~t Chase Ma~at2an B~k 19.15 Motorola C~icati OhS ~71.06 C!ewiston Mote~ Co~ 7.29 Del~ay Gas & Elec. Co. ~.50 Paul Me~ce~s Se~ice Stn. 48.20 Fai~cloth T~ck & Tractor Co. 7 · 83 Bla~ & Smith 222.59 Florida Prating Co. Earl k~al!~e Ford 2.~8 B~nton Beach C. of C. 502.66 City of Delray Beach 4%.00 H. & }~.B.Drew Co. ll0.40 Boston Beach State Bank 5.00 Willi~ms ~e~cal Co~. Mi John Vio!ente 30.75 Co~t He cords 15.00 0ce~ City L~be~ Co. 382.66 Dave Bozem~ 10.00 P~ry T~ailer S~es 10.00 Cal!agh~ & Co. 27.50 Nation~ Institute of Law f - 0~f~ce~$ ~ueapolis 42.~0 Florida P~er & Light 608.79 S~athern Bell Te!.~ Tel. 116.69 M~s. Mildred Miller 12.00 Mr. Fred Koe~ick 12~00 ~. W~ter }Yolan 12.00 Mrs. ~lice Shep~d 12.00 Niss i~ice Kelly 12.00 }~ss Dorot~ Shepperd 12.00 Dorothy V. ~i!li~s 25.00 Mae Cason Olive Cie~ik 2%.00 Helene H~ber 2%.00 Mildred Lofley 12.00 Shaw Bros 0il Co. Shaw B~os 0il Co. 43i.94 S-dolphus C. C~ve~ 25.00 Cheath~a E. Hodges 25.00 J~mes ~j. ~tler 25.00 John H. Collins 25.00 J~es A. E~ Jr. 12.50 -3C- Jack Henderson J~lius Klingler A~thu~ L. Edwards Jo~ M. Tuite Curtis E. ~right Zell Taylor B. Andrews A~thur L. Black Alb~t D~iels Willi~ H~ds Jo~ Har~t~ Len~ Ha~is F~ Jonson Dave L~ier Ee~y L~sfo~d Ellis McAvoy Wm. A. Scheussler FoEie Sloan ~lie Waters Mc~th~ Waters Kzto Willi~ ~as~ F, Leon GF~ns F~ed~ Bowles B. B, Fir~ Dept. Btevens~ Seed Store Ra~o d Eilkins City of Boston Bezch, Gen~ 1 ~d Pa~ Rol~ Joh~ S~eit z Moto~ Vehicle C~ssion- e~ Ch~rlss Senio~ South Builders' Re~ty Pos~aster Robert Thomas Strong South Speed Shop Chase M~hat t~ 25.00 25.oo 25.o0 25.00 25.00 25.00 6o 25 ~.5o 4.13 12. 50 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 .25. oo 25.00 25.00 4.13 ~5. oo 25.0o ~5.oo 25. oo 25.00 25~oo 25.00 24. ~5 20.00 928.46 951.91 2,283.75 6,250.00 3.25 25.00 6.89 143.60 25.00 12.50 6~000.00 I.& S. 736.88 I. & S. -3D - Water Fund Depositors' Fund. 4.10 4,980.00 I.& S, 171~02 448.2o H~vr~ Gelle~ 7.50 7.50 Marjorie R. Breeden 7.50 Ora Mae Hill 7,50 Russell Fro~n~ath 7.50 Norman L. Burg 7.50 Acct. of Eddie Cantor 7.50 " 5.60 Hen_~y P.Pavills~rd 7.50 Acct. of F.C.McL~den 7.50 Acct. of Andrew Mu~ ~ko 7~ 50 Accit. of F~k Koch 7,50 F~k Koch ~ne Chase M~att~ B~ ~!as Sales Central T~ Li~es Nep tu~ Meter ~Y. L ~ Co~el! 7 · 50 Allen Stew~t 7.50 Is~ P~mer 7.50 ~. J. Ve~du~ 7 · 50 ~ 1! .70 Je~etta S. Atkinson 25~00 Dmniel E~ Snide~ 7~50 " 5.60 David J. ~olf~ 7,50 Acc. Of Mabel A. Green 7,50 ' 7,50 " Edg~ E~l~ot t 5~60 J~mes Kostas 7.50 ~ Associates 7.50 " 7,50 C~r! Moorbit to 7.50 t'~s. Russell Ba~ller 7~50 Ker~eth Show 2~00 C~.ero~ ~ B~kley Co~ Gene l~ri~t ~. 00 ~ase M~h~tt~ B~uk 10.70 Resta~t & Soda Fo~tain 21.00 Southern Bell T.& T.Co. Teresa E~ Padgett 25.00 Mabsl GPeen ,20 Shaw B~os. 0il Co. Davis Meter Repai~ & Supply Co, 3,552~9t C~l W. Stons 25,00 ~$illie Bagley 6.25 PPeston E. Brown 25.00 Lee Thomas 25.00 Jack E. %Iicks ~ DeMarco M~so Alice She~ard offered to the It was stated that th~se could be South side of the white cemetery° -4- suggested a sum~ey be made of the possibilities. City aure!ias from her transplanted to the Sr. DeMa~co moved that the City accept the offer of the~ aurelias. Mr. Deen seconded. Notion cs~ied. There being no further business, the ~eeting was adjourned at 10o30 P.M. City Clerk.