BO 0N B OH, 5, 955
I~.AoL. Shook,
May or.
Mr. Stanley Weaver,
Vice Mayor.
~Lv. Albert Deem
t~o Joe DeMarco.
M~. Mort Partin.
City Clerk Dorothy V.Wiliiams
N~. Ze!t Taylor
Mr..Ca~l Stone
Chief of Police Carver.
Mayor Shook called the meeting bo order at 7.30
l&~o Fornabypresented a plat of Westchester Heights.
~u a discussion on water lines it was agreed that it be
' a
ascertained wh t an outside contractor would charge.
Mr. Weaver moved that the plat be given tentative approval
pending installation of roads and water system~ Mr. Partin
seconded. Motion carried,
t~. Rowan said the Shuffleboard Club members h~d suggested
that the shuffleboard building should be split in two and the
West wall moved ~t 16 feet° A sketch of the proposed plan was
shown end the statement that $1,000 would still be needed from
the City was made.
Following discussion it was agreed that after the meeting
the Council would go and look the building over°
On complaint from ~L~Treehouse that he had received no
notice of and had seen no advertisement re garding overdue taxes
on his property, for which he had been pemalised,
Mr. DeNa~wco moved that the penalty be waived. Mr. Deen
seconded. Motion c~ried.
N~s. Koepnick, representing the Recreation Bos~d, asked
for $60.00 additional money for Teen To~n~ for the coming
Christmas tLme.
~. Weaver moved that the request of the
be g~anted as a Christmas gift to Teen T~n.
Motion carried.
Recreation Board
~o Deem seconded.
M~. Kenneth Lyman said general traffic was heavy through
his parking lot ab the dock and asked for help from the City in
repairing the street adjacent to it.~
I~. Taylor was asked to look into it.
t~v. Picard of the Pickard Chemical Company asked for a
contract for his Company for a year's supply of chlorine.
Weaver was asked to check into the contract and. report.
~. Seegitz complained that his water bill this month
was excessive and was told that his meter would be checked.
I~. Beech presented a plan of a building for a produce
market on N.W. Second. Avenue, which he hadalready shown to
the Building Inspector~ It is in 'At zone.
Mr. Shook said the only thing to do was to get it
re-zoned, which means it must first be advertised.
~. Griffith Said M~. Beech must make a written request
to the Zoning Board giving particulars of the building.
The City Clerk ~ead the minutes of the last regular meeting
of the Council of November
~L~. Deen moved, Mr. l$eaver seconded, that the minutes be
accepted as read. Motion carried.
~ letter was read from Albert Hazelton applying for a
night club license.
Mr. Weaver moved that the license be granted. Nit. Deen
seconded. Motion carried.
The report of the Fire Department for the month of
~ovember was read.
The Build~ug Inspector's report for the month of
November was read, ~ounting to $30%,350o00.
A letter was read fro~,~-Dr. Akes requesting pern~ission
to erect a medical building near Seacrest Boulevard in
Dewey Heights.
Mr. Wes. vet moved that the letter be turned over to the
ZonL~g Board with the recommendation that the request be
disallowed. Mr. DeMa~co seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Griffith said Er. Nouse objected to paying ~u
occupational license as a real estate salesman, saying it
was ?&uconstitutiona!.
The City Clerk reported that the developers of Rolling
Green SecondAddition, who offered to pay for o~e yea~ for the
lights, are now ready to go ahead ~ud request that the City
w?ite a letter to ~L~, Senior to this effect.
Mayor Shook said they must first specify how many lights
they intend to install.
Er. Griffith read a Resolution covering s, treet repairs
under assessment.
~o DeMa_Bco moved, I~, Weaver seconded, that the Resolution
be adopted° Motion carried,
A letter was read frOm the Palm Beach County Attorney
relative to Ri~ker-Enow,s request for a per~it to build a road
~long S.H.9 to their proposed p~ant.
~, DeMarco moved~ M~.~eave~ seconded,
~ite a lette~ $ -
~o the Co~ty Co~isszone~s ~equesting them to
~t a pe~ait for the R/~usage.
It was stated that Dewey Heights plat is up fo~ app~oval~
the s$~ests, etc., berg in.
It w~s a~eed to accept the plat a~
Mr~ P~Ma~co moved that the plat of Dewey Heights be
~cc~pt~d. ~. Deen seconded. Motion ca~ied.
~f of Police Ca~e~ asked fo~ an increase in pay
g~uEg Decembe~ let fo~ Pat~o!m~n Butte~.
Sinc~ a Civil Service Bo~d meeting will be held
~esday, it was decided to await their decision~
It was agreed that contractors sho~d ~eplace any wate~
bo~ee o~ meters which may be b~oken du~g subdivision constric-
t_on, and thzt the streets should not be ~oproved ~ntil
boxes a~e ~eptaced.
F~s. Bosworth was autho~ise8 to a~ange a meeting of the
Cemetery Board with ~Lv. D~*yer and get prices, in w~iting, for
lots in Lincoln Memorial Cemeter o
It was agreed that $t9.00 be provided for a barbecue to
be given as a bonus for the City crew who did an outstanding
job in street repai~s~
Mr. Det~iarco moved, Mr. Partin seconded, ~hat the ~ount
be paid. Motion ca,tied.
I~. Weaver moved that the usuai Cq~istmas bonuses be
granted to the City employees. Mr. Part~n' seconed. Motion
There beLug no f~ther bus~ess the meeting was adjou~ned
at 10.4~ P.M.