Minutes 11-07-55~IIm~UTES OF A P~EGULAR MEETING OF THE C0~NCILL0~ OF BOYh~ON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HEL~D AT THE C±~E HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, NOVE~IBER 7, 1955. PRESEE~: ~.~o A.E.Shook. Mayor~ City Clerk D.V.Willians, Stanley ~Yeaver, Vice Mayor. Chief of Police Albert D~en. ~. Zell Taylor. Joe DeM~ce. I~. Ca~! Stone. Bott P~ti~. ~ayor Shook c~lled the meeting to o~der at 7.30 Mr. Charles Fronrath said he had ~shed to erect a 4' by 8' sign on the Federal Highway, having received permission from the o~ers of the property to do so, but his check offered for a license had been refueled to ~ by City Hall as erection of the sign would have been in violation of the City Sign Ordinance. He asked wiry, in view of this fact, the Autor~ua had been allowed to e~ect a sign on the hiEhway. Mr. a sign was rejected, but their second request was granted on the basis that they were mo~e of a tourist ~attraction, and an Ordinauce was passed by the Council making an exception in their Mr. Peter Rosensweig, in snswer to a ~uery by him, was told that the water pipe on Ocean R~dge belonged to them, and~ when they connect to Boynton Beach water system we have a right to check to see if it is in accordance with ou~ ~p~i- fications; otherwise we have nothing to do with it. 2~s. Waite, representing the Girl Scouts Organization, requested percussion to have a 4' x 8' sign erected on the City Hall Ia~nmfor a week, advertising the sale of peanuts du~ing their drive to raise their quota of $720~00. Mr. DeMs~co moved, ~. Deem seconded, that the sign be allowed on City Hall property, as requested. Motion carried. ~. ¥Cnittimgslow of N.W. 3rd Avenue questioned his assessment for street re~air~. He wms infoEaed that no objection was received from property o~ers in Boynton Hills, after advertising, so the work w~s proceeded g~, M~. Paul Johnso~ asked whether a petition had been re- cemved zor the repamr cz e?rtazn str ets, and requested inform- ation regarding streets being repaired by asses~aemt. ~,~r. k~eaver explained how the Street Ordinance ~perated, ~ud that although at first t~ere were many objections, ~ecently there have been none. i~z~. Jack Rowan said the Shuffleboard Co-~ts needed more space, and help in ~r~uging this will be necessary fro~ the City. Mr. Peter Rose~sweig suggested moving the west wall out 14 feet~ md supplying new doors, roof ~d windows, which he said would cost appro~inately $t~000.00~ The C~_ucil went on record as favoring the e~penditure but, under the p~ese~t budget, the City has only $1,900~00 allotted to el! the parks in M~. ~eaver moved that the matter be tabled to see if in the ~eanti~e the mo~ey can be found ~o do this work. ~. DeMa~co seconded. Motion ca~iedo M~. Reusch of Lake City Trailer Co~t said that ,~hen he p'~chased his property the p~evious owner had told him that he could use ail the water he waz~ted ~ithout payment. N~o %Yeaver said there is no record of such an agreement in City Halt end that payment should be made to the City for the two yea~s du~ing which the water was used without payment. The City Clerk had g~essed an approximate ~mount of water that ?~o Reusch sheu!d be cha~ged with the stipt~ation that if, after a yea~s ~ecord, it is show~ that ~. Reusch used less than the amount cha~ged for per yea~, he to be given credit for the difference. If found to use more than estL~ated, the City to absorb the difference. ~o Griffith, when asked for an opS_ulon, said he w~ld first like to look ~the~ into the matter. Mr. Panl Johnson said he had applied for a restaurant license aud had been refused because Louis C~res owed t~xes for the yea~s 19~0-19~1, The City Clerk said this lien is still against ~he equip- ment, but a lioehse i~ in order as long as 19~4 persona~ p~operty tax is paid. M~s. Freda Hurst~ of Hurst Monet, voiced objections to the garbage collection cha~ge being made against each ~it in her ~oa~tment house, saying some don, t use cooking facilities and that she uses only one ga~oage can fo~ six tm4ts whioh a~e occupied at the present time. ~s. Hurst was told the t~xhad bee~ ~udged by the ~ottut picked Up at her place du~ing the two weeks prior to the eharg~ being made, ~ud t~t the amoun~ is $1.00 fo~ a £~ui!y unit, as set up by Ord~u~uce. ~. ~illia~ Weinstock~sked about the oroposed new build- i~g code, ~ud insisted the ch~uges were not ~ssentia! to sm~lt houses ~d he expressed ps~ticular ~ojection to them. Mr. Zopfie, the Life Guards asked for a bicycle rack at the Casino. It was agreed that a check should be made with Gilford Raulerson ~o find out the price for mak~ng one. ~Lv. Zopfie also referred to a "No Parking~ sign on the hill at the Casino ~nich ~as ~delyignored. Tb~ Chief of Police was asked to correct this condition, and to issue tickets to Mr. Eopfie, who has bee~ deputlsed to maintain orde~ at the Casino property. Mr. Falconelli objected to havLug to obtain a eontract- or~s license for building more than one house in one year, and was told that this was in accordance with the Building Ordinance~ The City Clerk read the minutes of the last regula~ meeting o2 the Co~ucil of October 17. M~. Weaver said it was a motor scooter which was suggested for the ~ater Dspa~nent, and with this exception he moved t~hat the minutes be accepted, i~. DeMa~co seconded~ Motion ca,tied. Regarding the $186.60 damages in co~uection with the Austin boy,s meter cycle, it was pointed out that these were paid by the insurance comp~uy. The City Clerk read a letter f~om the Garden Club request- ing that, before the highway is widene~, the trees lwhieh would then have to be moved be transferred now to the gro~ds of the new Fo~est Pa~k School~ N~. Weaver said the Sabal pslms are vez~yhard to move seldom survive transplanting, but the rubber trees can be transplanted. ~t was pointed out that trees could only be removed from the East side lots as those on the ~est side will not have to be moved for the new higheayo M~o Weaver moved that a !ette~ be w~itten by the City for the Gs~den Club, saying the City will su~ply the ~e~ and a driver if She Boynton Landscape Company will move the trees. Mr. P~tin seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from the principal of the Forest Park School requesting a bl~er light on Seacrest at 10th Avenue South. The letter wzs handed to Police Chief Carver for attention~ A letter was read from Mr. Lansing complaining oF dogs on the school grounds. 2~. Partin said he would attend to this. A letter was read from the Gul£ Stream Hospital Assoeiation expressing appreciation for the help given.to them by the City. The building report Fo~ the ~onth of October was read. read. A yearly report f~om the _Wire Depa~tm~ut, from November t, to October 31, 195%, sig~ed by ~. Charles Senior, was The Poliee Department's report for the month of October was read. A letter was read from ~. Earl J. Morser objecting to the assessment For re-buildfug the read adJaceht to his vacant property in Boynton Hills, aud asking that his letter be incor- porated in these minutes. (Letter attached). Mr, DeMa~co said that Mr. Atkins had asked that certain bushes ~ud coconut t~ees be moved and Shat shell rock be placed for pa~king behind the school. It was agreed that the bushes and palms objected to should be removed. ~. Griffith re zd 0r~ina~ce No.277 for the first time. ~. Deen moved that 0rdin~nce 277 be accepted for the reading. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion c~rried. I~L~. Gri£fith read Ordinance No.278 (Zoning) for the First time. ~. Deen moved, I, Lv. Weaver seconded, that Ordinance No. 278 be accepted for the first ~eadibg. Motion ca,tied. Bids were opened on a new police car and were handed to Mr. DeMa~eo with the request that he report on them at the next meeting. There was a discussion on connections in subdivisions ~o City water system as to whether the cha~ge should be $3.00 a lot or a minimum cha~ge of $500.00 per subdivision. ~. Weave~ was asked to check with other to~s before a decision is arrived at. It was agreed t~at a letter be ~ittento t~e~ Oce~ Rmdge Commission requesting a reduct~on in thei~ tax bill on the new ocean beach p~operty~ Mro Weaver drew attention to the low cha~ges made by the City for pipe connections, contrasting them with the high cost oF inst~llatlon of meters. He gave his recommendations for revised charge~. -5- M~z,. Pa~tin thought that house ov~e~s ~hould not pay fo~ sc~eth_ng ~hey do not Bids were opened and read on hauling rock from Dee~field to Boynt?n Beach, s~d the contract was awarded to Cobb, whose price of .99 cents a yard was the lowest. There being no further business, the meetzuo was adjo~ned by the Mayor at ll.20 P.M. Cit~y ' Clerk. FEDERAL HIGHWAY -- U.S. No. 1 -- FLORIDA PHONE BOYNTON BEACH 9306-4621 BETWJ~EN BOYNTON BEACH AND DELRAY BEACH P.O. BOX 1042 REAL ESTATE EARLE J. MORSER REG. REAL ESTATE BROKER Nov. T, t955'~, City Oon~nission Boynten Beach Gentleman: Much to my s%u~prise, I received recently an Assessment on my vacant property, B~eck A, Lots !20, 121,122 Boynton Hills Sub;ri. of Boynt0n Be~ch, F!~'., in the approximate of $183.00 for the repair of reads which b~d previously been accepted and approved by the City ef'Boy~ton Beach. For the passed m~ny years, the City of Boynton repaired and rebui!tadJoing roads ~_n the BoyntonHills Sub'n., a~d no extra Assessment was levied against the P~operty Am I to understand that any roads that need repairing in the future, that all P~opz~by Owners will be Assessed ? Such as the case of Ocean AveQ, ~here I reside ? Please inform me Just what I can expect in the future,regar~Lng Sa~e. In b~ief, Just wb~t are our Taxes used for, if a part of same is net used for accepted streets repair and rebuilding, if nescessary ? Frankly, I am at a complete loss to understand how and why, without notice to the Tax Payer, a th~ug like this could happen, and therefore I wish an explanation, the sa~e as many other Tax Payers here in Boynten Beach. I request that this letter, askLug for the.desired ~uformation, be read inte the minutes of the meeting tonight and be recorded as a permanent record. I will~_atural!y e~ext a reply and ~nd appreciate same, ~s wel! a~m~ny others. $PECIA LIZING IN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES