Minutes 10-03-55J ~NUTES OF A REG~rLAR ~EETING OF T~ C0UNCILLOP~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~;D AT THE CITY EAI~, BOYNTON BEACH, OCTOB~ 3, 1955. P~S~T: Mayor A.E. Shook mce Mayor Sta~_le~ Weaver. M~. Albe~t Deen. N~. joe De~{arco N~. ~ott Pa~tin. City Clerk D.V.W~lliams CTAief of Po!ioe Ca~ver I~L~. Zeli Taylo~ F~. Ca~l Stone. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. The Rev. Edward J. Bubb~ Vicar of St. Joseph~s Episcopal 'Ohu~ch, asked whet2aer the interest on the taxes on the lots which had ~een ~le£t ~o the c~ch eo~ld~be abated. The taxes were for the yea~s 1942 to I946~ and ~momnted to $96.00, without interest, up ~o July 20, N~. ~¢eave~ m~ved t~at the City abate the interest ~n the taxes. M~. Deen seconded. Motion carried. J. Butle~ said he had paid his taxes up to two yea~s age by cheek, but that the receipt had Deen destroyed when his house bu~ed dow~. He said the First Federal Loan Association at Del~ay Beach f~Om whom he bo~ewed mOney on his property, said he owed them $7%.00 in taxes fo~ two years. M~. Shook advised b~m to get a photostatic copy of his check from the ba~ and bring it to City Hall as proof that the taxes were paid; that in the meantime he should pay the taxes and the City will refund the money if he can prove that he has ~eadypai~ them. ~s. Hood, member of the Recreation Boa~d, said Teen Town was practically out of lands, and thought $150 would be sufficient to ca~ry them for the month of 0ctobe~ It was agreed that the Lake W~th Drainage Buildiug should be used for st~ing Teen Town summer equipment. N~. Weave~ moved that the City subscribe $150.00 for Teen Town, to 2i~ish this fiscal year. ~Ev. DeMa~co seconded. Motion carried. City Clerk Dtrothy V.Willi~ms ~ead the minutes of the last ~egular meeting of September 19. ~. ~eave~ said the statement that Mr.B~and had agreed to take care of street marking is somewhat misleadt~ug. ~!~.Brand had agreed to place house numbers on the plat. With this exceDtion, ~.Weaver moyed that the mi~r~tes be accepted. N~ DeMarco seconded. Mormon carried. -2- 2&~. DeMa~eo said he had spoken to I~. Atkins about school bus parki~g, and he ~d said they were ~ite willing to go along with the City. The general opinion, tmcluding that of Police Chief Ca~ver, was that ~e~tz~ the school pa~ki~.g would,'be much safer, amd it wa~ agreed t~ give it a trial period, th~ County to be requested te supply shetl~ rock for the entrance ?t~ the new parking space. ~. Butt drew attenti~on to the dangerous speed at which motorists ge aroun~ the' bez~ on. N.~. ~Aven~ ne~ ~s p~ope~ e~ly-~i~ the mo~ ~d 1~ the evening. ~. Sheik ~aid a c~ck will be m~e. to see ~at c~ be d~e a~ut it. A ~equezt ~s read from ~. ~p~ee Shat the ~tField license be t~fe~ed to ~s n~e. ~. Weaver mo~ed t~t the ~sfe~ be ~ted. ~. Deen seconded. Motion c~ied. A l~$te~ wa~ ~ead fr~ the ~be~ of Oe~e~ce ~eg~mg adve~tis~ p~lmci~ f~ds, totalli~ appro~ately $2,500.00. A second lette~ was read f~ the ~be~ reg~d~g the p~y to be given ~ October 15, ~d as~ that the City officials be ~ the ~e~iving l~ue. The gasolin~ ~e~0ort for the month of September was read, ~mo~_uting to 1,079z/10 gallons. A letter was read from the Palm Beach Health Department regarding the Hable property. The City Clerk Said she had talked with the Health office who had said they~were willing to come down ~ud decla~e the place u~it for huma~ habitation. N~. G~ifFith, with reference .to the Hill property, advised the City' tc wait for the promised action of the lawyer who had promised to have a hearing within three or four weeks, but has not yet done so. I~. Deen said the attorney had told D~m the owner of the Hill property wanted to sell the building and use it as a used ca-lot. A letter was ~ead from Mrs. H. G. J~rdan, requestimg a per, it to buiid a Beauty Salon e~to her house at 124 S.E. Tenth Avenue, and saying there was nc opposition on th~ part of the neighbors. She enclosed a petition signed by six property owners i~ favor of the project. As this would mean a change in zoning, it ~as agreed to pass the correspondence to the Pi~uningBoard. BILLS 0 ' EAYED Jeseph C.Bates M.J.Estafan & K.F. 0en Civil Serviee Assembly Consumer Reports Blue Cross of Florida CO. jehn A. Cle~st Ne~ East StevenSon Seed Sto~e ~ SUpply CO. Co. L.B.Sterrett ~lth Jr. ey L Violante r Co~ Palm Beach ~ Gri£fith Resoml~oes Boa~d Co. ~I1 Tel & Tel. Va~gh~&'w~!ght J.~.Butie~ J~s. C. Bates Nission ~empany Gem'l. Fund. 43~6 k;20 12.?~ ~.0~ 8.5o 338.9O lO.O0 28.00 ~98 3.00 23.91 ~5.53 5~7.99 o.o5 02.71 688.60 196.00 ~o.76 33.bP 33 o O0 25o. oo 37.10 25.00 43.75 98.~ 47-39 30.O0 6.80 47.83 BoyntonBeach News 70.35 BoyntonBeach Fi~e Dept. 211.83 Jackso~&s Auto Electric 38.25 Burns, Niddleton, Rogers & Fa~rell 2,000.00 Pierc~ Ti~e Co, 77.67 ~rhitt McDowe!! 73.99 Holiday Service 3.00 Gaski!!-0ertel 234.73 L.B.Ste~ett & Sons 1,116.50 Deerfiel~ Rock ~orporation 2,488.04 John ViolaUte 32,60 W.S.Darley & Co. 3~57 The Cou~t Records Co. 15,00 Clewist0n Motor Co. 54.42 Fa~quharNachine~y Co. 12~50 City of Beynton Beach I & S Fund The Chase National Bank I & S Fund $6,000.00 7,113.75 -2B- BILLS 0 ' KAYED FOR PAYMENT Watem Central T~ek Limes 1~5~ SOuthern Bell Tel & Tel Pe~sul~ S~l~ Co. 396.2~ Pla. Powe~ , Li~t Ce. 507.00 B~oo~ P~oductS ~6.90 Aust~ ~pply Ce. ~..09 ~s. Phillip S. Cole 600.00 B~ou~. O~pe~atien P~ T~e~ S~es ~ Se~ice 2,~0 ~e C~e~on & ~ey Co. 33.08 Ab~ De~d ~ Dils 18.00 ~stee$ Flerlda East Coast R~lw~ Sh~ Bros. 0i~ R.D.Wood & Co. 609.21 J~es B.~ow & So~, Inc. 95.62 B~eo~ ~uots Inc. Le~ Jo~ P~nics~ Acct. of Jack G~e~ ~o~ %.60 Acct. of M~I Co~. ~o. 2.4o " LeRoy L~ " Virgil Rath " do. 6.00 " do. " do~ 6.00 " do. " do. 6.00 " do. " E~e~ D.~rsey " do. 6.00 " A.J.Eellers LeRoy Lo~ 590.00 City of ~t~ Beach 1,174.20 He~y Z~bek Acct. of M.B.Fr~ do. Ve~ie Law Acct. of A.H.B~tlett H~vey E. ~ J~. 6.00 Centr~ ~ck L~e s 5~ 20 C.T.~Wles 2,034,30 Restrict & Soda Fo~tzin ~pply -18.00 T~stees F.E.C. R~tway Co. 1.00 No~iso~ Rubber & Packing Co. lt.00 F~q~b~r Each~e~y Co. 187.83 ~n8 C~e~n & Ba~ey Co. 43.90 Depositors' Fund. 7.50 7.5O 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~0 7.YO 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.5o 7.50 -2C- The Shez~in Williams Co. 1.80 Gulfst~eam Lmmber Co. 5.19 Louise K~oft Buttner Acct. C!a~e~ce Benson do. 6.00 A .E .~ so~ Belie B~d J.E;~as Acct~ F~k Hog~ do. 3.00 Blue C~oss of ~id~ Acct. ef " Hy-. D~I Estate of Bertha Smith T. J. Crawf0r~ G~een Ridge Ho~s Acct. ef do. ~o. 1.83 Builders ~o~i~ce ~c. ~.~ Deaten T~ek Li~s 53~.82 Austi~ Supply Ce. 20,92 Fl~ida Powe~ ~ Lt. 623.43 E!ect~o Rust-Proof~ C~. ~3.00 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. ~s. ~!lip 8. CoIe 8.~5 City *f Bo~t~ Beach 282.98 Jo~ G. S~a~ ~aude R ~Bowles !~s. J.H, Reag~ Mike Kos b~en Acct, Cla~k H.~tis d~. 5,20 Ra~d J.~ond Acct. N6~m~ T. ~o. 5.20 Acct. ~rles Bliven de. 6 ~aude R. Bowles 6.00 Deaton T~uck Lines 675.62 Pe~n~!~ Supply Co. 183.0~ Davis Meter Rep~ & Supply Co. 6,136.28 Alab~a Pipe E~pa~ 4,988.94 ~p~e Meter Co. ~3,60 B~,oks P~oducts Imc. 167.75 Charles S~es C0~o~ation 1,t~ 62 ~el Hill H~es 5.20 Acct, of do. 7,50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7~5o 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7 °50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 -3- A letter from ~. Koepnick was read expressing the thanks of the Recreatmcn Boa~c to the Councml for allowing the use of the Casino for Teen Town en Saturday eveni~Es. A report covering BuiI. di~g peak_its for the moI~th of September was read, t~talling A letter was read from the Civil Se~viee Beard saying Hugh Davis had been appoimted to fill the vac~a~ey left by the death of M~. Mi$che!l. street building. The Police Department,s report for August was read. I~ Griffith said, according to the City Charter~ am ordinance covering the placing of the Southern Bell Teleg~apha~d Telephone equipment in the Right of Way should be placed on the ballot for a referendum vote. He read O~insnce N0.276 for the first time. Ere Weaver moved, N~. DeMarco seconded, that Ordinance 276 be aceepted for the first readihg. Motion ca,tied. N_~. Griffith read Ordinance No,274 for the first reading, covering the collection of trash and garbage in the City. N~v. Weaver moved that Ordinance No.274 be accepted for the first reading. ~Lv. PeNance seconded. Eotion ca, tied. The City Clerk read Ordinance No.275 for the first time, covering the budget for the year beg~ing November 1, 1955, and ending October ~1, 1956. Nfo Deen moved that 0rdimance No.275 be accepted for the first reading. ~i~. De2~a~¢o seconded. Motion carried. A Resolution covering lots 1, 2 and 3 purchased from the Masor~ic Lodge, was read. attached). in Sa~yer~s Division, (Resolution ~. De~ia~co moved that the Resolution be accepted. Peen seconded. ~otion carried. for It was agreed that a new automobile should be purchased the Police Depar~uent, and that bids on it should be called ~. Taylor asked that the specifications for sidewalks be adopted. M~. Peen moved that sidewalks shall be of concrete only, bag mix, 3,000 lb. test; the surface sh~lt be located 6" above the ero~r~, of the~r~ad; shal~ be five feet in width, and ~" thick~ p~cpp~ ~ve? 9rzveway~_ wh.~ch ~ha!l be 6"; the slope shall be ~" ~ ~ne ~oo~ ~owa~d the street. The 6on--eSe curb shall be 8u deeD. -4- The sidewalk shall abut the property ~ne. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion ca~ried. ~4n. Weaver said S,E. ~ Avenue between Seacrest Bc~leva~ and the rs~lread should be put on assessment and be fixed up to match other streets? in the area. Laurel Hills have asked that a petition be d~awn up to be c~¢~u~ated by residents of La~_vel Hills covering assessment of the streets. It was agreed that this ~ould be done. A~ter a long discussion o~the chemical allowance required this year in connection with the water supply, ~r. Weaver moved that the City try Foxmmmla ll%-for ~*~ety days te see what effect it has and~ if unsatisfactory, the City can retur~to Fozmm~la No.7. Nr. Deen seconded~ Motion c~ried. Mr. Partin thought every effort should be made to start the Ball Park. ~Lvs, Bosworth asked whether the cemeter~ arrangements had been agreed to and whether the colored people h~ve now thei~ plaoe i~Lincoln Memorial Pa~k, and was told that .they had. ~s. Bosworth also asked for street lights in Ha~bor Estate. There being no further business, the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Mayor. City Clerk~ RESOLUTION ~HEREAS, the City of Boynton Be~ch did pmrchase certain real property, ~nd the same- has, simce the purchase ofrsaid property by the City, been used for municipal pur- poses, and, '~q~REAS, this property is located within the corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach and is now described as being as follows: Lots 1 to 6 inclusive in Sawyers.~Addition, Sec. 28-Twp. $5- So. ~3 East. BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Boynton Beach that this property above described shall be used for public park and play ground, general recreation for the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach and that the same shall continue to be so used until said property fails to be useful to the City for said recreational purposes. PASSED AND ADOPTED October 3, 1955. Attest: at regular meeting of the Council, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor