Minutes 07-18-55MINUTES 0F A ~G~_~R ~ING OF TM COU~CII~E~ OF BCmZNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ NE~D AT THE CIT~ HALL, BOY~0~ Bw~AC~, ~nY£ 18~ 1955. PRESENT: N~, A.E.Shook, Eaye~. N~o Stamley Weaver, Vice Mayer. ~. ~be~t Deen ~. ~ee DeM~eo Deputy City Clerk,s. Olive Cie~pik. Chief of Police Caz~er ~. Zell Taylor, Street Supt. Mr, Ca~l Stone, Water Supt~ The Maye~ called the meeting to e~der at 7.30 P.E. N~s. Boswor~h spoke of the need of tables ~a~.d ~enches in the park opposite the school for the use of to~rists. ' b N~. ~eave~ suggested these mmght e ineluded with those being made for the Casino. . ~ir, F.J.Racey, representing the property c~mers of ~1 Vmllage ~eferred ~o the proposed eo~$inuatie~ eF Seammest Boulevard and asked that e~tlets be provided to the road Royal Palm Village. ~,~. Shook said he u~derstood ~i~. Field intended to undertake this project shortly amd h* Felt that emtle~s fe~ Royal P~m Village would be included. He suggested that Pit, Eacey contact the ~evel- opers of Royal Pah Village regarding this. N~. Ha~t p~esented a check For $1,260.00 as a deposit on ~he ~u~chase~ price of the seven acres, more or less, in Acreage 21, together ~i~n m purchase agreement. Deputy City Clerk ~s. Olive Cierpik read the mimutes of the previous regmla~meeting of the Cou~ucil of ~uiy 5, 195%. ~. DeEarco moved that the minutes be accepted as read. M~o Peen seconded. Motion carried. A letter, u~dated, was ~eadf~om ~. and ~s. T.R.Moedy, of Del~ay Beach, requesting a permit to operate a taxi service in Boyaton Beach. M~s. Moody was present and e~lained that their plauwas to provide taxi service from 7 A.M. to 12midnight. I~, GrifFith said that as ~. Paul J~nson was now a ~ se~viceunder a gentleman's agreement with the City, it would be as Well to consult ~him. It was agreed that a letter be written to M~. Johnson aski~g what he is going to do about improvimg the service, and that M~. and Mrs. Moody would be ~Formed of his reply at the next Council meeting. A letter, da~ed J~ly 7, was read from Schlissel and Sober, attorneys of Miami Beach regarding SeacresS Boulevard extension te the North, and enclosing a copy of Shei~ letter te ~. Ben Sundy~ In this co~ecti~n a letter, dated July 15, was read ~. Field~ A requiemS, sig~ed by several 1.and-holders, was read, ~equestimg street Ii,bring on Sh~re Road, Ce~uin~ Cove. ~. DeMa~ce meved. Sha.t .t~..e Flormda Powe_ & Light Company be asked to cheek irate this lighSi~g. ~r. Deen seconded. Motion ca~ied. A petition sig~ed by twenty-fou~ taxpayers was read regarding the holes in 12thandl3th Avenues, was state~ Shat these streets are included in She Resolution covering streets to be read this evening. The Dep~y Omty Cle?~ read t~e 0rdi~uee p~ovmdmng a supple- mentary ~dget for t~he City begimming with the yea~ of November 19~4, and ending with October 31, 1955. ~. Weaver moved that the Ordinance De accepted for the first reading. 2~I~. Deen seconded. Motion carried. 2&~. Griffith read a Resotutiomregarding street repairs in various sections of the CiSy. I~. Del~arco moved that the Resolution be adopted. ~otion carried. I~. Griffith read Ordinance No.270 covering recommendations of the Zoning Board made at their meeting of July 7, 1955. l~. Robert Mackey asked what the ~eo.mmendation had bee~ regarding the request fo~ zoning for a eh~eh for Jehovah's ~itnesses. He re~ ~Ffidavit f~the Mi~iste~ ~a~ the place of M~. J. A~t~u~ Payette, who is away. The affidavit e~la~d in,eat detail thei~ ~easo~s f~ti~a ch~h ~ Bo~t*n Beach. 1~. Quigley, the a~chitect o£ the proposed church, w~s p~esent ~ud sh~wed piaus of the building, which is So be air- conditier~d. BELLS O'~.,tY~) FOR Stever~on Seed Store Lake Woz~h W~ecking Ce. Rey~l Palm Ice ~e. S~t~ ~1t Tel~& Tel, ~cem Service Statien Cadillac Glass A~ Rescue Gas~ll Oe~tel Adv. ~p~s E~i~en~ A~st~ Supply 0 . Ba~s ThOmas ~.Cook & Co. Boy~t~n Beach State Bank Gen'l F~ud. 5.00 28 49.90 36 26.00 100.00 687.74 37.50 k2.73 1,008,03 Ni~helas B.Se~ish 275,93 B~ynt~Be~¢~ News 126.00 Atlan~z¢ I~uni¢ipal ce~pn. 76.77 ~eaver Insurance Agency 1,660.70 Blue Cress of Fl~z'ida 359.90 City Of Delray Beach 25.00 Cen~r~ ~°~ida ~p & Equip. 150.00 Brec~ay~ Weber & Brockway ~racle Power Diet. Co. 20.25 Deep T~ck Oeolers !~6.1~ H~sey & G~iffith 84.07 P~ ~p Co. 4.50 S~f~ Co, 27.97 L.B,~te~rett 53.90 The P~nt~y ~.95 Delray Machine ~ Supply Co. Hoo~s Auto Service Bi~g~m Slag Co. 165,00 M~e Fa~q~ 275.60 E~l G.B~o~, G~f 011 P~educts 61,69 Petty Cash 326.29 Mom's ~t~en 23.2% ~%3~.33 (I. & S. Fund) 29,325,30 " " -3- Several ~epresentatives of the co~egation were also present and testified to the quietness of their services. ~. Wagner s~oke~ as contractor, in p~&ise of the building, a~d ef its suitability to She neighborhood. ~L~. Shook said he believed that if the eongi~egztion co~Id get the property c~e~s to c~sen$ to the 6hange in Zoning to allow e£ the building ef the ~hn~ch, the C~cil would go along with them. ~es~ts agreed that She property ef the n~x~ meeting ef andthe be ~. Weaver m~Ved that 0rdir~u~¢e N~.270 be accepted for the first reading. E~. Deen seconded. ~otion ea~ried. N~. G~iffith said a representative from ~he Florida East Coast ~atN~oad~ad.oalled o~him ~eg~g the ~sessme~t ~o~ the . L~eme~ ef-S,E. ~st St~ee~ ~e~een S,E. 13~h ~e~e ~d 15th Aven~ o~ a $~ll po~ien of t~ ~ontage Se the R~l~oad. t~. G~fith said the footage to a is to be chanan& Pz~iestley, the owners of the property. The LifeC~ua~d asked that signs be p~t~p at the Casino mequestingpeopte t~ keep be~een the ~opes ~bat~g. He/~sked to get ~to~ch with I~. Taylom ~d descmibe the k~d of si~ ~ w~uted. ~' ~. We~ve~ moved-Shat the ~ld~g setback en Oce~ Ave~ b~ eq~ t~$~t of the M~ic Te~le, f~U.S.1 to the FmC. R~lmoad, equi-dist~t on each side of the street f~the c~b. West ef the ~C. Railmoad to Seac~st Bo~ev~d, a ~ f~ot setback f~ ~ centem ~f t~ ~oad. I~. P~tin seconded. Motion cam~ied. It was a~eed that a meeting sho?~d be ~m~ed as early as ~ssible with~. B~n S~dy fem general discussion of streets ~d~ Co~ty~oads. ~. G~iffith was aske~ to che~into the details of the p~oposed p~ase ef ~ditf~n~ be~ch f~on~age ~ t~ p~oblems of f~c~g t~s purchase. N~. DeMa~co moved that ~. Griffith be asked to take p~elimina~y steps to take the matte~ of the condemnation of the Hill buildings to the C~c~it Cc~t~to M~. Peen seconded. Moti~ ca~ied. t~. Weaver moved that N~. Hable, She owner, and ~.Hable, tenant each be sent a copy of the ~epo~t of M~. Tschirgi~ the engineer, a~d be advised that if the condemned poz~ions of the the buildings and 'the contents thereof are not removed Within fifteen days from the receipt of a registered return-receipt-requested lette~, the City will remove them at the property-owner,s exper~se. The report of the Police Department for the month was ~ead. IQ. Pa~tin said i~ view of the present street building pro- gram the Street Department ~urgentiy ~eeds a dump t~uek; and also a small pressure oi! ta~k which would be mo~e efficient in street repair work than the present system~ Mr. Taylor was requested to get prices on the tauko A cheek for ~6.3~ was received from the Economy Builders Ime. in advamce part ~ayment on~N~E./2nd E~Z~o it was agreed to ~ild as much of the street in their section o£ NeE. 2nd Street as this check would The following bids For a truck amd ~ump body were opened aud General T~uck Sales Co. $2,856.07 Less Federal tax 201.50 $2,65~.'~7 Bev Smith Foz~ Inc. Net Fairct~ugh T~ck & Tractor Co. Net DeBoliae T~uck Equipment C~. Dump Body (~ot inclu~n~ Federal tax) Tom ~ood Truck Equipment Co, Dump body. Rowland T~.ek Equipment Co. Dump Body $3,300.0~ $2,850.00 567.00 568.00 573.00 ~. Weaver moved that the General TruckSales Co. a~d the DeBoliac bids be accepted. M~. Pa~tin seconded. Motion carried. ~. Griffith stated that the sales contract entered into with City p~operty.~. ~.~ ~E~,~ att ormey fe~ t~ Bo~to~ L~d C~p~ is hol~m~ up mo~ga~ pay~ent due May, 1~, pend~g c~ptetien of t~s street. ~. Griffith was asked to contact ~ ~ ' ~ ~.~Eip~i~ aud seek an agreement wiSh him for cermpletion ef this street wi~hi~ninety days. After discussion, it was agreed that a check should be made as to wh, ow~s the property along the proposed road with a view te possible assessment. The Ridgeweod Manor plat was tabled. I~vs. Gie~pik repo~ted that ~m. H.W. Schild requests ~u for a F~uit and Vegetable Shop on South Federal The C~nc~ saw .no objection to gTanting the license. ~. Weaver moved that a Civil Service filing cabinet be p~mehased fer City Hall. Nm. P~mtin seconded. Motion earried. There being nc further business the meeting was adjourned ~t 12.1~ A.M. Mayor Deputy Ci~Clerk.~