MAY 16~ i9~.
M~. ~.E.SHOOK, Myyor.
M_r. STA%rLEY ~,~AVAWXR ~ Vice Mayor
Mr. Joe DeM~RC0
Mrs. D.¥,Willi~ms~ City
Mr. Zetl Taylor
M~. C~ri Stone
on!ice Chief Carver~
~ called to order by M~yor Shook ~t 7.30
The meet_rig was
~. k~ebber oresented two ol~ts ~o~ approval:
I. The olat ~ __
~ust South of Boynton moad to be changed to ~0' R/W.
Ii. ~, Weaver moved that the oiat for Dr. Dewey b~ accented
soorov@l oendin~ thenaming, and buildin~ of roads and water
installations. Mr. Deen seconded. Motion carried.
_ Mr. Henry Merke! Jr.~ sneaking for e deoutation which was
oresent regarding the oeving of streets in Harbor Estates~ said that
orsctical!y all of the o,ma~ers had exoressed themselves as willing to
out uo whatever their nro rs'ts share might be in connection with
assessments to cover s~ch assessments.
~ 'f ~ e ~ ~'
Mr. ~r~ fl~ was asked, to get.full t got descriotions of ~ne ~
oroperties ~md advertise the assessments~
Mr. Carey sooke for Mr. Ig!ehart's water co~ecnion ~nd asked
what he had to do to clariSy the situation.
Mr. Peter Rosenswe~E~
whmc~ he is se~ing to the
road from A1 to ~TA.
of Ocean Ridge~ ~resented a oetition
St'ate~ regarSin~ the condition of the
was handed to the Attorney for his oomnmon.
Mr. Menb~3~rg requested thst Railroad &venue be made oassab!e to the
new bu~.,_d~ng just built by him.
Ha was told thet it would have to be out in by assessment end
thet the metter will be looked into~ as the City has no setun on
temoorary streets. It is a 40' road. Something will be done ~o
help him ouz if oossibla.
Mr. Harry Hiii~ ~e~w' he~r~ ~ ~ to the o~mer of the Hill orooerty~
said he would like to buy back the nrooerty if restrictions regard-
ing coneemmation can be lifted. He nromised to out the building
in excellent condition.
He was told that the Building Inspector, the Fire Deoartment
and an outside Engineer had condemned the building.
Mr'. Weaver said ~t would have to be set back ~0' from the
section line before any ~ermit for re-building could be granted.
The City Clerk read the s~eeia! Engineer's re~ort.
The Co~neil regretted that under the circumstances they could
not give a ~ermit.
M~. Reed brought u~ the matter of chemical water treatment~
recommending that the City change~- from formula ~? to formula
Hr. Weaver said the chemicals were costing more than antici-
pated and~ until he can obtain more money te adjust his budget for
the next six months~ he does not see how more expenses eau be in-
curred at ~resent.
Mr. Weaver. asked Mrs.Williams to check hie budget again~ es
he thinks the ex~ense~ if mossibte~ is warranted.
It was agreed the matter could not be taken uv at this time~
and M~. Reed was told the Council will get in touch with him when
and if the exoenditure can be made.
Hrs. Kood~ member of the Boynson Woman's Club library committee:
read a request for f~3rther funds for the library for the coming year~
saying it was hooed to keeo the library coon for one day s week
during the summer.
Mr. DeMarco moved that the City donate ~50.00 to the Woman's
Club Library for the oresent. Mr. Dee~ seconded. Motion carried.
City Clerk Dorothy V.Wiilisms read the minutes of the last
regular meeting of the Council of MsM 2.
Hr. Weaver seid~ instead of Hrso Peck~ the name should be
Mrs, Geltzer~ formerly Mrs, neck,
He moved that with this change the minutes should be acce~ted.
Mr. Dean seconded. Motion carried.
Extracts from the minutes of the Planning Board meeting of
May 3 were read.
Mr. Shook s~g~ested that they be tabled and that a smeciai
meeting be held for considerat~om of the Board's recommendations.
A letter was read From the Recreational Board~ dated May !h
Mayor Shook said he had received a complaint from the Press of
West Valm Beach that they had been unable to attend the Recreational
Board meeting as it.was no~ held im the City Hall,
Beginning this ~eek Teento~ will be ~eld at the Casino. it
wes a~reed that flooalights would be eroviaed~ also storage s~aee,
as re~uested~
Mrs. Hoom was askem to check wmtn ~he Casmno regardmng the
dates svsi!ableo
A letter wes read
questing a hermit for
wing only.
from~.eL Joseoh's Evisco~si Church re-
starting s bu~ldi~g by constructing one
A reouest~rom ~ the ~hurch- for zoning was also
Mr. Weaver moved that the request
wing of St, Jos~Dh's Church be granted.
Motion csrried~
' t_on of a
for the construc ~
Mr. DeMsrco seconded~
A oe~ztmo** was read from~several oeovle regarding the
dangerous condition of ~h building occunied by Habe! on ~.E.
4th Avenue.
Mr~ Griffith thought an e~ert should insoect the bui!ding~
after which the owners or occuoents should be given ~ hearing.
Mr. Bow!es~ Bui!di~g tnsoec~or? said the Building Code
cells for the Fire M~rshall end s reoutable contrector to visit
the building and give their ooinion to the Council.
Mr. Weaver said the Fire Deoartment hsd already made s revert
on it~
It w~s agreed that the Building Insoector and Fire
should visit it together~
of Delray
the Boynton
& letter was read from Mr. W. Lawson. City Manager
Beach~ e~oressing gratitude for the hel~ given them by
Beach Fire Densrtment st a recent fire.
A Resolut'ion ~assed by the Chamber of Commerce of Lake Worth.
dated May 14~ regarding acreage for the Junior Col!ege~ was read.
Mr. Weaver suggested Mrs. Wiilisms and Mr. Griffith draw
uo s Resolution after contacting Mr. Fields, in order to see what
he has to offer° It may still be oossibie to offer s Boynton
Beach site.
Mr~ ~,r~f.~ta ssi8 he would get ~n touch with Mr, Fields,
A letter was rea8 from Reoresentative Dickerson and Er~mett
Roberts about orovosed Senate Bill 153 ~nd House Bills 120 ~nd
376~ and mskinE suggested amendments to House Bill 376.
Mr. oartin made s motion, ~eeonded by Mr.Weaver, stressing
the inroortsnce ~f a ~srk in the vicinity of St. Joseph's
Church. Motion
Mvs. Williams was asked ~o call uo Mt.Brockway in the morni;ng
and ask him~ what he was doing about the marking of Scantest Boule-
yard South of the new b~mdge.
In s discussion on Mr Bemford Jones hs~ing been ~ + '
license for a garage ~nd re. sir sho~ '~ restricted commercial
zone~ Mr. Grmffmtn suggeste~ a letter be wrm~=n to nmos, statinE
that s new license will not be issued after the exoirstion of the
~resent one. Mr~ Griffith was asked to ~ite such ~ letter.
It was stated that the alley to the North of Bedford Jones'
oroperty was for the use of the ~ublic~ the paving having been done
by the City~ and that he had blocked it bM 0utting ~oright pines
down the midd!e~
Mr, Taylor was instructed to remove the nines and~ if necessary~
to take a oolicemsn with aim when doing so.
Bids for water coolers for the Police Station were read. They
ranged from $168.75 for ~ix gslton coolers~ down to that of the
Deco Rock Cooler: Ine.~ for $i~.~0 for a five gallon one~ including
s ~-year warranty.
Mro ceftin moved that the ~ter cooler for $145o~0 be ourch~sed
ss the lowest bid.. Mr, DeMarco seconded~ Motion carried.
The representatives of the Florida oublic Utilities Comoany
were oresent.
Mr. ~rlzllu~ oS~d ne had examin~ ~he o~d~n~n~e c~verlns
Natural Gas franchise which they had left with the Council on M~y 2,
ard said he recommended a change in it reEsr~ing the location of
the pine lines.
Mr. Weaver thought the matter should be gone into carefully
to see if it would not be nossib!e to have a City-owned instsila-
~ion~ check with other cities which have such City-o~ned
ns~allations~nd to see which would be most advantageous to the City~
It was agreed that the Council should meet with the reoresenta-
tires of the Florida Public Utilities Comoeny one day next week for
full discussion 6~ the orojecto
A letter was read from Mr. n.B. Lorenz objecting to what he
says is sn overcharge for water~ amounting to $14.00 for six months.
It was agreed that Mr. Lorenz
of this month's notice to oay Dnd~
time~ his water will be cut off~
should be giver until the 20th
if the bill is not osid by that
After discussion~ Mr. Weaver moved that M~. Shame's contract
be renewed~ including co~!e%e maintenance of the water tank inside
Mo~on carried,
and out~ for $!~000 a year. Mr~ DeMarco seconded. ~
It was ~ereed that a mac should be recuested from Mt. Brockway
showing v~etne~ oeov!e are resideDts of 0cern RidEs or County.
It was agreed that hydrants not maid for shoato be removed.
(~oB. A motion to this effect was made at the meeting of
March 21 Isst)o
It was agreed that a letter be ~itten to the Banyan Tree
informing them that their garbage will only be collected on payment
of $50.00 a month.
A nlet of develoement nlans for ~dditions to Rolling Green
~nd Rolling Green R~dge were oresented.
An offer from the dev~looers that they would suoo!y the
material for vaving from Sea.rest Boulevard to Lincoln Ro~d if
the City woul~ furnish ~bor end machinery was not accepted.
Mr. Weaver said the orice of the lots ovmed by the Mesons near
the ~cout Hut w~s $8~00.00o
During ~ discussion following this a~ouncement it w[as the
general ooinion that-the City did not wish to ourc~ase this oroperty.
It was agreed Shat
be surveyed ~efore ~ale
the City-owned orooerty on Lake Street should
to W.J. Snow.
Mr. Weaver moved that the City have the Civil Service Ru!es
and R~gula~ons ormn~ed at an aooroximate cost of $320~00 for 200
cooies. ~. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried.
In a discussion on insurance on City orooert¥~ ~t was agreed
that fire and ext~D~ed coverage.insurance should be meot on contents
of City. Hall end th~ outside bum!ding~ known as Water Building¥
and Casino Building only.
Mr. Weaver moved that the Seacrest Band be~given a donation
of $1~0.00. M~. D~en seconded. Motion csrriem.
There being no _further business the meeting was adjourned.