Minutes 04-04-55M±.~UTES OF A REGULAR h~ETiNG OF TP.~ CO~tSSI0~-ERS OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ [~,T,D AT Tm CiTY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ AORiL 4, 19[~. ~RESENT: Mr. A.E.ShooR~ Mayor. 1~. StanlEy Weaver, Vice Mayor. M~. Albert Deen~ Mr. Joe DeMareo. ~. Mort H. Partino D.V. Williams Zell Taylor Carl Stone ..... G~ lf~ 1 ~h ~ Mayor Shook called the meetingto order at 7.30 P.M. The question of the righ~ of way requested by Mr.Peter A. Foglia fr~m his prooerty to A-1-A through the orooerty West of A-1-A oooosite ohe Casino'was again discussed. Mro Griffith showed a o!at enlarged by Mr.Broc~gay. It was agreed to postpone decision on this matter until a meeting arranged for tomorrow afternoon at W.I~ ~. )liver Falcine!li asked for information about the setback from the center line of Seacrest Boulevard. As this de, ends om whether the location is commercial or residential~ Mr. Deen moved~ Mr. DeMarco seconded~ that t~a matter be tabled for the consideration of the Zoning Boars at their meeting zomorrow evening. Motion carried. Mtn Fruda reoorted that 100~ of the orooerty owners on the alley, d0etween S.W. ~rd a_m S.,,~. 2nd Streets have mow consented to the abandonment of the alley and he raquested an Ordinance covering the abmndonment~ leaving o~zy l0 feet easement for utilities. M~~. Griffith read Ordinance 268 for the first time~ covering sbandor~ment of the alley. 1~. Weaver moved, M~. DeMarco seconded~ that Ordinance 268 be accented for the first reading. Motion carried. City Clerk~ Dorothy V.Wiliiams~ read the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Co~ncii of March 21. Shook said 'building insurance~ should be 'liability~. Mr~ Weaver suggested that recommendations for changes mede by the Electrical and Plmmbing Boards in their resoect ive Codes should be either incoroorated in the minutes, or a copy attached thereto. This was agreed to. i~. Weaver moved that the minutes be scceoted~ as corrected~ Motmon carried. M~. Dean seconded. ~ ' -2- M_~ Weaver seid Mt. SharD would install a plug at the base of the riser so that the water tank can be flushed out. A plat of Shore View was shgwn from ~.C~omer~ showing the water layout. Mr. Weaver thought the subdivider should be informed thet he will be charged for the water line going under ~l_street. It wes agreed that the olat should be returned to Mr.B~ockway for checking. The Police Department report for the month of March was read. The Building Insoector's report for March was read~ totalling $283~600o00. The reoort of the Fire Department for March was reed. A letter was read from the ~hamber of Commerce~ smg~ea by Mr. Psui Mercer~ ~resident~ exoressing warm eporeciation for the constant assistance received from the Council. A letter was read from Elliott Gross and Associates regerding the dangerous condition of the Hill Building. ~fter discussion~ Mr. DeMarco moved that the Council hereby declare that the Hill Building is considered a nuisance mhd has been condemned as unsafe$ that it be boarded uo and a sign mu= on it stating that it hes been conde~ued. Mm. Weaver seconded. Motion cerried~ A letter was read from the Lake Worth Drainage Board~ signed by William S. Lockner~ General Manager~ granting use of Canal right of way for o~rk uses and agreeing to allow th~ F.E.C. orivate crossing changed to a public crossing~ A list of exoenditures made by the Recreational Board~ signed by Fred Koeonick Jro~ Cheirman~ in connection with Teen Town for the months of January~ February and M~rch was read~ amo~uting to $378~7~ le~ving a balance of ~I~t~50. I~, Weaver moved that the City donate a further $300.00 to Teen Tow~. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mr. John P. Cochrane~ C.P.A.~ offering his services to the City for a further year for $900.00. A letter was read from the Mich~e!'s Art Bronze Company~ inc,, complaining of the non-fullfiliment by the City of the contrac~ made with them regarding parking meters. Mr. Griffiths suggested a letter be written ~o the Comoany asking if the meters can be returned~ This was agreed Griffith read a Resolution regardm~g paving assessments fo~ SoW. 10th Avenue~ -2A- BILLS 0 ' KR~D FOR o · . -,~,- Gen'l. Fund° M. i. Lo fley 81,95 H.C .~!mmoer 96.95 Zeil Taylor 147.95 J. Henderson 129.70 BB. State Bank for Withholding 239.70 Joseoh Wright 200 ~ 00 Ethe~ kT!~t 1 ~ 000. O0 Ethel Wright 300.00 Zinke-Smith inc. Ed gar Harvey 200. O0 Evans Booker %0.~8 Preston Brown ~$0C08 Albert Fields %0.08 John Gusrine 2~.00 J. Harrington ~0.~8 L. J. Herr is ~8. ~0 Frank Johnson ~[.20 Dave Lsr_ier [3~20 MulIins Construction Co; Ellis McAvoy 40.48 W.A.Sc~aessler 48.60 Cherlie Waters 47.40 McArthur Waters 40~48 Karo Williams 41.20 Geo Zoohie 38.90 Paul ~hhnson's Restaurant 63.90 Williams Equioment Co. 800,00 Dominion Signal Company 52.86 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. 90~25 John F. Ellis 18.00 Halsey & Griffith 7.89 Gene Wright 21o00 Ruddoloh Stanley 13.60 L.B~St~rr~tt & Sons 1,~29.62 Shaw Bros. 0il Co~ 530.09 .~o~ty ~er~nt~ Evans Booker Preston Brown 40.08 ~tbert Fields ~0~08 Joh~ Quarine 24,00 Jo~ H~rrington 41.40 L.J.Hsrris Frank Jobmson 45°20 Deve Lanier 53°20 Henry Lunsford ~6.3~ E!~s ~cAv~y 2~.84 William Schuesler Charlie Waters Mc~rthur Waters ~0.48 Karo Williams 4~.~0 The ~nese National Bank C~y imor ovement ~ 2~000.00 6~000.00 Boynton Beach Olumbing Board A .L.Edwards J.M.Tuite C .E.Wright A ,C. Carver J.W. Butler J.H.Collins C .E.Hodge J, A. K1 ingler N.B. Sennish J.iR. Henderson D .V.Wii!i~ms Mae Cason Olive Cier~ ik M. A .Lofley Zeti Taylor C. F. Ho chmuth Alice [felly Fred Bowles LeoN_ Gr u/r~lo ns A .E. Shook Joe DeMarco C. S, W~ aver A.W.Deen Mort Oartin R.F.Griffith ~ Stoelzel o. Rosenzwei~ Whitt McDoweil East Coast Fire Protection D.L.E~erson Evans Booker ~r eaton Brown Aiber t Fields Job· QMsrine J. Harring~on L.J.Harris Frank Johnson Dave Lanier H. Lunsford Ellis McAvoy Wm, A. Schuessler Charlie Waters HcAr thur Waters Keto Williams Blue Cross of Florida J.W.Butler Battery }ifg. Co, L,B~Sterrett & Sons Earl G~ Brov~ Hood's Auto Service Brown & Moseley Doherty-Snyder Motors Stevenson Seed Store ABC Business Forms O.C.Be@craft ~ Chrman~ Safety Committee ~2B- 80 o 00 -2C- Water Fund. Christina Burgess Geo. Dittrick Acct. PBS Builders ~' Robert Rehburg do. 4,10 ~ W.S.Burg~e do. 4,00 Frsr=k Cotton 39.10 Lee Thomss 59.20 Royal Palm lee Coo 14.40 Blue Cross of Fioride 26.80 Florida p%rr. & Lt. 537.63 Trustees FEC. Ry. 2.00 Danner Ford Inc. 9.56 The Cameron & Bar$1ey Co. 154.62 Austin Suoply 6.84 LeRoy Lang The Rug Outlet 4°50 Acct. of Fsr~m~hmr M~chinery Co. 9.69 Brooks Products 87.00 Parry Ssles 2.40 Neotmne Meter Co. 2%3.60 Frank ~otton 39.10 Lee Thomes [9~0 Wm. Schuessler Teresa A. Padgett Carl S~one 132o35 B.BoSt~te Bank for With- holding 29.20 0tga Brown Geo, W, Nouse Steohen Bigos Accto of Mrs~Robert Berg do. 4.50 Frar2~ Cotton Lee Thomes ~8.~0 Karo Williams 4.20 Wm. Schuessler 42.90 Acct, of Arth~ Jobmson H.H.Hinds ~aroid 01msted Bob~s Body Shov 25.29 Phi!lo S.Cole %05,00 Biscayne Ehemics! Lab. 1.25 All State Pioe Su-ooly 86.56 Southern Bell Tel & Tel. 12,84 The National Cash Register Co. 52.60 Neptune Meter Co. 243.60 Devis-Meter Re~ir & Suoply co. 35!.i3 Deoositors 7.5o 7.5o 7.5o ?. 50 ?. 50 ?. 50 7.50 '~. 50 ?.50 2ff,oo ~.50 Fu~d. -2D- Ct ne_les L.Meyer ~ Son James B.Clow Shaw Broso Oil 81~88 Co~Lnty Mercantile 18o8t Frank Cotton 3%10f Lee Thomas 59.30 ~m~ Schuessler Burroughs Corporation 1~873.80 Postmaster 500.00 T.E.Pedgett 107o95 H.D.Hi~£oer 96.9~ Carl Stone 132.35 Lee Thomas 60.50 Foy Ward Mergen Servicenter °a~er A. Fast Aimo Marjamac Tony Carotenute Wm. Schues~ief 60.20 Frank Ruggiero (Stanley oooicl@rezyk) 137.50 Blue Cross of Florida 131.00 ChCrles Stevenson L. Fenstermsker John Little Roux Associates Mrs° Effie Booten 4.50 do~ Clyde N, Spencer 1.i0 Leroy Lan~ H. Wayne McMillan 2.80 Acct. of :' Charles Lake do. 6.00 Carl Grunions Ennis Constructior COo Chapel Hill Homes Inc. Ennis Construction Co. Delray Machine & Suoply Peninsular Suoply Co. 576.01 Addressograph-Multigraoh 25.25 Deaton Truck Lines Inc, 316.53 James B.Ciow Royal Palm Ice Co. 17,80 Evans Booker 8.28 Wm, ¢. Schuessler 6%80 Lee Thomas 59.20 Joln~ o. Cochrane Jr. ~00.00 Teresa E. Oadgett i07o95 Carl oton~ 132.3~ Alberv Fields ~.60 J. Harrington 4.60 H. Lunsford 5.75 Wm. C.. Schuess~r Wm. 2~ Schuessler 6.25 7.50 7, ?. 50 7 50 7.50 7. 0 5.oo The date of Aoril 12 at ~.30 P.M. was fixed as the time when oroperty owners concerned can vcice their objections~ if any. to the assessments. Mr. Weaver moved~ Mr. DeMarco seconded~ that the Resolution be adopted. Motion carried. A ~etition si~ned by eleven ~eoote was read in the vicinity of Alden B%r~et~ com~lainlng of ~he noise made by machining by the Gulf Lumber Co~oany. ~. Wooden~ in answer to a question~ said he h~d spoken to M~. Kene several times to no avail. After discussion, ~. Weaver moved that a letter be written to the Gulf Stream Lumber Comoany informing 5hem that ~hey have been declared in violation of O~dinance 238 by manufactu/~ing without a license in a restricted area~ and that the resulting noise has been declared a nuisance end they mus~ cease their opera,ions. Mr~ DeMarco seconded. Motion carried, There was a long discussion on the possibility~of a~se~$m~nts connection with the water line to the new school~ wmich M~waever said would cost $3~000 D!us~ for the Di~e elone~ to run a 6" water line out to the ~ro~erty where the school iSo Mr. Griffith e~ptained why it wo~3~id be impossible 5o assess abutting properties, ¥~ Weaver thought the City's connection char~es would have to be changed ss the Water Department is now losing money on the Dresen~ charges~ the loss a~ounting to from $I~.00 to $2~.00 every from orcperty owners time e house is co~ec~ea. ~ survey ~I water rates was read° in various cities along the 8.E. coast contact other towns and see what they in },~. Weaver said he will are doing and try to work u~ same sor5 of deal with subdividers in ~ town~ and will report his findings at the next meet&ng~ ~, Weaver said the Chamber of Commerce has asked about eutting u~ = si~n indicating that the Public ~each and Casino belong to +~ ~+~ ~ ~'~ ~ ' ~e adaea tnau L~s ,~ll±e~ says ne h~s a check on ito There being no further business~ Mayor Shook adjourned the meeting~ Mayor City Clerk.