Minutes 03-07-55M~krGTES OF _~ REGUL~. _MEETING OF T~ CO~ISSt0~ERS OF B~YNTON BEACH~ FLORtDA~ .~fELD AT T~ CITY HALLs BOYNTON B~ACH, ¥~RCH 7. 195~. PRESENT~ Mm. A.E.Shook, Mayor D.V. Wii!~ams Mr. Stanley Weever~ Vice Mayor Zell Taylor M~. Albert W. Deen C~rl S~one M~. Joe DeMerco R.F. Griffith~ Jr~ Mr. Mort H. Partin. Mayor Shook cstled the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. ~ letter from the Veterans' Administration~ Miami~ with reference to Crescent Heights~ was read. Mr. Shook said this cells for new zoning changes which must be advertised for three weeks before th~ Zoning Board can take action on it. This-will be included with other zoning suggestions in the advertisement. Mr. Todd~ealled attention to. weeds on 8th Avenue, and asked if residents who have not co-ooerated in clearing them can made to do so. Mr. Shook said a new mower is being obtained and if they still do nothing in the time allowed, then the City can clean lots and bill the owners. closing ~Ar. Wabb asked about/a street in Gulf Stream Es2~tes~ and showed aolat. the Mr. Griffith said no one can vacate a street without the consent of the Council, end surrounding owners must be in accord. Mr. Brand referredto N.Z. 2nd Street and wanted~ to know what is being done as they are ready to get going and. want assur- ~t the street will be opened. Mr. Shook said yhe only way is by assessment and~ judging by the amouut of work on h~nd of this kind~ the orocess will take six weeks. More than half of the orooerty owners musv join in the request.,for assessment. He added that the.City will do every- thing it can. Mr. Brand was asked to write a letzer to the City giving assurance that he will oey the assessment in full against the lots he o%ms~ as soon as billed. Mr. DeMarco moved~ M~. Deem seconded~ that s ~eso!ution be dragon uo regarding N,E. 2nd Street. Motion carried. -2- Mr. Griffit~ read the Resolution on N.E. 2nd Street. Mr. Weaver moved that ~he Resolution be acceoted. seconded. Motion carried. Mr~ Deen ~Lr. Wooden voiced a eomolsint rega~mlng the noise made by the o!ening mill run by the Gulf Streem L~&mber Comoeny, and asked for a definition of ~Commerciel B. Zone'. Mr. Griffith said it was a commercial zone without ciassi- Mr. Wooden said he considered the ple~ing mitl~e violation of the zonLug ordinance end asked that a Committee be appointed by the Council to go around there and hear for themselves whether he wes wrong in saying the noise was a nuisance. Shook agreed to be one of a Committee to do this° City Clerk~ Dorothy VoWilliams, read the minu~es of the lest regular meeting 6f the Council of February 21~ !9~ Mr. Deen ~moved~ M~. Weaver seconded, thet the minutes be ~ ~ Motion cerried. acceoted as ~eea. ~.~r. Stone reoorted that he had talked to M~o Inglehsrt, who wanted to ~uow the legal esuects of the right of way~ ~nd what he must do to get the water service straightened out. Mr. Gr~ffi~n said ~.Broc~ay would be the one to decide on the system necessary~ that the olat had never been eooroved by Mr. Brockway~ and the situetion is in a mess. Mr. Shook said it is Mr. Inglehart~s respons~bmz~ty to out the -~ ~ w wa~e~ in and asked Mr. Griffitb to write him another letter. Mrs. Williams was asked to check into the fire hydrant over there and see who is ~ ' o=ymng for it, and ~ Shook suggested a soecial meeting to thresh the whole thing out. Mr. Shook sa~m Mro g~e Zopame, who had started lest Saturday morning as Boynton Beach LifeGuard~ having asked for the job, says it will be necessery to have a stand on' the be~ch~ e oaresol because of the hot sun~ end a toroedo buoy~ His hours were fixed as from l0 A.M. to 5 ~.M. 8unSays~ end from I O.M. to ~ o~.w? S~turdeys~ Mr. Zophie asked for a coupl.e of wire trash ~as_~e~s on the ~ beach to take care of. the litter. It was suggested that on the oresent Notice Board stating that no Life Guerd is on duty~ the NO be covered on Seturday a~ter~oo~ and Sundays~ whenever the Life Guerd is on duty. Mr. DeMarco moved that the City buy the necessery equioment for the Life Guard. Mr. Weaver seconded Motion c=~rmed. Mr. DeMarco said the drag line would be av~iiable for $6~000.00 end thought it would be s good thing for soma one to go uo to Fort Pierce to look at it. He volunteered to do this after the man had called him~ _The reoort of the Building Insoector for February was read totalling $20~450.00. The reoort of the Fire Department for February w~s read. An extract from the minutes of the Recreational Board meeting of February 23~ 19~ was reed~ regarding the suggested sale of the ~huffleboard Courts site. Mr. Weaver's suggestion that the Recreational and ~lanning Boards meet with the Council to talk the matter over, was agreed to~ and a meeting was arrenged for Wednesday~ March 9~ at 7.30 P,M. in City Hell. The Police Report for January was read, A letter was read from Mrs.Rickard of the American LeEion Auxiliary regarding Teen Town. It was agreed that the letter should be brought uo et the meeting on Wednesday evening. A letter was read from Mr. Fred Willadsen regarding the danger of so many railway crossings in the City of Boynton Beach. A imtter addressed to the Zoning and Planning Boards regard- ing the orooosed building of e church for Jehovah's Witnesses, was read. It was directed that the letter be turned over to the Zoning end ola~uing Bo~rdso A letter was read from M~ Irving Firtei~ Attorney for the Boynton Beach Land Com~oany. ~ letter was read from the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce thenkin~ the Co~cil for its courtesy in ellowing the Chamber facilities of the City Hell wh~le their-own building w~s being constructed. I~. Griffith said the ~ounty League of Municioelities are in fevor of adopting the Southern Building Coder end hooe to arrange ~ meeting of all Building insoectors of the County to discuss the matter. ~ ~ resolution wes read authorizing City checks to be signed by, Mms. Williams~o~?~Mrs~Gier~k~ and countersigned by Mayor Shook or Vice Mayor Weaver. Mr. Dean moved~ M~. DeMarco seconded that the Resolution be adooted. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver said the Fire Deoartment had Just rev~moed its By Laws and wan~ the Civil Service rules to oarellel the rules adooted for this Department. Mr. Weaver said a r~ resenta~ive from the Pure Water Products~ Inc.~ would like to meet with the Council to exolain the Comoany's oroducts~ especially with regard to rust, and he had told the man it might be t8ken uo at a soecial meeting one night next week~ when he will be notifiad. It was stated that ~o Grummon in Harbor Estates would like to know ~nat he should do to get water on his lot. After discussion it wes agreed that Mr. Gruntmon should be told that the Cit~ Will give him a temoorary hook-up~t~util they can lay out the pldn. ~ letter to Mrs.Wil!iams was read from M~.Irving Firtel~ Attorney of the Boynton Beach Land Comoany~ enclosing a check of the Boynton Beach Land Company so that the necessary oioe can be acquired. Mr. Weaver said six mmlz~on gallons of water had been o~moed so fa~ this month~ nearly a million gallons ~~a~.' ~ After discussion, Mr. DeMarco moved that $25.00 b~ allowed to each of the City insoectors for car exoenses~ starting April 1. Mr. Deen seconded. Motion ca~ied. Next Monday night was' agreed on for a soacial meeting of the Council at City Hall~ at 7.30 P.M. ~here being no further business, Mayor Shook adjourned the m~eting. M~yor Cit~- C%erk. - --