Minutes 02-21-55BO!fi{TON B~ACH~ PLORIDA~ H~E~ AT T~ B0~N~0N B~ACH~ ~Si~IARY 2t~ 1955. PiP. A.E. Shook, Mayor. D.V. Wit!isms Mr. Stanley Weaver~ Vice Mayor. Zei! T~ylor Mr~ Albert W.Deen. Carl Store Mr. Joe DeMa~co. R.F. Grif~ith~ Hr. Mort H. Partin~ Jr. Mayor Shook called the meeting to order at 9.30 P~M. Mr. Brockway presented a plat of Pine Cress Ridge for approval. After discussion~ Mr. Deen moved, M~. DeMarco seoonded~ that tdme olaf be accepted. Motion carried. ~. Brockway also presented another plat for tenta~mve ~ ~een 2nd Addition. aporoval of Rolling ~ After o. mscussmon, the plat ,~as tentatively approved. P~s. ~ood presented a _ougn plat of a development convem- plated by Dr. Cs~per~ ~%o wanted vo be info~ed as to ~uy re- s~rtctlons. Mayor Shook smggestem ~nat DP. Carper consult an ~asineer to see how many lots he cgn get out of the development. P~r. Walter Dutch spoke_~on behalf of a group of home owners of the Ocean Avenue section, suggesting~ for the protection of those h6me ovmers, ~ae exception granted for operation of Tropica~ S?amp Brick CoF£pany now be rescinded, since the property has been vacated oy that Comp~uy. come fm~Oy to serenity-five home owners of the locality who were present, raised tlmeir bends, when re~aested, in suppo~ of Rt. Dutch's suggestion. The special object_on was vo the proposed erection of a ready mix concrete pls-u~ on t~ tocation~ ~,Lr.~nook said he had told PLroSnow that he did not tk~ibk it ~s a proper place for a cemen'~ pla_ut a_nd that aaother position could be found. He added that from now on out b_e s_md tdae rest of t~e Cou~ucil wou~d fight muy imea of spoiling the City of Bo~nton by allov~ing anything detrimental in any residential section within the City limits. ~_is statement was greeted with general applause audience~ and Mt.Dutch exoressed bis ths~_~s so time Cou~cil their approval of his suggestion. -2- Mr. Weaver thought no one would care to build a residmace in that location s~ud Mayor Shook ~ught some zoning shoulm be made to protect nearby o~emers of property, and that a clean type of b~siness could Ce allowed there which would not ~urt nesa~by property Mr. Weaver moved t~at the property be re~mrned ~o residentisi zonimg~ and that the matter be ~a~ned over ~o the Zoning and PlaD_uing Boards for stndy and report~ after which hearings can be had on the matter~ Mro Deem seconded~ Motion carried. Mr. Shoe~ said P~o Snow had bought t~ tots, but~ seeing that his ~pose was not favored, he was willing zo put them back on the market. F~s. Bosworth, as President of tb~e Garden Club~ asEed tlmat the Council proclaLm Boynton zo ce a Bird Sanctuary, s~ud that childrezk' from tlae First Grade up could be oaught to ce ~ind to birds ~ ~. Deem moved; P~.Weaver seconded, that Boynton Beach should be proctaL~.ed a Bird Sauctua~y. Motion carrie~. · l{r. Wyckoff, .~peaking for several residents ~T~ Playland Homes on Ocea~u Avenue West of the $.AoL. railroad~ comptaL~_ed of the bad condition of the road there and thought it should be repaired. Mayor Shook se_id all reoairs to streets from now on will be done ullder assessment. Mr. Griffith said if the proper~y owe_ers concerned worm t~_e a~..o~at of their assessments fr~a the City Hall~ s_ed pay the total s~m; She City will pus the roads in. ~et in answer ~o complaints of tardy Stash col!ection~ }~. Dean said the City does not have e~ present s%lfficient equipment to set up a rspdlsP sehed~sls lout is doing tau best iv c~u with the equi~m~ens av~_lsbie~ City Cier~c Dorothy V.Wiiiia~as ream the minutes of t-~e tasv Papa±ar meeting of the Co,uracil of PebFae=~y 7. Mayor Shoo~ said the option to pu_~chase the beach property should be ~after~ six months a~ud before one ye.s~. }~. Weaver moved~ Fm.Deen s econded~ t~at :~e minutes be acceoted wit~ the above correction. Motion csmried. Regarding the subdivision East of Shlnnydaie~ %~t~ich was to be checked the day after the is. st meeting~ P~. %~eaver reported that She plat had been rejected, !~a. Fred itoepnick, speakin~ for Hr. itoepnick~ Chairs~a~ of Recreational Board, ~_o was ~uable to be present~ gave ~ enco~aging repo~ on ~he success already ac~eved from vhe estsb- iis~ent of Teen Town~ saying thst ay ~he last assembly the attenm- ha~increased to i12~ ~hat }~.Slate ham been chosen as Director as his ~malifications exceeded those of ~i '~he othem -3- applicants for the position. She added shay the members of tl~e Recreational Beard had asked her To express -~eir v~_ar2~s to the Co~J~ci! for appointing them anm thus giving them m~ apport~i%y to help in Hayer Shook expressed p±easere at the progress and said ~e wo~ai~ be glad to De at the Legion HaL1 on Priday night. F~. Weaver said Vnet t~e condztion of vhe mmplifier in the Legion Hall is in poor shape ~a the record player for ~he dances csnnot be ma~ loud enough to overcome ovher noises. He suggested that as the Legion cannot afford ti~e expense, t~e City should have it ehec~em into mu~ see zhat it be repaired. kh~. Weaver moved that vhe 0iVy be responsible for the checkkkg in~o and, repair of the amplifier system in the Lagior£ Haut. DeMarco seconded. Me,ion ~ DeMarco vol~veerem ~o get in toucb~ with ~he repair man. ~ro ~tone~ in reply so a question, said the meter condition was in pretty good shape~ & letter addressed to the Zoning Beaird from Mr. j.A.McBride was read. Also !e~ters ~n bhe same ~jeet from Martine Moseley s~d Thomas Bedford-Jones, relative to re-zor~ng property occupied by Mr. Bedford Jones. ~?h~. Griffith explained that there is ~n alley which is used as a thoroug~e~ but he does not z~ow the it was staved by Mm. Jones that a pla~e is s~nak in tl~ road saying 'PrivaVe property~ may be closed at ~uy time~. l~'~. Griffith said it was paved by the City ~ua bec~ue public by preserip~iomo ~ !et-~r si~aued by HroHoc~uth was read th. at the Pl~bing Board reco~aende~ 30-!bo weight paper be used in drain fields, Mr. ~feaver moved that the charge recommended by t~e Pl~bing Board be incorporated i~m ~ae P!~s~mbimg Code. i~r. Deem seconaed. Motion cart led, A req~est for she trs2asfer of a b~verage license from C~arles Percival to John Preniesky a~ud Frances Preniczky was read. Mr. Weaver move~, Mm.Deem seconded~ that the transfer ce granted. Motion carried. An invitation from tb.e Rotary Ci~3_b to the Council to attend the showing of the fica 'The 3meat idventure~ at the Boynton Theatre on Thursday, Februa-~y 24~ was read. BILLS l~iae Cason 82.20 Olive Ciez~pit 118.85 M. J. Lofty Zeil Taylor ~7.9~ Alice Kelly 35.00 A.E, Shook ~0.00 Joe DeMarco Mott Partin ~0.00 C. Stagey Weaver 50.00 A. W ~Deen C. F. Hoc~mu~ 150.00 F~ed Bowles !00,00 Leon G~_on s i00.00 R.F.Gr!fflth Jr. ~00.00 Paul Stoelze! ~0.00 Peter Rosensweiz ~0. O0 whirr ~Dowel! 30~ 00 Pre ston Bro~ ~0 jo~ Ouarine ~, 00 Frm~ Johnson ~, 20 Dave L~aier Wm. Sch~.e s sler 48.60 Ckamlie Waters Karo Willi~is Albert Fields ~0~08 J. R. Her-mar s on 63 BoSton Beaca Fire M~s ~ ~..E. Fearheiley t0.97 Eddie McBride 6.12 Preston Bro%m k0.08 Job~ Gu.~ ine 23.90 L~ J.H~ris Dave L~ier Ellis McAvoy ~im. Schue s sler ~nart 2e Waters Albert Fieids ~D.08 Evans Book r 36.80 Asphalt Sales Co. Lyle Signs Inc. Parry Sales I0. O0 Brat~don Tr~ sfer ~: Storage To~,_ of Palm Beac~ 16.60 T~_~e uo~_~ ~-~+~ Records Co. ~5.00_ -3B- Boym~on Beach News Florida ?c~er & Light B.D. Cole Trusvees F.E.C.Riy. Co. Remington Aus~i~ Supply Bo-Del ~inti~g Palm Beach ~pe~iter Co~ Bro~ & Moseley L.B.S~errett & Sons R.B~Barnes & Son Rubln Construction Co. Hill Mfg. Co. ~orida Lea~e of ~mc~- p~ities Deerfield Rock Corp. Cont,.emi al C~e Western Auto Associate S tore Vaug~u & Wright D~lray I~ition Pr8 ston Job~ H~rington Leo~ J~H~ris Frabk Jo~s on Hen~ L~sford Ellis ~ Schues sler Chartie Waters Mc~rthur Wavers ~lbert Fields Evans Booker ~affer Si~ Service A. L.Edwards J ~ ~. Tuit e A ~ C~ Ca~er J~ W.Butler J~ H. Collins C ~ E ~ HoCge s J~A~ ~ingle~ N.B ~ D.V .Wii!i~ls J. R ~ Henderson Mae Cason Olive Cierpik M, J~ Lof~ey H. D ~Himber Zeii Taylor BB~ State Ba:~ for With- hot ding MYM, Burke ~ t Preston 3.50 200o15 923.72 1.00 33 o co 10.25 11o30 119.35 701,80 45°00 96. O0 23.75 65.00 39.85 4o.o8 48.4o h6.00 40.48 52.6o 47 ~0.48 5.00 124.55 126 .i5 ~35.00 I! 7.33 ilS. 95 106 ~90 i06.90 i3%i~ i27.70 82.20 ii8.8~ 81.95 96.9~ i47.95 4~6.oo i5.60 !0 .oo 4o.o8 JoD-~ Guarine 21~400 John Harringt on 46.48 L. J. Harris Frs~k JohD_s on Dave L~er ~5~20 Har~ L~s ford k8.16 Ellis McEvoy ~0.~8 ~. A. Schu~sster ~lie Waters Karo Wii!ia~ 42.2~ Alberv Fi s!ds 37.32 Evans Brooks 29 ~.B.S~sr~ett & Son Florida P~er & Light 764.70 National Recreation kssocn. !0.00 Heidelberg Re sta~t 1.50 E~l T. Bro~ 238.31 Mi~ Uniforms /nc. 21.00 Trustees F~E,C. Rly. Co. The Palm Beach Post-Ti~es 10.01 Easv Coast Fire Protection City of Deiray Beach 75.0f C .T. Bowles 61 .$1 Weaver Instance Agency 236.16 Hs N.~ ~ Butts 122.2~ Ac~ Rubber Stanps 2.70 Gulf Oil Co.on. 37.6~ B. F. C-oodri ch Company 63 · O0 Mose Y~ng 60~00 -3D- Water ~d. Ev~s Booi:er 3,68 Frank Cottom 38,30 Jo~ TM '~' ?~ 4- 60 L~e Tho~ ~na~iie Waters 5-75 Alfred Fields 3.68 Peninsul~ Supply Co~ 101,3~ Joe Earle ss W. J. ~o~ W. J. Teresa Padgett 107.9~ Ca~l Stone 133 ~47 Lee Thomas 59.30 Charlie Waters Kato Willies 4.20 Albert Fields 2~ 76 E~ns Booksr 2~76 Fr~uk Cotton_ ~. 00 Edward Dick~son Acc~. of S~V.Shiplett do. .80. Aoc~ of Milton Cobin do. 3~00 To~$r C~o~_to C~o, Ford Acct. Peter Harvey Wills. rd W. Waters Addr e s s ogr ~ph-Xult igra~: Corp:~ 25,25 R.H.B~mes & Son 202.50 Dr. O~as. E. Akes Gulf Stre~ L~ber 8.89 Nept~e Ne~er Co ~ 605.00 Lee T~omas 59,50 Frans Cotton 3~90 Shaw Bros. O!~. 37,82 Motor Vehicles Co~ission 6,7~ Collector of ~ternai Reven~ ue 226,10 Blue Cross o£ Florida 26,80 Teresa - Paage H.D. :~ii~mler 96.95 Carl Stone 1~2. Boyntom_ Beach ~ergency First Aud 2~0,00 Lee Thomas 60,~0 Yrmuk C ct ton 39 · i0 E. C ~ Rasck~ 0harles B. Perciv~ W~ L, ~:omris on Carol Acct~ Joseph Viney do. 6.00 Acct. Michael McN~aara do. 4- 60 Acct. Bany~ Tree Inc. Depositors' F~d. 7,50 7.50 7,50 7.50 7.50 7,~0 7.50 7.5o 7.50 i5.oo 7-50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 50°00 Mro ,~riffith presented a Water,,~'~e~'?'cA'~'a~'.~ .~.,,~ Contract wi~h Bte~art B. Ingleha~t for a~oprovai m~m si~na~.re by the Mayor. ~. Griffith said he had had another meeting with the Railway~ who asked if the City would pay for the repair of Ocean :~venme where the stmuchlons had been~ s~ud also asking for the erection of ~No Parking~ signs on both sides of ~_ae railway. Taylor said the patci%ing of-the holes has already been started. After a long ~iscussion of the hydrant situation in the Co~uuty~ Mr. Weaver moved that if the people don~t get together and pay the hydrmat rents, the hydrants will be taken out. Mr. Deen seconded. Motion carried~ In a discussion on the sale of City water by Mr. Zngleh~wt to purchasers of his houses~ ~.Griffith said the plat had never been presented for approval, ~u~ Mt. Shook thought t&at su~ meters were nov being paid for should be tm~en out and a charge made for putting them back later. 7~ro Oriffith read a letter he had written to l~v.!nglehs~t regardmng Mate? mains~ to w,~cn ne has as ~et rscezve~ no tepid, Stone said he ~.~ou!d gee the matter ironed out~ · !h,~o bids received in reply to the advertisement for a line were i. ?r~_~ the Square Deal Machinery & Supply Co. ~9~796.00 ~!US boom extension... 50,00 2.~o ~m Fi~ Machinery Coo do. ,{}9,988~o0 Mr. Weaver moved tna5 the bmas be tabled u~vtl _~ is seen what can be done about ~ne ~6~u0u.00 drag line. Mr Deen ssconded~ Motion oarried~ Mr~ Weaver ~eferred to t~me matter of the 0oean Ridge property being properly zoned and believed that~ if possib!e~ the Cou_~eil s~hould have a meeting ~,~th the 0ceam Ridg~ missioners before ~aey leave ~ow~ for t?~ s~aer, to discuss developnents that may be intended during the s~ser~ as some agreement sho~d be arrived at on these developments. He said he remembered some one saying they would re~uire ~he developer to put in water ~ains up vo speoifications ~ud Pecan Ridge would o~ all the water mains, ~d not Bo~ton Beach. He said ke ~iieved ~kat if meters and seLf, ice ~e supplied some agreement should be come to as to pa~sents esc.~ and that when Boynton Beach equipment is put into Ocean Ridge~ they si~o~d be charged more than Boynton Beach is charged. -5- After a long discussion~ i~r. Griffith thought that if Boynton Beach have to supply the new developments, it will meau mu ex~ra tma~ eve., and they should be ch~ged accordingly. He suggested a meeting ay which the change in rates c~ be discussed Mud arranged. ~. Weavem said 0ces~ Ridge expressed their willingness at the last meeting to co-opemate with us and he thought au agreement should be dragon up, no matter whether the developments call for an increase in service this summer, or no~. It was agreed that a letter be ~itten to the Ocean Ridge Co~aissioners asking for a meeting, at their con~enience. bid was received for hauling rock at ~1.i0 per cubic ysrdo It was stated Sow. Sth Avenue is in bad condition 8n~ the ~aggsstion was made that if .Herschel Willi~s cau ge~ shell rock orovided ~ud de~i~p~dTM by the County, the City witl spread i~ A bid received on ~he rotary mower a~no: trash fork was read:- Rotary Mower. ~mi~O0 Trash Fork Both for ~18~.00 ~6oo.oo i~. Weaver moved, Mr. Partin seconmed~ that this equipraent be purchased.Motion carried. EEr~ Weaver said the trustees of the Masons'~ Lodge had made no decision yet about selling t2ae property here. He said the City will be given first chance vo buy if they deoide to se!l~ the only stioulation in the contract to b~ that ~ae City a~ee to maintain service ~or the Boy Scouts as now~ or better. As to price~ he said they will probably t~e the ~ecomra~dation of the ~ a~ ~o~s. tEr. Shook said he had received a~a application from a boy in Delray for a job as Life Gua~d ~d swivelling teach, r, and ~aggested that a Life Gu~d might be considered necessary for Sat~days ~d Sundays ~th the crowds on the beach on those days. He said a si~ ooutd be put up ~otifying t~e public that a Life Gu~d was on duty o~y on those degas ~ ~ad offe~d to fin~_ ou~s what pay the boy ~.~ou! d ac oept. Mrs. Bosworth said slms had contacte~ the Lincoln Cemetery Board 8!ud had asked them to draw up a~~ agreement for the negro cemetery~ that Mr~Long ~aid be here in a couple of weeks ~0. d sas had said they com!d wait u~oil then. f~. 3regg Hoffmam applied for pe~uission ~o put a 500 gallon storage tank of Deerfield gas on ~me property at the corner of ~.E. ~th Avenue ~d North Federal; this to be a vemporary instal- lation ~ ore gro~u~d~, from ~ich he c~ fill maaller -6- 1~~. Weaver moved that tlae req..~est for the ter~oorary installation of a gas storage t~ g~uted, if at ~y time it becomes o~j~ction~ole will be ~otifi~d and the t~uk will be r~moved. Mr~DeM~co seconded. Mo~ carried. A letter was read from ~r. Martell regarding a Trailer Sales tice~se for October ~ext~ to be located om ~orth ~emera! ~m_~way opposite ~he present Parry Trailer Sales. After disc~ssion, Mr. Griffith was asked to craw up an Ordinance ~ cover~_ng~ paving, ls~udscaping, etc. for trailer sales and also for ~ed car ~-~r. Weaver moved that Mr. Marte!I be notified that his request has been grsmted subject to the dra~ing up of s~ Ordins=nce~ ~ith which he m~st comply~ s_ud that the license will not be issued u~ti! the requirements of the Ordinsmce have oeen complied with. ~. Deem seconded. Motion carried. There being no f~t~er b~.siness~ aZae meeting was adjourned by the Hayom. >%ayor.