Minutes 02-07-55MINUTES OF A P~GULAB~,J~ETiNG 0P TR~ Ct)['~'[!SSi0N~-Lv~$ 0P ~.~ RESENTs_: ~. Stamtey Weaver~ Vice Mayor. Joseph De~_~Ia~~ co Aioert Deen Mort Fa~tin. in the sb sence of Mayor Shookk Vice the meetmno to order at 7.50 P.M. DoV. Wiili@ms ZsZi Tsylor Carl Stone R~ F. Griffith~ Mayor ~eaver called Jr ~ Mr. Gerald ~itliams presented a plat of anew sufodivision East of S~n~y Dale~ ~or approval. Mr. 5~eaver said D_~ ~d discussem the plat ~h Mayor Shook ~d the objection was to the ~r~ugsment of the svreets. >~. Willies exclaimed that ceftin restrictions of the F~H.A. rogarding a b~o~fer zone necessit~ ed the horse shoe art snMement. After discussion it w~s ~gges~ed that ~h* Council should at the p~ope~ty before ~riving at a decision. It was decided that a ~o~rther meeting on vhe ma~zter should be held at the City Hall at ll.30 tomorrow Mr. Bedford Jones requested some definite ~ctio~ regarding ~s application for an occupation~ license z'or abusmn~ss on his prope~ty~ part of his ~o2~ming lies within the ~o~aercmal zone ~m -0art in a residential zone. to -~ite Mr. Jones was asked/to the City Clerk as~$g that the o--~ope~- t~v be 'zoned co~=~'e~ci~. ....... T~e letter wi~ be referred co ~e ~o~l~g co.mm w~o ~l! gl~ i~E ~eoor~ae~d~olons ~o ~h~ Co~qcii. look Dr. ~rsch stresse0~ the necessity for a Agency in Bo~aton from which shipments cam be having to be tsfmen to ~a~e Worth mud other neigl To this end it wou~d be necess~y for the ii az Boston lnsteaa of going straight through. Commerce, he said~ has requested merchants, gro~ to address letters to the head office of the Ra Agency in Jacksonville asking for this to be given to the Chambe~ of Co~e~ce for rills. He asked ~he City Co~cil to consider matter mud to address a letter to Jacksonville, Train 276 be stopped at Boston smd pick-up ce inau~ated~ giving the lette~ to the order that all the letters may be fo~z~ded at .ilway Express de without ~oring cities. tra~ to stop The Chs_~oer of 'e o~.m_ers ~ etc. ~ .lvmy Expr~ ss ~.tion~ such letters ~ding to Jackson- ;he urgency of red, est!rig that delivez~ se~ice ae smme rise. Mr. DeMarco moved that }'~rs.~iili~s draw up a letter to ~.~. Bsmret~ ~uper_~nt~nment of t~e Raitw~ ~ress. Hr. Dee~ The City Ciera, Dorothy V.Wi!liams~ the last regu~iar meeting of the ~. DeMarco moved that the minutes P~. Deem seconmem. Motion Carried. read tb~ minutes of of Jmuuary 17, be accepSed as read. An extract from Board of February 2 was read. Mrs. Bosworth p~ese__aed Mr. Weaver thought this the of a negro cemetery for Bo~aton~ to be pa:.m. t~e minutes of t~he meevmno of the Cemetery a plat of ~he Lmnc~_n Wemorial best solution ~f the question and asked how t±~e money was Mr, DePiarco thought it woulm be best for tb~e individual who bought the lot to pay direct~ and that the City of Boynton should have nothing to do with the ~r. Deem moved that t~ negro cemetery ce accepted ~h and ~_at the old one be closed, subject to completion of the agreement. }~. DeHarlo seconds0_. Ho'bion car~ied, Hr. %~eaver asked N~s.Bosworth to b~v~ a iarE~r map prepared ~ith t~e lots marked~ for City records. A letter was ream from the Dep~r~ment of t%e Air Force in Nashing~on, ma~em Jam_uary 24= explainmng why the Palm Beach Air Force Base c~a~ot be ma~e a perlu~ent one, letter was r~ad from -Mr. Joe D.Harless~ dated Ph~. Griffith said ne had no k~wiedge of ~y zoning reg,~ia- tion forbidding the placing o~ old y~ed autos on a persen:s o~m property, although there is sa ordin~ace that people must keeo ~ne~_ lots cle~. Mr. Weaver suggested ~itlng a letter to the owners of the property ~ . ~ saying that the City would aoprec~ate cooperation in Am application for a license for a oraile~ park directly across from Party's Sales ~as ream fro~ Martell Trailer Sales. The ma~ter was tabled for further consideration. T_he Buztding Inspector's report for ,7~ua~ was read~ amounting ~o $262,908.00. Extracts from the minuzes of a meeting of She P!arming Board of Jam. uamy 2~ were ream. BILLS O'KAYED FORaAYMEN~.~. Ga~i. Fund. Joe Wiidner 3~05 Boy~ton Beach Fire Deom. 288.12 The Chase National Bank ~.00 Brown & Mosley 48~39 Mercer Service Station 22.38 Austin Supply Co. 50.69 De~rfield Rock Corpn. Palm Beach Typewriter Co. ~.~0 Yocam Batteries Inc. 9.~1 Pierce Tire Co. Southern Bali Tel.& Tel. 126.92 Florida-Georgia Tractor 13.80 Industrial Electronics Coro. 7l.!0 Fioride ~ower & Lt. Co. 536.79 CallaEhan & Co. 2~.00 Florida Printing Co. 14.00 Porter Oaints 40.51+ Delray Gas & Electric 12.~0 Boynton Beach News 42.00 The Court Records Co. 15.00 Continentsl Cafe 1~o?~ Vaughn & Wright 12.28 Evans Brooks 20.24 Or~ston Brown ~0.08 John Guarine 23.90 John Herrington 39,56 L.J.Harris 48.40 Frank Johnson 45.10 Dave Lanier 53.10 Henry Lunsford 41.86 Ellis McCroy 40.48 W~. Schuessler 48.50 Chertie Wsters McArthur Waters Kato Wil!i~ms 45.40 Albert Fields Postmaster 203.88 Seaboard Airline Rty. Co. 403.20 A.L.Edwerds 101.02 John M. Tuite i~2.64 C.E.W~ight I~2.20 A.C.Carver I~.I0 J.W. Butler 128.11 J.N.Collins C.E.Hodges J.~.KiinE~er 122.33 N.B.Sennish 122.33 D.W.Witliams !39.1~ Mae Csson 82.20 Olive Cierpik I18.8~ M.I.~of%ey 81295 H.D.nimber 96.95 Zel! Tsylor 149.14 Alice Kelly 30.00 Preston Brown 49,22 John Guarine J,Harrington 44,16 L,J,Harris 48,~0 F. Johnson 62,00 Dave Lanier 69.70 H. Lunsford 46,92 Ellis Mc&roy 4%.08 W~, &, ~chu s~±=r 48.60 Chsrlie Waters 43o9~ McArthur~aters 40,48 Kato Williams Albert Fields 37.72 Evans Booker 37.72 Continental Cafe 19,~0 Vaughn & Wright 9,~* East Coast Fire Protection Service 94,80 Florida-Georgia Tractor Co, 121,67 General Electric Comoany 16.17 Halsey & Griffith 37,0~ Lindsley Lumber Co, %76 Preston Brown 40.08 Jo.hn Guarine 24,00 J, Harrington 43,24 L,J,Harris 48,40 ~rank Johnson 45,20 Da~e Lanier 53.20 Ellis McAvoy ~0.~8 Wm, A. Schuessler ~2.27 Charlie Wa~ers McArthur Waters 40,48 Karo Williams 46,25 ~lbert Fields W0,08 Evans Booker Frank Cotton Lindssy Gannett 13,00 Sha~ Bros, 0il ~21,69 Bsrrington Slag Co° Briwnie&s Mens Shon 120,43 Fire Engineering 3,50 Motor Vehicle Commissioner 20,2~ John & Dorothy MOrey 96,00 Collector of internal Reve/~l~313.O0 enue. Blue Cross of Florida A.L.Edw~rds J.MoTuite C.E.Wright A.C.Carver James W.Butler Jokm HoCollins C.E~Hodges J.AoKlingler N.B.Sennish D.V.Williams 131,00 129.~5 126.15 i35.oo i17.33 io6.9o io6~9o i39.i~ -3- An extract from the minntes of a meeting of the Recreational Board of ~ebruary 2 was read. M~r. Weaver ii, ought t~e suggestion of the Planning Boa_vd regarding the Shuffleboard Cou~ts should be stumied very thorougb_ly before ~y action is taknsn. Mr. DeMa~co suggested the ~650o00 be spent on the sh~fleboard co~ts as a kin~ of stopgap for the next two yea_~s, when arr~uge- ~ents for a Civic Cen~er might be possible, and ~_oved tlmat a Specie2 Meeting Ce held in tO_e City Hall on Friday~ at 7.30 P.M. to reach a decision. He s,~ggested that representatives from Reer~ational Board. and Plaguing Board be invited so attend the meeting~ Mr. Partin seconded. Motion earrie~. Mr. ?a~tin said he had been s~proached by a possible p~.rchaser for the shuffleboard si~e, who would pay a good price for it if the proper~y can be sold by ~he City° A letter was ream from Jo~u D.Vo¢~ill re~.esting the trsasfer of licenses from the Bauy~ Tree inc~ to Mr. De~larco moved that the transfer of the package night club licenses be aoproVedo Others disapproved. seconded. Motion cs~ried. Deen A petition was read from the property o~aers of S.E~ 2nd Avenue asking that the property opposite them be cleero, ed up. ~. Taylor szated that part had already been cte~ued since the petition was rsceived~ s~d the scoutm~dster had offered to cooperate in ciear~ag the rest of it. Delray Beach Resolution 947 was read~ signed by Ohs Mayor ann City Co~eil~ dated Feb~ar~y 2. ?~. Weaver asked that a Resolution be drawn yp for the next meeti~ s~o~0porting Deiray Beach. -~a Petition mud Resolution was read from De!ray Beach re~arding additional beach for the p~biic~ which they asked be circulated in Boynt on. hr. DeMarco moved, Mr.Deen seconded~ that the City go on record that we sigu~ a similar Resolution, wb. ich sh~id be circulated. Motion carried. A letter was read from the President of the Pa~okee Chamber of Cor~aeree asking that ~he Okeechobee Levee be n~aed the ~Her~ert ~oover Dike~. Mr. ~eaver asked that a letter be ~m~itten in reply saying that we approve of it. Mr. Deen moved~ Mr.DeMaroo seconded, ~itted by Mr. Senior for rev~ping street be approved. Motion carried. that the plat sub- lights on Wells ~venue -4- Re~ardi~ the b~idge on Seacrest Boulevard~ Hr. Wsaver said Hr. Field ~md Hr. Carter are paying for this, and Mt. Carter had told him they will also pay for a clinker light at the Roili~ Sreen F.E.C. crossing. They ask that the City pay the electric bill. Mr. Weaver reported on the 'bLaming do~ of a house in coio~ed to~ because of lack of a fire hydrsnt close enough~ and thought something should be done to p~otect the shacks down thers~ that a 2'~ stead pips ~ould help~ ~ud that it would seem that the City will have to add some 6~ lines thsre before a hydrant could be added. Mr. Griffith read ~u enabling Reso%ution regarding the paving of ~me stmeets emitted from the 1st Resolution. Property o~ers concerned to 'be at the City Hs~t on ~mursday, Mr. Ds~co moved that the Resoluvmo~ be adopted. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith said he had received a reply to his letter to the F.~ .... so~dDno the dangerous incident wWi~h occurre~ at the ¢~ossing on OC~ A~enua, that they s~e mnvest_ga~mng and will Mr. Oriffith said the parking meter representative called on him and requested that t~ Co~ncil e~ther put the me,ers ont or pay ,~2 per meter for each month from Js~aary to May~ and he would t~ to sell th~. Pm. Griffith thou~at it mi%imf be adv~a- tageous to get rid of them ~ud obt~n later models aS some x~tu~ date~ He suggested writins to cities that might like them~ offering them fop s~e. ~_-o DeMsrco moved 'smav tbs C_ty try to meters, even at a s~nt loss if ~eoessa~y. ~zot~ carried gispose of tlme paricing P~. Deem sesonded. Mr. Deem moves that Hr. G-riffith be ~iven ' ~ ..... I~S prsp~e s~u agreement to lease, w~tn ~ option to buy~ the 600 feet of additional beach property from w-~. Erskine at ~y time six months;~ such a~eement to be executed by the M~o~. DeH~co seconded~ Motion carried. Mr. DeM~cO sald~ ~'s~_~.s 'Police ~nief O~ver had called him to say t~.t tb~ City Judge had oeen ~ ~ ~ a~no ~or an increase in pay~ ~d that tt~e Police Chief would like to go on record as reco~end~ug that the request be granted~ sug~e~v~ng ~t00. Hr. DeM~co suggested S~~1 ~- - .}ir. Weaver t~.~.ought the request should h~mself~ aud~ that, compared with tlme City take veFy little *~ come from the Judge inspec~ors~ his duties The ~ ' P. at,er wasts3o!ed. ~-Ir. Del~a~co said he had met with a ~8aa regarding a good second A~d drag lye and had finally Hey ~i do%~_ to ~6~000. ~ter discussion it was aEreed that bids for a 3/8 yard d~ag line sho~s_~d be advertised for in the loc~ paper. It was also agreed that the cost of s drag line should bs chargem against one Depart~ent~ ~ud that a flat rate sho~d be char~ed for the use of iv by other City Departments~ The Btreet Superintendent asked for a Trash Fork for use in cleaning ~.p lots~ etc., and also for a rotary mower. it was agreed to advertise for bids for these. It was stated that the ~ire Department rec~m~ends the purchase for the Casino of ~,~o ie~ge extinguishers pleas a three-pound C02 fo~ the ~itchen. Purchase was autho~ised. Mr. Partin d~ew attention to the bad condition of ohs road to Sh~ugri-La~ ~ud suggested the Co~ucit go out there time to in~ect it~ some The City Clerk reported that she had again, as so often before~ fo~_ud the City Hall door wide open on Monday morning~ although it had been locked ~nen the staff left Friday evening. it was agreed that the Police Depar~tent should cheek the City Hall at least twice each night to see that tlme doors a~e locked~ s~d that Mrs. Willis~s will not be held responsible for the City Hall excepting ~-~en she is actually in the building. There being no f~s~ther business, the meeting was adjourned. Cindy Cle~k~