Minutes 01-17-55PRE S~T:
A.E. Shook D.V. Williams
C. Stanley Weaver Zell Taylor
Aiber~ ~. Deen Carl Stone
Joe deMarco R.F. Griffith~
Mort H~ Fartin.
l~ayor Bhook c~l_~ed t~he meetmno to order at ?,30 P.M.
Hr. William Schenket~ representing the Captair~ of the
Bo~ton Beach Inlet Dockk pointed out that the sign hang~ug on
the stop-light at 0cern and the Federal is misleading~ and
questing thZt~ if that sign is all~gd~o remain~ the Bo~aton Inlet
docks be allowed 'co put a sig~_ in the s~e location advertising
their specific docks~
The Co~acil~en suggested that the present sign be corrected
by remor~z~.g the words ~Two blocks ~as~, thus serving both docks.
Mr. Sehenkel exoressed b~msel_ as satisfied and. left the
lv~. Kenneth Lyman ~md ~. Buck LeOroix entered the.,.e~ ~+~ u~-ug
and, on being informed of ~he decision of the Co~c~l to block
out 'Two blocks Eas~, on the sign~ protes~ed, cluing that they
~vere e~titled to orzvile~,es be a~s b~v ~-~ - ~ i
- .. ~ c u e t__~ ..... toeat~m wi~n
the corporate lin~its of the City.
Mr. Shook said he knew that the Boynton
_~n_e~ ~Doo~s had done
as mucm or more tlmau ~y ot_.er thing this localSty to advertise
b opposed to a~v dmsc_lm~nat~on ag~st
Bo~ton Beach, and _~e was
~* ~zltma~s read the mi~uutes of the last
C~ ~y Clerk Dorothy V.~' ~ '
re~lar meeting of the Co~ucil of J~uus~y 3~ 195~.
M~. deMa~oo moved~ Mr. ~ea~er seoonded~ ~hat the minutes
be accepted as read. Motion carried.
]~. G~iffith said the contract covering parking meters e~anot
be located, but that it was a form contract, and ~ '
~na~ if ~e con-
tract so lays d~,n, the City must put the meters back or pay for
Hayom Shoo~ said the Compmuy had a contract signed by
Co~na cji.
i~. DeMa~co ~oved that the Butt mower, which was fo~d to be
2!~, be bought for the Cit7 at a orice of $137o95, less ~1%.00
~or ~he elm mo~'er. Mr. Deen seconded. Motion carrzed.
Mr. Weaver reported that speed signs have now been put up
along Military Trail.
A communication was read from the Shuffleboard ~lub regarding
alterations in the club house.
Mr. Shook said if the Club members ~ill fu~.aish the labor~
the City will fur~_ish zb~ materials.
After discussion of the amok.ut of alterations involved,
M~. Shook estimated that tb_ey would cost apprOXJ_mately
He said he would finish the concrete free of charge if they will
provide the fosse
After further discussion, Mr.~eaver me.ed tb~t the City
-o~'the necessa~ material no~ to exceed ~6~0.00 For t~_e altera-
tioms in the Shuffleboard Club house.
Motion carried.
p~, Le~erenz was asked to supply
Mm. D.eMarco seconded.
a list of the materisls
A letver was read from Mr. Fred Benson, dated Ja~.ary i2~
19~ requesting accep~s-uce of his plat - Bergen Heights.
~Ir. Weaver moved ~at the plat be accepted for fina~
approve. !~, DeM~co seconded. Motion c~ried.
~n extract from the minu~es of the Plaguing Board meeting
of January ll~ was read.
-~ - c~p_az~ng o~
A letter was read zrom,~. Joe D. H~rless ~ '
bad dra~.ge conditions of 'o~e intersectzon of N~W. 5rd Aven~e
Aftsr discussion it ~as agreed ~hat it sho~td be ins~cted
by the Co~uoil, ~. DeMarco s~d ~he?e were m~uy other streets
in the s~ae condition.
A petition dated December ~0, 1954, was mead fro~ the property
o~.ems of Ha~bo~ Estates requesting pavir~g of streets.
!~s. Bosworth, one of ~e property o~ems ~ncerned, was
--~ = .~ -~ ~ responsible would agree
omesent ~d was tola ~nat mx the ~[~ers
- - = ' ~ by ~he City, and ~!d
to pay sz~fmcient assessmenos, as fmxem
lesrffe the amount at the City H~!~ thus avoiding the e~enses
ieg~ notices etc., the streets wo~3~d be put
Mm. C-riffith said that im the Resolution c~verimg assessments
for cert~m streets to ~ repaired, two blocks were ~i~ted
the list~ arzd that~a new Resolution muss be passed in the
form as the first, ~ order to include these blocks.
Mr. DeM~co moved, ~. Deen secon~sd~ ~at the streets
ferred to be included i;a a Resolution.
~r~ 3riffith read a Resolution requesting the Public Works
Superintendent to submit plans ~nm specifications for these streets.
>~. DeM~co moved, i~r. Partin seconded, that the Resolution
be adopted. Motion carried.
M~. Griffith said that P~. H~oel had appealed 0o him about
au existing condition inDUs shack, which had been condemned on
E.E. ~th Avenue~ by the Fire Depar~ent and the State Board of
was agreed that a meeting should be az~rauged between the
s~d the occupant with the Building ~ud Fi~e Department
In a discussion on Sca~pi~s restat~rant~ Mr. Griffith stated
that iF it was no~ safe for occupancy next year~ it is not safe
for occupa~ucy now~ and should be closed.
in a discussion on the old Lee House~ Mr~C-riffith said the
build~ug should be inspected by a registered Engineer, so 'ghat
~he City ~_ov~d have a record as to its s~fety or otherwise.
The City Clerk was asked to check with l~ro ~aite and the
Building Inspeetor~ Mr. DeMa~co thought that in the me~t~e
the building sho'~d be boarded
~. ~iffith resJ 0rdin~_ce No.~{~fo~ the second time.
~. ~feave~ ~oved, M~. Partin seconded, ~a~ 0rdin~ce I~o~
be accepted fo~ the second reading. Motion c~risd.
~egarmmng the o~_er of Iz~. !{.~.Fie!d and >~.A.B.Carter in
co?~ueetlon with a bridge extending Seacrest Boulevsrd ~o the North
City 1Lmits~ Mro Griffith read a letter from the Go'o~ty Co~ission,
signed by Harry A. Job_uston~ County Attorney~ in which they turned
the proposal down ~nd ~ade oo-~ter proposals.
The Councilmen expressed great dissatisfaction over the
of the letter, which they considered unacceptable. They agreed
to go in a body to the County Commission and protest.
Mayor Shook said ke would call ~r.S~day in ~he morning and
ask for a meeting wi~m the Co,mary C~.m~ission at ~ne earliest
possioie date.
The report of the Fire Dep~tment for the month of December
M~ Peen said Police Chief Carver had received m~uy com-
plaints regarding lack of s~reet li Ehting a~ the corner of Palmetto
The City Clefs said this
pole having been moved ~ the
to 6~000 !~mins.
had already been taken cst of~ the
intersection and the bulb ~ucreased
?-ir. Del{~i~co moved that the Fi'_~st Aid tr~J~ck ce purchased for
the Water Departu~ent at the price of ~2~0o00. M~. Dean seconded.
~,,.~. Taylor spoke of the bad conditions of street intersections
with Seacrest Boulevar~t, amd _.w~.Pa~tin suggested the City pave
The City Clerk asked whether thw Council objected ~o having
Trailer Sales or Used Car Lots on the Highway, specifically
Trailer Ssies on Kolendo~s property Just South of Joe Harless's
office~ mud Used CS~V Lot just South of Richfield Service Station
on North Federal.
After discussion it was agreed th~ a Used Car Lot be allowed in
the location requested~ but paving and proper drainage must be
vided according to soecifications and inspection by the ~olic Works
Referring ~o Trailer Sales the concensus was that tb~s location
is too ne~ the center of t~n to allow that business.
Mr. Partin suggested the placing of warning signs near
ch-~ches fop use on S~3ndays ~o pro~ec~ omilmren going to and.
leaving S~ud~ school, and moved that the City Clerk be authorised
to purchase four signs for placlr~ near churches on Sundays,
Mr. DeMarco seconded~ Motion carried,
M~o Dean moved ~hat the City Clerk be anthorised ~o p~chase
l~0 feet five-ply heavy duty aw~rer hose from the be~t bidder.
1,~. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried.
In reply ~o a ~ggestion by Mrso~0.ncan Hunter to re-na~e
the Casino 'The George Chrls,tiausen Memorial', Mayor Shook said
a plaque ~o co~em~ a~e ~o C_hristisnsen ~o be placed somewhere
in ~he City was tuumer consideration.
Police Officer Ktingier reported a ne~ accident at the
Ocean Avenue railway crossing, where two trai~s were on ~he t~acks
~d no red lig~Os flashing from the stsnchions in the center of
t~e road.
Shook sai~ the railroad had already a~eed to move these
~-~. Griffith was asked to write to t~e FEe. ~um report the
~. Griffith read ~mergency Ordinance Eo.~crea~ing the
office of Vice Mayor.
~r~ Dean moved~ !~r. DeMarco Seconded~ tb~t ¥~ergency Ordinance
2~8 be accepted. Motion caa~ried.
~_o~ o~ carl~ied
moved that the nominations be closed
seconded. Motion carried.
In a discussion c~ the objection of }~.Gard~er All~n To
paying a bill for exora trash oo±~eetton~ ~Lr. ~rl~mm said the
~mouns could be col_ect~d zl~e any o~her co~emo~am Oli--~ O~
added to kistax bill.
~r. Weaver suggested a small printed form be supplied co the
truce driver~ who should obtain the signature o£ anyone wis~hing
to have more thmu one load a month picked up, agreeing to pay
f~or each extra load, which extra loads should no~ se pi~dmed up
until the agreement is si~ued.
I,~. Dsen moved that the o-~_ers of ~s~sightly lots in blocks
_~ 2 and 5 of. ~the or~ginai~ _ to~ of ~, ynt~.. +~s° the ~TE'B'Lae-
property ~ ~ne B~cerra & S~u~dren oro~r~y on the ~es~ side
of South Federal ~way, in Acreage ~ec~ion 28~ be notified
that these z~ust be cze~ned up, or the
charge ~me e~ense to their t~es. fir. Weaver seccnded. Motion
~nere oe_ng no f~ther bus~ness~ Mayor Shoom adjou_~nem vne