DECEMBER 6~ 195~.
Mayor A.E.Shook
Mr. C. Howard Hood
Mr. Stanley Weaver
Mr. &!bert Deen
Mr. Josevh DeMarco.
Mayor Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M.
M~s. Howard Hood, soeakmng as a reoresentative of the
stressed the need of a planned and_ suoervised recreationel ~ro-
gram for Teen Agers in the City~ and said the P.T.A, wilt donate
$200,00 towards a oroposed budget for thi? year of $1~200,00.
She asked that the City donate the remsinmnk $1:000,O0.
Mayor Shook~ exoressed himself ss hearti y
something towards a Teen Age Center~ especialTy as
oeoo!e hsd one.
favor of doing
the older
After discussion. Mr, DeMarco moved thet the City donate
$300.00 to start the oroject off, Mr, Hood seconded, Motion
Mr, Kenneth Adams comotained of the condition of the road
behind Gardner's ~er~ and ~r, DeMarco said it wou_dt be te~en care
~, Weaver moved that the Commission oassa Resolution favoring
s Se.vinEs an~ Loan Association mn Boynton. organzzed ~nd ooerateo
b~ local citizens. Mr, Deen seconded, Motion carried,
City Clerk Dorothy V, Williams read the minutes of the last
regular meeting of the Council on November 15~ 195k,
Mr, Hood moved that the minutes be acceoted es read,
DeMarco seconded, Motion carried,
The building report for the month of Novembe? was read~
toto_lmng ~!2!~3~0.00.
A Resolution from the City of Lantane was reed exoressing
symoa~h~ on the death of Mr. George Christiansen.
A communication was read from the Plumbing Insoector recom-
mending certain amendments to the Olumbing Code.
Mr, Deen moved, that the amendments roeommende~ by the olumbing
Board be aeeeoted~ with the sddition that the oenalty of 20~ would
be assessed on licenses not oaid Dy December 15th. Mr. Hood second-
ed. Motion cerried.
A letter was read from the Boynton Chamber of Commerce
regarding signal lights on Ocean Avenue.
Mr. Griffith oointed out the impossibility of enforcing
crossing regulations on recently signed agreements.
The ooinion of the Board was that he should write a letter to
the Railway Comoany to see if something could be hone to remedy
Ocean Avenue and Lake avenue crossings.
A letter was read from the Commissioners of Ocean ~zoge saying
that a public meeting woul,d be held at the Casino on
evening~ December 9~ to discuss re-zoning Ocean Ridge.
A letter wes read from the B.P.W. fully favoring the Teen ~ge
oroject and offering heto.
A letter was read from Mr. F.B.Caroenter Jr.~ requesting that
the name of Green Street be changed to ~eacrest Boulevard,
Mr. DeMarco moved that Green Street be known as Seacrest Boul-
evard from the southernmost limits of the City to the Northernmost
limits. Mr. Deen seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Hood did not vote.
The Building !nsoector said new amendments to the National
Building Code had been received~ that he had looked them over and
apor~ved of them. He said he had studied the Palm Beach Code and
the National Building Code and hopes to revise th8 City code
the fmrst of th= year~ when he will submit his vie~s to the Courcil.
He reco~mmended that the amendments be adooted from the present time.
M~. Deen moved that
National Code of t9~9 be
the November !95~ amendments to the
adopted. Mr. DeMsrco seconded. Motion
Mr. Griffith read a Resol. ution covering street reoairs
embodying an amount of $!3~296.q~+, add set up for a three-year
oeriod wmth 8% interest.
It was stated that individual assessments wi~t be c~srged
M~~. Griffith said Council should receive any~rote~ts from
orooerty owners the third day after oublicetion o~the ~mounts of
ass~ssments~ and 3 ?.M. Tuesday, December 21, wasthe date ~et for
recelot of such orotests.
~.,£ro Weaver
garding reoeirs
Motion carried.
moved thet
to streets
the Resolution read by ~. Griffith re-
be adooted. Mr. DeMareo seconded.
A letter was read from County Commissioner Leke Lytel enclosing
a Resolution regarding oermanency of the Palm Beach Air Force Base.
Mr. Hood moved that the Council oass a like Resolution. Mr.
Peen seconded. Motion carried.
~o!ice Chief Carver reoorted on the short course which he had
attended at Lakelend and asked that a letter be written to the
authorities there thanking them for the hosoitality he had received.
~. DeMarco moved that ~35.00 be oaid to Police Chief Carver
towards his exoenses in connection with the Course. Mm. Weaver
seconded. Motion carried.
It was stated that the Fire Department does not want to use
the First Aid truck more than necessary, but more as a standby.
They suggest turning o~er this truck to the Police Department for
use in colored to~n ~s a caddy wagon. It was agreed to leave the
matter up to the Police Chief and the Chief of the Fire Demartment
to draw up the most suitable arrangement.
Mr. Weaver reported on the Water Department saying that the
oresent 6" water mains will be extended almost to the City limits
at an approximate cost of $2~000.00 for oioe.
He said Bolling Green Ridge have asked that water be orovided
by the City for wsterimg their parkways.
~. Shook thought that this should be granted, if they have
conformed with City street regulations, as the laying out or such
osrkways should be encouraged ss tending to beautify the City.
Mr. Griffith reported that Mr. Iglehart, South of Brity Breezes,
has his o~n water meters connected with 'the City mains and is
charging his tenants for City water, adding that he has written to
Mr. I~ehart informing him that he is violating a City Ordinance
and that the City would have to approve of anything he did.
There ~ss s~discuss,io~ on the difference of aooroximately
~0~000 gallons daily between the,amo,mnt of water pumped and the amoumt
registered by master meters.
It was agreed that s check should be made to out these meters
in balance.
Mr. Weaver reoorted that the oresent chemical machine at the
ousping station csn~ttake care of the two wells when both are
working, and was authorised to get biSs on s further machine.
There w~s s
connection with
Ford oolice car.
the ooinion the
discussion on the meaning of 'Less Tax' in
the recent ourcnase from Bev Smit~ of a regular
The City Attorney and Coun~lmen still are of
tax is due the City according to the bid submitted.
Mr. Hood moved, Mr. DeMarco seconded, that the orocedure fol-
lowed in former yeers regarding bonuses for City emoloyees be
followed'this year. Motion carried.
It was agreed that a meeting of the Council should be held
tomorrow eveming after the co!la have closed, to canvass the
There being no further business~ Mayor Shook adjourned the