Minutes 11-15-54~RESENT:
Mayor A.E.Shook
Mr. C. Howard Hood
Mr. Stanley Weaver
Mr. Albert Deeno
yr. Joseoh DeMsrco.
Mayor Shook called the meeting to order et ?°30 P.M.
Mrs. Bosworth asked if there had been any further develooments in
connection with the colored cemetery~ and was told that any information
that could be obtained would be given to her in time for the meeting
of the Cemetery Board tomorrow evening~
Mrs. Bosworth suggested t_~at the name of the -w~nmte cemetery
be changed from 'Munici~ai~ . qemetery~ to wh~cn~' · many people objected.
The City Clerk s
always been officisily kno~m as 'Boynton Beach Memorial Park'~ and
is still so referred to in City Hail records.
After discussion it wes agree8 that the name should be changed
back to the original one. ~
Mrs, Bosworth also drew sttemtion zo the smounz of rubbish along
the railroad and was told ~ ~
~h~ Ckember of Comuerce was takin8 care of
I~. Todd com-olsined of the rubbish along 8th Street and samd some
of ~he residents are ~ml±mng ~o do "~
~n~ ~a~ of the clearing~ but
if others wm±l do the same, He asked if any ordinance covered this~
sna~ ~ so~ whether ~;+ could be enforced,
Mr. Todd also complained of being unable to get a copy of the
Building Laws 2o take home with him. The City Clerk said M~.Todd hsd
already been given such mrint~,, matter as-is availabie~ and that City
Drdinance Books cannot be taken from City Hali~ unless the Council
changes its order.
The City Clerk read the minutes of ~
~e last regular meeting.
~.r..~oo~ moved, Mr. Wea~er seconded~ that the minutes be accevted
as read~ Motion csrrledo
The minutes of the S~ecial Meeting of the Planning Board with the
City Council of November 13~ were a~so read.
In answer to a questmo_~ from Mayor Shcok~ Mr~ Chadwell said the
State Road Devartment had tried ~o ~ersusde Boynton to get a ~ide
Mr. Weaver said the only way Boynton will get a wide highway
is by getting a good -n,~mber of commitments°
Mr. Grlffith~ asked about the possibility of a straw vote
on the highway being put on the ballot for the December ? elec-
tions~ said it would have to be arranged with the Co-~nty and that
~eo~le won't know what it is about un±ess a full explanation is
given beforehand°
The City Clerk thought if the matter could be decide~ tonight
there would be time to arrange co have it ~ut am the machine.
Mr. McDonald said the State Road Department at Fort Lauder-
dale recommended that it no~ ~ear~ o~ the ballot~ and that first
an educational ~rogram be ca~rie~ ~ut in the newsDamers~ as ~t
would be better to educate the veo~le on the fact instead of
getting it on the vo~ing machines by December ?~
This orocedure was agreed
letter was read from ~ Dan Crowe~ dated November I1~
r~questing s Distributors~ License.
Mr. Hood moved the~ such a license be granted to Mr°Crowe°
Mr. Dean seconded. Motion carried°
A letter was read from the League of Municipalities of Palm
Beach County~ dated November 12~ si~ned by its Oresident~ Mr.
Howard Hood~ announcing a meeting to be held on Wednesday~ November
!?~ end eneiosinga Resolution which was also read,
Mr. Hood exoleined at length the necessity for municioalities
to receive the i oercent, gasoline tax for the maintenance of
~ letter was read from the Boynton Beech Chamber of Commerce
dated November I[, regarding the desirability of having the Palm
Beach Junior College locate in Boyntom and tbs possibility of
mroviding e site for lt.
Mr. Weaver believed the time ri~e ~o start doing something
about finding suitable land for the ~roject here before ~!ens
are made elsewhere.
Mayor Shook agreed, and MroWiliadsen thought that 20 acres
would be enough for a stert~ but adjoining pro~erty would neces-
sari!y have ~o be available later° He suggested ~etting informa-
tion first end then having a meeting to discuss the findings~ and
smggested including representatives from the Planning Boerd~ the
Chamber of Commerce~ the Board of Realtors~ and ~ther City organ-
izations, and, if mossible~ the Sumerintendent of Schools.
A letter wes read from the Jayeem Enterprises Inc,.~ develovers
of the Royal calm Village S/D~ ~rotesting the increase mn their
~ro~erty tax from ~60.00 valuation to $300.00 sn acre.
Mr. Mahoney s~oke at some length r~questing sdjust?ent~ on the
basis that 6h~y~''bmall ~ortion of the ~!at as steer, tea was
BILLS 0~KA~VED FOR o~?~m~w~ ~..~,.~,.~:
Gen~l Fund.
Director of Internal
Revenue 1 ~ 224.90
Blue Cross of Florida 128.~0
Bo~rnton Beach Fire Deot. 246o 61
Florida. Power & Lt, ~0~.2~9
Shellback Quarries 14.2D
Orange Stats 0il Co. 6.30
East Coast Fire Protection
Co o 110, O0
De~Yitt Supply Co. 72,
Boymton Be~eh Msrin~ 227.64
Asohait Sales Co~ 160.88
L.B.Sterrett & Sons 1~.00
A~tns Steel Company
Harman Butts Y.7~
The Co~t Records Company 12,~0
Alice Kelly 20~ 00
Southern Bell Tel.& ~el. 98.17
Deirsy Ignition 1i. 63
Bo-Del Printing 29.4~
__~mde~be_ g Restaurant I~. 20
E~rl S.Bro~m 3~.12
Addr es so ~ ~oh-Mult !gr ap h Co. 1.29
Vaughn & Wright 20.98
Henry Holmes 20. O0
Dstray Machine & Supply Co.
Birmingham Slag Company 81.~3
John Vioisnt e 27,~0
Ruttedge Bedding Co, 38,00
smm Beech T~ewriter Co. 2h, 8.19
M~miEomcRubber & Packing Co. t3.52
Leach Co~sny ~7.70
Halsey & Griffith 11,36
Galley Signs ~o~2~
Stevenson Seed Store 23~00
Ocean City Auto Parts 22.82
Brown & Mosl~y 73,93
~ enoz~ Cnemmca~ Co 49.00
Austin Supply Co~ 6~.97
First Federal Savings & Loan
Assocn. 700.00
do. 522,66
do. 253.32
Co~aty Mercantile 3~. 06
Shaw Brothers 0il Co, ~86.
Rubin Construction Co. 72.00
Mercer Service Station 76.90
AAA TR~ Exoert & Landsc~-0ing 80.00
Yocam Batteries 7.
Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 42,01
Club Continent~! ~. 2~
R.F.Griffith Jr~ 75.00
The Chase National Bank
M=,=or~al Park
Police Pension
Firemen's ~ '
R.R.Barnes & Son Inc.
W.J.Morris Co.
Miami Uniforms
Orange State Oil
Service Elec. Co~ of Delray
The Sherwin-Williams Co.
Palm Beach County
Preston Bro,~
John Gusrine
John Harrington
Lenon J.Harris
Frank Johnson
Dave Lanier
Eddie Lovett
Henry Lunsford
Ellis McA~oy
Wm. Schuees!er
Lee Thomas
Charlie Waters
Ksto Wil!isms
Ze!l Taylor
Mae Cason
Olive Cieroik _
Oreston Brown
Jo~ Guarine
Joia Harrington
Frank Johnson
Dave Lanier
Eddiw Lovett
Henry Lunsford
Ellis McAvoy
Wm. Schuessler
Charlie Waters
Zell Taylor
McArthur Waters
Karo Williams
Central Truck Lines
Bo-Del Printing Co.
8 .6s
actually deve!ooed.
It was suggested that the Jayeem Enterorises Inc. write
letter to the City Council asking them to rescind the whole
thst they can then oresent a new olat with whatever they want to
include, and Council must oass on it. Then adjustment could be
A letter ma~ m November 1~ was read from Mr. Wi~la~sen and
Mr. Dick Duncan asking for a hermit to sdd two seoarate toilets
and a septic tank to the Boy Scout hut.
Dick Duncan will out on the'roof snd Mr. Shook said if they
will get the l~mber~ he will, when they are ready for the floor~
out it in~ so that the City need not be called on for halo.
A letter wss read from L.R.Hartley~ complaining thst he was
being charged separate minimum wster rates for each of three
small houses and one larger one~ although a!l are on two lots
and only one meter.
Mr. ~eaver in agreeing with the Msyor that only one minimum
chsrge of $1.~0 be made for all the houses under the circumstances~
suggested that the Health Demartment Take a look at the set-um as
there seemed to be only two soigozs ~o the yard and no water in
the houses.
it wss agreed that one m~nimum charge should be made for
water for all the houses~ instead of one for each house.
letter was read from Mr. ~eter Rosenzweig dated November I~.
a '.~f~ ' read Ordinance No.26~ for the second time.
Mr. ~r m__
Mro Weaver moved: Mr.DeMarco seconded~ that Ordinance No.26~
be scceoted~ for the second reading. ,~,{otion ce_rmed.
Mr. ~riffith sooke at length on the road construction oro-
gram snd the orooosed snecial assessments for City streets, and
said the work would be quite a oroject for the City equioment and
the City budget. He suggested that the City Council at this time
draw ~m a Resolution authorizing the oreoaration of olsns and
soecifications for roads to be re~ired and have them ready for
the next meeting of the Council~ to see what the actual cost
would be.
~d= been fieured out.
Mr~ Shook said this has =~== ~ _
Mr. Dean moved that the Reso!~tion suggested by Mr. Griffith
be acceoted. Mr. Hood seconded. Motion carried.
A meeting was arranged for Friday evening~ November !9~
~ 7.30 o'ciock.
Mr. Weaver said he had been requested to ask if the island
Sales & Service store could be allowed a loading and unloading
soace in front of ~heir store ms their rear entrance is not
available for trucks.
It was agreed that such steos as are oossible will be taken
aid the owner of the store in this matter.
A letter was read from the Fire Deoartment saying that they
had offered their old ambulance to colored town~ who~ however~ say
they cannot afford to pay the $~00.00 to buy the equiomento
The reoor~ of the Fire Deoartment for the year ended October
31 was read~
Mr. Weaver reoorted on his and Mr.DeMarco's rec~t m~e~i~g
with the County Comr~issioners regarding the orooosed extension
of Green Street~ and said the County Engineer is to make a survey
to find out how wide the soan of the bridge across the Boynton
canal must be. M~. Lytel asks the ~'~
~moy Council to consider
whether they can secure the maximum amount of right of way to
a%!ow the widening of Green Street and the construction of the
The Co'm~eil agreed to make every effort in this direction°
The following names of voters who wish to be restored to
th~ voting list for the election of December ~ wes read:
Martha C.Auiin
Thomas E. Br~ndewie
Louise Kraft Buttner
Nine R.Cobb
Blanche D~ Cotton
Ray B. Dame.
Ai!een Fowler.
Dorothy E.
Mildred Finch Langley
Voncille Lewis
Burnette Lunsford
Henry J.Lunsford
Dorothy Nunes
Manual Nunes
Lillian Schneider
J. J~ Williams
William A. Yanke
M~. Hood moved~ Mr. Weaver seconded~ that the !9 names
listed above be restored to the re~ister. Motion carried,
The following members of the Election Board for December
suggested: Mr. Hark Mitehell~
Mr. Fred G.Koeonick~ Jr~ Deouty.
Miss Dorothy Sheoard
Mrs. Mildred Miller
Mrs~ Frances Da!y~
Miss Alice Kelly~
Mr. Hood moved~ Mr. Weaver seconded~ that the above be
aopointed. Motion carried.
There being no further business~ the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk.