~ ~ OF
Mayor A.E.~hook
Co~missioner Joseph DeMarco
Commissioner Stanley Weaver
Co~missioner Albert W. Deem.
Mr. Robert MoDonaid: Chairman, ?larming
Mr. A.H.Nys~ist )
Mr. Henry Merkei, Jr. )
Mr. L.C.Chadwell ) o!anning Board
Mrs. Ann Barrett )
Commissioner Howard Hood was called away before the meeting
came to order,
M~. McDonald opened the meeting at 7.g5 P.M. end exmlained
that its ourpose was to bring the Commissioners and the Planning
Board together to discuss the oros and cons of the widening of the
highwey~ that the ?iarning Board are of the ooinion that the views
of the ~eoo~e should be obtained ss well as those of the minority
Mr~ Weaver suggested that~ in other words, zhe ?ma._~=mng Board
would like to out it on the December ballot.
Mr. McDonald agreed and said that the result of the referendum
would ~i~'e a ~e~ty good idea of whether the oeole want a highway of
100 ft. minimum width~ wmon safety zszanas~ or not.
In discussing the right of way he said that com~arative!y few
buildings would have to be moved~ and that in any ease these will
h~ve to be moved eventuaily~ that st the South end of town the rest
is practically o~en country~ that County Co~=missioner Ben Sum. dy
says the County will go along~ but as they must pro rate the money
available so that each comnmniny gezs its share~ it would take
avmroximatety three years to acquire the riyht of way.
_ w~=xe~ as to whether the County
In reply to a question ~rom Mr. ~-~ ~ '
Cz~y water l=ne~ which is four feet from the curb~
move the ~ ~
Merkel said they would ~o it, and do '~
m~ right.
Mr McD~na!o said the Planning Board =~e all mn favor of the
wmmenea hmghway ama feel sure ~+=~ would enhance the City~ and they
want the opinion ~f the Commissioners concerning it.
In the discussion fol!owing~ M~. Shook~ with reference to
safety istands~ said concrete would be cheaoer than grass~ and that
the Federal Government will not spend money on islands of less
than i~ feet.
Mr. Chedwel! said that putting the question on the ballot would
allow everyone to vote without cost~ and that no one would be eom-
mitring themselves to anything°
Y~ Weaver said the result would not be binding on the City~
and would be more in the nature of s Gallup ~ollo
There was discussion on the feet that at the North end of town
a 116 feet highway would '~drt some Deo~!e~ and it was thought that
the State Rdad Department would build a !00 foot road ~here the City
could not get 116 feet. ~at in the South end of town~ where the
City could get 116 feet~ the State Rdad Department would build t~
that dimension.
The Co~missioners ek~oressed themselves as favoring the widening
of the road~ but th~ the question was how to obtain the necessary
During the discussion it was oointed out that the hi~nway will
be a military one~ that the Federal Goverrt~ent will give more aid
in ~roportion to its width: and that in order to get the maximum Fed-
ersl aid the road ~il! have to be 118 feet.
After further discussion~ it was agreed by the Commissioners
tha~ in order to determine if the registered voters of Boynton
approve of a highway of a minimum width of i00 feet~ with safety
islends~ the question should be put on the ballot of Eecember ?o
In order to bring home to the meo.~!e of Boynton the advantages
of a wider highway~ it was agreed that the State Road Department
at Fort Lauderdale should o~ asked to provide the Planning Board with
samol~ mhotographs of finished bouievards~ with safety islands~ in Fort
Lauder4aie~ 0cala or other cities for comparison with ~hotographs of
~resent roads in Boynton~ In this connection Mr. Chsdwel! reported
that when he and Mr. ~yquist r~cently met with the State Road Depart-
ment at Fort Lauderda!e~ Mr. Irving had remarked that if Boynton
accevts a i00 foot wide highway now~ in ten years: time the people
will be complaining that the Commissioners and ?la~ning Board should
have k~own better and have ~emanded 1[0 feet.
it was decided that the next meeting of the Piamning Board will
be on Tuesday~ November 30.
Mr. Chadweli moved~ ~, Nyqhist seconded~ that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried,