Mayor A. E. Shook
Mr. C. Howard Hood
M~. Stanley Weaver
Mr. ~lbert Deen
Mayor Shook called the meeting to order at ?:3~ P. M.
Mrs. Bosworth presented two recommendations from the Cemetery
Board of Governor's meeting of September 17, 195% to the co,until for
That only bona-fide residents of Boynton Beach be buried in
colored cemetery for lack of space.
The city co-muei! hold up plans of land being plotted for new
cemetery until other land being considered can be looked into.
This new tract of land being considered would m~e a buffer
zone between white and colored section.
Mrs. Bosworth also sooke of permission being given for a memorial
to be put up in the park. It will be large enough for 150 names to be
put on it. ~. Weaver made a motion that monument be placed in such
a position that it will not interfere with bandshell. ~wir. Hood
seconded the motion, all in favor.
Fa. Fred Sheflin~ publisher of Guide Magazine, said he is pre-
pared to donate to the city two or three hundred copies of last years
books if the city will renew their order for the coming year. Mr.
Shook suggested the order for a two full page ad for $195.00 and 500
copies to be delivered to the Chamber of Commerce be written up ar~
turned over to the Chamber of Commerce for their decision.
Mrs. McFee asked to have the plat of Barrett Hts. accepted so
they can get started on building. Mr. Christiansen suggests the city
accept plat when their check is turned over to the city for water pipes.
Mr. Hood made a motion it be accepted, Mr. Weaver secof~ed the motion,
all in favor. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Fornaby spoke of the darkness on $. E. 2$th Avenue from the
railroad to Green Street and said lights are in great need. Er.
Shook said Mr. Senior will be asked to submit recommendation.
Dorothy V. Williams, city clerk, read the minutes of the last
regular meeting of the Council of September 7:195~+. Mr. Hood made
a motion to accept minutes and Mr. Weaver seconded the motion. Ell
in favor$ passed umanimously.
Nm. Hood made a motion to renominate the three men who represent
our city on the Resource~ Development Board. Mr. Weaver seconded the
motion~ all in favor.
~ request from Zinke-Smith requesting the city furnish water free
for parkway in streets was tabled mntil all roads in Coquina Cove are
completed and acceptable.
A letter was read from Mr. R. Lansing, principal of the elementary ·
school, requesting lights be put up around the school as it is very ~l
dark in that area. This also will be given to Mr. Senior to check into.
E resolution from Town of Lantana was read relative to comoletion
of road ~9 and building of extension to Green Street through Labtana.
Resolution attached.
The second reading of the Budget Ordinance ¢262 was read and
Mr. Weaver made a motion we accept same. Mr. Hood seconded'the motion,
motion carried. All in favor.
The city clerk read a resolution requesting the county to acquire
ll6~ right of way for Highway #l. Mr. Weaver made a motion that the
resolution be accepted. Mr. Hood seconded the motion~ all in favor.
On October ll~ 19~ at the Legion Hall a meeting of officials of
91ubs i~ Boynton Beac~ will take place to ask for their coooe~at~on
zn getting ll6' for wzdenzn[ of Highway to enable our city to have a
parkwsy in center.
N~. 6riffith will check and report to city co-~ncil if the south
end of the city can be out on the tax roll for 195~.
Mr. Griffith read for the first time Ordinance ¢26~, Annexing
of Rolling Green Ridge, and Mr. Weaver moved it be accepted for the
first re~ding, ~. Hood seconded~ all in favor.
~ license for the South Speed Shoo will have to be approved by
the Zoning Board and as no witnesses have signed complaints against
the shop giving evidence of their disturbing the neighborhood no
action will be taken at this time°
Police Chief Carver is starting a safety patrol at the school
and Harrington Homes, Inc. will donate $80.00 for a trip to Washington
to the boy with the highest points as this trio will have to be earned.
It is hoped that one or two more donations will come in from various
organizations for the safety patrol boys so more than one boy can win
a trip to Washington. Mr. Shook said that the city should try to match
Mr. Harrington's generous offer.
Mr. Senior will be asked to make his recommendation relative to
Ocean Ridge Fire protection agreement.
A bulldozer offered for $1,200 will be under consideration by
the city for purchase. Mr. Hood will find out the particulars.
Mr. Weaver made a motion that a license be granted for a funeral
home at the Whitehall Tourist Home on the Federal Highway. ~. Hood
seconded the motion, motion carried.
M~. Hood made a motion and Mr. Dean seconded that Mr. Fred Bowles
be accepted on a 60 day trial for the position of building inspector.
Ell in favor.
It was decided that Mr. Leon Grummons will take a master electrical
examination before being accepted as electrical inspector.
There being no further buainess~the Mayor adjourned th~ meeting.