Minutes 08-02-54F[ENt~_ES OF A RE~3LAR I~TIEG OF TM C0~_TSSION~S OF B0_~U~O~ BEAC~, FLOR~A ~D A~ T~ CI~~ P~LL, B0~TON ~CH, AUGHT 2, _ 54 - ~9 '~ P~SEh~: Mayor A. E. Shook ~. C. Ho~ Hood ~. ~t~ley ~eav~ 2~. Joseph DeM~co Mayor Simook c211ed the meeting to order at M~s. W~ndell Jones, I~s.~z~e~=~ Keller and two other neighbors of Waites,~ Bird Farm reported ~he farm has been quiet and peaceful since they filed a petition at the last meeting. Several] peoole in b _ the a~d&ence congratulated the Cottucil on the installation of new lights in the business district and the paving of Palmetto Street. City Clerk, Dorothy V. Williams read ~e ~ ~ '~ mznutes cz the last ~egular meeting of the Council of July 19th~ 195~. Mr. Weaver made a ~otion na~ raznu~es ce acsep~ed with one correction page 3, ~-mrst o~agPaph, Civil Service 0~di_nance 257; caauging ~First t~~ to ~econd ~e~ ~-~ ~,~ 'a .~ . ~-~..~o~ seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Building Inspector,s report for the mon-~ of July was read~ totalling EXtrap~t o£ Pls_~_ning Board }~nutes of July 2?th, 19~4 were read wherein; A~ Ba~ett moved that a reco~endation be made to the City Cc~mmissio~ that they provide the Planning Board with a complete~up-to- date z~aster ~ap of City, as it is LmpOssible for the Board to Work witho~Y~ such a ~mide to go by. !~Lr. Chadwel! seconded. Motion car,±ed. After discussion it was decided to ask FL~. Brockway if _he had fought the City street map up to date and ix' so we can purchase another ~,.itar to the one on the Co~_ucil table. A~ letter and 0u~get was su~muitted by the Chsmfoer of Co~erce in hope the City will approve the amount of $2,~00,00 for the coming General feez~-ng of the pmblic is bha,~ the C~h~ber of Comzaeree s~hould be supported as much as posszo_eo Correspondence from P0~ relative to annexation of Mi~er _Road development especially in phase cE present water supply was read. ~$eaver explained ~~is previous remarks and pointed m~ the Es. ct teat the wate~ ~ystem is not a b~-den ~ the t~ payers but is ~fnoily within its o~m ~eration. M~. Grif~th, City~- u "General Licensing" a~or~y, read 0rdi~nce 259~fo~ vhe first t~e. l~. DeM~oo zuoved, M~. ~U~od seconded, that the first re~ing of the O~di~uce be passed. Motion carried. Ordina~uce 258, ~.endLug Zoning Ordinance 205, was read.. ~. Weaver made a motion, seconded by,h% Deem that 0rdznance 2~8 be adopted. Passed unanLmotzsly, Zinke-S_mith ~o~£p~_y made request th~o~gh ~. Grifflth to have tlme lot in Coqtdna Cove they imave p~t up as a bond, released in lieu of cash bond to be given to ~. Ct!frith coverio~ all work still to be cor~leted in ~iission 1~. hood made a motion to authorize Y~. Griffi~iu to reles~e the Coquina Co~e lot upon receipt of cash bond to cover completion of work in Mission ~ll according ~o a~ount to be agreed upon with ~ 0T~isti~- sen. ~tr. ~eaver seconded the ~O~ion~ Passed unauimo~y. ~ ~emver made a ~otion t~ correc~ 0rdir~uce 2~4 to read ~Lote 21 & 22, lying W o£ ~EC~ zoned industrial~ ~co~uercial, motels, hotels ~ud multiple ~esid~nces.~ ~o Hood seconde~ the ~otion. Passed ~aauL~ously. In accordance with ~napter 262~0~ L~s of Florida, !95~,~ Police Chief ~arver ~ecozmuends that Of~ice~ ~ule~ ~e~ be appeared as ~d me~ber of Bo~d of T~stees for z 2 y~ $~.~ T~s o~pletes t~ 0rg~lzi~ of Police ~p~ent, c~ply~g with ~t~ Law. ~ ~od ~de a motion ~_ favor of this, ~. Peen seconded t~ motion. Motion c~ried. N~r. DeM~vco made a moti on ~hat the City Clerk is hereby authorized to deduct i0% fromm payroll of the Police Dept. as of A,¢~_st 15th, u~til the ~t is equivalent to what s!~2%d ~ave been deducted l~¢.d aw~o~- ization for deduction been given at the tlz~e of the passing of 0z~linance 2~. Eo exceptions. Thereafter ~% to be deducted in accordance with the law. ~. Weaver seconded. All in £avor. Motion carried. Police Chief Carver requested that A. B; ~iott,s aentence of 90 days a~d ~200~O0 be reduced to ~iO0.00 a~d ~0 days ~£~ich has already been served. ~ir. Weaver pointea crd% this recon~endation must c~me from the judge, Y~r. ~¢ea, ver ~a¢!e the ~otion that if the Judge recommends the s~e disposition it will be ~pprovedo Z~r. De~arco seconded the Motion passed. Mr~ ~eaver also'made the motion, seconded by I~. DeMarco that the salary of Officer J, ~. ~tler be raised to ~250~O0 a month effective as of ~ugus$ lst~ i954. Motion passed unsn~ousiy. Five bids were opened on a ~ Ton Pica-up ~ac~ for Ohe Street Dept, 1- Adams Chevrolet Co. 2- General Motors Co_~p. 3- _~in-City Chevrolet 4- E~i ~f~tace Fo~d, ~c. ~i~229.00 1,24.2.00 1,330.00 1,5~0.00 ~. ~Hoo~ made a motion tP~t the Adams Chevrolet, Dei~e cab, windows, be the truc~ p-~rchased, Mr~ ~eaver seconde~, the motion. Passe~ maani~ously. circle It was agree~ to advertise for a S~u~face Spreader. Bids to be opened at the next Council ~eeting. Also agreed that M2r. C~is~i~sen ~uould furnish specifications for bids. Ma~or Shook remarked t~at the citizens of Boy~on Beac~ can expect to find noticeable improvement at the Casino wit~uin 60 mays. -2A - BILLS O'KAYED FOR PAYMEYT: Julius Ware Dave Lanier Wm. A Schuess!er Charli~ Waters Karo Williams Gen'l Fund. 40°94 53.20 46.2O ~7.~o 44.12 Mc~rthur %Taters ~ 32.66 Di_ectOr of,Interna~ Revenuel~!80.30 Weavers ~nsurance ~gency 950.60 Wayne Vame Bonce~r ~0.08 Oreston Brown John Guarine Lenon J.Harris Frank Johnson John HarrlnEton Dave Lanier Wm. A. Schues sler Kato Williams McAr thur Waters Coy Eddings A .L.Edwards J. M. Tuite C.E .Wright A.C.Carver J.W. Butler J. H.Collins C .E.Hodges J. A. N.B. Sennish D. V.Willisms MiRdred Lofley Teresa E. osdget~ A .E .Shook C.S.Wesver C. H. Hood J. DeMarco A .W.Deen R, G. Greenwood C.T.Bowles C. Hochmuth R.F.Griffith Jr. Octet Rosenzweig Alfcs Kelly Caul Stoelzel %~itt McDowell Olive Cieroik Boynton Beach Fire Depr. Chas. M. Boos County Mercsntile Boynton Beach News Jacobson Mfg. Heidelberg Restaurant [ 2¥.00 23.92 Fg.8o 4!~40 32,20 121.95 ~33.t9 135,95 120.65 120.65 13@.15 79775 ~o5.¥5 ~o.oo 5o.oo fo.oo fo.oo fo.oo i00.00 I00o00 lfO.OO fo.oo 5o. oo ~o.oo 3o. oo 255.¥5 3,~24.22 119.76 63.65 ?5.25 12.60 -2B- Stevenson Seed Store Continental Cafe Florida Power & Light Service Electric Company J.C,Talbot M~&mi Uniforms Inc. L.J,Nichols The MinuTe Co. Gulf Stream Lumber Co. William E. Mayhew Burnup & Sims Shio & Shore Motors Oierce Tire Co. Palm Beach Typewriter Co. Southern Bell Tel & Tel. Delray Machine & Suooly Maule Industries Birmingham Slag Co. Vaughn & Wright of W.O.Beach Wayne Vade Boncauer M.J.Estafen & R.J.0en Oreston Bro~n John Gusrine Lemon J.Harris Frsnk Johnson Coy Eddings Dave Lanier Wm. Schuessler Chsrlie Waters Kato Williams McArthur Waters John Harrington A.L.Edwards J. M.Tuite C .F .Wright A. C. C steer J.W. Butier J.H.Collins C.E.Hodges J.A.Kiin¢ler N.B. Sennish D.V.Wiiliams Olive Cier%~ Mildred Loffley Tereesa Padgett Helene D.Himber Geo Christiansen L.L.Cl~iand R.H.Anderson Julius Ware Austin Su~o~ly M.J.Estafen M.J.Estafen & R.F.0en Adams Chevrolet Co. Blue Cross of Florida ~.B.Ste~rett & Sons mercer ~erviee Station 9.75 27. O0 ~44.21 8.75 12~.00 3~.o0 6.6~ 22.67 2F.OO Z9.60 2.?9 29.88 22.20 2%99 35,99 11.76 77.50 59.83 37.72 10.70 40,08 23.90 ¥~.40 90,30 ¥0.¥8 ~3,io .3o ¥2.86 40.48 ¥0.¥8 121.95 1~4,20 107.75 117.33 120.95 106.90 106.90 139.1~ ii¥.FF 79.75 io5.¥5 9~.75 i76.o5 121.90 i07.25 16.~6 23.17 1~229.00 131.0o FS.~l Wayne Boncauer ~0.08 Preston Brown 40.08 John Guarine ~3.90 Lenon J.Harris ~8.40 Coy Eddings 40.48 Dave Lanier 53.10 Wm. A, Schuessier 55.95 Charlie W~ters 47.40 Kato Williams 42.75 McArthur Waters 40.48 Julius Ware 40.48 John Harrington 40.48 M.J.Est~fen 5.77 Rubin Construction Co. 88.00 Allen Chemical Co. 13.75 Hermann Butts 6.80 Burnuo & Sims 24.60 City of Delray Beach 125.00 Boynton Beech News 33.65 Orange State Oil Co. 168.62 Ocean City Lumber Co. 8.00 Faircloth Truck & Tractor Co. 12,88 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. Eest Coast Fire Protection Service 7.00 R.F.Griffith Jr. 25.00 DeWitt SuDpiy Co. 41.43 Tho Sireno Co. 30.64 Geo. S. Brockway 97.00 Heidelberg Restaurant 4.50 Continental Cafe Asrhalt Sales Co. ~0.26 Miami Uniforms 71.!7 Halsey ~ Griffith 58.51 Polio Emergency Drive 25°00 Motor Vehicles Commis~oner 3.25 L.L.Cteland 100.70 R.H.Anderson 98~05 H.~.Herring 70.00 Wayne Boncauer ~2.20 Preston Brown 40.08 John Gusrine 24.00 Lenon J~ Harris ~8.~0 Frank Johnson 45.20 Julius Ware 40.48 Dave Lanier 53.20 %~. Schuessler 54.80 Lee Thomas 21.60 Charlie Waters 47.40 Karo Williams 40.10 John Harrington 40.48 Ellis McAvoy 40.~8 McArt~r Waters 40.48 Water Fund. Davis Meter Remeir 49~.00 The Cameron ~ Barkley Co. 17.75. Trustees F.E.C.Rly. Co. 1.00 Oicard Chemical Co. 24.?5. Neptune Meter Co. 243.60 Stevenson Seed Store 21.00 Florida Power & Lt. 399.41 Brooks Oroducts ImCo 87.00 John Violante 19.00 Southern Bell Tel & Telo ~9.i0 Vau§hn & Wrught 9.~ Jerry Hassell 44.80 Carl Stone 63.23 Lee Thomas f7o20 Austin Suo~ly 31.90 Darrel Willismson Aeetoof Harlsnd D.McMullin ,I 1.40 Bly~ Cross of Florid~ 33.5.0 Mercer Service Station 1o00 Jerry Hsssell Carl Stone Lee Thomes Katherine Thomoson Wm. Go Geller ~cct.of NOrbert McNamara A.J.Klemons Maurice Bradfieid 4.~0 Acct. of ~at M. Weems 36.00 The Cameron ~ Barkley Co. ~8.t2 Central Truck Lines OarryTrailer Sales & Service 2.~0 Shaw Bros. Oil Co. 67.1~ Florida East Coast Ry. Co. 1~00 Halsey ~ Griffith Inc. 31~81 Charles L~ Meyers & Son 107.89 Frau~klin Cook 6.00 Acct· of " of Ruth Edenfield Jerry Hsssell kk.80 Carl Stone Lee Thomes 38. f0 Ruth W. Edenfield 2.80 Tereese E. Oadgett Helene D. Himber 94.7f Katherine Thomoson 94.3~ Geo. Christisnsen 176o0~ Weavers Insurance Agency t~.2~ Jerry Hasseil 44.80 Carl Stone Lee Thomas Jerry Hsssel! 27.30 Carl Stone Lee Thomss f9.30 Acct. of T~h~ A. Sulliven Depositors' Fund. 7.5.0 7.5'0 lf. OO 7. fro 7. fro R. G. G~eenwood, Bldg. Inspec~o~ and PatLl Joh~son we~e appointed to investigate ~r~ith Mayor 'Shook two corglO_a~_uts filed with the EGuaiization Board by ~Lv. A. j. !~eEons. Mr. ~eaver ~ade the seconded by l~ro De~ia~coo Mot±on c~-~_~ied. ~. Shook repo~ted finial figures f~o~ ~i~. Boos fo~ ~e ?~chase o£- ad~ition~ pare land a~e $~,424.22. M~. DeMa~co made ~ ~otion that th_is ~moun~ be paid, i~. Deen seconded the ~otlon. Passed unanimo~.slyo Street a~sess~ents to be placed on the ~Eendz for the next meeting. Discussing sO~eet assessments as ~u inevitaOie procedure fo~ improving ou C~y~ the Mayor aeked for co~uents f~omthe audience. No objections There being no further business, the M~vor adjou%~_ed ~he meeting, Mayor City Ciemk