Minutes 05-03-54PRE ~T:
Mayor P.L. Pu~inton
Mr. Stauiey Weaver
l~. Albert M. Deem.
2~layor Purinton called the meeting to order at 7.3o F.M.
t~. Tergesen ~eferred ~o the conference which the Comuei!
had had with the i~ess on Friday regarding the City mlzmp and
asked~whethe~ ~his was on the agenda~ He asked that the situa-
tion be clarified this e~ening.
~me M~yor re~!ied tha~ there would be no staterae~t on the
matter tonight; ~at ~ meeting was 'being arranged between the
~ , ke S~ate Roam Depa~memt, ~nd that
Counc~! the Co~aSy ~ad t ......
for th~ moment the ~atter was out of tb~ Co~zcil, s hands°
~o Paul Jo~on asked if he couim be present at ~e
proposed meeting ~o represent PO~.
TC~e Mayor sad ~. Jo~n~som would be informed if this was
possible ~
Lu ~uswer to a question, Mr. Te~gessn was inlozme~i that a
decision ~¢ouid be given regarding the dump between now and the
fifteenth of the mooJ~h.
My.. Gierau eompiaiz~ed at length of ~e healtim
~e ~p ~ld s~d th~ He~th Officer was not doing hi~ job.
The >{a~r said tlae Co~cil had no j~isdiction ove~ the
Hes~h Ofl ice_
I~. Jo~muso~ asked whether the ~an responsible ¢ ~
,_ Or the
enZ~gement of the dump should ~ot Have co~el~ed w~n the
He~th Office~,
Mr. Shook replied that six months ~go the Health Officer
had saim the du~ was in goo~ shape.
14~. Weaver s~ated that at a collective meeting of the State
Bo~d ~d Co~issio~s of va~s t~s, the ~g~eer bad stated
that at ~he present ~ate of cons~uction of S~R.9, it would not
~each We~ Palm Beach ~til 197~. He said he doubted tha~ the
road wo~m e~ De c~pteted if ~he p~opose~ ~ew T~J~Ike is put
t~ugh, and thought this fact slmould be taken ~to account in
~y disc~sion of ~e fill taken fr~ S.R.9 Right Of Way.
F~. joO~son as~e~ ~oo~.~ entrances amd exits to the T~a~npike
and the Mayor said that no one yet knows ~nere ~che cutouts are to
be, that every to~a is be~gging fo~ them, and that the City Council
is keeping i~ close touch with neighboring tc~ns on this matter.
A c~piaint w~s made of the water lying in the road at
Palmetto S~ee~ ~d Pence P~k afte~ hea~y rains.
A s~.ggestmon ~as ma~e of the possibility o~ r~ng a ditch
there, o~ of raising the road. Mr. Ch~isti~sen was asEed to go and
look i~ ever~
A question was asked abeut a proposem ga~s station a~Coquina
Cove, aura "~he Maye~ saim it would be a vielati0n Of the city
0rdinauce which ~ule~ ~t gas stations at less than &00 feet
ap a_~t ~
City CtemE Dorothy V. Wii!i~u~s read the minutes of the last
regula_w meeting of the Counc_l of May !9, 19~
~k. Hood moved F~. ~hoo_ seconded, that the minutes be
accepted as read. Motion c~ried.
A le~te~ was ~ead x~om ~. Pa~2~ ~%et?ce~ t~deri~g his ~esig~-
tion from the Zo ~nimg Bo~d to ta~e effect ~m~emma~ely~
~. Hood reoo~me~x~em t~bling the letter ~mm having time
talk to ~r. Mercer~ as~ing ~m to recor~ider his ~esignaticrn.
The letter w~s tabled.
i~. R. C-. Gme?_n~ cod, B~dlding ~spector, read his ~eport for
the month of
application for a beer liee~ce w~s read from l~.T.B.$~hitfield.
~4.~. Hood mGved, klm. ~ook
given ~ z~cemce for bee~ ~o be
seconded, that I~. YYnitfield be
sold off th~ premises, ordy. Motion
A letter was read from F~,Hochmuth~ fi~mbing Zns~ee~or,
r~co~ending certai~ changes in the P±umbing Code.
!~ir. %~ea~r ~.oved, i~. Deem seoonded~ that the Fivambing
Boa~d's reco~aendations be aecepted. No~io~ carried.
~erfo~ce' Bonds for a~ contractors.
~ifte~ ~sc~ssmon, ~. G~fztn s~d he c~oes ~ot ~hi~ the
Ci~ has the power to have ~ 0~din~ce -~aich wo~d m~e it
~m~abent upo~ the City ~o s~e that contracts ~e cs~ried out,
~m ~hat i$ ~o~m not be fe~s~bi~~ ' ~ ~o' have ~ch an
Joh.~ Guanine Gen, i. Fund.
~ Jo
Davi~ L~ie~ 39-48
Cha~lie ~;~ ~e~s_ 53.20
Joseph A. Wi~dne~ $?.$0
Jack M~cGwif~ 46.2o
D' - 6.00
Jo~ M.?~te e~e 1~i48.30
C. C. C~vem i~.00
J- ~ .Bu~!em i5i. 25
-~-~e~ i35.
N.B.Se~sh i20 .~
~ ~ ' i20.6D
0~. Cie~olk i39.15
T ~ Padge ~ t 7~. 75
C. S .~e~ve~ 176.05
A ~ E. ~ook 50.00
A.W.De~n 5~. O0
C. ~. ~e~uth i 00.0o
C ~ - 15o. oo
R. F. O~ffith i00. O0
P- RosenSWeig ~00.00
Pa'~i Steelzel 50.00
~t% ~cD~I! 50.00
- !!ce ~ei!y 30.00
Jo~ Gu~e 50. O0
Le~na~d,~ E~ ~.00
Cha~lme ~ate~s 43.20
W.A~ Seh~&~ie~ 50.80
E~t6 %~ 1i~:~- 46.20
Rob~t Jo~o~ 129.55
W~ter Fund.
Carl stone 272~ 5
Director Of inter~nzl Eevenue
~ Allen
Ac~. of
~ chael Pie~ii~
~s~ Boos
Lee. Th~ms
Ca~i Stone
0~i~s L. leyer & Son 115.15
T~ O~e~on & B~Jley Co,
S~opiy Co, lB1.88
G~:at Soutke~ ~cking Co. 3.98
Cogmty Met c~utile 9-~
The Ske~-Willig~s Co. 29.20
~ee Thugs 18.90
0~t Sto~e 33-75
TnS ~a~e Nmtional
~len Btewa~t
Reme Coutine
ls~ Federal Savi~s a Lo~
(TmansfeP of funds)
H. E. Job~s on
'-~ 3 .i0
Frances E.B~nsiey
Chas. N. Boos
K. Thomp s ~ 9~. 3~
5. ~istimsen i~6.05
C~l Sto~ 58.92
Lee Thomas ~4.90
Depositors ~ _w%uud,
A plat of Chapel Hill was presented for approval.
It was agreed that the matter be ~em ~e_ to ~.Griffith~
loC~ b~, thus ssv~g e~pe~es ~u co~ectm~ ~th a
The Mayo~ said ~l~e C~cil wo-~d be ~ppy to accept
K.S.Toney ~d Eich~I MeSs~na, make~ appo~tment wi~h t~s Cm~y
The ~atter o~ the b~ii~il~g peri, it requested by t~.e Amerie~.~
0il G~o~y ~ S~th Federal Hi~ was b~ht up~. ~e Z~
Bo~d, at its M~ch 25 meetS, ~d vo~ed ag~ ~s. A~ its
~eet~ of Ap~ii 2y the B~d had s~d t~ decision was ~ow up
~o ~m~ City C~cil.
The Mayor said ~me Council had hi~_erto always accepted
the re coP~aenea~ions of the Zon~me Beara.
I~. Shoog sama hs wouim liEe ~o ~ea~ so~e o~ ~ ob~eo~o~s
$o it and~ ~fter further discussion~ m~ed that ~he City gr~t
~ ~ ~zi ~ pe~t requested.
~e ~eD~c~ Oil ~Comp~uy the ~ '~d~
Mr. Weaver ~ondered whether proper~y o~_ers ~ho objected to
~he gas station at ~h~t location hawe considered wha~ the ~!terna-
~ives could be, such as a drlve-i~, ~ight club, e~c., which wo~ld
keep open much later ~hau a gas station.
The one reply ~eceived to the advertisement for City bon~
pu~eb, ase was read: It was _~_om ~ue Besseme~ ~I~ust Company, of
Jersey City, N.J.~ who o~fere~ ~28,000 of bonds @ 95 plus accrued
interest to date of delivery.
After discussio~ the matter was tabled for _,urther considera-
Mr. Weaver moved, ~. Hood secouamed~ that ~0he City send Mr.
Ch~istiansen to Gainsvill~ fo~ a ~hor~ course ?_n waterworks
amd the latest developments in~dling City water systems,
paying his expenses as i~ did last year. Hotion carried.
Mr. Hoo~ moved~ Mr. Deen seconde~ ~hat O~aance
be accepted as reaa fo~ the fmrst
l~. G~iffith read O~minance No.256 for ~he first ~i~e..
i,ir. Hood move~. I~% 2~o0~. secon~ied, that 0~ No.2~6
O~ ~ ~z~y ~z B~ton Bsac~
~ ~ .- _ . . ~ ~p~
~l~g,~. ~N°~t~'d ~o ~iner
z~u~o~ to ~'~Ima the smsa
z~edza$e~y fca- ~ue ac~sz~z~ or ~nis ri~t
~ as G~en Street to
~. Shook ~ove~ that the Gay Ma~ plat be approved.
Hood seconded.
Afte~ disc~ssien, the motmon~ was withd:~a~ua mud the mattem
~e M~yoz· suggested trading ~ a,~olzce~ ' csm for a ne?~ one,
as tAere is nothi~ in ~ebudget ~ich Calls F~ ~ t~rd
The ~atter was tab, ed_ ~til the ne~ meeting~ by ~rn_ch' ~ ~e
Mr. Hood s~d he ~utd have obt~ned bz~s on v~rzous ~k~s of
~zue~ dlSO~s~O~, ]~. ~e~ver ~EOved,%.~. Shook seconded,
t~e ~ty contribute ~!00 to~ds the e;~enses of th~ Sea-est
School B~d to Ta~p~ rom the S~te wide co~st, l~otlon c~wmied.
After dlsoussion~ I,~. Daen moved, I,~. Hood ~eoonded 'l.
Occupationa~ &z~ence 0r~n~ce ce c~ge~: 1, That
dat~ for the e~'omcemen~ or ~'- ....
~e pe~y on dezznquent occupational
licenc~s; 2, That people who receive their occupation~ lice~es
f~ee of ch~ge be r~g~ to come ~o City Hall at a certain
to get them~ o~ be ~bject to a penury.~Mo~ion.~- c~ied.
T_~e oezng no f~-cne~ business~, the ~'av~{ jo~ ad3o~ed-' ~e'-