Minutes 02-01-54MI~b~I2ES OF A _~tEGULAR ~TING OF TH~ CO~{~iISSIOI~-ERS
B0~ON BEACH~ FEBRUA~ l, 195k.
Ms, or F.L.Purinton
Mr. C.Howa~d Hood
M~. St~!ey Weaver
Mr. Albert Deen.
M~yor ~inton called the meeting to order at 7.~0 P.M.
After a discussion on a new precision block4 which the
representative of the mara~facturer~Ished to have included
for approval in the Building Code~ the Mayor appointed ~.
Shook~ Mr. Deen and M~. Greenwood as a Committee to look ~to
~he matter, to check the block ~ud decide what type of con-
struction it w~ld be bes~ suited for.
Mr. Griffith suggested the company's architect draw up
a certificaqe certifyin~ the strength of the block~ which could
be on file in City Hall aud would relieve the City of any
responsibility for the construction.
A question was raised by M~. Harvey 0yet Jr. as to occu-
pational tax on rented apartments ~nd hon~s.
I~. Griffith said he would like to look over the Ordinance
covering the matter before giving a decision.
~o Tergesen asked for a ruling on the length of time
muting which a t~a~le~ may be lived in while the occupant is
building a home.
He was informed that at present there is no 0rdin~uce
governing this matter.
~. Griffith was instr~cted to draw up an Ordinance for-
bidding the use of trailers in residential zones under any
conditions ~ud to have it ready by the next meeting.
Regarding the hydrants ~t Ocean Ridge, Mr. Griffith said
he had spoken to ~. Pomeroy Dunbar and learned ~mat the Co~ucil
there were not in accord as to the charge, ~uhich they thought
Mayor Purinton said the City was paying $7~.00 ~ad so Ocean
Ridge was not paying any more~ and that if no definite reply was
received from Ocean Ridge, they shoulm be written to ag~n.
City Clerk Dorothy V.Williams read the Minutes of the last
regular meeting of the Council of Jauuary 18, 19~4.
Mro Hood moved, I~. Weaver seconded~ theft the minutes be
accepted a.s read, Motion carried.
Mr. Dutch said the regular meeting of the Realty Board
was tomorrow ~d bhat their ~en~ment to the Sign 0~in~ce wo~d
be made up in t~e for ~e. next meeting of the Co~cil.
The minutes of the Electric~ Board meeting of J~ua~ 21~
19~4~ were
It was ~o-~ced t~t the regular meet~gs of the Board
will be held on the third Thursdays of ezch mon~ zt 7.30
at the Ci~
The building ~eport for ~e month of Jan~ was rezd
showing pe~its to the ~o~t of
~ lette~ was ~ad fro~ Mr~.Edith Thompson objecting to ~he
~o~t of her t~es considering the poor con~tion of her road.
The Mayer said the ~oad had ~en neglected ~d needs a
black top. ~. C~isti~usen was asEed to put it on his schedule.
A letter was ~ead fr~ Mr. Leste~ E.Finch complaining of
~ s t ~e s.
The Mayor said t~ation was based on square footage and
if one person~s t~es were reduced~ ~iess they ~e in error, all
surrounding houses of ~he s~e square footage would have to be
reduced ~
Mr. Griffith read 0rdinsnce 2~1 for the second tLme,
~ending 0rdin~ce 205.
i~. ~saver moved, Mt. Hood seconded~ t~at the 0rdin~ce
be acce~ted for the second read~g. Motion carried.
t~. Ca~iffith read 0rdin~ce 2~2 for the first time.
Mr. Hood moved, !~. Weaver seconded, that the 0rdina~ace
be accepted for the first reaS~Lng. Motion carried.
M_~. Hoed moved that six lots in Arden Pare - Nos.!02 to 107
inclusive - be solm for the price of $3,~00 to Rinker~Snow Inc.,
minus the commission to the realtors ~nich is to be oaid by the
CitV of Boynton. ~. Deen seconded the r~otion, whic~ was
Mr. Dutch said Rinker ~uow Inc. wish M~o!e Avenue closed
as far as the alley on the East h~lf of %he block..
Mr. Griffith said he would lii~e to have the title searehed
to see if the City has the right to vacate the p~operty.
Br~n & Mose!y
Good-Year Service Station
L. A. Hort on
R.D.~ood & Co.
R.F, Griffith' Jr.
E,Coast Fire Protectic~
$ervi ce
Delray Ignition
All State Pipe Supply Co,
JaCk E. Carver
Dave Lsnisr
C~arlie Waters
jos. A. ~ildner
i~i!lie P.Wi!liams ~2.32
David Colwell ~:~
M_'ie~ael J.Es'tafen & R.F.0en
Joseph Pervauger 4.62
Michael J.Estafsn & R.F.0en 21,3~
Director of Internal Reverree
Gert ~ 1. F,~nd. Water Pund
2 .00
5o .32
A. L .Edwards 129 · 70
J.H.Tuite !21~. 70
Curtis E .Wright !22.10
A. C ~ Cs_~ver 151 o40
J .Wo Butler !4~ ,30
C.E. Hod~es 136 .I0
J.A. ~ingleP 120.80
N ~ B. Se~uish 120.80
D. V.Wil!i ~ms 139,30
Olive Cierpik 114,70
M, J. Lofley 79 .~0
Director of intern~ Rev~
He!erie H~be~
K. Thomps on
Geo~ Cb~i sti arisen 176~20
David A. Bolton 4,~0
Acct. of ~
To~uie McCloud
Alice Kelly 35,00
C. St~uiey Weaver 50.00
A. E ~ Shook ~. 00
C. H~ Hood ~0.00
F .L. ~rint on ~0,00
A.W.Deen ~0.00
R. G, gte enwoo d !00. O0
Jack G~er 100.00
C.F. Hoc~uth lO0. O0
R.P~ G~iffith Jr. I00.00
Pete~ ~ 50.00
Ros en~we~g
Paul Stockzel ~0,00
C.T .Bowles 50.00
Geo. Do.las ~0.00
JoVan Gu~ine 2k.0~
Bk. 90
Frar~k Jobnas pn 46.20
Bobe~t Johnson
Dave Lanier ~0.95
Charlie ~Ya ters 49.82
Jos. A .W~ildner 48.85
~gillie Fr~ ~Yilli a~ 40 · ~8
David Colwell 41.~0
Jo~u H. Collins 115.80
Teresa E. Padgett 105.60
Acct.of Kather~e
Mrs. do. 6.00
Acct.of Emily E.Tas~
" 3.70
Asphalt Salss Co. 200.9~
A~l State Pipe Supply
Brooks Products Inc.
Gso. S. Brockway 300.00
The C~eron-Br~lsy Co.
Jack E. C~ver 1~0.00
J. J. Cater 'Furniture Co. 6-75
The Co~t Records Co. 12.50
W.S.D~.rley & Co.
DeM~co Tractor & ~pl. Co. 3.05
Doherty-Sny~er Motors 7.59
E~l~Y~ lace Fo~d Inc. 8.75
Flor id~rinting Co. 88.00
T?~tees Fla.E.Coast Ry. Co. 1.00
~' 475.7~
The ~rl~d Co. 12.67
L. A. Horton ll0.00
L. J.~cho! s ~ Insurance 232.75
~les L~Mayoer & Son 66~61
Mercer Service Station 1.75
Y~llis C~e 20.20
P~m Beach ~ewritar Co. 33.53
Pioneer Flag Co, 5.40
Rubin Construction Co. 56.00
R.& R.Elsctric Inc.
Smith Oxygen Servic~ 8.70
West ~tl~tic Merc~u~l~ Co. 0.40
Zucke~ ' s 13.63
C.T.Bowles ELectric Co. 170.55
S~gebt & Sowel! 9.4-t
The C~a~ron ~ B~kley Co. 26.32
Civil Service Assembly 75.00
State Civil S~rvice Agency
Bill Mayhsw 275.00
Nicholas N.Fo~aby
Donald L.Ros s
Acct. of A.Paul
A. Paul Yo~ug 5.60
" k. 60
Bo~c~ton Beach Fire Dept. 298~1~
Mr. Weaver thought the Company interested in the S0 feet
should do the resea_~ch, and that the City should not pay that
expense ~
~. Griff~ith said he would like tor~ve t~e to look
The City Clerk road a Resolution covering the c~emation of
the City~ncelled bonds~
Mr. Hood ~oved, I~. ~eaver seconded that the Resolution
O '
regarding the c~ucelled bonds be accepted. M t~on c~ried.
M~ ~e~ve~ moved~ Mr. Hood second~d~ that ~l ex City
Co~cilmen ~d their ~ves, as well a~ the widows of ex Co~ciL~en~
shoed be invited to attend the bond-bur~ng ceremony and be
entert~ned at the b~becue as ~ests of ~e City. Motion
Mr. Hood moved, Mr~Wea-¢er seconded~ that the City donate to
the Police Department the sum of $25.00 towards the food and
keep of the Police Department's bloodhound. Motion carried.
The City Clerk pointed out that the City was without a
Recreation Director since the rosignation of ~.Fred~_ch, and
was asked to put the ~atter on the agenda for the next meeting.
Meanwhile ~it was tabled.
N~. Schrimper suggested that the City subscribe $80.00
to the Civil Se~Jice Assombly a~_d State Civil Service.
M~. Hood moved, Mr. Deen seconded, that the City subscribe
$80.00 to the me~Oership. Motion carried.
~. Hood moved that I~.Mark ~tchell be appointed as the
fifth member of the Civil Service Board. i~. Weaver seconded.
Motion carried.
Regarding the P!~uning Board~ it was agroed that
january 8, be fixed as the date of the first meeting of the
Board, and that all members of the Board should be so informed
by letter°
it was stated that all unpaid Occupational Licenses are now
delinquent and carry a 10% penalty, s~d that ~ae penalty will
be 20% after February lH.
~. Griffith suggested that ~uyone delinquent in thei~
Occupational License on Novomber I should be subject to
examination before being granted a new license~ and that they
should have a valid license on the day the old one expires.
He also suggested _that all delinquents be notified by letter
and be given a week from the date of the letter in w~hich to
pay their license fee.
Mr. Deen moved, l~m. Weaver seconded, that action should
be taken in accordance with' the above suggestions of Mr. Griffith,
and that he be asked to draw up a Resolution to this effect.
~t ion carried.
bids for
Mr. Christi~asen reported that/the two traffic lights for
manual control had been received amd that of the Eagle Compa~uy
was the lowest at
Mr. Hood and ~r. Wea~e~ doubted that the City had the
money at the moment, and the matter was tabled.
It was stated that a taxi is operating in colorem town
without a license, and the Chief of Police reco~aended giving the
mar~ a Ii cerise.
~. Deen moved~ Mr. Hood seconded, that a license be
granted to tY~ taxi driver in colored tow~. Me, ion carried.
A letter was read from the Tuberculosis Hospital at
Lan~ama asking if the Lake Worth Coach ~ine driver needed
a license for bringing their ~aployees from Boynton to work.
It was agreed that a letter be written to Mr. McInty~a
to the effect that as he is receiving compensation for this
work he sheulm have a license.
I~. Deem moved, Mr. W~eaver seconded, that the man should
have a license as he is h~ling for money. ~ir. Hood voted
,No~. Motion carried.
There being no f~ther business~ Mayor Purin~on adjourned
the meeting.
Cmt~ ClerE.